Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 17 - 29, 30.03.2017



  • Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1977), Attitude–behavior relations: A theoretical analysis and review of empirical research. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 888–918
  • Ashraf, T. (2010). “The Effects of Avatar on Trust and Purchase Intention of Female Online Consumer: Consumer Knowledge as a Moderator” International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies Vol.6, No.1, p.99-118.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). “Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming”. NY: Routledge, p.77-89.
  • Buckely, B. (2007). “Factors Affecting Pass-Along Email Intentions (PAEIs): Integrating the Social Capital and Social Cognition Theory,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8 (3), p.160–69.
  • Cristiane, J.G; Daniel B (2015). “The Effects of Trust Transference, Mobile Attributes and Enjoyment on Mobile Trust”, p. 12-16.
  • Hsu C.L., Lin J.C., & Chiang H.S. (2013), “The Effects of Blogger Recommendations on Customers’ Online Shopping Intentions. Internet Research”, 23(1), p. 69-87.
  • Cisco. R (2012). “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update”, 2011–2016. Retrieved 16 December 2012,
  • Chong, A. Y.-L., Chan, F. T. S., & Ooi, K.-B. (2012). “Predicting Consumer Decisions to Adopt Mobile Commerce: Cross Country Empirical Examination Between China and Malaysia”. Decision Support Systems, 53, p. 34-43.
  • Chin WW (1998). “The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling.” In GA Marcoulides (ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research, pp. 295–336. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London.
  • Darley, W. K., Blankson, C., & Luethge, D. J. (2010). “Toward an Integrated Framework for Online Consumer Behavior and Decision Making Process: A review”. Psychology and Marketing, 27(2), p. 94–116.
  • Dec, H (2014), “Assurance On the Reliability of Mobile Payment System And Its Effects On Its Use: An Empirical Examination”, Accounting and Management Information Systems Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 97–111.
  • De Bruyn, A. and G. Lilien (2008), A Multi‐Stage Model of Word‐Of‐Mouth Influence, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25 (September), 151‐163.
  • Drossos et al. (2012), “Blog Intention Based On Fashion Involvement and Trust”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies Vol.6, No.1, p.19-36.
  • Foote, C & Belding, K(2011).“Measuring Trust in Advertising: Development and Validation of the Scale”, Journal of Advertising, 38 (2), p. 83– 103.
  • Gefen, D. "E-Commerce: The Role of Familiarity and Trust," Omega (28:6), 2000, pp. 725-737.
  • Greenwald, Anthony G. and Clark Leavitt (1984), "Audience Involvement in Advertising: Four Levels," Journal of Consumer Research 11. 581592.
  • Ginger, R; Keli, M (2012). “Myers Mobile Advertising Effectiveness, p. 23-26.
  • Gao, Q, Rau, P, & Salvendy, G. (2009). “Perception of Interactivity: Effects of Four Key Variables in Mobile Advertising”. International Journal of Human‐Computer Interaction, p. 25.
  • Giovannini et al. (2015). The effects of trust transference, mobile attributes, and enjoyment on mobile trust. Brazilian Administration Review.
  • Gramigna K. (2016). Mobile Advertising And Mobile Payments Go Together Like Bread And Butter. The Marketing Scope. Accessed Aug.23,2016
  • Han, S. Anindya, Ge & Sung-Hyuk, P (2013),“Cross-Channel Synergies Between Web and Mobile Advertising: A Randomized Field Experiment,” working paper, City University of Hong Kong, p. 90-92.
  • Hur, Won-Moo, Kwang-Ho Ahn and Minsung Kim (2011). Building brand loyalty through managing brand community commitment. Management Decision, 49 (7), 1194-1213
  • Ho, C. & Wang, Y. (2015). Re-purchase intentions and virtual customer relationships on social media brand community. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 5:18
  • Iwasaki, Y. and M. E. Havitz (2004). "Examining relationships between leisure involvement, psychological commitment and loyalty to a recreation agency." Journal of Leisure Research 36(1): 45-72.
  • Ruekert, O & Churchill, R (1984),” Applied Psychology: An Interactional Review, 39 (4)”, p. 379-400.
  • Jarvis, H; MacKenzie, L & Podsakoff, R (2003), “What is SMS Advertising and Why Do Multinationals Adopt It? Answers from an Empirical Study in European Markets”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 61, p. 4-16.
  • Jen-Ruei, F; Jessica H. F. Chen (2012). “An Investigation of Factors That Influence Blog. Advertising Effectiveness International Journal of Electronic Business Management”, Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 194-203.
  • Jin-Tsann, Yeh; Chyong-Ling, Lin (2012), “The Effectiveness of Advertisements Sent Via Mobile Phone: Implications of The Appeal, Endorser, and Involvement Model and Purchasing Behavior,” Social Behavior and Personality”, 38(2), p. 249-256.
  • Jungyeon, S; Kwangsu, C (2012), “The Influence of Media Type on Attitude Toward Mobile Advertisements Over Time” Cyber psychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15(1), p.21-25.
  • Kannan, P., Chang, A. and Whinston, A., (2001), “Wireless Commerce: Marketing Issues and Possibilities,” Proceeding of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii.
  • Kaan, V; Cengiz Y & Aysegul, T (2012), “Predictors of Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes in Mobile Advertising: A Field Experiment”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 11 (2012), p. 570–581.
  • Kanji, G; Chopra, J (2010), “Consumer Perceptions of Mobile Phone Marketing: A Direct Marketing Innovation, Direct Marketing: An International Journal”, Vol. 3, Iss: 2, p. 124-138.
  • Khalifa, S; Zhang, M (2008) “Comparing Consumer Responses to Advertising and Non-Advertising Mobile Communications”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 25(8): p. 821–837.
  • Kim, S, Haley, E, & Koo, G.Y. (2009). “Comparison of the Paths from Consumer Involvement Types to Ad.”, p. 133-135.
  • Laszlo, 2009; Okazaki & Barwise, 2011; Nittala, 2009; Vatanparast & Butt, 2010, “The Influence of Sender Trust and Advertiser Trust on Multistage Effects of Viral Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 43(1), p. 100–114
  • LeClerc F. and Little J.D.C. (1997), “Can Advertising Copy Make FSI Coupons More Effective?”,Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 473-84
  • Liu, Scott S & Patricia, A. Stout (2011), "Effects of Message Modality and Appeal on Advertising Acceptance," Psychology and Marketing, 4 (3), p. 167-187.
  • Lee, M.K.O, Turban, C (2011), “Subjective and Objective Measure of Product Knowledge Contrasted. Advances in Consumer Research”, 13, p. 67–71.
  • Lewis, Randall A. (2010), “Where’s The ‘Wear-Out?’: Online Display Ads and the Impact of Frequency,” doctoral dissertation, MIT Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Luarn & Juo(2010),“Applying Quantitative Marketing Techniques to the Internet,” Interfaces, 31 (2), p. 90–108Martha, R. & Neha, S. (2013), “Microfinance & Mobile Banking for The Bottom of the Pyramid”, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People & Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 7 No. 2, p. 56-66.
  • Meharia, K (2012), “Advertising’s Impact on Children as A Function of Viewing Purpose. Psychology and Marketing, 12(5), p. 423–432.
  • Mob thinking (2011) Global mobile statistics 2011. http:// 2011-all-quality-mobilemarketing-research-mobile-web-statssu (accessed Aug. 22, 2016).
  • Nittala, R. (2010). “Registering for Incentivized Mobile Advertising: Discriminate Analysis of Mobile Users. International Journal Mobile Marketing, 6(2), p. 42‐53.
  • Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). “Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers”. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, p. 9-12.
  • Our Mobile Planet. (2011). Mobile Use Cases. Retrieved 25 October 2016,
  • Pagani, H (2014), “Clarifying the Relationship between Involvement Variables and Advertising Effectiveness among Young People”, J Consum Policy (2014) 37: p. 183–203.
  • Phau, I & Teah, M (2009). “Young Consumers’ Motives for Using SMS and Perceptions towards SMS Advertising. Direct Marketing: An International Journal 2009; 3: p. 97–108.
  • Salo, K (2012), “The Practices of Mobile Advertising Disclosure On Consumer Trust and Attitude”, Mobile Marketing Association 5(2).
  • Schierz, P. G., Schilke, O., & Wirtz, B. W. (2010). Understanding consumer acceptance of mobile payment services: An empirical analysis. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(3), 209-216
  • Sankar Sen, C.B. Bhattacharya (2001) Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Marketing Research: May 2001, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 225-243.
  • Shalini, C & Shirish, C (2010). “Srivastava Evaluating the Role of Trust in Consumer Adoption of Mobile Payment Systems: An Empirical Analysis”, p. 15-19.
  • Sherif, O& Hovland, Y (1961); Sherif et al (1965), “Attitude toward The Ad as a Mediator of Advertising Effectiveness: Determinants and Consequences”. Advances in Consumer Research, 10, p. 532–539.
  • Zhou, T (2011), “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (March), p. 343–73.
  • Siau, J & Shen, P (2003), “Factors Influencing Product Involvement among Young Consumers”. Journal of Consumer Marketing”, 27(6), p. 499– 506.
  • Soh, H; Leonard, N. Reid, & Karen, W.K (2009), “Measuring Trust in Advertising: Development and Validation of the ADTRUST Scale,”Journal of Advertising, 38 (2), p. 83–103.
  • Venkatesh, V. and Bala, H. (2008). Technology Acceptance Model and a Research Agenda on Interventions. Decision Science, 39 (2), 273-312.
  • Vatanparast, R., & Butt, A.H. (2010). “An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting Use of Mobile Advertising. International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 5(1), p. 28‐40.
  • William, J. & Tavneet, S. (2014), “Risk Sharing & Transaction Costs: Evidence from Kenya’s Mobile Money Revolution”, American Economic Review, Vol. 104 No. 1, p. 183-223
  • Wu et al., (2011), “The effect of store image and service quality on brand image and purchase intention for private label brands”, Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol.19, pp.30-39.
  • Yang, S., Lu, Y., Gupta, S., Cao, Y., & Zhang, R. (2012). “Mobile Payment Services Adoption across Time: An Empirical Study of the Effects of Behavioral Beliefs, Social Influences, and Personal Traits. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(1), p. 129- 142.
  • Yeh, Y. S. and Li, Y. M. (2009), “Building trust in m-commerce: Contributions from quality and satisfaction”, Online Information Review, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 1066-1086.
  • Yu-Qiam, Z. & Houn-Gee, C. (2012), “Service Fairness & Customer Satisfaction in Internet Banking”, Internet Research, Vol. 22 No. 4, p. 482-498.
  • Zarmpou, T., Saprikis, V., Markos, A., & Vlachopoulou, M. (2012). “Modeling Users’ Acceptance of Mobile Services. Electronic Commerce Research”, 12(2), p. 225-248


Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 17 - 29, 30.03.2017


Purpose- The purpose of this study is to
build a set of hypotheses and a novel conceptual model around the adoption of
mobile payment. In brief, it is to discuss how mobile advertisement effect
affects the intention to use the mobile payment.

Methodology- The study aims to apply a partial
least squares (PLS) path modeling technique to demonstrate exploring the
relationship between mobile trust and involvement along with customers’ attitude
and mobile payment intention.

Findings- The findings revealed that for the
online marketing strategy of mobile advertisement environment, with mobile
trust and product involvement, it could be an effective contribution for the
online marketers to increase the intention to use mobile payment and customer

Conclusion- It was concluded that consumers
used to receive the mobile advertisement easily.  The level of product involvement and customer
attitude also influence the credibility toward the consumers, and extend the
information to every hierarchy of customers. 


  • Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1977), Attitude–behavior relations: A theoretical analysis and review of empirical research. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 888–918
  • Ashraf, T. (2010). “The Effects of Avatar on Trust and Purchase Intention of Female Online Consumer: Consumer Knowledge as a Moderator” International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies Vol.6, No.1, p.99-118.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). “Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming”. NY: Routledge, p.77-89.
  • Buckely, B. (2007). “Factors Affecting Pass-Along Email Intentions (PAEIs): Integrating the Social Capital and Social Cognition Theory,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8 (3), p.160–69.
  • Cristiane, J.G; Daniel B (2015). “The Effects of Trust Transference, Mobile Attributes and Enjoyment on Mobile Trust”, p. 12-16.
  • Hsu C.L., Lin J.C., & Chiang H.S. (2013), “The Effects of Blogger Recommendations on Customers’ Online Shopping Intentions. Internet Research”, 23(1), p. 69-87.
  • Cisco. R (2012). “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update”, 2011–2016. Retrieved 16 December 2012,
  • Chong, A. Y.-L., Chan, F. T. S., & Ooi, K.-B. (2012). “Predicting Consumer Decisions to Adopt Mobile Commerce: Cross Country Empirical Examination Between China and Malaysia”. Decision Support Systems, 53, p. 34-43.
  • Chin WW (1998). “The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling.” In GA Marcoulides (ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research, pp. 295–336. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London.
  • Darley, W. K., Blankson, C., & Luethge, D. J. (2010). “Toward an Integrated Framework for Online Consumer Behavior and Decision Making Process: A review”. Psychology and Marketing, 27(2), p. 94–116.
  • Dec, H (2014), “Assurance On the Reliability of Mobile Payment System And Its Effects On Its Use: An Empirical Examination”, Accounting and Management Information Systems Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 97–111.
  • De Bruyn, A. and G. Lilien (2008), A Multi‐Stage Model of Word‐Of‐Mouth Influence, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25 (September), 151‐163.
  • Drossos et al. (2012), “Blog Intention Based On Fashion Involvement and Trust”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies Vol.6, No.1, p.19-36.
  • Foote, C & Belding, K(2011).“Measuring Trust in Advertising: Development and Validation of the Scale”, Journal of Advertising, 38 (2), p. 83– 103.
  • Gefen, D. "E-Commerce: The Role of Familiarity and Trust," Omega (28:6), 2000, pp. 725-737.
  • Greenwald, Anthony G. and Clark Leavitt (1984), "Audience Involvement in Advertising: Four Levels," Journal of Consumer Research 11. 581592.
  • Ginger, R; Keli, M (2012). “Myers Mobile Advertising Effectiveness, p. 23-26.
  • Gao, Q, Rau, P, & Salvendy, G. (2009). “Perception of Interactivity: Effects of Four Key Variables in Mobile Advertising”. International Journal of Human‐Computer Interaction, p. 25.
  • Giovannini et al. (2015). The effects of trust transference, mobile attributes, and enjoyment on mobile trust. Brazilian Administration Review.
  • Gramigna K. (2016). Mobile Advertising And Mobile Payments Go Together Like Bread And Butter. The Marketing Scope. Accessed Aug.23,2016
  • Han, S. Anindya, Ge & Sung-Hyuk, P (2013),“Cross-Channel Synergies Between Web and Mobile Advertising: A Randomized Field Experiment,” working paper, City University of Hong Kong, p. 90-92.
  • Hur, Won-Moo, Kwang-Ho Ahn and Minsung Kim (2011). Building brand loyalty through managing brand community commitment. Management Decision, 49 (7), 1194-1213
  • Ho, C. & Wang, Y. (2015). Re-purchase intentions and virtual customer relationships on social media brand community. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 5:18
  • Iwasaki, Y. and M. E. Havitz (2004). "Examining relationships between leisure involvement, psychological commitment and loyalty to a recreation agency." Journal of Leisure Research 36(1): 45-72.
  • Ruekert, O & Churchill, R (1984),” Applied Psychology: An Interactional Review, 39 (4)”, p. 379-400.
  • Jarvis, H; MacKenzie, L & Podsakoff, R (2003), “What is SMS Advertising and Why Do Multinationals Adopt It? Answers from an Empirical Study in European Markets”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 61, p. 4-16.
  • Jen-Ruei, F; Jessica H. F. Chen (2012). “An Investigation of Factors That Influence Blog. Advertising Effectiveness International Journal of Electronic Business Management”, Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 194-203.
  • Jin-Tsann, Yeh; Chyong-Ling, Lin (2012), “The Effectiveness of Advertisements Sent Via Mobile Phone: Implications of The Appeal, Endorser, and Involvement Model and Purchasing Behavior,” Social Behavior and Personality”, 38(2), p. 249-256.
  • Jungyeon, S; Kwangsu, C (2012), “The Influence of Media Type on Attitude Toward Mobile Advertisements Over Time” Cyber psychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15(1), p.21-25.
  • Kannan, P., Chang, A. and Whinston, A., (2001), “Wireless Commerce: Marketing Issues and Possibilities,” Proceeding of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii.
  • Kaan, V; Cengiz Y & Aysegul, T (2012), “Predictors of Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes in Mobile Advertising: A Field Experiment”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 11 (2012), p. 570–581.
  • Kanji, G; Chopra, J (2010), “Consumer Perceptions of Mobile Phone Marketing: A Direct Marketing Innovation, Direct Marketing: An International Journal”, Vol. 3, Iss: 2, p. 124-138.
  • Khalifa, S; Zhang, M (2008) “Comparing Consumer Responses to Advertising and Non-Advertising Mobile Communications”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 25(8): p. 821–837.
  • Kim, S, Haley, E, & Koo, G.Y. (2009). “Comparison of the Paths from Consumer Involvement Types to Ad.”, p. 133-135.
  • Laszlo, 2009; Okazaki & Barwise, 2011; Nittala, 2009; Vatanparast & Butt, 2010, “The Influence of Sender Trust and Advertiser Trust on Multistage Effects of Viral Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 43(1), p. 100–114
  • LeClerc F. and Little J.D.C. (1997), “Can Advertising Copy Make FSI Coupons More Effective?”,Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 473-84
  • Liu, Scott S & Patricia, A. Stout (2011), "Effects of Message Modality and Appeal on Advertising Acceptance," Psychology and Marketing, 4 (3), p. 167-187.
  • Lee, M.K.O, Turban, C (2011), “Subjective and Objective Measure of Product Knowledge Contrasted. Advances in Consumer Research”, 13, p. 67–71.
  • Lewis, Randall A. (2010), “Where’s The ‘Wear-Out?’: Online Display Ads and the Impact of Frequency,” doctoral dissertation, MIT Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Luarn & Juo(2010),“Applying Quantitative Marketing Techniques to the Internet,” Interfaces, 31 (2), p. 90–108Martha, R. & Neha, S. (2013), “Microfinance & Mobile Banking for The Bottom of the Pyramid”, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People & Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 7 No. 2, p. 56-66.
  • Meharia, K (2012), “Advertising’s Impact on Children as A Function of Viewing Purpose. Psychology and Marketing, 12(5), p. 423–432.
  • Mob thinking (2011) Global mobile statistics 2011. http:// 2011-all-quality-mobilemarketing-research-mobile-web-statssu (accessed Aug. 22, 2016).
  • Nittala, R. (2010). “Registering for Incentivized Mobile Advertising: Discriminate Analysis of Mobile Users. International Journal Mobile Marketing, 6(2), p. 42‐53.
  • Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). “Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers”. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, p. 9-12.
  • Our Mobile Planet. (2011). Mobile Use Cases. Retrieved 25 October 2016,
  • Pagani, H (2014), “Clarifying the Relationship between Involvement Variables and Advertising Effectiveness among Young People”, J Consum Policy (2014) 37: p. 183–203.
  • Phau, I & Teah, M (2009). “Young Consumers’ Motives for Using SMS and Perceptions towards SMS Advertising. Direct Marketing: An International Journal 2009; 3: p. 97–108.
  • Salo, K (2012), “The Practices of Mobile Advertising Disclosure On Consumer Trust and Attitude”, Mobile Marketing Association 5(2).
  • Schierz, P. G., Schilke, O., & Wirtz, B. W. (2010). Understanding consumer acceptance of mobile payment services: An empirical analysis. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(3), 209-216
  • Sankar Sen, C.B. Bhattacharya (2001) Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Marketing Research: May 2001, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 225-243.
  • Shalini, C & Shirish, C (2010). “Srivastava Evaluating the Role of Trust in Consumer Adoption of Mobile Payment Systems: An Empirical Analysis”, p. 15-19.
  • Sherif, O& Hovland, Y (1961); Sherif et al (1965), “Attitude toward The Ad as a Mediator of Advertising Effectiveness: Determinants and Consequences”. Advances in Consumer Research, 10, p. 532–539.
  • Zhou, T (2011), “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (March), p. 343–73.
  • Siau, J & Shen, P (2003), “Factors Influencing Product Involvement among Young Consumers”. Journal of Consumer Marketing”, 27(6), p. 499– 506.
  • Soh, H; Leonard, N. Reid, & Karen, W.K (2009), “Measuring Trust in Advertising: Development and Validation of the ADTRUST Scale,”Journal of Advertising, 38 (2), p. 83–103.
  • Venkatesh, V. and Bala, H. (2008). Technology Acceptance Model and a Research Agenda on Interventions. Decision Science, 39 (2), 273-312.
  • Vatanparast, R., & Butt, A.H. (2010). “An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting Use of Mobile Advertising. International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 5(1), p. 28‐40.
  • William, J. & Tavneet, S. (2014), “Risk Sharing & Transaction Costs: Evidence from Kenya’s Mobile Money Revolution”, American Economic Review, Vol. 104 No. 1, p. 183-223
  • Wu et al., (2011), “The effect of store image and service quality on brand image and purchase intention for private label brands”, Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol.19, pp.30-39.
  • Yang, S., Lu, Y., Gupta, S., Cao, Y., & Zhang, R. (2012). “Mobile Payment Services Adoption across Time: An Empirical Study of the Effects of Behavioral Beliefs, Social Influences, and Personal Traits. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(1), p. 129- 142.
  • Yeh, Y. S. and Li, Y. M. (2009), “Building trust in m-commerce: Contributions from quality and satisfaction”, Online Information Review, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 1066-1086.
  • Yu-Qiam, Z. & Houn-Gee, C. (2012), “Service Fairness & Customer Satisfaction in Internet Banking”, Internet Research, Vol. 22 No. 4, p. 482-498.
  • Zarmpou, T., Saprikis, V., Markos, A., & Vlachopoulou, M. (2012). “Modeling Users’ Acceptance of Mobile Services. Electronic Commerce Research”, 12(2), p. 225-248
There are 63 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ching-Wei Ho This is me

Yu-Bing Wang This is me

Chun Hao Fang This is me

Publication Date March 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Ho, C.-W., Wang, Y.-B., & Fang, C. H. (2017). MOBILE ADVERTISING EFFECT: INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING THE USAGE OF MOBILE PAYMENT. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 4(1), 17-29.

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