Research Article
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The Effect of Health Literacy in Women on Their Level Of Knowledge About Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Their Risk of Diabetes

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 537 - 548


Background: Health literacy is important not only for reading efficiency but also for early diagnosis of diseases and risk awareness.

Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of health literacy on the level of knowledge of women regarding cardiovascular disease risk factors and their risk of developing diabetes.

Method: The study employs a cross-sectional design. The research sample consists of 300 women. The data was collected by face-to-face survey method between January and July 2021. A Personal Information Form, the Turkish Health Literacy Scale-32 (THLS-32), the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Knowledge Level (CARRF-KL) Scale and the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) Questionnaire were used in the study. Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to evaluate the data.

Results: It was determined that one third of the women had inadequate THLS-32 scores and that their mean CARRF-KL and FINDRISC scores were moderate. The mean THLS-32 scale scores of those with a low education level and poor health perception were found to be lower (p<.05).

Conclusion: It is determined that the women’s THLS-32 score is at a problematic – limited level. Providing health literacy knowledge to women has the potential to positively affect the overall health level of the society.


  • Ağralı, H., & Akyar, I. (2018). Turkish validation and reliability of health literacy scale for diabetic patient. Acıbadem Uni-versity Health Sciences Journal, 9(3), 314-321.
  • Active Living Association. Physical Activity Level Of Turkish Society Research. (2010). Retrieved from:
  • Arıkan, İ., Metintaş, S., Kalyoncu, C., & Yıldız, Z. (2009). The cardiovascular disease risk factors knowledge level (CARRF-KL) scale: a validity and reliability study. Archives of the Turkish Society Cardiology, 37(1), 35-40.
  • Aras, Z., & Temel Bayık, A. (2017). Evaluation of validity and reliability of the turkish version of health literacy scale. Flo-rence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 25(2), 85-94.
  • Aydın, D., & Aba, Y. A. (2019). The relationship between mothers’ health literacy levels and their perceptions about bre-astfeeding self-efficacy. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 12(1), 31-39.
  • Bayık Temel, A. & Çimen, Z. (2017). Investigation of health literacy, perception of health and related factors in elderly pa-tients with chronic illness. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Nursing, 33(3),105-125.
  • Coşansu, G. (2015). Diabetes: A Global Pandemic Disease. Okmeydanı Journal of Medicine, 31, 1-6.
  • Çürük, G. N. , Bayındır, S. K. & Oğuzhan, A. (2018). The relationship of the healthy lifestyle behaviors and cardiovascular disease risk factors knowledge level of patients wıth cardiovascular disease and their relatives. Journal of Health Sciences, 27 (1), 40-47.
  • Degan, T. J., Kelly, P. J., Robinson, L. D., & Deane, F. P. (2019). Health literacy in substance use disorder treatment: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 96, 46–52.
  • Deniz, S. , Öztaş, D. & Akbaba, M. (2018). Determining the level of health literacy and affecting factors of health professi-onals working in primary health care services. Sakarya Medical Journal, 8 (2), 214-228.
  • Durusu-Tanrıöver, M., Yıldırım,. H.H., Demiray Ready, F.N., Çakır, B.& Akalın, H.E. (2014). Turkey health literacy survey. Retrieved from:
  • Efe Arslan, D., & Kılıç Akça, N. (2020). Cardiovascular risk awareness of academic staff. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 9(2), 31-38.
  • Evaluation by ARDL Bound Test Method. Journal of Business and Economics Studies, 5(4), 1-11.
  • Gönenç İ.M, Health literacy in terms of women’s health. Retrieved from:
  • Koçak, H.S., Öncel, S., Zincir, H.& Seviğ, E.Ü. (2017). Determining primary school teachers’type 2 diabetes risk and he-althy lifestyle behaviors. Turk Journal of Public Health, 15(2), 70-83.
  • Okyay, P.,& Abacıgil, F. (2016). Turkish health literacy scales reliability and validity study. Retrieved from:
  • Özonuk, E. & Yılmaz, M. (2019). Relationship between health literacy and compliance with the treatment among ındivi-duals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, 16(2), 96-103.
  • Öztürk, E.U. (2018). Health literacy and its importance. Biruni Journal of Health and Educational Sciences, 1(1), 1-5.
  • Potvin, L., Richard, L., & Edwards, A. C. (2000). Knowledge of cardiovascular disease risk factors among the Canadian po-pulation: relationships with indicators of socioeconomic status. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 162(9), 5-11.
  • Ruhuşen, K., Sayın, S.& Koçak, A. (2016). Applicability of the Finnish Diabetes Risk (FINDRISC) as a Screening Tool for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Konuralp Medical Journal, 8(3),158-166.
  • Satman, I., Omer, B., Tutuncu, Y., Kalaca, S., Gedik, S., Dinccag, N., Karsidag, K., Genc, S., Telci, A., Canbaz, B., Turker, F., Yilmaz, T., Cakir, B., Tuomilehto, J., & TURDEP-II Study Group (2013). Twelve-year trends in the prevalence and risk fac-tors of diabetes and prediabetes in Turkish adults. European Journal of Epidemiology, 28(2), 169–180.
  • Taşkın Yılmaz, F., Karakoç Kumsar, A., & Çelik, S. (2018). The association between healthy lifestyle behaviors and knowledge levels about cardiovascular disease risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Education and Rese-arch in Nursing, 15(2), 63-70.
  • Toprakcı, E. & Meşe, Ö. F. (2019). Relationship between education and health of induvaduals in Turkey: an analysis in the light of national data. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, (51), 118-143.
  • Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği (TEMD). (2020). Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up guide of diabetes mel-litus and its complications 2020
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, (TÜİK), Women by Statistics. (2019). Retrieved from.
  • Turkey Health Survey. (2019). Retrieved from:
  • Turkey’s Health Literacy Level was Measured. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Pro-motion. Retrieved from:,57003/turkiyenin-saglik-okuryazarligi-duzeyi-olculdu.html
  • Uğurlu, Z. & Akgün, H. S. (2019). Evaluation of health literacy and appropriateness of the educational materials to the he-alth literacy of the patients who applied to the healthcare centers. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences, 12 (1), 96-106.
  • Ural, A. (2016). Gestational diabetes mellitus and healthy lifestyle behaviours. Journal of Duzce University Health Scien-ces Institute, 6(2), 120-127.
  • Väätäinen, S., Cederberg, H., Roine, R., Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, S., Saramies, J., Uusitalo, H., Tuomilehto, J., & Martikai-nen, J. (2016). Does Future Diabetes Risk Impair Current Quality of Life? A Cross-Sectional Study of Health-Related Qua-lity of Life in Relation to the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC). PloS One, 11(2), e0147898.
  • Viitasalo, K., Lindström, J., Hemiö, K., Puttonen, S., Koho, A., Härmä, M., & Peltonen, M. (2012). Occupational health care identifies risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Primary Care Diabetes, 6(2), 95–102.
  • Vural Aktan, G. & Özdemir, F (2020). Klimakterik dönemdeki kadınların sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyi. Cukurova Medical Journal, 45(1), 352-361.
  • Yıldırım, F., & Keser, A. (2015). Health literacy. Retrieved from:
  • Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Hu, G., & Chen, L. (2014). Evaluation of Finnish Diabetes Risk Score in screening undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes among U.S. adults by gender and race: NHANES 1999-2010. PloS One, 9(5), e97865.

Kadınlarda Sağlık Okuryazarlığının Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Risk Faktörleri Bilgi Düzeyi ve Diyabet Riskine Etkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 537 - 548


Giriş: Sağlık okuryazarlığı sadece okuma verimliliği için değil, aynı zamanda hastalıkların erken teşhisi ve risklerin bilinmesi için de önemlidir.

Amaç: Bu araştırma, kadınlarda sağlık okuryazarlığının kardiyovasküler hastalık risk faktörleri bilgi düzeyi ve diyabet riskine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı.

Yöntem: Çalışma kesitsel tiptedir. Araştırma örneklemi 300 kadından oluşmaktadır. Veriler ocak ve temmuz 2021 tarihleri arasında yüz yüze anket yöntemi ile toplandı. Çalışmada Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Türk Sağlık Okuryazarlığı Ölçeği-32 (THLS-32), Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Risk Faktörleri Bilgi Düzeyi (CARRF-KL) Ölçeği ve Finlandiya Diyabet Risk Skoru (FINDRISC) Anketi kullanıldı. Verilerin
değerlendirilmesinde Mann-Whitney U testi ve Kruskal-Wallis testi kullanıldı.

Bulgular: Kadınların üçte birinin THLS-32 puanlarının yetersiz olduğu, ortalama CARRF-KL ve FINDRISC puanlarının orta düzeyde olduğu belirlendi. Eğitim düzeyi düşük ve sağlık algısı kötü olanların THLS-32 ölçeği puan ortalamalarının daha düşük olduğu bulundu (p<.05).

Sonuç: Kadınların THLS-32 puanının sorunlu – sınırlı düzeyde olduğu belirlendi. Kadınların sağlık okuryazarlığı konusunda bilgilendirilmesinin tüm toplumun sağlık düzeyini olumlu yönde etkileyeceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Ağralı, H., & Akyar, I. (2018). Turkish validation and reliability of health literacy scale for diabetic patient. Acıbadem Uni-versity Health Sciences Journal, 9(3), 314-321.
  • Active Living Association. Physical Activity Level Of Turkish Society Research. (2010). Retrieved from:
  • Arıkan, İ., Metintaş, S., Kalyoncu, C., & Yıldız, Z. (2009). The cardiovascular disease risk factors knowledge level (CARRF-KL) scale: a validity and reliability study. Archives of the Turkish Society Cardiology, 37(1), 35-40.
  • Aras, Z., & Temel Bayık, A. (2017). Evaluation of validity and reliability of the turkish version of health literacy scale. Flo-rence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 25(2), 85-94.
  • Aydın, D., & Aba, Y. A. (2019). The relationship between mothers’ health literacy levels and their perceptions about bre-astfeeding self-efficacy. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 12(1), 31-39.
  • Bayık Temel, A. & Çimen, Z. (2017). Investigation of health literacy, perception of health and related factors in elderly pa-tients with chronic illness. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Nursing, 33(3),105-125.
  • Coşansu, G. (2015). Diabetes: A Global Pandemic Disease. Okmeydanı Journal of Medicine, 31, 1-6.
  • Çürük, G. N. , Bayındır, S. K. & Oğuzhan, A. (2018). The relationship of the healthy lifestyle behaviors and cardiovascular disease risk factors knowledge level of patients wıth cardiovascular disease and their relatives. Journal of Health Sciences, 27 (1), 40-47.
  • Degan, T. J., Kelly, P. J., Robinson, L. D., & Deane, F. P. (2019). Health literacy in substance use disorder treatment: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 96, 46–52.
  • Deniz, S. , Öztaş, D. & Akbaba, M. (2018). Determining the level of health literacy and affecting factors of health professi-onals working in primary health care services. Sakarya Medical Journal, 8 (2), 214-228.
  • Durusu-Tanrıöver, M., Yıldırım,. H.H., Demiray Ready, F.N., Çakır, B.& Akalın, H.E. (2014). Turkey health literacy survey. Retrieved from:
  • Efe Arslan, D., & Kılıç Akça, N. (2020). Cardiovascular risk awareness of academic staff. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 9(2), 31-38.
  • Evaluation by ARDL Bound Test Method. Journal of Business and Economics Studies, 5(4), 1-11.
  • Gönenç İ.M, Health literacy in terms of women’s health. Retrieved from:
  • Koçak, H.S., Öncel, S., Zincir, H.& Seviğ, E.Ü. (2017). Determining primary school teachers’type 2 diabetes risk and he-althy lifestyle behaviors. Turk Journal of Public Health, 15(2), 70-83.
  • Okyay, P.,& Abacıgil, F. (2016). Turkish health literacy scales reliability and validity study. Retrieved from:
  • Özonuk, E. & Yılmaz, M. (2019). Relationship between health literacy and compliance with the treatment among ındivi-duals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, 16(2), 96-103.
  • Öztürk, E.U. (2018). Health literacy and its importance. Biruni Journal of Health and Educational Sciences, 1(1), 1-5.
  • Potvin, L., Richard, L., & Edwards, A. C. (2000). Knowledge of cardiovascular disease risk factors among the Canadian po-pulation: relationships with indicators of socioeconomic status. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 162(9), 5-11.
  • Ruhuşen, K., Sayın, S.& Koçak, A. (2016). Applicability of the Finnish Diabetes Risk (FINDRISC) as a Screening Tool for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Konuralp Medical Journal, 8(3),158-166.
  • Satman, I., Omer, B., Tutuncu, Y., Kalaca, S., Gedik, S., Dinccag, N., Karsidag, K., Genc, S., Telci, A., Canbaz, B., Turker, F., Yilmaz, T., Cakir, B., Tuomilehto, J., & TURDEP-II Study Group (2013). Twelve-year trends in the prevalence and risk fac-tors of diabetes and prediabetes in Turkish adults. European Journal of Epidemiology, 28(2), 169–180.
  • Taşkın Yılmaz, F., Karakoç Kumsar, A., & Çelik, S. (2018). The association between healthy lifestyle behaviors and knowledge levels about cardiovascular disease risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Education and Rese-arch in Nursing, 15(2), 63-70.
  • Toprakcı, E. & Meşe, Ö. F. (2019). Relationship between education and health of induvaduals in Turkey: an analysis in the light of national data. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, (51), 118-143.
  • Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Derneği (TEMD). (2020). Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up guide of diabetes mel-litus and its complications 2020
  • Turkish Statistical Institute, (TÜİK), Women by Statistics. (2019). Retrieved from.
  • Turkey Health Survey. (2019). Retrieved from:
  • Turkey’s Health Literacy Level was Measured. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Pro-motion. Retrieved from:,57003/turkiyenin-saglik-okuryazarligi-duzeyi-olculdu.html
  • Uğurlu, Z. & Akgün, H. S. (2019). Evaluation of health literacy and appropriateness of the educational materials to the he-alth literacy of the patients who applied to the healthcare centers. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences, 12 (1), 96-106.
  • Ural, A. (2016). Gestational diabetes mellitus and healthy lifestyle behaviours. Journal of Duzce University Health Scien-ces Institute, 6(2), 120-127.
  • Väätäinen, S., Cederberg, H., Roine, R., Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, S., Saramies, J., Uusitalo, H., Tuomilehto, J., & Martikai-nen, J. (2016). Does Future Diabetes Risk Impair Current Quality of Life? A Cross-Sectional Study of Health-Related Qua-lity of Life in Relation to the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC). PloS One, 11(2), e0147898.
  • Viitasalo, K., Lindström, J., Hemiö, K., Puttonen, S., Koho, A., Härmä, M., & Peltonen, M. (2012). Occupational health care identifies risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Primary Care Diabetes, 6(2), 95–102.
  • Vural Aktan, G. & Özdemir, F (2020). Klimakterik dönemdeki kadınların sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyi. Cukurova Medical Journal, 45(1), 352-361.
  • Yıldırım, F., & Keser, A. (2015). Health literacy. Retrieved from:
  • Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Hu, G., & Chen, L. (2014). Evaluation of Finnish Diabetes Risk Score in screening undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes among U.S. adults by gender and race: NHANES 1999-2010. PloS One, 9(5), e97865.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Nurten Timur Doğan 0000-0002-6655-7608

Hatice Serap Koçak 0000-0003-1807-1280

Early Pub Date October 15, 2024
Publication Date
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 4


APA Timur Doğan, N., & Koçak, H. S. (2024). The Effect of Health Literacy in Women on Their Level Of Knowledge About Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Their Risk of Diabetes. Etkili Hemşirelik Dergisi, 17(4), 537-548.

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