Research Article
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On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 13 - 21, 28.08.2018


This paper is the
results of an undergraduate final term project. The aim of project was to
investigate the passive noise reduction methods in mufflers. Also, another aim
of this study is to examine and design mufflers with various geometries. This
is learning the effect of geometry on noise transmission loss maximization
performance of mufflers. Four-pole method is used to determine the noise
transmission loss. Two different cross-sectional geometries are considered for
the mufflers, i.e. rectangular and circular. These mufflers are produced and
tested. A noise transmission test bench is used for the measurement of noise
transmission loss of these mufflers. The analytical results from simulation are
compared with the experimental results. The effect of geometry of mufflers on
the maximization of the transmitted noise loss are investigated and reported.
The results of this study can help students to learn the basics of muffler
design for noise reduction applications. Furthermore, it shows the effect of
geometry on the acoustic performance of mufflers.


  • Gerges, S. N. Y., Jordan, R., Thieme, F. A., Bento Coelho, J. L., Arenas, J. P., 2005. Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science & Engineering. 27(2).
  • Hussain, G., Ranjbar, M., Hassanzadeh, S., 2015. Trade-off among Mechanical Properties and Energy Consumption in Multi-Pass Friction Stir Processing of Al 7075-T651 Alloy Employing Hybrid Approach of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm. Proc IMechE Part B: Jornal Engineering Manufacture. 1-11.
  • Khadem, S. E., Ranjbar, M., 2001. Development of Vibration Analysis Using Gabor Transformation for Machinery Fault Diagnosis. Journal of Amirkabir University. 12(48). 398-407.
  • Munjal, M. L., Sreenath, A. V., Narasimhan, M. V., 1973. Velocity Ratio in the Analysis of Linear Dynamical System. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 26. 173-191.
  • Ranjbar, M. Tadayon, A., 2017. Vibration Analysis of Multi Degree of Freedom Self-Excited Systems. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 2(1). 1-8.
  • Ranjbar, M., 2007. Development of Hybrid Robust Optimization Strategies for Structural-Acoustic Applications. In the annual report of the Pan-European Research Infrastructure on High Performance Computing (HPC-Europa). University of Bologna. Italy.
  • Ranjbar, M., 2011. A Comparative Study on Optimization in Structural Acoustics. Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2006. Study of Optimization Methods for Structural-Acoustic Applications. Proceedings of 77th annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. Technische Universität Berlin. Germany. March 27-31.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2007. Ein Vergleich von Optimierungsverfahren fuer Anwendungen in der Strukturakustik. Proceedings of the 33th annual meeting for Acoustics. Stuttgart. Germany. March 19-22.
  • Ranjbar, M., Hardtke, H. J., Fritze, D., Marburg, St., 2010. Finding the Best Design within Limited Time: A Comparative Case Study on Methods for Optimization in Structural Acoustics. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 18(2). 149-164.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2011. Development of a Hybrid Neural Networks Algorithm for Structural-Acoustics Optimization Applications. In Proceedings of the First International Conference of Acoustics and Vibration. 21-22 December. Tehran. Iran.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2011. Schnelle Optimierung in der Struktur Akustik. The 37th Annual Meeting for Acoustics. Düsseldorf. Germany. March 21-24.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2012. A New Hybrid Design of Experiments Approach for Optimization in Structural Acoustics Applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 110(116). 5015-5020.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2012. A New Hybrid Design of Experiments Approach for Optimization in Structural Acoustics Applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 110(116). 5015-5020.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2012. Structural-Acoustic Optimization of a Rectangular Plate: A Tabu Search Approach. Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 50. 142-146.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., 2012. Vibroacoustical Optimization of Mechanical Structures Using Geometry Modification Concept and Genetic Algorithm Method. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Tarbiat Modares University. 12(2). 134-143.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., 2013. Fast Vibroacoustic Optimization of Mechanical Structures Using Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications. 1(3). 64-68.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2013. Vibroacoustic Optimization of Mechanical Structures: A Controlled Random Search Approach. Advanced Material Research. 622(623). 158-161.
  • Ranjbar, M., Kermani, M., 2013. On Maximization of Noise Transmission Loss in Mufflers by Geometry Modification Concept. ASME District F - Early Career Technical Conference. Birmingham. Alabama. November 2-3.
  • Ranjbar, M., Kermani, M., 2014. Muffler Design by Noise Transmission Loss Maximization on Narrow Band Frequency Range. The 7th Automotive Technologies Congress (OTEKON 2014). 26-27 May. Bursa.
  • Ranjbar, M., Alinaghi, M., 2016. Effect of Liner Layer Properties on Noise Transmission Loss in Absorptive Mufflers. Mathematical Modeling and Applications. 1(2). 46-54.
  • Ranjbar, M., Boldrin, L., Scarpa, F., Niels, S., Patsias, S., 2016. Vibroacoustic optimization of anti-tetrachiral and auxetic hexagonal sandwich panels with gradient geometry. Smart Materials and Structures. 25(5).
  • Ranjbar, M., Gharooni, S. M., 2016. A Sensitivity Analysis on Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Structural Acoustics. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 1(2). 23-26.
  • Ranjbar, M., Kemani, M., 2016. A Comparative Study on Design Optimization of Mufflers by Genetic Algorithm and Random Search Method. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 1(2).
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2016. A Sensitivity Analysis on Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Structural Acoustics. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 1(2).
  • Ranjbar, M., Nahid, M., Renawi, A., Sadeqi, Z., 2017. Development of an Educational Noise Reduction Measurement Test Bench. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 2(1). 27-32.
Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 13 - 21, 28.08.2018



  • Gerges, S. N. Y., Jordan, R., Thieme, F. A., Bento Coelho, J. L., Arenas, J. P., 2005. Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science & Engineering. 27(2).
  • Hussain, G., Ranjbar, M., Hassanzadeh, S., 2015. Trade-off among Mechanical Properties and Energy Consumption in Multi-Pass Friction Stir Processing of Al 7075-T651 Alloy Employing Hybrid Approach of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm. Proc IMechE Part B: Jornal Engineering Manufacture. 1-11.
  • Khadem, S. E., Ranjbar, M., 2001. Development of Vibration Analysis Using Gabor Transformation for Machinery Fault Diagnosis. Journal of Amirkabir University. 12(48). 398-407.
  • Munjal, M. L., Sreenath, A. V., Narasimhan, M. V., 1973. Velocity Ratio in the Analysis of Linear Dynamical System. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 26. 173-191.
  • Ranjbar, M. Tadayon, A., 2017. Vibration Analysis of Multi Degree of Freedom Self-Excited Systems. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 2(1). 1-8.
  • Ranjbar, M., 2007. Development of Hybrid Robust Optimization Strategies for Structural-Acoustic Applications. In the annual report of the Pan-European Research Infrastructure on High Performance Computing (HPC-Europa). University of Bologna. Italy.
  • Ranjbar, M., 2011. A Comparative Study on Optimization in Structural Acoustics. Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2006. Study of Optimization Methods for Structural-Acoustic Applications. Proceedings of 77th annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. Technische Universität Berlin. Germany. March 27-31.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2007. Ein Vergleich von Optimierungsverfahren fuer Anwendungen in der Strukturakustik. Proceedings of the 33th annual meeting for Acoustics. Stuttgart. Germany. March 19-22.
  • Ranjbar, M., Hardtke, H. J., Fritze, D., Marburg, St., 2010. Finding the Best Design within Limited Time: A Comparative Case Study on Methods for Optimization in Structural Acoustics. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 18(2). 149-164.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2011. Development of a Hybrid Neural Networks Algorithm for Structural-Acoustics Optimization Applications. In Proceedings of the First International Conference of Acoustics and Vibration. 21-22 December. Tehran. Iran.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2011. Schnelle Optimierung in der Struktur Akustik. The 37th Annual Meeting for Acoustics. Düsseldorf. Germany. March 21-24.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2012. A New Hybrid Design of Experiments Approach for Optimization in Structural Acoustics Applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 110(116). 5015-5020.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2012. A New Hybrid Design of Experiments Approach for Optimization in Structural Acoustics Applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 110(116). 5015-5020.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2012. Structural-Acoustic Optimization of a Rectangular Plate: A Tabu Search Approach. Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 50. 142-146.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., 2012. Vibroacoustical Optimization of Mechanical Structures Using Geometry Modification Concept and Genetic Algorithm Method. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Tarbiat Modares University. 12(2). 134-143.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., 2013. Fast Vibroacoustic Optimization of Mechanical Structures Using Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications. 1(3). 64-68.
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2013. Vibroacoustic Optimization of Mechanical Structures: A Controlled Random Search Approach. Advanced Material Research. 622(623). 158-161.
  • Ranjbar, M., Kermani, M., 2013. On Maximization of Noise Transmission Loss in Mufflers by Geometry Modification Concept. ASME District F - Early Career Technical Conference. Birmingham. Alabama. November 2-3.
  • Ranjbar, M., Kermani, M., 2014. Muffler Design by Noise Transmission Loss Maximization on Narrow Band Frequency Range. The 7th Automotive Technologies Congress (OTEKON 2014). 26-27 May. Bursa.
  • Ranjbar, M., Alinaghi, M., 2016. Effect of Liner Layer Properties on Noise Transmission Loss in Absorptive Mufflers. Mathematical Modeling and Applications. 1(2). 46-54.
  • Ranjbar, M., Boldrin, L., Scarpa, F., Niels, S., Patsias, S., 2016. Vibroacoustic optimization of anti-tetrachiral and auxetic hexagonal sandwich panels with gradient geometry. Smart Materials and Structures. 25(5).
  • Ranjbar, M., Gharooni, S. M., 2016. A Sensitivity Analysis on Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Structural Acoustics. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 1(2). 23-26.
  • Ranjbar, M., Kemani, M., 2016. A Comparative Study on Design Optimization of Mufflers by Genetic Algorithm and Random Search Method. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 1(2).
  • Ranjbar, M., Marburg, St., Hardtke, H. J., 2016. A Sensitivity Analysis on Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Structural Acoustics. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 1(2).
  • Ranjbar, M., Nahid, M., Renawi, A., Sadeqi, Z., 2017. Development of an Educational Noise Reduction Measurement Test Bench. Journal of Robotic and Mechatronic Systems. 2(1). 27-32.
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Hakan Arslan 0000-0002-2019-1882

Mostafa Ranjbar This is me

Burak Dalkılıç This is me

Emin Çalık This is me

Cem Arslan This is me

Publication Date August 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Arslan, H., Ranjbar, M., Dalkılıç, B., Çalık, E., et al. (2018). On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction. Journal of New Results in Science, 7(2), 13-21.
AMA Arslan H, Ranjbar M, Dalkılıç B, Çalık E, Arslan C. On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction. JNRS. August 2018;7(2):13-21.
Chicago Arslan, Hakan, Mostafa Ranjbar, Burak Dalkılıç, Emin Çalık, and Cem Arslan. “On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction”. Journal of New Results in Science 7, no. 2 (August 2018): 13-21.
EndNote Arslan H, Ranjbar M, Dalkılıç B, Çalık E, Arslan C (August 1, 2018) On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction. Journal of New Results in Science 7 2 13–21.
IEEE H. Arslan, M. Ranjbar, B. Dalkılıç, E. Çalık, and C. Arslan, “On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction”, JNRS, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 13–21, 2018.
ISNAD Arslan, Hakan et al. “On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction”. Journal of New Results in Science 7/2 (August 2018), 13-21.
JAMA Arslan H, Ranjbar M, Dalkılıç B, Çalık E, Arslan C. On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction. JNRS. 2018;7:13–21.
MLA Arslan, Hakan et al. “On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction”. Journal of New Results in Science, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018, pp. 13-21.
Vancouver Arslan H, Ranjbar M, Dalkılıç B, Çalık E, Arslan C. On Muffler Design for Transmitted Noise Reduction. JNRS. 2018;7(2):13-21.

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