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Evaluation as Econometrics of the Relationship between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun's Law Case)

Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 8, 13 - 21, 29.05.2015


– In this study, relationship between unemployment and economic growth in Turkey was investigated. The study, which was carried out in the period 1988-2012, was evaluated. In order to explain relationship between unemployment and economic growth, Vector Autoregressive Model, Jhonsen Cointegration Analysis and Granger Causality/Block Exogeneity Test were used. As a result, a relationship between unemployment and GDP in Turkey was determined as foresee of Okun’s Law and direction of relationship can periodically vary. Affected employment of economic growth is known to be linked to certain conditions. According to this situation economic growth must be explained and unemployment cannot be prevented with a high growth rate which case should be considered. That balanced of nature unemployment rate with optimal growth rate can be evaluated as rational foresight


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  • Institute of Thechnology. Çetinkaya, E., 2010. Genç İşsizliğin Teorik Açıklamaları, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, Sayı:58.
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  • Haris, R., Silverstone, B., 2001. Testing for asymmetry in Okun’s Law : a Crosscountry
  • Comparision. Economic Bullentin, 5(2), page:1-13. Haris, R., Silverstone, B., 2000. Asimetric Adjustment of Unemployment and Output in New Zealand: Rediscovering Okun’s Law. University of Waikato Working Paper, 2/00.
  • Hendry, D. F., Juselius, K.,2001. Explaining Cointegration Analysis: Part II. Energy Journal, 22(1).
  • Johansen, S., 1988. Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors, Journal of Economic
  • Dynamics and Control, 12, page:231-54. Johansen, S., 1995. Likelihood-based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive
  • Models, Oxford University Press. Johansen, S., Juselius, K., 1990. Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference on
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  • Mayes, D. G., Viren, M., 2000. Asymmetry and Problem of Aggregation in The Euro
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  • Analizi (1975-2006). Maliye Journal, (155), 159-174.
  • Okun, A. M., 1962. Potential GNP: İt’s Measurement And Signifiicance, Cowless Foundation.
  • Silvapulle, P., Moosa, I. A., Sılvapulle M. J.,2004. Asymmetry in Okun’s Law. The Canadian Journal of Economics, 37(2), page:353-374.
  • Sims, C.A., 1980. Macroeconomics and Reality, Econometrica, 48;page:1-48.
Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 8, 13 - 21, 29.05.2015



  • Brooks, C., 2002. Introductory Econometrics for Finance, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 340-341.
  • Ceylan, Ş., Yılmaz Şahin, B., 2010.İşsizlik ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinde Asimetri,
  • Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11 (2), sayfa:157-165. Courtney, H. G.,1991. The Beveridge curve and Okun’s law: a re-estimation of fundemental macroeconomic relationships in the United States. Phd Thesis, Massachusetts
  • Institute of Thechnology. Çetinkaya, E., 2010. Genç İşsizliğin Teorik Açıklamaları, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, Sayı:58.
  • Emsen, S.Ö, Kuşçu, S., Sarsılmaz, F., 2003. Philips Eğrisi Analizi ve Geçiş
  • Ekonomilerinden Kırgızistan Üzerine Uygulama, Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi 2; sayfa:81- Dickey, D.A., Fuller, W.A., 1976. Distribution of the Estimators of Autoregressive Time
  • Series with a Unit Root, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74;page:427-431. Gujarati, D.N., Porter, D.C., 1995. Basic Econometrics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education,
  • Newyork (Çeviren: Şenesen, Ü., Günlük Şenesen, G., 2012, ISBN:978-97504-0617-1, Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul)
  • Haris, R., Silverstone, B., 2001. Testing for asymmetry in Okun’s Law : a Crosscountry
  • Comparision. Economic Bullentin, 5(2), page:1-13. Haris, R., Silverstone, B., 2000. Asimetric Adjustment of Unemployment and Output in New Zealand: Rediscovering Okun’s Law. University of Waikato Working Paper, 2/00.
  • Hendry, D. F., Juselius, K.,2001. Explaining Cointegration Analysis: Part II. Energy Journal, 22(1).
  • Johansen, S., 1988. Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors, Journal of Economic
  • Dynamics and Control, 12, page:231-54. Johansen, S., 1995. Likelihood-based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive
  • Models, Oxford University Press. Johansen, S., Juselius, K., 1990. Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference on
  • Cointegration-with Applications to the Demand for Money”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 52, 169-210. MacKinnon, J.,1996. “Numerical Distribution Functions for Unit Root and Cointegration Tests’’, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, 601-618.
  • Mayes, D. G., Viren, M., 2000. Asymmetry and Problem of Aggregation in The Euro
  • Area. Bank of Finland Discussion Paper, 11. Mucuk, M., Alptekin, V., 2009. Türkiye’de Vergi ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: VAR
  • Analizi (1975-2006). Maliye Journal, (155), 159-174.
  • Okun, A. M., 1962. Potential GNP: İt’s Measurement And Signifiicance, Cowless Foundation.
  • Silvapulle, P., Moosa, I. A., Sılvapulle M. J.,2004. Asymmetry in Okun’s Law. The Canadian Journal of Economics, 37(2), page:353-374.
  • Sims, C.A., 1980. Macroeconomics and Reality, Econometrica, 48;page:1-48.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Gökhan Doğan This is me

Gülistan Erdal This is me

Gungor Karakas This is me

Publication Date May 29, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 4 Issue: 8


APA Doğan, H. G., Erdal, G., & Karakas, G. (2015). Evaluation as Econometrics of the Relationship between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case). Journal of New Results in Science, 4(8), 13-21.
AMA Doğan HG, Erdal G, Karakas G. Evaluation as Econometrics of the Relationship between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case). JNRS. August 2015;4(8):13-21.
Chicago Doğan, Hasan Gökhan, Gülistan Erdal, and Gungor Karakas. “Evaluation As Econometrics of the Relationship Between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case)”. Journal of New Results in Science 4, no. 8 (August 2015): 13-21.
EndNote Doğan HG, Erdal G, Karakas G (August 1, 2015) Evaluation as Econometrics of the Relationship between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case). Journal of New Results in Science 4 8 13–21.
IEEE H. G. Doğan, G. Erdal, and G. Karakas, “Evaluation as Econometrics of the Relationship between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case)”, JNRS, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 13–21, 2015.
ISNAD Doğan, Hasan Gökhan et al. “Evaluation As Econometrics of the Relationship Between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case)”. Journal of New Results in Science 4/8 (August 2015), 13-21.
JAMA Doğan HG, Erdal G, Karakas G. Evaluation as Econometrics of the Relationship between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case). JNRS. 2015;4:13–21.
MLA Doğan, Hasan Gökhan et al. “Evaluation As Econometrics of the Relationship Between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case)”. Journal of New Results in Science, vol. 4, no. 8, 2015, pp. 13-21.
Vancouver Doğan HG, Erdal G, Karakas G. Evaluation as Econometrics of the Relationship between Unemployment and Economics Growth in Turkey (Okun’s Law Case). JNRS. 2015;4(8):13-21.

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