Research Article
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Year 2021, , 11 - 18, 31.12.2021


Supporting Institution

Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi BAP komisyonu

Project Number



  • P. M. Kirk, P. F. Cannon, D. W. Minter, J. A. Stalpers, Dictionary of the fungi, 10th edn. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 2008.
  • E. Sesli, K. Liimatainen, Cortinarius conicoumbonatus (Cortinarius subgen. Telamonia sect. Hinnulei): a new species from spruce-beech forests of the East Black Sea Region of Turkey, Turkish Journal of Botany, 42, (2018) 327–334.
  • K. Soop, B. Dima, J. A. Cooper, D. Park, B. Oertel, A phylogenetic approach to a global supraspecific taxonomy of Cortinarius (Agaricales) with an emphasis on the southern mycota, Persoonia, 42, (2019) 261–290.
  • K. Liimatainen, T. Niskanen, B. Dima, J. F. Ammirati, P. M. Kirk, I. Kytövuori, Mission impossible completed: unlocking the nomenclature of the largest and most complicated subgenus of Cortinarius, Telamonia, Fungal Diversity, 104(1), (2020) 291–331.
  • C. L. Schoch, K. A. Seifert, S. Huhndorf, V. Robert, J. L. Spouge, C. A. Levesque, W. Chen, Fungal Barcoding Consortium, Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109, (2012) 6241–6246.
  • S. Garnica, M. E. Schön, K. Abarenkov, K. Riess, K. Liimatainen, T. Niskanen, B. Dima, K. Soop, T. G. Frøslev, T. S. Jeppesen, U. Peintner, R. Kuhnert-Finkernagel, T. E. Brandrud, G. Saar, B. Oertel, J. F. Ammirati, Determining threshold values for barcoding fungi: lessons from Cortinarius (Basidiomycota), a highly diverse and widespread ectomycorrhizal genus, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92 (4), (2016), 1-16.
  • E. Sesli , A. Asan, F. Selçuk, The checklist of fungi of Turkey, Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul, 2020.
  • A. Kalmer, İ. Acar, A. Dizkırıcı Tekpınar, Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies on Cortinarius caerulescens (Schaeff.) Fr. a new record for Turkish mycota, The Journal of Fungus 10, (2019) 8–16.
  • M. S. Sengul Demirak, H. Isik, Cortinarius rapaceoides, a new record for Turkey, Mycotaxon, 135, (2020) 559–568.
  • M. S. Şengül Demirak, H. Işık, İ. Türkekul, İ., Morphological and Molecular Phylogeny of Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. (subgenus Phlegmacium sect. Calochroi) Collected from Tokat Region. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 23(3), (2020) 600–605.
  • M. S. Sengul Demirak, I. Turkekul, Cortinarius lilacinovelatus (Agaricales, Cortinariaceae)–A new record for Turkey, Nova Hedwigia, (2021) 217–227.
  • S. Baydar, E. Sesli, The macromycetes determined in Akçaabat District of Trabzon Province, Turkish Journal of Botany 18, (1994) 99–101.
  • N. Adanacıoğlu, Ü. Yıldız, O. Erdinç, L. Aykas, A. Tan, T. Taylan, Türkiye makromantarı genetik kaynakları I. Ege Bölgesi, Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(1), (2016) 46–61.
  • E. M. Fries, Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici, 282, Uppsala, Sweden, 1838.
  • T. Tejklová, J. Kramoliš, Pavučinec Bulliardův-Cortinarius bulliardii, nápadný druh teplomilných dubohabřin, Mykologický Sborník 3, 2016.
  • G. J. Krieglsteiner, A. Gminder, Die GroGpilze Baden-Wiirttembergs. Band 5: Standerpilze: Blatterpilze III. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart, 671 p., 2010.
  • T. Niskanen, I. Kytövuori, E. Bendiksen, K. Bendiksen, T. E. Brandrud, T. G. Frøslev, K. Høiland, T. S. Jeppesen, K. Liimatainen, H. Lindström, Cortinarius (Pers) Gray. In: Knudsen H, Vesterholt J (eds). Funga Nordica, 2nd revised edition. Agaricoid, boletoid, clavarioid, cyphelloid and gastroid genera, Nordsvamp, Copenhagen, Denmark, (2012), pp 762–763.
  • J. Breitenbach, F. Kränzlin, Fungi of Switzerland (Vol. 5), Lucerne, Switzerland: Verlag Mykologia, 2000.
  • T. J. White, T. Bruns, S. J. Lee, J. Taylor, Amplification, and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics, In: Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky JJ, White TJ, editors. PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications. New York, NY, USA: Academic Press, pp. 315–322, 1990.
  • R. Vilgalys, M. Hester, Rapid genetic identification, and mapping of enzymatically amplified ribosomal DNA from several Cryptococcus species, Journal of Bacteriology, 172(8), (1990) 4238–4246.
  • K. Tamura, G. Stecher, D. Peterson, A. Filipski, S. Kumar, MEGA6: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0., Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30, (2013) 2725–2729.
  • K. Tamura, M. Nei, Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 10(3), (1993) 512–526.
  • J. F. Ammirati, K. W. Hughes, K. Liimatainen, T. Niskanen, P. B. Matheny, Cortinarius hesleri from eastern North America and related species from Europe and western North America, Botany, 91(2), (2013) 91–98.
  • A. Bidaud, P. Moënne-Loccoz, P. Reumaux. Atlas des Cortinaires, Pars VI, Èditions Fèdération mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, France, 1994.

Molecular and morphological investigation of Cortinarius bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey)

Year 2021, , 11 - 18, 31.12.2021


A macrofungi species, Cortinarius bulliardii is collected from Tokat city province during field trips in 2019. It has a smooth, finely light fibrous, brownish-red pileus, whitish to light lilac-brownish flesh, broadly ellipsoidal spores, light brown when young, then dark brown lamellae with age. In addition to morphological analysis, molecular sequence data based on the ITS and LSU rDNA gene regions indicated that the studied species is Cortinarius bulliardii.

Project Number



  • P. M. Kirk, P. F. Cannon, D. W. Minter, J. A. Stalpers, Dictionary of the fungi, 10th edn. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 2008.
  • E. Sesli, K. Liimatainen, Cortinarius conicoumbonatus (Cortinarius subgen. Telamonia sect. Hinnulei): a new species from spruce-beech forests of the East Black Sea Region of Turkey, Turkish Journal of Botany, 42, (2018) 327–334.
  • K. Soop, B. Dima, J. A. Cooper, D. Park, B. Oertel, A phylogenetic approach to a global supraspecific taxonomy of Cortinarius (Agaricales) with an emphasis on the southern mycota, Persoonia, 42, (2019) 261–290.
  • K. Liimatainen, T. Niskanen, B. Dima, J. F. Ammirati, P. M. Kirk, I. Kytövuori, Mission impossible completed: unlocking the nomenclature of the largest and most complicated subgenus of Cortinarius, Telamonia, Fungal Diversity, 104(1), (2020) 291–331.
  • C. L. Schoch, K. A. Seifert, S. Huhndorf, V. Robert, J. L. Spouge, C. A. Levesque, W. Chen, Fungal Barcoding Consortium, Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109, (2012) 6241–6246.
  • S. Garnica, M. E. Schön, K. Abarenkov, K. Riess, K. Liimatainen, T. Niskanen, B. Dima, K. Soop, T. G. Frøslev, T. S. Jeppesen, U. Peintner, R. Kuhnert-Finkernagel, T. E. Brandrud, G. Saar, B. Oertel, J. F. Ammirati, Determining threshold values for barcoding fungi: lessons from Cortinarius (Basidiomycota), a highly diverse and widespread ectomycorrhizal genus, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92 (4), (2016), 1-16.
  • E. Sesli , A. Asan, F. Selçuk, The checklist of fungi of Turkey, Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul, 2020.
  • A. Kalmer, İ. Acar, A. Dizkırıcı Tekpınar, Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies on Cortinarius caerulescens (Schaeff.) Fr. a new record for Turkish mycota, The Journal of Fungus 10, (2019) 8–16.
  • M. S. Sengul Demirak, H. Isik, Cortinarius rapaceoides, a new record for Turkey, Mycotaxon, 135, (2020) 559–568.
  • M. S. Şengül Demirak, H. Işık, İ. Türkekul, İ., Morphological and Molecular Phylogeny of Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. (subgenus Phlegmacium sect. Calochroi) Collected from Tokat Region. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 23(3), (2020) 600–605.
  • M. S. Sengul Demirak, I. Turkekul, Cortinarius lilacinovelatus (Agaricales, Cortinariaceae)–A new record for Turkey, Nova Hedwigia, (2021) 217–227.
  • S. Baydar, E. Sesli, The macromycetes determined in Akçaabat District of Trabzon Province, Turkish Journal of Botany 18, (1994) 99–101.
  • N. Adanacıoğlu, Ü. Yıldız, O. Erdinç, L. Aykas, A. Tan, T. Taylan, Türkiye makromantarı genetik kaynakları I. Ege Bölgesi, Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(1), (2016) 46–61.
  • E. M. Fries, Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici, 282, Uppsala, Sweden, 1838.
  • T. Tejklová, J. Kramoliš, Pavučinec Bulliardův-Cortinarius bulliardii, nápadný druh teplomilných dubohabřin, Mykologický Sborník 3, 2016.
  • G. J. Krieglsteiner, A. Gminder, Die GroGpilze Baden-Wiirttembergs. Band 5: Standerpilze: Blatterpilze III. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart, 671 p., 2010.
  • T. Niskanen, I. Kytövuori, E. Bendiksen, K. Bendiksen, T. E. Brandrud, T. G. Frøslev, K. Høiland, T. S. Jeppesen, K. Liimatainen, H. Lindström, Cortinarius (Pers) Gray. In: Knudsen H, Vesterholt J (eds). Funga Nordica, 2nd revised edition. Agaricoid, boletoid, clavarioid, cyphelloid and gastroid genera, Nordsvamp, Copenhagen, Denmark, (2012), pp 762–763.
  • J. Breitenbach, F. Kränzlin, Fungi of Switzerland (Vol. 5), Lucerne, Switzerland: Verlag Mykologia, 2000.
  • T. J. White, T. Bruns, S. J. Lee, J. Taylor, Amplification, and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics, In: Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky JJ, White TJ, editors. PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications. New York, NY, USA: Academic Press, pp. 315–322, 1990.
  • R. Vilgalys, M. Hester, Rapid genetic identification, and mapping of enzymatically amplified ribosomal DNA from several Cryptococcus species, Journal of Bacteriology, 172(8), (1990) 4238–4246.
  • K. Tamura, G. Stecher, D. Peterson, A. Filipski, S. Kumar, MEGA6: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0., Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30, (2013) 2725–2729.
  • K. Tamura, M. Nei, Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 10(3), (1993) 512–526.
  • J. F. Ammirati, K. W. Hughes, K. Liimatainen, T. Niskanen, P. B. Matheny, Cortinarius hesleri from eastern North America and related species from Europe and western North America, Botany, 91(2), (2013) 91–98.
  • A. Bidaud, P. Moënne-Loccoz, P. Reumaux. Atlas des Cortinaires, Pars VI, Èditions Fèdération mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, France, 1994.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Meryem Şenay Şengül 0000-0003-4879-1908

İbrahim Türkekul 0000-0002-1036-9835

Project Number 2019/87
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Şengül, M. Ş., & Türkekul, İ. (2021). Molecular and morphological investigation of Cortinarius bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey). Journal of New Results in Science, 10(3), 11-18.
AMA Şengül MŞ, Türkekul İ. Molecular and morphological investigation of Cortinarius bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey). JNRS. December 2021;10(3):11-18. doi:10.54187/jnrs.970325
Chicago Şengül, Meryem Şenay, and İbrahim Türkekul. “Molecular and Morphological Investigation of Cortinarius Bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey)”. Journal of New Results in Science 10, no. 3 (December 2021): 11-18.
EndNote Şengül MŞ, Türkekul İ (December 1, 2021) Molecular and morphological investigation of Cortinarius bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey). Journal of New Results in Science 10 3 11–18.
IEEE M. Ş. Şengül and İ. Türkekul, “Molecular and morphological investigation of Cortinarius bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey)”, JNRS, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 11–18, 2021, doi: 10.54187/jnrs.970325.
ISNAD Şengül, Meryem Şenay - Türkekul, İbrahim. “Molecular and Morphological Investigation of Cortinarius Bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey)”. Journal of New Results in Science 10/3 (December 2021), 11-18.
JAMA Şengül MŞ, Türkekul İ. Molecular and morphological investigation of Cortinarius bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey). JNRS. 2021;10:11–18.
MLA Şengül, Meryem Şenay and İbrahim Türkekul. “Molecular and Morphological Investigation of Cortinarius Bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey)”. Journal of New Results in Science, vol. 10, no. 3, 2021, pp. 11-18, doi:10.54187/jnrs.970325.
Vancouver Şengül MŞ, Türkekul İ. Molecular and morphological investigation of Cortinarius bulliardii from Tokat (Turkey). JNRS. 2021;10(3):11-8.

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