– We introduce the mapping on intuitionistic fuzzy soft expert set and its operations are studied. The basic operations of mapping on intuitionistic fuzzy soft expert set theory are defined
A. A. Hazaymeh, I. B. Abdullah, Z. T. Balkhi and R.I. Ibrahim, Generalized fuzzy soft expert set,Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2012) 22 pages, Article ID 328195
A. ArokiaLancy, C. Tamilarasi and I. Arockiarani, Fuzzy parameterization for decision making in risk management system via soft expert set, International Journal of Innovative Research and studies, Vol 2 issue 10, (2013) 339-344, from www.ijirs.com.
A. ArokiaLancy, I. Arockiarani, A Fusion of soft expert set and matrix models, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol 02, issue 12, (2013) 531-535, from http://www.ijret.org.
A. Kharal and B. Ahmad, Mappings on soft classes, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 07 (3) (2011), 471-481.
A. Kharal and B. Ahmad, Mappings on Fuzzy soft classes,Advances in Fuzzy Systems
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 407890, 6 pages
D. Molodtsov, Soft set theory-first result, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 37(1999) 19-31.
G. Selvachandran, Possibility Vague Soft Expert Set Theory.(2014) Submitted.
H. L. Yang, Notes On generalized fuzzy soft sets, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 31/ 3 (2011) 567-570.
I. Arockiarani and A. A. ArokiaLancy, Multi criteria decision making problem with soft expert set. International journal of Computer Applications, Vol 78- No.15,(2013) 1-4 , from www.ijcaonline.org.
K.T. Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 20(1),(1986) 87-96.
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Possibility vague soft set and its application in decision making. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 77 (4), (2012) 549-563.
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Application of generalized vague soft expert set in decision making, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 93(3), (2014) 361-367.
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Generalized vague soft expert set, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ( in press).
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Mapping on generalized vague soft expert set, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 93, No. 3 (2014) 369-376.
K.V. Babitha and J. J. Sunil, Generalized intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets and Its Applications, Gen. Math. Notes, 7/ 2 (2011) 1-14.
L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Information and Control,Vol8 (1965) 338-356.
M. Bashir & A.R. Salleh & S. Alkhazaleh, Possibility intuitionistic fuzzy soft Sets. Advances in Decision Sciences, 2012, Article ID 404325, 24 pages.
M. Bashir & A.R. Salleh, Fuzzy parameterized soft expert set. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, Article ID 25836, 15 pages.
M. Bashir & A.R. Salleh, Possibility fuzzy soft expert set. Open Journal of Applied Sciences 12,(2012) 208-211.
M. Borah, T. J. Neog and D. K. Sut, A study on some operations of fuzzy soft sets, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2/ 2 (2012) 157-168.
N. Hassan & K. Alhazaymeh, Vague soft expert set theory. AIP Conference Proceedings 1522, 953 (2013) 953-958.
N. Çağman, S. Enginoğlu, F. Çıtak, Fuzzy soft set theory and Its Applications. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy System 8(3) (2011) 137-147.
N. Çağman, F Çıtak , S. Enginoğlu, Fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft set theory and its applications, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy System 1/1 (2010) 21-35.
N. Çağman, S. Karataş, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft set theory and its decision making, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems DOI:10.3233/IFS-2012-0601.
N. Çağman, I. Deli, Intuitionistic fuzzy parametrized soft set theory and its decision making, Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 109–113.
N. Çağman, F. Karaaslan, IFP −fuzzy soft set theory and its applications, Submitted.
N. Çağman, I. Deli, Product of FP-soft sets and its applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41/3 (2012) 365 - 374.
N. Çağman, I. Deli, Means of FP-softsets and its applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41/5 ( 2012) 615–625. 10
P. K. Maji, A. R. Roy and R. Biswas, Fuzzy soft sets, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 9/3 (2001) 589-602.
P. K. Maji, R. Biswas and A. R. Roy, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 9/3 (2001) 677-692.
P. Majumdar, S. K. Samanta, Generalized fuzzy soft sets, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59 (2010) 1425-1432.
P.D. Liu, Some Hamacher aggregation operators based on the interval-valued
intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and their application to Group Decision Making, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy systems, 22(1) (2014) 83 - 97
P.D. Liu, ZM. Liu, X. Zhang, Some Intuitionistic Uncertain Linguistic Heronian mean
Operators and Their Application to Group Decision Making, Applied Mathematics
and Computation, 230 (2014) 570–586.
P.D. Liu, YM. Wang, Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making Methods Based on
Intuitionistic Linguistic Power Generalized Aggregation Operators, Applied soft
P.D. Liu, Some Generalized Dependent Aggregation Operators with Intuitionistic
Linguistic Numbers and Their Application to Group Decision Making,
Computer and System Sciences79 (1) (2013) 131–143 Journal of
P.D. Liu, F. Jin, Methods for Aggregating Intuitionistic Uncertain Linguistic variables
and Their Application to Group Decision Making, Information Sciences205 (2012) 58–71
P.D. Liu, C. Yubao, C. Yanchang, Intuitionistic Uncertain Linguistic Weighted
Bonferroni OWA Operator and Its Application to Multiple Attribute Decision Making,
Cybernetics and Systems, 45(5) (2014) 418-438
P.D. Liu, Y. Liu, An approach to multiple attribute group decision making based on
intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy power generalized aggregation operator,International
Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 7(2)( 2014) 291-304.
S. Alkhazaleh & A.R. Salleh, Fuzzy soft expert set and its application. Applied Mathematics 5(2014) 1349-1368.
S. Alkhazaleh& A.R. Salleh, Soft expert sets. Advances in Decision Sciences 2011, Article ID 757868, 12 pages.
S. Alkhazaleh, A. R. Salleh & N. Hassan, Possibility fuzzy soft sets. Advances in
Decision Sciences (2011) Article ID 479756, 18 pages.
S. Broumi, F .Smarandache, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft expert sets and its application in decision
S. Broumi, F. Smarandache, M. Dhar & P. Majumdar, New Results of Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Soft Set, I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2,(2014) 47-52.
S.Broumi, P. Majumdar & F. Smarandache, New Operations on intuitionistic fuzzy
soft sets Based on first Zadeh's logical operators, Journal of New Results in Science, No.4 (2014)71-81.
T. A. Albinaa & I. Arockiarani, Soft expert *pgset, Journal of Global Research in
A. A. Hazaymeh, I. B. Abdullah, Z. T. Balkhi and R.I. Ibrahim, Generalized fuzzy soft expert set,Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2012) 22 pages, Article ID 328195
A. ArokiaLancy, C. Tamilarasi and I. Arockiarani, Fuzzy parameterization for decision making in risk management system via soft expert set, International Journal of Innovative Research and studies, Vol 2 issue 10, (2013) 339-344, from www.ijirs.com.
A. ArokiaLancy, I. Arockiarani, A Fusion of soft expert set and matrix models, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol 02, issue 12, (2013) 531-535, from http://www.ijret.org.
A. Kharal and B. Ahmad, Mappings on soft classes, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 07 (3) (2011), 471-481.
A. Kharal and B. Ahmad, Mappings on Fuzzy soft classes,Advances in Fuzzy Systems
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 407890, 6 pages
D. Molodtsov, Soft set theory-first result, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 37(1999) 19-31.
G. Selvachandran, Possibility Vague Soft Expert Set Theory.(2014) Submitted.
H. L. Yang, Notes On generalized fuzzy soft sets, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 31/ 3 (2011) 567-570.
I. Arockiarani and A. A. ArokiaLancy, Multi criteria decision making problem with soft expert set. International journal of Computer Applications, Vol 78- No.15,(2013) 1-4 , from www.ijcaonline.org.
K.T. Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 20(1),(1986) 87-96.
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Possibility vague soft set and its application in decision making. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 77 (4), (2012) 549-563.
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Application of generalized vague soft expert set in decision making, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 93(3), (2014) 361-367.
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Generalized vague soft expert set, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ( in press).
K. Alhazaymeh& N. Hassan, Mapping on generalized vague soft expert set, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 93, No. 3 (2014) 369-376.
K.V. Babitha and J. J. Sunil, Generalized intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets and Its Applications, Gen. Math. Notes, 7/ 2 (2011) 1-14.
L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Information and Control,Vol8 (1965) 338-356.
M. Bashir & A.R. Salleh & S. Alkhazaleh, Possibility intuitionistic fuzzy soft Sets. Advances in Decision Sciences, 2012, Article ID 404325, 24 pages.
M. Bashir & A.R. Salleh, Fuzzy parameterized soft expert set. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, Article ID 25836, 15 pages.
M. Bashir & A.R. Salleh, Possibility fuzzy soft expert set. Open Journal of Applied Sciences 12,(2012) 208-211.
M. Borah, T. J. Neog and D. K. Sut, A study on some operations of fuzzy soft sets, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2/ 2 (2012) 157-168.
N. Hassan & K. Alhazaymeh, Vague soft expert set theory. AIP Conference Proceedings 1522, 953 (2013) 953-958.
N. Çağman, S. Enginoğlu, F. Çıtak, Fuzzy soft set theory and Its Applications. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy System 8(3) (2011) 137-147.
N. Çağman, F Çıtak , S. Enginoğlu, Fuzzy parameterized fuzzy soft set theory and its applications, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy System 1/1 (2010) 21-35.
N. Çağman, S. Karataş, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft set theory and its decision making, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems DOI:10.3233/IFS-2012-0601.
N. Çağman, I. Deli, Intuitionistic fuzzy parametrized soft set theory and its decision making, Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 109–113.
N. Çağman, F. Karaaslan, IFP −fuzzy soft set theory and its applications, Submitted.
N. Çağman, I. Deli, Product of FP-soft sets and its applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41/3 (2012) 365 - 374.
N. Çağman, I. Deli, Means of FP-softsets and its applications, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41/5 ( 2012) 615–625. 10
P. K. Maji, A. R. Roy and R. Biswas, Fuzzy soft sets, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 9/3 (2001) 589-602.
P. K. Maji, R. Biswas and A. R. Roy, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 9/3 (2001) 677-692.
P. Majumdar, S. K. Samanta, Generalized fuzzy soft sets, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59 (2010) 1425-1432.
P.D. Liu, Some Hamacher aggregation operators based on the interval-valued
intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and their application to Group Decision Making, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy systems, 22(1) (2014) 83 - 97
P.D. Liu, ZM. Liu, X. Zhang, Some Intuitionistic Uncertain Linguistic Heronian mean
Operators and Their Application to Group Decision Making, Applied Mathematics
and Computation, 230 (2014) 570–586.
P.D. Liu, YM. Wang, Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making Methods Based on
Intuitionistic Linguistic Power Generalized Aggregation Operators, Applied soft
P.D. Liu, Some Generalized Dependent Aggregation Operators with Intuitionistic
Linguistic Numbers and Their Application to Group Decision Making,
Computer and System Sciences79 (1) (2013) 131–143 Journal of
P.D. Liu, F. Jin, Methods for Aggregating Intuitionistic Uncertain Linguistic variables
and Their Application to Group Decision Making, Information Sciences205 (2012) 58–71
P.D. Liu, C. Yubao, C. Yanchang, Intuitionistic Uncertain Linguistic Weighted
Bonferroni OWA Operator and Its Application to Multiple Attribute Decision Making,
Cybernetics and Systems, 45(5) (2014) 418-438
P.D. Liu, Y. Liu, An approach to multiple attribute group decision making based on
intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy power generalized aggregation operator,International
Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 7(2)( 2014) 291-304.
S. Alkhazaleh & A.R. Salleh, Fuzzy soft expert set and its application. Applied Mathematics 5(2014) 1349-1368.
S. Alkhazaleh& A.R. Salleh, Soft expert sets. Advances in Decision Sciences 2011, Article ID 757868, 12 pages.
S. Alkhazaleh, A. R. Salleh & N. Hassan, Possibility fuzzy soft sets. Advances in
Decision Sciences (2011) Article ID 479756, 18 pages.
S. Broumi, F .Smarandache, Intuitionistic fuzzy soft expert sets and its application in decision
S. Broumi, F. Smarandache, M. Dhar & P. Majumdar, New Results of Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Soft Set, I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2,(2014) 47-52.
S.Broumi, P. Majumdar & F. Smarandache, New Operations on intuitionistic fuzzy
soft sets Based on first Zadeh's logical operators, Journal of New Results in Science, No.4 (2014)71-81.
T. A. Albinaa & I. Arockiarani, Soft expert *pgset, Journal of Global Research in
Broumi, S., & Smarandache, F. (2015). Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets. Journal of New Results in Science, 4(9), 1-10.
Broumi S, Smarandache F. Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets. JNRS. September 2015;4(9):1-10.
Broumi, Said, and Florentin Smarandache. “Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets”. Journal of New Results in Science 4, no. 9 (September 2015): 1-10.
Broumi S, Smarandache F (September 1, 2015) Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets. Journal of New Results in Science 4 9 1–10.
S. Broumi and F. Smarandache, “Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets”, JNRS, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 1–10, 2015.
Broumi, Said - Smarandache, Florentin. “Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets”. Journal of New Results in Science 4/9 (September 2015), 1-10.
Broumi S, Smarandache F. Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets. JNRS. 2015;4:1–10.
Broumi, Said and Florentin Smarandache. “Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets”. Journal of New Results in Science, vol. 4, no. 9, 2015, pp. 1-10.
Broumi S, Smarandache F. Mapping on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets. JNRS. 2015;4(9):1-10.