Conte J.P., Trombetti T.L., (2000). Linear dynamic modeling of a uni-axial servo-hydraulic shaking table system. Earthquake Eng. and Structural Dyn. 29, pp.1375-1404.
Kuehn J.L., Epp D.S., W.N. Patten, A high fidelity control for seismic shake tables. Proc. 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, LaJolla, CA, 17–20 May 1998, pp.783-786.
Crewe A.J., Severn R.T., (2001). The European collaborative programme on evaluating the performance of shaking tables, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Series A, 359-1786, pp. 1671– 1696.
Ogawa N., Ohtani K., Katayama T., Shibata H., (2001). Construction of a three-dimensional large scale shaking table and development of core technology, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Series A, 359-1786, pp. 1725–1751.
Shortreed J.S., Seible F., Filiatrault A., Benzoni G., (2001). Characterization and testing of the Caltrans Seismic Response Modification Device Test System. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Series A 359-1786, pp. 1829–1850.
Van Den Einde L., Restrepo J., Conte J., Luco E., Seible F., Filiatrault A., Clark A., Johnson A., Gram M., Kusner D., Thoen B., Development of the George E. Brown Jr. network for earthquake engineering simulation (NEES) large high performance outdoor shake table at the Univ. of California, San Diego, In: Proc of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering 2004.
Bruneau M., Reinhorn A., Constantinou M., Thevanayagam S.T., Whittaker A., Chu S.Y., Pitman M., Winter K., Versatile shake tables and large-scale high-performance testing facility towards real-time hybrid seismic testing, Proc.of ASCE Structures Cong., Denver April 2002.
Ceccarelli M., Pugliese F., Lanni C., Carvalho J.C.M., CaPaMan (Cassino Parallel Manipulator) as sensored earthquake simulator. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Kyongiu, pp.1501-1506.
Ottaviano E., Ceccarelli M., (2006). Application of a 3- DOF parallel manipulator for earthquake simulations, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics 11-2, pp. 140-146.
Ceccarelli M.., Ottaviano E., Florea C., Itul T.P., Pisla A., An experimental characterization of earthquake effects on mechanism operation, IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008,Cluj-Napoca,
Selvi O., Ceccarelli M., An experimental evaluation of earthquake effects on mechanism operation, Proceedings of the International Symposium of Mechanism and Machine Science, AzCIFToMM, Izmir, Turkey 5-8 October 2010, pp. 408-416.
Bu karakteristikler incelenmişti. Üç boyutlu deprem etkilerini simule edebilen üç serbestlik dereceli bir robot (CaPaMan) kullanılmıştır. Makine işleyişinin deprem etkisine tepkisinin karakteristiği deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Bu deneylerde örnekleyici sistem olarak DC ve servo motorlara sahip iki tane krank-biyel mekanizması kullanılmıştır. Bulunan sonuçlar incelenmiştir
Conte J.P., Trombetti T.L., (2000). Linear dynamic modeling of a uni-axial servo-hydraulic shaking table system. Earthquake Eng. and Structural Dyn. 29, pp.1375-1404.
Kuehn J.L., Epp D.S., W.N. Patten, A high fidelity control for seismic shake tables. Proc. 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, LaJolla, CA, 17–20 May 1998, pp.783-786.
Crewe A.J., Severn R.T., (2001). The European collaborative programme on evaluating the performance of shaking tables, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Series A, 359-1786, pp. 1671– 1696.
Ogawa N., Ohtani K., Katayama T., Shibata H., (2001). Construction of a three-dimensional large scale shaking table and development of core technology, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Series A, 359-1786, pp. 1725–1751.
Shortreed J.S., Seible F., Filiatrault A., Benzoni G., (2001). Characterization and testing of the Caltrans Seismic Response Modification Device Test System. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Series A 359-1786, pp. 1829–1850.
Van Den Einde L., Restrepo J., Conte J., Luco E., Seible F., Filiatrault A., Clark A., Johnson A., Gram M., Kusner D., Thoen B., Development of the George E. Brown Jr. network for earthquake engineering simulation (NEES) large high performance outdoor shake table at the Univ. of California, San Diego, In: Proc of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering 2004.
Bruneau M., Reinhorn A., Constantinou M., Thevanayagam S.T., Whittaker A., Chu S.Y., Pitman M., Winter K., Versatile shake tables and large-scale high-performance testing facility towards real-time hybrid seismic testing, Proc.of ASCE Structures Cong., Denver April 2002.
Ceccarelli M., Pugliese F., Lanni C., Carvalho J.C.M., CaPaMan (Cassino Parallel Manipulator) as sensored earthquake simulator. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Kyongiu, pp.1501-1506.
Ottaviano E., Ceccarelli M., (2006). Application of a 3- DOF parallel manipulator for earthquake simulations, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics 11-2, pp. 140-146.
Ceccarelli M.., Ottaviano E., Florea C., Itul T.P., Pisla A., An experimental characterization of earthquake effects on mechanism operation, IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008,Cluj-Napoca,
Selvi O., Ceccarelli M., An experimental evaluation of earthquake effects on mechanism operation, Proceedings of the International Symposium of Mechanism and Machine Science, AzCIFToMM, Izmir, Turkey 5-8 October 2010, pp. 408-416.
Selvi, Ö. ., & Ceccarellı, M. . (2012). Interpretation of Earthquake Effects on Mechanism Operation: An Experimental Approach. Journal of Naval Sciences and Engineering, 8(2), 31-45.