Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 1 - 16, 30.09.2017



  • Anjum, N. A., Chan, M.T., and Umar, S. (2010). Ascorbate-Glutathione pathway and stress tolerance in plants. Springer eBooks. 443p
  • Asada, K. (1999). The water–water cycle in chloroplasts: scavenging of active oxygens and dissipation of excess photons, Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 50: 601–639.
  • Babu, R. C., Pathan, M. S., Blum, A. and Nguyen, H. T. (1999). Comparison of measurement methods of osmotic adjustment in rice cultivars. Crop Sci. 39: 150–158.
  • Blum A, Mayer J, Golan G (1988) The effect of grain number (sink size) on source activity and its water-relations in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany, 39: 106–114.
  • Blum, A. and Arkin, G.F. (1984). Sorghum root growth and water-use as affected by water supply and growth duration. Field Crops Res. 9: 131–142.
  • Blum, A. (2005). Drought resistance, water-use efficiency, and yield potential — are they compatible, dissonant, or mutually exclusive? Aust J Agr Res. 56: 1159–1168
  • Bradford, M.M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal Biochem. 72 (2): 248–254
  • Brent, E. and Bergmeyer, H. V. (1974). Methods of enzymatic analysis (2nd Ed.). pp 1704-1708. Academic Press,London
  • Edjolo,A., Laffray, D. and Gilles G. G. (2001). The ascorbate–glutathione cycle in the cytosolic and chloroplastic fractions of drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive poplars. J. Plant Physiol. 158: 1511–1517
  • Fernandez, G.C.J. (1992). Effective selection criteria for assessing plant stress tolerance. In: Kus EG (ed) Adaptation of Food Crop Temperature and Water Stress. Proceeding of 4th International Symposium, Asian Vegetable and Research and Development Center, Shantana, Taiwan, pp 257–270

Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) to Drought Stress

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 1 - 16, 30.09.2017


Determination of drought adaptation strategies on
plant species is highly important to develop resistant cultivars. Drought
resistance mechanisms known as drought escape, avoidance and tolerance should
be investigated and associated with several mathematical indices in especially
tree species. Therefore, the major aim of this study was to identify drought
adaptation strategies with these indices for tree species by using poplar as a
model organism. Black poplar clone collection including 300 individuals
collected from all around Turkey was tested in a field trial. The growth and
biomass production capacities of these individuals with several physiological
traits were measured and compared in rainy and drought periods. Mean Relative
Performance (MRP) and Stress tolerance Index (STI) were used to identify
adaptive responses of black poplar to drought stress. In the study, MRP favored
drought tolerant genotypes having the highest biomass production. Genotypes
with higher STI values exhibited drought avoidance mechanism which
characterized with low productivity but much higher drought resistance. On the
other hand, lower STI was associated to drought escape genotypes which revealed
the lowest growth performance and the highest defoliation rates under drought.
In the current study, relationship between antioxidant enzyme activities and
drought adaptations were also investigated on the leaves of selected clones. Higher
enzyme activates associated with drought escape strategy in the study.


  • Anjum, N. A., Chan, M.T., and Umar, S. (2010). Ascorbate-Glutathione pathway and stress tolerance in plants. Springer eBooks. 443p
  • Asada, K. (1999). The water–water cycle in chloroplasts: scavenging of active oxygens and dissipation of excess photons, Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 50: 601–639.
  • Babu, R. C., Pathan, M. S., Blum, A. and Nguyen, H. T. (1999). Comparison of measurement methods of osmotic adjustment in rice cultivars. Crop Sci. 39: 150–158.
  • Blum A, Mayer J, Golan G (1988) The effect of grain number (sink size) on source activity and its water-relations in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany, 39: 106–114.
  • Blum, A. and Arkin, G.F. (1984). Sorghum root growth and water-use as affected by water supply and growth duration. Field Crops Res. 9: 131–142.
  • Blum, A. (2005). Drought resistance, water-use efficiency, and yield potential — are they compatible, dissonant, or mutually exclusive? Aust J Agr Res. 56: 1159–1168
  • Bradford, M.M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal Biochem. 72 (2): 248–254
  • Brent, E. and Bergmeyer, H. V. (1974). Methods of enzymatic analysis (2nd Ed.). pp 1704-1708. Academic Press,London
  • Edjolo,A., Laffray, D. and Gilles G. G. (2001). The ascorbate–glutathione cycle in the cytosolic and chloroplastic fractions of drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive poplars. J. Plant Physiol. 158: 1511–1517
  • Fernandez, G.C.J. (1992). Effective selection criteria for assessing plant stress tolerance. In: Kus EG (ed) Adaptation of Food Crop Temperature and Water Stress. Proceeding of 4th International Symposium, Asian Vegetable and Research and Development Center, Shantana, Taiwan, pp 257–270
There are 10 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Kubilay Yıldırım

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Yıldırım, K. (2017). Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) to Drought Stress. Journal of New Results in Science, 6(2), 1-16.
AMA Yıldırım K. Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) to Drought Stress. JNRS. September 2017;6(2):1-16.
Chicago Yıldırım, Kubilay. “Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus Nigra L.) to Drought Stress”. Journal of New Results in Science 6, no. 2 (September 2017): 1-16.
EndNote Yıldırım K (September 1, 2017) Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) to Drought Stress. Journal of New Results in Science 6 2 1–16.
IEEE K. Yıldırım, “Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) to Drought Stress”, JNRS, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1–16, 2017.
ISNAD Yıldırım, Kubilay. “Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus Nigra L.) to Drought Stress”. Journal of New Results in Science 6/2 (September 2017), 1-16.
JAMA Yıldırım K. Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) to Drought Stress. JNRS. 2017;6:1–16.
MLA Yıldırım, Kubilay. “Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus Nigra L.) to Drought Stress”. Journal of New Results in Science, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017, pp. 1-16.
Vancouver Yıldırım K. Utilization of Selection Indexes for Adaptive Responses of Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) to Drought Stress. JNRS. 2017;6(2):1-16.

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