Research Article
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The Effect of Training According to Students' Learning Styles on Their Ability to Make Nursing Diagnoses: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 369 - 378, 06.12.2024


Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of training according to students’ learning styles on their ability to make nursing diagnoses.

Methods: The study was conducted as a one-group quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test design between April and September 2022. The research was carried out with 63 second-year students studying in the nursing department of a public university. The participants’ learning styles were identified using the VARK Learning Styles Inventory. The Case Diagnosis Form (pre-test) was applied to the participants and they were asked to determine the nursing diagnoses related to the case example. They were divided into groups according to their learning styles. They were trained on the nursing diagnoses and diagnosing process according to their learning styles. Three weeks after the training, the Case Diagnosis Form was applied to them again (post-test).

Results: It was found that 71.4% of students had multiple learning styles, 74.6% had problems applying the nursing process, and 73% had problems determining nursing diagnoses. It was determined that the post-test mean scores of the participants increased significantly after the trainings compared to the pre-test mean scores (P<.001). There was no difference between pre and post-test mean scores according to the descriptive characteristics of the participants (P>.05).

Conclusion: The training students according to their learning styles improved their ability to make nursing diagnoses. Taking into account the learning styles of students and using different teaching strategies in their education in line with this can help improve students' ability to make nursing diagnoses.

Ethical Statement

Ethical committee approval was received from the Amasya University Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee (March 10, 2022, No: E-30640013-050.01.04-61748). Oral and written informed consent was obtained from the nursing students participating in the study.

Supporting Institution

The authors have no sources of funding to declare.

Project Number



We would like to extend our gratitude to participant nursing students and Dr. Leyla Baran and Dr. Amine Terzi, who supported this study with their expert opinion.


  • Evrenol Öçal S, Çetin Avcı, S, Işık G, Yeşilçınar İ, Can SZ, Egelioğlu Cetişli N. Nursing students’ learning styles and attitudes towards learning: A cross-sectional study. Yükseköğretim Dergisi. 2023; 13(2): 227-236.
  • Aydin AG, Ince S. The effect of Jigsaw technique on nursing students' psychomotor skill levels and academic achievement: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Educ Pract. 2023; 73: 103821.
  • Campos DG, Silva JLG, Jarvill M, Rodrigues RCM, de Souza Oliveira Kumakura AR, Campos DG. Instruments to evaluate undergraduate healthcare student learning styles globally: A scoping review. Nurse Educ Today. 2021; 107: 105141.
  • Ezzeddine N, Hughes J, Kaulback S, Houk S, Mikhael J, Vickery A. Implications of understanding the undergraduate nursing students' learning styles: A discussion paper. J Prof Nurs. 2023; 49: 95-101.
  • Amaniyan S, Pouyesh V, Bashiri Y, Snelgrove S, Vaismoradi M. Comparison of the conceptual map and traditional lecture methods on students' learning based on the VARK Learning Style Model: A randomized controlled trial. SAGE Open Nurs. 2020; 6: 2377960820940550.
  • Muliira JK, Natarajan J, van der Colff J. Nursing faculty academic incivility: Perceptions of nursing students and faculty. BMC Med Educ. 2017; 17(1): 253.
  • Vizeshfar F, Torabizadeh C. The effect of teaching based on dominant learning style on nursing students' academic achievement. Nurse Educ Pract. 2018; 28: 103-108.
  • Kurtgöz A, Çayır Yılmaz M. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik tanılarını algılama düzeyleri ile klinik performanslarına ilişkin öz yeterliklerinin belirlenmesi. Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2023; 6(3): 739-748.
  • Ozveren H, Ozden D, Gulnar E. (2019). Determination of nursing students’ perception states in nursing diagnosis. Int J Caring Sci. 2019; 12(2): 1049-1055.
  • Berman A, Snyder S, Frandsen G. Diagnosing. In: Berman A, Snyder S, Frandsen G, eds. Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice. United Kingdom: Pearson Education; 2021:212-223.
  • Shirazi F, Heidari S. The relationship between critical thinking skills and learning styles and academic achievement of nursing students. J Nurs Res. 2019; 27(4): e38.
  • Karaca T, Aslan S. Effect of 'nursing terminologies and classifications' course on nursing students' perception of nursing diagnosis. Nurse Educ Today. 2018; 67: 114-117.
  • Herdman TH, Kamitsuru S, Takáo Lopes C, eds. NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses Definitions and Classification 2021–2023. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers; 2021: 24-136.
  • Carpenito LJ. Hemşirelik Tanıları El Kitabı (Erdemir F, Türk G, çeviri editörleri). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri; 2022: 933-938.
  • Yıldız FT, Yıldırım D. Hemşirelik Süreci. Kaşıkçı MK, Akın E, editörler. Temel Hemşirelik Esaslar, Kavramlar, İlkeler, Uygulamalar. İstanbul: İstanbul Tıp Kitapevleri; 2021:72-80.
  • Sonmez M, Gurlek Kisacik O. Perceptions of Turkish nursing students on nursing diagnoses. Clin Exp Health Sci. 2022; 12: 885-891.
  • Fleming ND, Mills C. Not another inventory, rather a catalyst for reflection. To Improve the Academy. 1992; 11(1): 137–155.
  • Düzgün S. Türkçeye çevrilmiş VARK öğrenme stilleri envanterinin doğrulayıcı faktör analizi modeli ile doğrulanması: Öğretmenler örneği. Journal of Turkish Studies. 2018; 13(11): 1619–1634.
  • Zhu H, Zeng H, Zhang H, Zhang H, Wan F, Guo H, et al. The preferred learning styles utilizing VARK among nursing students with bachelor degrees and associate degrees in China. Acta Paul Enferm. 2018; 31(2): 162-169.
  • McKenna L, Copnell B, Butler AE, Lau R. Learning style preferences of Australian accelerated postgraduate pre-registration nursing students: A cross-sectional survey. Nurse Educ Pract. 2018; 28: 280-284.
  • Yıldırım Keskin A, Tunç Tuna P, Molu B, Tuna Hİ. Hemşirelik birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin verilen vaka ile ilgili hemşirelik tanılarını belirleyebilme becerileri ve etkileyen faktörler. Hastane Öncesi Dergisi. 2021; 6(1): 69-82.
  • Abed El-Rahman M, Al Kalaldeh MT, Malak MZ. Perceptions and attitudes toward NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: A cross-sectional study of Jordanian nursing students. Int J Nurs Knowl. 2017; 28(1): 13-18.
  • Erden S, Deniz S, Arslan S, Yurtseven Ş. Examination of nursing diagnoses levels in surgical diseases nursing lesson practices of nursing students. Van Med J. 2018; 25(2): 108-112.
  • Sousa Freire VEC, Lopes MVO, Keenan GM, Dunn Lopez K. Nursing students' diagnostic accuracy using a computer-based clinical scenario simulation. Nurse Educ Today. 2018; 71: 240-246.
  • Palloş A, Özdede EA, Öztürk T, Biçer AN. Examining nursing students’ opinions on the nursing process and the difficulties they experience. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024; 4: 1-8.

Öğrenme Stillerine Yönelik Verilen Eğitimlerin Öğrencilerin Hemşirelik Tanısı Belirleyebilme Becerilerine Etkisi: Bir Yarı Deneysel Çalışma

Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 369 - 378, 06.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, öğrenme stillerine yönelik verilen eğitimlerin öğrencilerin hemşirelik tanısı belirleyebilme becerilerine etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapıldı.

Yöntemler: Araştırma, Nisan- Eylül 2022 tarihleri arasında, ön test-son test desenli tek gruplu yarı deneysel çalışma olarak yürütüldü. Araştırma bir kamu üniversitesinin hemşirelik bölümünde ikinci sınıfta öğrenim gören 63 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirildi. Katılımcıların öğrenme stilleri VARK Öğrenme Stilleri Envanteri kullanılarak belirlendi. Vaka Tanılama Formu (ön test) katılımcılara uygulanarak, vaka örneğine ilişkin hemşirelik tanılarını belirlemeleri istendi. Öğrenciler öğrenme stillerine göre gruplara ayrıldı. Katılımcılara öğrenme stillerine göre hemşirelik tanıları ve tanılama süreci hakkında eğitimler verildi. Eğitimlerden üç hafta sonra Vaka Tanılama Formu (son test) tekrar uygulandı.

Bulgular: Öğrencilerin %71,4’ünün çoklu öğrenme stiline sahip olduğu, %74,6’sının hemşirelik sürecinin kullanımında ve %73’ünün hemşirelik tanılarını belirlemede sorun yaşadığı belirlendi. Katılımcıların eğitimler sonrasında son test puan ortalamalarının ön test puan ortalamalarına göre anlamlı düzeyde arttığı belirlendi (P<,001). Katılımcıların tanıtıcı özelliklerine göre ön test ve son test puan ortalamaları arasında fark olmadığı saptandı (P>,05).

Sonuç: Öğrenme stiline yönelik verilen eğitimlerin, öğrencilerin hemşirelik tanısı belirleme becerisini geliştirdiği saptandı. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin öğrenme stillerinin dikkate alınması ve bu doğrultuda eğitimlerinde farklı öğretim stratejilerinin kullanılması, öğrencilerin hemşirelik tanısı belirleyebilme becerilerinin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olabilir.

Project Number



  • Evrenol Öçal S, Çetin Avcı, S, Işık G, Yeşilçınar İ, Can SZ, Egelioğlu Cetişli N. Nursing students’ learning styles and attitudes towards learning: A cross-sectional study. Yükseköğretim Dergisi. 2023; 13(2): 227-236.
  • Aydin AG, Ince S. The effect of Jigsaw technique on nursing students' psychomotor skill levels and academic achievement: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Educ Pract. 2023; 73: 103821.
  • Campos DG, Silva JLG, Jarvill M, Rodrigues RCM, de Souza Oliveira Kumakura AR, Campos DG. Instruments to evaluate undergraduate healthcare student learning styles globally: A scoping review. Nurse Educ Today. 2021; 107: 105141.
  • Ezzeddine N, Hughes J, Kaulback S, Houk S, Mikhael J, Vickery A. Implications of understanding the undergraduate nursing students' learning styles: A discussion paper. J Prof Nurs. 2023; 49: 95-101.
  • Amaniyan S, Pouyesh V, Bashiri Y, Snelgrove S, Vaismoradi M. Comparison of the conceptual map and traditional lecture methods on students' learning based on the VARK Learning Style Model: A randomized controlled trial. SAGE Open Nurs. 2020; 6: 2377960820940550.
  • Muliira JK, Natarajan J, van der Colff J. Nursing faculty academic incivility: Perceptions of nursing students and faculty. BMC Med Educ. 2017; 17(1): 253.
  • Vizeshfar F, Torabizadeh C. The effect of teaching based on dominant learning style on nursing students' academic achievement. Nurse Educ Pract. 2018; 28: 103-108.
  • Kurtgöz A, Çayır Yılmaz M. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik tanılarını algılama düzeyleri ile klinik performanslarına ilişkin öz yeterliklerinin belirlenmesi. Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2023; 6(3): 739-748.
  • Ozveren H, Ozden D, Gulnar E. (2019). Determination of nursing students’ perception states in nursing diagnosis. Int J Caring Sci. 2019; 12(2): 1049-1055.
  • Berman A, Snyder S, Frandsen G. Diagnosing. In: Berman A, Snyder S, Frandsen G, eds. Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice. United Kingdom: Pearson Education; 2021:212-223.
  • Shirazi F, Heidari S. The relationship between critical thinking skills and learning styles and academic achievement of nursing students. J Nurs Res. 2019; 27(4): e38.
  • Karaca T, Aslan S. Effect of 'nursing terminologies and classifications' course on nursing students' perception of nursing diagnosis. Nurse Educ Today. 2018; 67: 114-117.
  • Herdman TH, Kamitsuru S, Takáo Lopes C, eds. NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses Definitions and Classification 2021–2023. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers; 2021: 24-136.
  • Carpenito LJ. Hemşirelik Tanıları El Kitabı (Erdemir F, Türk G, çeviri editörleri). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri; 2022: 933-938.
  • Yıldız FT, Yıldırım D. Hemşirelik Süreci. Kaşıkçı MK, Akın E, editörler. Temel Hemşirelik Esaslar, Kavramlar, İlkeler, Uygulamalar. İstanbul: İstanbul Tıp Kitapevleri; 2021:72-80.
  • Sonmez M, Gurlek Kisacik O. Perceptions of Turkish nursing students on nursing diagnoses. Clin Exp Health Sci. 2022; 12: 885-891.
  • Fleming ND, Mills C. Not another inventory, rather a catalyst for reflection. To Improve the Academy. 1992; 11(1): 137–155.
  • Düzgün S. Türkçeye çevrilmiş VARK öğrenme stilleri envanterinin doğrulayıcı faktör analizi modeli ile doğrulanması: Öğretmenler örneği. Journal of Turkish Studies. 2018; 13(11): 1619–1634.
  • Zhu H, Zeng H, Zhang H, Zhang H, Wan F, Guo H, et al. The preferred learning styles utilizing VARK among nursing students with bachelor degrees and associate degrees in China. Acta Paul Enferm. 2018; 31(2): 162-169.
  • McKenna L, Copnell B, Butler AE, Lau R. Learning style preferences of Australian accelerated postgraduate pre-registration nursing students: A cross-sectional survey. Nurse Educ Pract. 2018; 28: 280-284.
  • Yıldırım Keskin A, Tunç Tuna P, Molu B, Tuna Hİ. Hemşirelik birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin verilen vaka ile ilgili hemşirelik tanılarını belirleyebilme becerileri ve etkileyen faktörler. Hastane Öncesi Dergisi. 2021; 6(1): 69-82.
  • Abed El-Rahman M, Al Kalaldeh MT, Malak MZ. Perceptions and attitudes toward NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: A cross-sectional study of Jordanian nursing students. Int J Nurs Knowl. 2017; 28(1): 13-18.
  • Erden S, Deniz S, Arslan S, Yurtseven Ş. Examination of nursing diagnoses levels in surgical diseases nursing lesson practices of nursing students. Van Med J. 2018; 25(2): 108-112.
  • Sousa Freire VEC, Lopes MVO, Keenan GM, Dunn Lopez K. Nursing students' diagnostic accuracy using a computer-based clinical scenario simulation. Nurse Educ Today. 2018; 71: 240-246.
  • Palloş A, Özdede EA, Öztürk T, Biçer AN. Examining nursing students’ opinions on the nursing process and the difficulties they experience. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024; 4: 1-8.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fundamentals of Nursing
Journal Section Research Articles

Asli Kurtgöz 0000-0001-5903-9389

Hülya Keskin 0000-0003-3897-0814

Selin Keskin Kızıltepe 0000-0001-8848-6575

Project Number -
Early Pub Date November 20, 2024
Publication Date December 6, 2024
Submission Date February 1, 2024
Acceptance Date October 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 27 Issue: 4


AMA Kurtgöz A, Keskin H, Keskin Kızıltepe S. The Effect of Training According to Students’ Learning Styles on Their Ability to Make Nursing Diagnoses: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Nursology. December 2024;27(4):369-378. doi:10.17049/jnursology.1429938