Research Article
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Psychosocial Care Needs of Individuals Receiving Hemodialysis Treatment: A

Year 2024, , 69 - 78, 25.03.2024


Objective: This study was conducted to determine the psychosocial care needs of individuals undergoing hemodialysis. It is important to assess and identify the needs of this specific population. In this study, the difficulties experienced by hemodialysis patients are explained in general terms, and the difficulties experienced by individuals receiving hemodialysis are clearly revealed.

Methods: A semi-structured questionnaire form was used in the study and 12 participants werw included in the study. This qualitative descriptive study has a phenomenological design.

Results: In the study, 3 contexts, 6 themes and 38 sub-themes emerged. The contexts were as follows: problems developing due to the disease (complications and symptoms), healthcare-related needs (the health worker the patient wants to care for him or her, treatment- and care-related needs, the characteristics of the caregiver), and the mechanisms for coping with the disease (support systems and coping behaviors related to the disease).

Conclusion: In the study, hemodialysis patients stated that they suffered many psychosocial and physical problems. Determining the psychosocial needs of hemodialysis patients and implementing related interventions can positively affect the course of the disease. Nurses assume the most important role in the determination of these psychosocial problems and implementation of the necessary interventions. Nurses have crucial roles and responsibilities in the care of dialysis patients. Effective nursing care can reduce disease-related side effects and improve patients' quality of life. Patient-centered care can improve the quality of dialysis care and patient satisfaction.


  • 1. McClellan WM, Abramson J, Newsome B, Temple E, Wadley VG, Audhya P, et al. Physical and psychological burden of chronic kidney disease among older adults. Am J Nephrol. 2010;31(4):309-317.
  • 2. Adejumo OA, Iyawe IO, Akinbodewa AA, Abolarin OS, Alli EO. Burden, psychological well-being and quality of life of caregivers of end stage renal disease patients. Ghana Med J. 2019;53(3):190-196.
  • 3. Bikbov B, Purcell CA, Levey AS, Smith M, Abdoli A, Abebe M, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of chronic kidney disease, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2017. Lancet. 2020;395(10225):709-733.
  • 4. Norozi Firoz M, Shafipour V, Jafari H, Hosseini SH, Yazdani - Charati J. Relationship of hemodialysis shift with sleep quality and depression in hemodialysis patients. Clin Nurs Res. 2017;28(3):356-373.
  • 5. Seyahi N, Ateş K, Süleymanlar G. Current status of renal replacement therapy in turkey: A summary of the 2019 turkish society of nephrology registry report. Turk J Nephrol. 2021;30(2):105-11. 6. T. R. Ministry of Health. Ankara: T. R. Ministry of Health Publication. 2018.
  • 7. Suleymanlar G, Ates K, Seyahi N. Registry of the nephrology, dialysis and transplantation in Turkey Registry 2016. Ministry of Health and Turkish Society of Nephrology Joint Report. Published by Turkish society of Nephrology. (in Turkish). 2016.
  • 8. Davison SN. End-of-Life care preferences and needs: Perceptions of patients with chronic kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010;5(2):195-204.
  • 9. Barello S, Anderson G, Acampora M, Bosio C, Guida E, Irace V, et al. The effect of psychosocial interventions on depression, anxiety, and quality of life in hemodialysis patients: a systematic review and a meta-analysis. Int Urol Nephrol. 2023;55(4):897-912.
  • 10. Bossola M, Ciciarelli C, Conte GL, Vulpio C, Luciani G, Tazza L. Correlates of symptoms of depression and anxiety in chronic hemodialysis patients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2010;32(2):125-31.
  • 11. Marthoenis M, Syukri M, Abdullah A, Tandi TMR, Putra N, Laura H, et al. Quality of life, depression, and anxiety of patients undergoing hemodialysis: significant role of acceptance of the illness. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2021;56(1):40-50.
  • 12. Natale P, Palmer SC, Ruospo M, Saglimbene VM, Rabindranath KS, Strippoli GF. Psychosocial interventions for preventing and treating depression in dialysis patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;12 (12):CD004542.
  • 13. Wu Y-H, Hsu Y-J, Tzeng W-C. Physical activity and health-related quality of life of patients on hemodialysis with comorbidities: A cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(2):811.
  • 14. Dembowska E, Jaroń A, Gabrysz-Trybek E, Bladowska J, Gacek S, Trybek G. Quality of life in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis. J Clin Med. 2022;11(6):1584.
  • 15. Kraus MA, Fluck RJ, Weinhandl ED, Kansal S, Copland M, Komenda P, et al. Intensive hemodialysis and health-related quality of life. Am J Kidney Dis. 2016; 68(5S1):33-42.
  • 16. Yanmiş S, Mollaoğlu M. 3. Hemodiyaliz tedavisi alan hastalarda yaşam doyumu ve etkileyen faktörler. Nefro Hem Dergi. 2021;16(3):115-23.
  • 17. Iqbal MS, Iqbal Q, Iqbal S, Ashraf S. Hemodialysis as long term treatment: patients satisfaction and its impact on quality of life. Pak J Med Sci. 2021;37(2):398-402.
  • 18. Lucchetti G, Almeida LGCD, Granero AL. Espiritualidade no paciente em diálise: o nefrologista deve abordar? Braz. J. Nephrol. 2010;32(1):128-132.
  • 19. Martinez BB, Custodio RP. Relationship between mental health and spiritual wellbeing among hemodialysis patients: a correlation study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2014;132(1):23-27.
  • 20. Duran S, Avci D, Esim F. Association between spiritual well-being and resilience among Turkish hemodialysis patients. J Relig Health. 2020;59(6):3097-3109.
  • 21. Freire de Medeiros CMM, Arantes EP, Tajra RDdP, Santiago HR, Carvalho AF, Libório AB. Resilience, religiosity and treatment adherence in hemodialysis patients: a prospective study. Psychol Health Med. 2017;22(5):570-577.
  • 22. Jenaabadi H, Mir F. Role of trust in god and resilience in hope for life of hemodialysis patients. Health Spiritual Med Ethics. 2019;6(1):33-8.
  • 23. Tong A, Sainsbury P, Craig J. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. Int J Qual Health Care. 2007;19(6):349-357.
  • 24. Waite F, Chilcot J, Moss‐Morris R, Farrington K, Picariello F. Experiences of a cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for fatigue in patients receiving haemodialysis. J Ren Care. 2023;49(2):110-124.
  • 25. Seery C, Buchanan S. The psychosocial needs of patients who have chronic kidney disease without kidney replacement therapy: a thematic synthesis of seven qualitative studies. J Nephrol. 2022;35(9):2251-2267.
  • 26. Chen LC, Tu IT, Yu IC, Tung T-H, Huang H-P, Lin YC, et al. The explorations of the awareness, contemplation, self-efficacy, and readiness of advance care planning, and its predictors in Taiwanese patients while receiving hemodialysis treatment. BMC Palliat Care. 2022;21(1):180.
  • 27. Gunarathne TGNS, Tang LY, Lim SK, Nanayakkara N, Damayanthi HDWT, Abdullah KL. Factors associated with symptom burden in adults with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis: A prospective study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(9):5540.
  • 28. Rambod M, Pasyar N, Mokhtarizadeh M. Psychosocial, spiritual, and biomedical predictors of hope in hemodialysis patients. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. 2020;13:163-169.
  • 29. Liu Y-M, Chang H-J, Wang R-H, Yang L-K, Lu K-C, Hou Y-C. Role of resilience and social support in alleviating depression in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018;14:441-451.
  • 30. Jui-Chin H, Fen-Fang C, Tso-Ying L, Pao-Yu W, Mei-Hsiang L. Exploring the care experiences of hemodialysis nurses: from the cultural sensitivity approach. BMC Nurs. 2024;23(1):17.
  • 31. Keivan S, Shariati A, Miladinia M, Haghighizadeh MH. Role of self-management program based on 5A nursing model in quality of life among patients undergoing hemodialysis: A randomized clinical trial. BMC Nephrol. 2023;24(1):58.
  • 32. Qu X, Shen P. Investigating polymorphisms related to chronic kidney disease and the effect of health and nursing education on self-management ability and quality of life in hemodialysis patients. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2023;69(1):25-29.
  • 33. Chen L, Zhang Y, Li C, Li Q, He L. Construction of hemodialysis nursing-sensitive quality indicators based on donabedian theory: A delphi method study. Nurs Open. 2023;10(2):807-816.

Hemodiyaliz Tedavisi Uygulanan Bireylerin Psikososyal Bakım Gereksinimleri: Nitel bir çalışma

Year 2024, , 69 - 78, 25.03.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma hemodiyaliz tedavisi uygulanan bireylerin psikososyal bakım gereksinimlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu özel popülasyonun ihtiyaçlarının değerlendirilmesi ve belirlenmesi önemli bir durumdur. Bu çalışmada hemodiyaliz hastalarının yaşadığı zorluklar genel olarak anlatılarak hemodiyaliz alan bireylerin yaşadığı sıkıntılar açık bir şekilde ortaya çıkarılmıştır.

Yöntemler: Bu çalışma, betimleyici, fenomenolojik desende nitel olarak yapılmıştır. Çalışmada yarı yapılandırılmış anket formu kullanılmış ve 12 katılımcı çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir.

Bulgular: Çalışmada 3 bağlam, 6 tema ve 38 alt tema ortaya çıkmıştır. Hastalığa bağlı gelişen sorunlar (komplikasyonlar ve semptomlar), bakıma yönelik ihtiyaçlar (size bakım vermesini istediğiniz sağlık çalışanı, tedavi ve bakıma yönelik gereksinimler, bakım vericinin özellikleri) hastalıkla başa çıkma mekanizmaları (destek sistemleri ve hastalıkla başa çıkma davranışları) olarak temalar belirlenmiştir.

Sonuç: Çalışmada hemodiyaliz hastaları birçok psikososyal ve fiziksel sorunla karşılaştıklarını ifade etmiştir. Hemodiyaliz hastalarının psikososyal gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi ve buna yönelik müdahalelerin uygulanması hastalığın seyrini olumlu yönde etkileyebilir. Bu psikososyal sorunların belirlenip gerekli müdahalelerin uygulanmasında en önemli rol hemşirelere düşmektedir. Hemşireler diyaliz hastalarının bakımında önemli görev ve sorumluluklara sahiptir. Etkili hemşirelik bakımı hastaların hastalıkla ilgili yan etkilerini azaltabilir ve yaşam kalitesini arttırabilir. Hasta merkezli hemşirelik bakımı hastaların diyaliz bakımının kalitesini ve hasta memnuniyetini artırabilir.


  • 1. McClellan WM, Abramson J, Newsome B, Temple E, Wadley VG, Audhya P, et al. Physical and psychological burden of chronic kidney disease among older adults. Am J Nephrol. 2010;31(4):309-317.
  • 2. Adejumo OA, Iyawe IO, Akinbodewa AA, Abolarin OS, Alli EO. Burden, psychological well-being and quality of life of caregivers of end stage renal disease patients. Ghana Med J. 2019;53(3):190-196.
  • 3. Bikbov B, Purcell CA, Levey AS, Smith M, Abdoli A, Abebe M, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of chronic kidney disease, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2017. Lancet. 2020;395(10225):709-733.
  • 4. Norozi Firoz M, Shafipour V, Jafari H, Hosseini SH, Yazdani - Charati J. Relationship of hemodialysis shift with sleep quality and depression in hemodialysis patients. Clin Nurs Res. 2017;28(3):356-373.
  • 5. Seyahi N, Ateş K, Süleymanlar G. Current status of renal replacement therapy in turkey: A summary of the 2019 turkish society of nephrology registry report. Turk J Nephrol. 2021;30(2):105-11. 6. T. R. Ministry of Health. Ankara: T. R. Ministry of Health Publication. 2018.
  • 7. Suleymanlar G, Ates K, Seyahi N. Registry of the nephrology, dialysis and transplantation in Turkey Registry 2016. Ministry of Health and Turkish Society of Nephrology Joint Report. Published by Turkish society of Nephrology. (in Turkish). 2016.
  • 8. Davison SN. End-of-Life care preferences and needs: Perceptions of patients with chronic kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010;5(2):195-204.
  • 9. Barello S, Anderson G, Acampora M, Bosio C, Guida E, Irace V, et al. The effect of psychosocial interventions on depression, anxiety, and quality of life in hemodialysis patients: a systematic review and a meta-analysis. Int Urol Nephrol. 2023;55(4):897-912.
  • 10. Bossola M, Ciciarelli C, Conte GL, Vulpio C, Luciani G, Tazza L. Correlates of symptoms of depression and anxiety in chronic hemodialysis patients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2010;32(2):125-31.
  • 11. Marthoenis M, Syukri M, Abdullah A, Tandi TMR, Putra N, Laura H, et al. Quality of life, depression, and anxiety of patients undergoing hemodialysis: significant role of acceptance of the illness. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2021;56(1):40-50.
  • 12. Natale P, Palmer SC, Ruospo M, Saglimbene VM, Rabindranath KS, Strippoli GF. Psychosocial interventions for preventing and treating depression in dialysis patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;12 (12):CD004542.
  • 13. Wu Y-H, Hsu Y-J, Tzeng W-C. Physical activity and health-related quality of life of patients on hemodialysis with comorbidities: A cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(2):811.
  • 14. Dembowska E, Jaroń A, Gabrysz-Trybek E, Bladowska J, Gacek S, Trybek G. Quality of life in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis. J Clin Med. 2022;11(6):1584.
  • 15. Kraus MA, Fluck RJ, Weinhandl ED, Kansal S, Copland M, Komenda P, et al. Intensive hemodialysis and health-related quality of life. Am J Kidney Dis. 2016; 68(5S1):33-42.
  • 16. Yanmiş S, Mollaoğlu M. 3. Hemodiyaliz tedavisi alan hastalarda yaşam doyumu ve etkileyen faktörler. Nefro Hem Dergi. 2021;16(3):115-23.
  • 17. Iqbal MS, Iqbal Q, Iqbal S, Ashraf S. Hemodialysis as long term treatment: patients satisfaction and its impact on quality of life. Pak J Med Sci. 2021;37(2):398-402.
  • 18. Lucchetti G, Almeida LGCD, Granero AL. Espiritualidade no paciente em diálise: o nefrologista deve abordar? Braz. J. Nephrol. 2010;32(1):128-132.
  • 19. Martinez BB, Custodio RP. Relationship between mental health and spiritual wellbeing among hemodialysis patients: a correlation study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2014;132(1):23-27.
  • 20. Duran S, Avci D, Esim F. Association between spiritual well-being and resilience among Turkish hemodialysis patients. J Relig Health. 2020;59(6):3097-3109.
  • 21. Freire de Medeiros CMM, Arantes EP, Tajra RDdP, Santiago HR, Carvalho AF, Libório AB. Resilience, religiosity and treatment adherence in hemodialysis patients: a prospective study. Psychol Health Med. 2017;22(5):570-577.
  • 22. Jenaabadi H, Mir F. Role of trust in god and resilience in hope for life of hemodialysis patients. Health Spiritual Med Ethics. 2019;6(1):33-8.
  • 23. Tong A, Sainsbury P, Craig J. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. Int J Qual Health Care. 2007;19(6):349-357.
  • 24. Waite F, Chilcot J, Moss‐Morris R, Farrington K, Picariello F. Experiences of a cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for fatigue in patients receiving haemodialysis. J Ren Care. 2023;49(2):110-124.
  • 25. Seery C, Buchanan S. The psychosocial needs of patients who have chronic kidney disease without kidney replacement therapy: a thematic synthesis of seven qualitative studies. J Nephrol. 2022;35(9):2251-2267.
  • 26. Chen LC, Tu IT, Yu IC, Tung T-H, Huang H-P, Lin YC, et al. The explorations of the awareness, contemplation, self-efficacy, and readiness of advance care planning, and its predictors in Taiwanese patients while receiving hemodialysis treatment. BMC Palliat Care. 2022;21(1):180.
  • 27. Gunarathne TGNS, Tang LY, Lim SK, Nanayakkara N, Damayanthi HDWT, Abdullah KL. Factors associated with symptom burden in adults with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis: A prospective study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(9):5540.
  • 28. Rambod M, Pasyar N, Mokhtarizadeh M. Psychosocial, spiritual, and biomedical predictors of hope in hemodialysis patients. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. 2020;13:163-169.
  • 29. Liu Y-M, Chang H-J, Wang R-H, Yang L-K, Lu K-C, Hou Y-C. Role of resilience and social support in alleviating depression in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018;14:441-451.
  • 30. Jui-Chin H, Fen-Fang C, Tso-Ying L, Pao-Yu W, Mei-Hsiang L. Exploring the care experiences of hemodialysis nurses: from the cultural sensitivity approach. BMC Nurs. 2024;23(1):17.
  • 31. Keivan S, Shariati A, Miladinia M, Haghighizadeh MH. Role of self-management program based on 5A nursing model in quality of life among patients undergoing hemodialysis: A randomized clinical trial. BMC Nephrol. 2023;24(1):58.
  • 32. Qu X, Shen P. Investigating polymorphisms related to chronic kidney disease and the effect of health and nursing education on self-management ability and quality of life in hemodialysis patients. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2023;69(1):25-29.
  • 33. Chen L, Zhang Y, Li C, Li Q, He L. Construction of hemodialysis nursing-sensitive quality indicators based on donabedian theory: A delphi method study. Nurs Open. 2023;10(2):807-816.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects ​Internal Diseases Nursing​
Journal Section Research Articles

Yasemin Özyer Güvener 0000-0002-2706-8107

Kübra Gümüş 0000-0002-4204-607X

Publication Date March 25, 2024
Submission Date January 8, 2024
Acceptance Date February 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


AMA Özyer Güvener Y, Gümüş K. Psychosocial Care Needs of Individuals Receiving Hemodialysis Treatment: A. Journal of Nursology. March 2024;27(1):69-78. doi:10.17049/jnursology.1458158