Review Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 34 - 65, 30.06.2024


Scientists have sought the sources of social welfare and power in geopolitics, mass migrations, movements of conquest, the dynamics of social classes, the quality of institutional structures, religious revolutions and technological developments. While these factors were active, societies were mostly ruled by powerful leaders, religions were founded by prophets, and the guiding role of leaders in great social transformations was inevitable. Therefore, the personal characteristics of leaders and the relationships they establish with their close circles are critical for the emergence of social welfare. The screenplay of The Platform offfered a suitable microcosm to discuss the relationships between a) the leader, b) his / her inner circle and the c) community, in terms of the notion of well-being. This opportunity was seized and it was examined which features of the three factors mentioned stand out for widespread prosperity. It has been evaluated that the existence of an alturistic leader and first follower aiming at common value, the capacity of the community to resist the leadership if the leadership is not virtuous, and the extent to which all parties can sacrifice their interests, come to the fore in this process. The endemic nature of these factors contributes to explaining the rare nature of widespread prosperity.


  • Acemoğlu D., Robinson, J., A., (2015), “Ulusların Düşüşü: Güç, Zenginlik ve Yoksulluğun Kökenleri”, Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık, İstanbul
  • Acemoğlu, D., Robinson, J., A., (2020), “Dar Koridor: Devletler, Toplumlar ve Özgürlüğün Geleceği”, Doğan Kitap, İstanbul
  • Adler, A., (2013), “İnsanı Tanıma Sanatı”, Say Yayınları, Topkapı, İstanbul Agrawal, S., (2020), “The Platform Analysis & Ending – Subtle Metaphors Accents Savage Realities”,, August 31
  • Alejandro, M., (2019), “The Platform (Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, 2019)”,
  • Altun, G., Akansu, B., Uğur, B., Azmak, D., Yılmaz, A., (2004), “Deaths due to Hunger Strike: Post-mortem Findings”, Forensic Science International, vol. 146, Issue 1. The Lancet Publishing Group, Elsevier.
  • Angle, J., (1986), “The Surplus Theory of Social Stratification and the Size Distribution of Personal Wealth”, Social Forces, Oxford University Press, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 293-326.
  • Arunesh, A., (2021), “The Platform: One of the Most Unique Movies of Recent Times”,, October 2
  • Aydın, S., Ceylan, H., H., Aydın, E., (2014), “A Research on Reference Behavior Trend According to Horney's Personality Types”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 148, 25 August, pp. 680 – 685
  • Barak-Ventura, R., Richmond, S., Hasanyan J., Porfiri, M., (2020), “On the Relationship between Network Connectivity and Group Performance in Small Teams of Humans: Experiments in Virtual Reality”, Journal of Physics: Complexity,
  • Barry, B., (2019), “The Platform Explained (Movie Plot and Ending Explained)”,
  • Bee, H., Boyd, D., (2009), “Çocuk Gelişim Psikolojisi”, Kaknüs Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Bloom, P., (2010), “The Moral Life of Babies”, The New York Times Magazine, May 5
  • Bond, K., (2020), “The Platform Ending Explained: The Meaning Behind Netflix's Capitalist Horror Movie”,, April 6
  • Burt, R., S., (2005), “Brokerage and Closure: An İntroduction to Social Capital”, Oxford University Press
  • Byrd, B., F., (2005), “Reassessing the Emergence of Village Life in the Neareast”, Journal of Archaelogical Research, 13
  • Çakır, Ö., (2021), “The Platform Film İncelemesi”,, 20 Ocak
  • Dunbar, R., (2010), “How Many Friends does One Person Need?: Dunbar’s Number and Other Evolutionary Quirks”, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Edgerton, R., B., (2016), “Hasta Toplumlar”, Buzdağı Yayınevi, İstanbul
  • Eigen M., Schuster, P., (1982), “Stages of Emerging Life - Five Principles of Early Organization”, J. Mol. Evol., 19: pp. 47-61.
  • Eren, M., E., (2020), “The Platform – El Hoyo”,, 23 Mart
  • Festinger, L., (1957), “A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance”, Evanstone, IL: Row, Peterson.
  • Fleet, A., (2020), “The Platform Movie Review: Angry, F’d Up Sci-Fi Horror for These Troubling Times”,, March 25
  • Fukuyama, F., (1998), “Güven: Sosyal Erdemler ve Refahın Yaratılması”, Türkiye İş Bankası, Kültür Yayınları, Ankara
  • Gigerenzer, G., (2007), “Sezgilerin gücü-Bilinçdışının Zekası”, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Gilson, D., (2015), “The CIA’s Secret Psychological Profiles of Dictators and World Leaders Are Amazing: Psychoanalyzing strongmen, from Castro to Saddam”, Mother Jones, Şubat 11,
  • Gladwell, M., (2014), “The Tipping Point (Kıvılcım Anı), Küçük Şeyler Nasıl Büyük Farklar ”, MediaCat Kitaplar, İstanbul
  • Goldman, J., G., (2011), “The Psychology of Dictatorship: Kim Jong-Il”, Scientific American, December 19,,narcissistic%2C%20schizoid%2C%20and%20schizotypal.
  • Güth, W., Schmittberger, R., Schwarze, B., (1982), “An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. v. 3, p. 367 – 388
  • Haidt, J., (2012), “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion”, Pantheon Books, NY Harari, Y., N., (2015), “Hayvanlardan Tanrılara: Sapiens”, Kolektif Kitap, İstanbul
  • Hare, A., P., (1962), “Handbook of Small Group Research”, New York: Macmillan.
  • Haselwarter, D., Wild, V., Kuehlmeyer, K., (2022), “Providing Health Care in Politically Charged Contexts: A Qualitative Study about Experiences During a Public Collective Hunger Strike of Asylum Seekers in Germany”, Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 17(1): 2018770.
  • Haulenbeek, S., (2020), “A Critical Analysis of ‘The Platform’, a Gut-Wrenching Allegory”,, April 22
  • Hofstede G., Hofstede, G., J., Minkov, M., (2022), “Kültür ve Örgüt: Zihnin Yazılımı”, Nobel Yayınları, Çankaya, Ankara
  • Huberman, L., (2019), “Feodal Toplumdan Yirminci Yüzyıla”, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Jacobs, F., (2017), “Veni, Vidi, Gone: A Death Map of Roman Emperors”, Big Think: Strange Maps, September 18,
  • Kahneman, D., (2011), “Thinking Fast and Slow”, Penguin Books, London
  • Kan, L., (2020), “The Platform: What is the Real Message? Ending Explained”,, June 21
  • Lankshear, C., (2003), “On Having and Being: The Humanism of Erich Fromm”, Counterpoints, vol. 168, Critical Theory and the Human Condition: Founders and Praxis, pp. 54-66
  • Lanzafame, M., Gravina, A., F., (2021), “Does Economic Growth Lead to Greater Inequality? The Answer Might Surprise You”, Economics,, 31 May
  • Leavitt, H. J., (1951), "Some Effects of Certain Communication Patterns on Group Performance," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46, 38-50
  • Leavitt, H. J., (1963), “Social Science of Organizations”, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2nd Printing Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0138182298
  • Ma, F., Wang, H., Schandl, H., Fishman, T., Tan, X., Li, Y., Shi, L., Wang, P., Chen, W., (2022), “Exploring the Relationship between Economic Complexity and Resource Efficiency”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, v. 186, Nov.
  • Meyer, E., (2017), “Being The Boss in Brussels, Boston and Beijing”, Harvard Business Review, July-August Issue
  • Milgram, S., (1974), “Obedience to Outhority, An Experimental View”, Harper & Row, USA
  • Mo, J., & Weingast, B., R., (2013), “Korean Political and Economic Development: Crisis, Security and Institutional Rebalancing”, Harvard University Asia Center Press, London.
  • O’Hagan, S., (2004), “Just a Pretty Face?”, The Guardian, Sun 11 Jul,
  • Pryor, F., L., (2005), “Economic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies”, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
  • Rank, O., (2019), “Doğum Travması”, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Redazione, S., (2020), “Psychopathology of Dictators”, Il Sileno Edizioni, Temmuz 24,
  • Schuster, P., (1996), “How Does Complexity Arise in Evolution: Nature’s Recipe for Mastering Scarcity, Abundance, and Unpredictability”, Survey, John Wiley & sons, Inc. CCC 1076-2787/96/010022-09
  • Sinek, S., (2013), “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t”, Penguin Group USA, ISBN 978-1-101-62303-9
  • Stojkoski, V., Kocarev, L., (2017), “The Relationship Between Growth and Economic Complexity: Evidence from Southeastern and Central Europe”, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Paper No. 87432
  • Tallerico, B., (2020), “The Platform: Reviews”,, March 20
  • Topuz, S., G., (2022), “The Relationship Between Income Inequality and Economic Growth: Are Transmission Channels Effective?”, Social Indicators Research, 162: 1177–1231,
  • Vulliamy, E., (2015), “The 10 Best Revolutionaries”, The Guardian, 28 August,
  • Wahiba, N., F., El-Weriemmi, M., (2014), “The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Income Inequality”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, vol: 4, no: 1, pp.135-143 ISSN: 2146-4138
  • Whyte, A., (2020), “Review: The Platform and Its Social Levels”,, April 4
  • Wynn, K., & Bloom, P., (2014), “The Moral Baby”, In M. Killen & J. G. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Development (pp. 435–453), Psychology Press.


Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 34 - 65, 30.06.2024


Bilim insanları toplumsal refahın ve gücün kaynaklarını jeopolitikte, kitlesel göçlerde, toplumsal sınıfların dinamiğinde, kültürde, kurumsal yapıların niteliğinde, dini devrimlerde ve teknolojik gelişmelerde aramıştır. Bu faktörler etkin iken, toplumlar çoğunlukla güçlü liderler tarafından yönetilmiş, dinler peygamberler tarafından yayılmış, büyük sosyal dönüşümlerde liderlerin yönlendirici rolü kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Dolayısıyla liderlerin kişisel özellikleri ve yakın çevreleri ile kurdukları ilişkiler toplumsal refahın belirmesi açısından kritiktir. The Platform filminin senaryosu refah nosyonunu, a) lider, b) yakın çevre ve c) topluluk arasındaki ilişkiler üzerinden tartışmak için uygun bir mikrokosmos sunmakta idi. Bu fırsat değerlendirildi ve adı geçen üç oyuncunun hangi özelliklerinin yaygın refah için ön plana çıktığı irdelendi. Ortak değeri hedefleyen diğerkam bir liderin ve ilk takipçinin varlığının, liderlik erdemini yitirmiş ise topluluğun direnç gösterme kapasitesinin ve tüm tarafların çıkarlarından ne düzeyde fedakarlıkta bulunabildiğinin süreçte ön plana çıktığı değerlendirildi. Adı geçen faktörlerin endemik olması, yaygın refahın nadir rastlanan doğasının açıklanmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Acemoğlu D., Robinson, J., A., (2015), “Ulusların Düşüşü: Güç, Zenginlik ve Yoksulluğun Kökenleri”, Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık, İstanbul
  • Acemoğlu, D., Robinson, J., A., (2020), “Dar Koridor: Devletler, Toplumlar ve Özgürlüğün Geleceği”, Doğan Kitap, İstanbul
  • Adler, A., (2013), “İnsanı Tanıma Sanatı”, Say Yayınları, Topkapı, İstanbul Agrawal, S., (2020), “The Platform Analysis & Ending – Subtle Metaphors Accents Savage Realities”,, August 31
  • Alejandro, M., (2019), “The Platform (Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, 2019)”,
  • Altun, G., Akansu, B., Uğur, B., Azmak, D., Yılmaz, A., (2004), “Deaths due to Hunger Strike: Post-mortem Findings”, Forensic Science International, vol. 146, Issue 1. The Lancet Publishing Group, Elsevier.
  • Angle, J., (1986), “The Surplus Theory of Social Stratification and the Size Distribution of Personal Wealth”, Social Forces, Oxford University Press, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 293-326.
  • Arunesh, A., (2021), “The Platform: One of the Most Unique Movies of Recent Times”,, October 2
  • Aydın, S., Ceylan, H., H., Aydın, E., (2014), “A Research on Reference Behavior Trend According to Horney's Personality Types”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 148, 25 August, pp. 680 – 685
  • Barak-Ventura, R., Richmond, S., Hasanyan J., Porfiri, M., (2020), “On the Relationship between Network Connectivity and Group Performance in Small Teams of Humans: Experiments in Virtual Reality”, Journal of Physics: Complexity,
  • Barry, B., (2019), “The Platform Explained (Movie Plot and Ending Explained)”,
  • Bee, H., Boyd, D., (2009), “Çocuk Gelişim Psikolojisi”, Kaknüs Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Bloom, P., (2010), “The Moral Life of Babies”, The New York Times Magazine, May 5
  • Bond, K., (2020), “The Platform Ending Explained: The Meaning Behind Netflix's Capitalist Horror Movie”,, April 6
  • Burt, R., S., (2005), “Brokerage and Closure: An İntroduction to Social Capital”, Oxford University Press
  • Byrd, B., F., (2005), “Reassessing the Emergence of Village Life in the Neareast”, Journal of Archaelogical Research, 13
  • Çakır, Ö., (2021), “The Platform Film İncelemesi”,, 20 Ocak
  • Dunbar, R., (2010), “How Many Friends does One Person Need?: Dunbar’s Number and Other Evolutionary Quirks”, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Edgerton, R., B., (2016), “Hasta Toplumlar”, Buzdağı Yayınevi, İstanbul
  • Eigen M., Schuster, P., (1982), “Stages of Emerging Life - Five Principles of Early Organization”, J. Mol. Evol., 19: pp. 47-61.
  • Eren, M., E., (2020), “The Platform – El Hoyo”,, 23 Mart
  • Festinger, L., (1957), “A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance”, Evanstone, IL: Row, Peterson.
  • Fleet, A., (2020), “The Platform Movie Review: Angry, F’d Up Sci-Fi Horror for These Troubling Times”,, March 25
  • Fukuyama, F., (1998), “Güven: Sosyal Erdemler ve Refahın Yaratılması”, Türkiye İş Bankası, Kültür Yayınları, Ankara
  • Gigerenzer, G., (2007), “Sezgilerin gücü-Bilinçdışının Zekası”, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Gilson, D., (2015), “The CIA’s Secret Psychological Profiles of Dictators and World Leaders Are Amazing: Psychoanalyzing strongmen, from Castro to Saddam”, Mother Jones, Şubat 11,
  • Gladwell, M., (2014), “The Tipping Point (Kıvılcım Anı), Küçük Şeyler Nasıl Büyük Farklar ”, MediaCat Kitaplar, İstanbul
  • Goldman, J., G., (2011), “The Psychology of Dictatorship: Kim Jong-Il”, Scientific American, December 19,,narcissistic%2C%20schizoid%2C%20and%20schizotypal.
  • Güth, W., Schmittberger, R., Schwarze, B., (1982), “An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. v. 3, p. 367 – 388
  • Haidt, J., (2012), “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion”, Pantheon Books, NY Harari, Y., N., (2015), “Hayvanlardan Tanrılara: Sapiens”, Kolektif Kitap, İstanbul
  • Hare, A., P., (1962), “Handbook of Small Group Research”, New York: Macmillan.
  • Haselwarter, D., Wild, V., Kuehlmeyer, K., (2022), “Providing Health Care in Politically Charged Contexts: A Qualitative Study about Experiences During a Public Collective Hunger Strike of Asylum Seekers in Germany”, Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 17(1): 2018770.
  • Haulenbeek, S., (2020), “A Critical Analysis of ‘The Platform’, a Gut-Wrenching Allegory”,, April 22
  • Hofstede G., Hofstede, G., J., Minkov, M., (2022), “Kültür ve Örgüt: Zihnin Yazılımı”, Nobel Yayınları, Çankaya, Ankara
  • Huberman, L., (2019), “Feodal Toplumdan Yirminci Yüzyıla”, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Jacobs, F., (2017), “Veni, Vidi, Gone: A Death Map of Roman Emperors”, Big Think: Strange Maps, September 18,
  • Kahneman, D., (2011), “Thinking Fast and Slow”, Penguin Books, London
  • Kan, L., (2020), “The Platform: What is the Real Message? Ending Explained”,, June 21
  • Lankshear, C., (2003), “On Having and Being: The Humanism of Erich Fromm”, Counterpoints, vol. 168, Critical Theory and the Human Condition: Founders and Praxis, pp. 54-66
  • Lanzafame, M., Gravina, A., F., (2021), “Does Economic Growth Lead to Greater Inequality? The Answer Might Surprise You”, Economics,, 31 May
  • Leavitt, H. J., (1951), "Some Effects of Certain Communication Patterns on Group Performance," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46, 38-50
  • Leavitt, H. J., (1963), “Social Science of Organizations”, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2nd Printing Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0138182298
  • Ma, F., Wang, H., Schandl, H., Fishman, T., Tan, X., Li, Y., Shi, L., Wang, P., Chen, W., (2022), “Exploring the Relationship between Economic Complexity and Resource Efficiency”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, v. 186, Nov.
  • Meyer, E., (2017), “Being The Boss in Brussels, Boston and Beijing”, Harvard Business Review, July-August Issue
  • Milgram, S., (1974), “Obedience to Outhority, An Experimental View”, Harper & Row, USA
  • Mo, J., & Weingast, B., R., (2013), “Korean Political and Economic Development: Crisis, Security and Institutional Rebalancing”, Harvard University Asia Center Press, London.
  • O’Hagan, S., (2004), “Just a Pretty Face?”, The Guardian, Sun 11 Jul,
  • Pryor, F., L., (2005), “Economic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies”, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
  • Rank, O., (2019), “Doğum Travması”, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Redazione, S., (2020), “Psychopathology of Dictators”, Il Sileno Edizioni, Temmuz 24,
  • Schuster, P., (1996), “How Does Complexity Arise in Evolution: Nature’s Recipe for Mastering Scarcity, Abundance, and Unpredictability”, Survey, John Wiley & sons, Inc. CCC 1076-2787/96/010022-09
  • Sinek, S., (2013), “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t”, Penguin Group USA, ISBN 978-1-101-62303-9
  • Stojkoski, V., Kocarev, L., (2017), “The Relationship Between Growth and Economic Complexity: Evidence from Southeastern and Central Europe”, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Paper No. 87432
  • Tallerico, B., (2020), “The Platform: Reviews”,, March 20
  • Topuz, S., G., (2022), “The Relationship Between Income Inequality and Economic Growth: Are Transmission Channels Effective?”, Social Indicators Research, 162: 1177–1231,
  • Vulliamy, E., (2015), “The 10 Best Revolutionaries”, The Guardian, 28 August,
  • Wahiba, N., F., El-Weriemmi, M., (2014), “The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Income Inequality”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, vol: 4, no: 1, pp.135-143 ISSN: 2146-4138
  • Whyte, A., (2020), “Review: The Platform and Its Social Levels”,, April 4
  • Wynn, K., & Bloom, P., (2014), “The Moral Baby”, In M. Killen & J. G. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Development (pp. 435–453), Psychology Press.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Policy and Administration (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Emre Çağlar 0000-0003-4477-5898

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date April 21, 2024
Acceptance Date May 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Çağlar, M. E. (2024). YAYGIN REFAHIN BEDELİ NEDİR? THE PLATFORM FİLMİ’NİN PSİKODİNAMİK VE SOSYODİNAMİK ANALİZİ. Journal of Management Theory and Practices Research, 5(1), 34-65.