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Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 284 - 290, 30.09.2016



  • Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W. F., & Paauwe, J. 2014, ‘‘Talent management: Current theories and future research directions’’ Journal of World Business, Vol.49, pp.173-179.
  • Axelrod, B., Handfield-Jones, H. and Welsh, T., 2001, ‘‘War for talent’’, part two. McKinsey Quarterly, Vol. 2, pp.9–11.
  • Barney, J. 1986, ‘‘Organizational culture: Can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage?’’, Academy of Management Review. Vol.11, No.3, pp.656-665.
  • Beechler, S., & Woodward, I. C. 2009, ‘‘The global war for talent’’, Journal of International Management, Vol.15, No.3, pp. 273-285. Becker, G. 1964, ‘‘Human Capital’’, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Mäkelä, K., Smale, A., and Sumelius, J. 2013, ‘‘Talent Or Not? Employee Reactions To Talent Identification’’, Human Resource Management, Vol. 52, No.2, pp. 195–214
  • Chuai, X., Preece, D., & Iles, P. 2008, ‘‘Is talent management just "old wine in new bottles"?’’, Management Research Review, Vol.31, No.12, pp.901-911.
  • Collings, D. G., & Mellahi, K. 2009, ‘‘Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda’’, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.19, No.4, pp.304.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. 2005, ‘‘Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review’’, Journal of Management, Vol.31, No.6, pp.874.
  • Eisenberger R., Fasolo P., and Davis-LaMastro, V. 1990, ‘‘Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Diligence, Commitment, and Innovation’’, Vol.75, No.1, pp.51-59.
  • Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. 2010, ‘‘The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management’’, Journal of World Business, Vol.45, No.2, pp.161.
  • Festing, M., Schafer, L. and Scullion, H. 2013,‘‘Talent management in medium-sized German companies: an explorative study and agenda for future research’’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.24, No.9, pp.1872–1893.
  • Festinger, L. 1957, ‘‘A Theory of cognitive dissonance’’, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Françoys G. 2004, ‘‘Transforming gifts into talents: the DMGT as a developmental theory’’, High Ability Studies, Vol.15, No.2, pp.119-147. Gelens, J., Dries, N., Hofmans, J., & Pepermans, R. 2013, ‘‘The role of perceived organizational justice in shaping talent management outcomes: A research agenda’’, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.23, No.4, pp.341-353.
  • Hoglund M., 2012, ‘‘Quid pro quo? Examining talent management through the lens of psychological contracts’’, Personnel Review, Vol.41, No.2, pp.126-142.
  • Ingham J. 2006, "Closing the talent management gap: Harnessing your employees’ talent to deliver optimum business performance", Strategic HR Review, Vol.5, No.3, pp.20 – 23.
  • Lawler, E. E., & Worley, C. G. 2006, ‘‘Built to change: How to achieve sustained organizational effectiveness’’, San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass.
  • Lesley U. 2007, "From talent compliance to talent commitment: Moving beyond the hype of talent management to realizing the benefits", Strategic HR Review, Vol.6, No.3, pp.32 – 35.
  • Lewis, R. E., & Heckman, R. J. 2006, ‘‘Talent management: A critical review’’, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.16, No.2, pp.139.
  • McDonnell, A. 2011, ‘‘Still Fighting the "War for Talent"? Bridging the Science Versus Practice Gap’’, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol.26, No.2, pp.169-173.
  • Mellahi, K., & Collings, D. G. 2010, ‘‘The barriers to effective global talent management: The example of corporate élites in MNEs’’, Journal of World Business, Vol.45, No.2, p.143.
  • Michaels, E., Handfield-Jones, H., & Axelrod, B. 2001, ‘‘The war for talent’’ Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Moczydłowska, J. 2012, ‘‘Talent management: theory and practice of management. the polish experience’’, International Journal of Bussiness Economic Research, Vol.3, No.1, pp.432-438.
  • Shen, J., Chanda, A., D'Netto, B., & Monga, M. 2009, ‘‘Managing diversity through human resource management: an international perspective and conceptual framework’’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.20, pp.235-251.
  • Petkovic M., Dordevic B. 2013, ‘‘Global Talent Management as A Factor Of Multinational Companies'’, Competitiveness Economic Themes, Vol. 51, No.4, p791.
  • Sparrow, P. R. and Makram, H., 2015, ‘‘What is the value of talent management? : building value-driven processes within a talent management architecture’’, Human resource management review, Vol. 25, No.3, pp.249-263.
  • Tansley, C , and Sempik, A. 2008, ‘‘Talent Management: Design, Implementation and Evaluation’’, London: CIPD.
  • Tarique, I., & Schuler, R. S. 2010, ‘‘Global talent management: Literature review, integrative framework, and suggestions for further research’’, Journal of World Business, Vol.45, No.2, pp.122-133.
  • Thibaut, J. & Waiker, L. 1975, ‘‘Procedural justice: A psychological analysis’’. Hillsdale. N.J.: Erlbaum.
  • Wilson, M. D., 2015, ‘‘A Qualitative Case Study Of The Talent Management Process Across Project-Oriented Companies Within The Intellect Industry’’, A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Capella University.


Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 284 - 290, 30.09.2016


Talented employees are the most important value-created resources for the organizations. Talent and Talent Management (TM) concepts have been discussed in strategic human resource literature and business life for several years.  The culture of those group of people, learning capabilities are strengths of companies to create high-performance and a culture of innovation. In this context it is critically important to attract, develop and retain talented employees to the organization to gain competitive advantage. Nowadays, the perception of talent management activities varies from company to company. Even the organizations have many conflicts and misunderstandings about talent management practices, some of the organizations apply talent management formally and the others apply it informally. This confusion is a problem area that must be solved for today’s value-added and innovative enterprises. Accordingly, the aim of this descriptive study is to investigate the perspectives such as egalitarian and elitist approach on talent management to understand the problem area in talent management activities.


  • Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W. F., & Paauwe, J. 2014, ‘‘Talent management: Current theories and future research directions’’ Journal of World Business, Vol.49, pp.173-179.
  • Axelrod, B., Handfield-Jones, H. and Welsh, T., 2001, ‘‘War for talent’’, part two. McKinsey Quarterly, Vol. 2, pp.9–11.
  • Barney, J. 1986, ‘‘Organizational culture: Can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage?’’, Academy of Management Review. Vol.11, No.3, pp.656-665.
  • Beechler, S., & Woodward, I. C. 2009, ‘‘The global war for talent’’, Journal of International Management, Vol.15, No.3, pp. 273-285. Becker, G. 1964, ‘‘Human Capital’’, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Björkman, I., Ehrnrooth, M., Mäkelä, K., Smale, A., and Sumelius, J. 2013, ‘‘Talent Or Not? Employee Reactions To Talent Identification’’, Human Resource Management, Vol. 52, No.2, pp. 195–214
  • Chuai, X., Preece, D., & Iles, P. 2008, ‘‘Is talent management just "old wine in new bottles"?’’, Management Research Review, Vol.31, No.12, pp.901-911.
  • Collings, D. G., & Mellahi, K. 2009, ‘‘Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda’’, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.19, No.4, pp.304.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. 2005, ‘‘Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review’’, Journal of Management, Vol.31, No.6, pp.874.
  • Eisenberger R., Fasolo P., and Davis-LaMastro, V. 1990, ‘‘Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Diligence, Commitment, and Innovation’’, Vol.75, No.1, pp.51-59.
  • Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. 2010, ‘‘The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management’’, Journal of World Business, Vol.45, No.2, pp.161.
  • Festing, M., Schafer, L. and Scullion, H. 2013,‘‘Talent management in medium-sized German companies: an explorative study and agenda for future research’’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.24, No.9, pp.1872–1893.
  • Festinger, L. 1957, ‘‘A Theory of cognitive dissonance’’, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Françoys G. 2004, ‘‘Transforming gifts into talents: the DMGT as a developmental theory’’, High Ability Studies, Vol.15, No.2, pp.119-147. Gelens, J., Dries, N., Hofmans, J., & Pepermans, R. 2013, ‘‘The role of perceived organizational justice in shaping talent management outcomes: A research agenda’’, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.23, No.4, pp.341-353.
  • Hoglund M., 2012, ‘‘Quid pro quo? Examining talent management through the lens of psychological contracts’’, Personnel Review, Vol.41, No.2, pp.126-142.
  • Ingham J. 2006, "Closing the talent management gap: Harnessing your employees’ talent to deliver optimum business performance", Strategic HR Review, Vol.5, No.3, pp.20 – 23.
  • Lawler, E. E., & Worley, C. G. 2006, ‘‘Built to change: How to achieve sustained organizational effectiveness’’, San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass.
  • Lesley U. 2007, "From talent compliance to talent commitment: Moving beyond the hype of talent management to realizing the benefits", Strategic HR Review, Vol.6, No.3, pp.32 – 35.
  • Lewis, R. E., & Heckman, R. J. 2006, ‘‘Talent management: A critical review’’, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.16, No.2, pp.139.
  • McDonnell, A. 2011, ‘‘Still Fighting the "War for Talent"? Bridging the Science Versus Practice Gap’’, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol.26, No.2, pp.169-173.
  • Mellahi, K., & Collings, D. G. 2010, ‘‘The barriers to effective global talent management: The example of corporate élites in MNEs’’, Journal of World Business, Vol.45, No.2, p.143.
  • Michaels, E., Handfield-Jones, H., & Axelrod, B. 2001, ‘‘The war for talent’’ Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Moczydłowska, J. 2012, ‘‘Talent management: theory and practice of management. the polish experience’’, International Journal of Bussiness Economic Research, Vol.3, No.1, pp.432-438.
  • Shen, J., Chanda, A., D'Netto, B., & Monga, M. 2009, ‘‘Managing diversity through human resource management: an international perspective and conceptual framework’’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.20, pp.235-251.
  • Petkovic M., Dordevic B. 2013, ‘‘Global Talent Management as A Factor Of Multinational Companies'’, Competitiveness Economic Themes, Vol. 51, No.4, p791.
  • Sparrow, P. R. and Makram, H., 2015, ‘‘What is the value of talent management? : building value-driven processes within a talent management architecture’’, Human resource management review, Vol. 25, No.3, pp.249-263.
  • Tansley, C , and Sempik, A. 2008, ‘‘Talent Management: Design, Implementation and Evaluation’’, London: CIPD.
  • Tarique, I., & Schuler, R. S. 2010, ‘‘Global talent management: Literature review, integrative framework, and suggestions for further research’’, Journal of World Business, Vol.45, No.2, pp.122-133.
  • Thibaut, J. & Waiker, L. 1975, ‘‘Procedural justice: A psychological analysis’’. Hillsdale. N.J.: Erlbaum.
  • Wilson, M. D., 2015, ‘‘A Qualitative Case Study Of The Talent Management Process Across Project-Oriented Companies Within The Intellect Industry’’, A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Capella University.
There are 27 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Pinar Acar This is me

Mujdelen Yener

Publication Date September 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Acar, P., & Yener, M. (2016). THEORETICAL JOURNEY OF TALENT MANAGEMENT: EGALITARIAN AND ELITIST APPROACH. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 3(3), 284-290.

Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics (JMML) is a scientific, academic, double blind peer-reviewed, semi-annual and open-access online journal. The journal publishes 2 issues a year. The issuing months are June and December. The publication languages of the Journal is English. JMML aims to provide a research source for all practitioners, policy makers, professionals and researchers working in the areas of management, marketing, logistics, supply chain management, international trade. The editor in chief of JMML invites all manuscripts that cover theoretical and/or applied researches on topics related to the interest areas of the Journal. JMML charges no submission or publication fee.

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