Research Article
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Year 2018, , 25 - 34, 10.11.2018


The number of the cyclists participating tourism activities in the world is gradually increasing. The cycle tourism, having emerged from people’s travelling by bike according to their own motives, is becoming more popular, cycle routes are getting enlarged, and projects are developed for cycle tours day by day.  Therefore, the elements constituting the cycle tourism have come into prominence and the motivations of the cycle tourists participating bike tours have been studied. Thus, the aim of this study is to find out the importance that cycle tourists give to and the level of the interest they show for cycle tours. The central question of the study raised on is; what is the level of interest and importance on cycling and how can be an important touristic attraction for Çanakkale tourism? For this purpose, in-depth interview technique was used on cyclist groups at different cycle tours in Çanakkale, Turkey. According to the results of the analyses developing cycling by its philosophy and structural requirements in Çanakkale can be feasible in sustainability perspective.


  • ARDAHAN, F. and Mert, M. (2014). Bisiklet Kullanan Bireylerin Profillerinin Belirlenmesi ve Bireyleri Bisiklet Kullanmaya Motive Eden Faktörlerin Çeşitli Demografik Değişkenlere Göre Değerlendirilmesi: Türkiye Örneği. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 6(2): 53-67.
  • AŞAN K. and Akoğlan Kozak M. (2015). Postmodern turist deneyimi ve bisiklet turizmi, International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 6 (21): 265-288.
  • BEALAND, A. (2013). Cycle tourism for sustainable rural development: Understanding and interpreting lessons from Europe, A Report of a Winston Churchill Traveling Fellowship 2013, The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust: London
  • BLOY, D. (2001). Understanding cycle tourist. Sheffield Hallam University.
  • CARRE, J. R. (1992). La situation de la bicyclette en France. In The Bicycle: Global Perspectives, Boivin, R. and Provonost, J. (eds.) Pro Bike Conference Proceedings Velo City.
  • CUSHİNG, S. (1997). The tourism potential of the national cycle network routes. Tourism Society Seminar, London, 20 October 1997.
  • DAVIS, J. (n.d). Cycling Embassy of Great Britain. Retrieved January 9, 2017, from
  • EUROPEAN Parliament (2012), Directorate general for internal policies policy department B: Structural and cohesion policies transport and tourism the European cycle route network Eurovelo. Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
  • EURO VELO, (n.d.) The European Cycle Route Network, Organisation Retrieved January 8, 2017, from
  • FAULKS, P., Ritchie, B.W. and Fluker, M. (2006). Cycle tourism in Australia: An investigation into its size and scope Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism.
  • GANTAR, A., Kocis, D. and Pehnec, M. (2012). How to develop cycle tourism? Rotar, J. (ed.) Retrieved from GARDA, B. (2014). Macera Turizmi Pazarlaması Özel İlgi Turizminin Yeni Yüzü, Çizgi Kitapevi: Konya.
  • GÜNAYDIN, L. (2015). Demiryolu Bisikleti: Günümüzde Kullanilmayan Kirklareli-Büyük Mandira Demiryolu Hatti İçin Öneriler, EJOVOC Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges. 5 (4): 86-93.
  • GÜNLÜ, E., Pırnar, I, Yağcı, K., (2009), Preserving Cultural Heritage and Possible Impacts on Regional Development: Case of İzmir, International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, 2 (2): 213-229.
  • HAGGARTY, L. (1996), What is … Content Analysis? Medical Teacher, 18 (2): 99-101.
  • HAN, H., Meng, B. and Kim, W. (2017). Emerging bicycle tourism and the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25 (2): 292-309.
  • HAMARAT, B. (2017). SPSS ve MİNİTAB Uygulamalı İstatistik. Paradigma Akademi Yayınları, Çanakkale.
  • HAZAR, A. (2014). Rekreasyon ve Animasyon, Detay Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • HSİEH, H. F., Shannon, E. S. (2005), Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis, Qualitative Health Research, 15 (9): 1277-1288.
  • HUBERMAN, A., Miles, B. M. (2002). The Qualitative Researcher’s Companion, Sage Publications Inc. Thousand Oaks: California.
  • KAPLAN, S., Manca, F., Nielsen, T. A. S. and Prato, C. G., (2015). Intentions to use bike-sharing for holiday cycling: an application of the theory of planned behavior. Tourism Management. 47: 34–46.
  • KEELİNG, A. (1999). The National Cycle Network: Boosting UK Cycle Tourism, In. Sustrans 1999 Cycle tourism information pack.
  • KOCH, K. (2013). Bicycle tourism in Hungary. Apstract - Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 7: 67-72.
  • KOÇAK, F. (2016). Türkiye’de bisiklet kullanımı: Bisiklet kullanma nedenleri ve elde edilen faydalar. Journal of Human Sciences, 13 (3): 5760-5771.
  • LAMONT, M. (2009). Reinventing the wheel: a definitional discussion of bicycle tourism. Journal of Sport And Tourism, 14 (1): 5-23.
  • LANCESTER, E. (n.d.) European Cyclist’s Federation What we do, Cycling Tourism. Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
  • LEE, C. F. and Huang, H. I. (2014). The attractiveness of taiwan as a bicycle tourism destination: a supply-side approach, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(3): 273-299.
  • LARSON, J. (1995). The bicycle market. American Demographics 17(3): 42-48.
  • LU, D. (2010). Cycling tourism in China. Retrieved from Doven_CyclingInChina.pdf
  • LUMSDON, L. (2000). Transport and tourism: cycle tourism - a model for sustainable development?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 8(5): 361-377.
  • MORPETH, N. (2001). The renaissance of cycle tourism. special interest tourism, Brisbane : J. Wiley & Sons Australia.
  • NICKERSON, N. P., Jorgenson, J. D.; Berry, M., Kwenye, J., Kozel, D. and Schutz, J. (2014). Bicycle tourism: providing economic development opportunities for Montana. Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research Publications. Retrieved from
  • OKONSKİ, M. M. (2016). Bike touring ınfrastructure: an architectural proposal for sustainable bicycle tourism. University of Washington. Retrieved from
  • PATTON, M., Q. (2002), Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods, Thousand Oaks CA:Sge.
  • PAYNE, K. C. and Dror, M. (2015). Multi-day bicycle tour route generation. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 11(2): 85–96.
  • PIKET, P., Eijgelaar, E. and Peeters, P. (2013) European cycle tourism: A tool for sustainable regional rural development. Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, p. 115-119.
  • POMFRET, G. (2006). Mountaineering adventure tourists: a conceptual framework for research. Tourism Management. 27 (1): 113-123.
  • PORTER, L. W., and Lawler, E. E. (1968). Managerial Attitudes and Performance. Homewood, IL: Irwin-Dorsey.
  • RITCHIE, B. W. (1998) Bicycle tourism in the South Island of New Zealand: planning and management issues, Tourism Management 19(6): 567–582.
  • RITCHIE, B. W. and Hall, C. M. (1999). Bicycle tourism and regional development: A New Zealand case study. Anatolia: An international journal of tourism and hospitality research 10(2): 89-112.
  • SIMONSEN, P. S., Jorgensen, B. and Robbins, D. (1998) Cycling tourism, report 13/98, Bornholm: Reseach Centre of Bornholm.
  • SOUTH Australian Tourism Commission (2005). Cycle tourism strategy 2005-2009. Retrieved January 11, 2017, from
  • SUNG, H. H. (2000). An analysis of the adventure travel market: from conceptual development to market segmentation, PhD, Purdue University.
  • SUSTRANS, (2015). Sustrans’ Annual Review 2014–15. Retrieved January 5, 2017, from
  • SUSTRANS, (1999). Cycle tourism information pack. Retrieved January 7, 2017, from
  • WEBER, K. (2001). Outdoor adventure tourism a review of research approaches. Annals of Tourism Research, 28 (2): 360-377.
  • WILSON, D. G. (2004). Bicycling science, The Mit Press: Cambridge. Retrieved from
Year 2018, , 25 - 34, 10.11.2018



  • ARDAHAN, F. and Mert, M. (2014). Bisiklet Kullanan Bireylerin Profillerinin Belirlenmesi ve Bireyleri Bisiklet Kullanmaya Motive Eden Faktörlerin Çeşitli Demografik Değişkenlere Göre Değerlendirilmesi: Türkiye Örneği. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 6(2): 53-67.
  • AŞAN K. and Akoğlan Kozak M. (2015). Postmodern turist deneyimi ve bisiklet turizmi, International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 6 (21): 265-288.
  • BEALAND, A. (2013). Cycle tourism for sustainable rural development: Understanding and interpreting lessons from Europe, A Report of a Winston Churchill Traveling Fellowship 2013, The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust: London
  • BLOY, D. (2001). Understanding cycle tourist. Sheffield Hallam University.
  • CARRE, J. R. (1992). La situation de la bicyclette en France. In The Bicycle: Global Perspectives, Boivin, R. and Provonost, J. (eds.) Pro Bike Conference Proceedings Velo City.
  • CUSHİNG, S. (1997). The tourism potential of the national cycle network routes. Tourism Society Seminar, London, 20 October 1997.
  • DAVIS, J. (n.d). Cycling Embassy of Great Britain. Retrieved January 9, 2017, from
  • EUROPEAN Parliament (2012), Directorate general for internal policies policy department B: Structural and cohesion policies transport and tourism the European cycle route network Eurovelo. Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
  • EURO VELO, (n.d.) The European Cycle Route Network, Organisation Retrieved January 8, 2017, from
  • FAULKS, P., Ritchie, B.W. and Fluker, M. (2006). Cycle tourism in Australia: An investigation into its size and scope Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism.
  • GANTAR, A., Kocis, D. and Pehnec, M. (2012). How to develop cycle tourism? Rotar, J. (ed.) Retrieved from GARDA, B. (2014). Macera Turizmi Pazarlaması Özel İlgi Turizminin Yeni Yüzü, Çizgi Kitapevi: Konya.
  • GÜNAYDIN, L. (2015). Demiryolu Bisikleti: Günümüzde Kullanilmayan Kirklareli-Büyük Mandira Demiryolu Hatti İçin Öneriler, EJOVOC Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges. 5 (4): 86-93.
  • GÜNLÜ, E., Pırnar, I, Yağcı, K., (2009), Preserving Cultural Heritage and Possible Impacts on Regional Development: Case of İzmir, International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, 2 (2): 213-229.
  • HAGGARTY, L. (1996), What is … Content Analysis? Medical Teacher, 18 (2): 99-101.
  • HAN, H., Meng, B. and Kim, W. (2017). Emerging bicycle tourism and the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25 (2): 292-309.
  • HAMARAT, B. (2017). SPSS ve MİNİTAB Uygulamalı İstatistik. Paradigma Akademi Yayınları, Çanakkale.
  • HAZAR, A. (2014). Rekreasyon ve Animasyon, Detay Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • HSİEH, H. F., Shannon, E. S. (2005), Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis, Qualitative Health Research, 15 (9): 1277-1288.
  • HUBERMAN, A., Miles, B. M. (2002). The Qualitative Researcher’s Companion, Sage Publications Inc. Thousand Oaks: California.
  • KAPLAN, S., Manca, F., Nielsen, T. A. S. and Prato, C. G., (2015). Intentions to use bike-sharing for holiday cycling: an application of the theory of planned behavior. Tourism Management. 47: 34–46.
  • KEELİNG, A. (1999). The National Cycle Network: Boosting UK Cycle Tourism, In. Sustrans 1999 Cycle tourism information pack.
  • KOCH, K. (2013). Bicycle tourism in Hungary. Apstract - Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 7: 67-72.
  • KOÇAK, F. (2016). Türkiye’de bisiklet kullanımı: Bisiklet kullanma nedenleri ve elde edilen faydalar. Journal of Human Sciences, 13 (3): 5760-5771.
  • LAMONT, M. (2009). Reinventing the wheel: a definitional discussion of bicycle tourism. Journal of Sport And Tourism, 14 (1): 5-23.
  • LANCESTER, E. (n.d.) European Cyclist’s Federation What we do, Cycling Tourism. Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
  • LEE, C. F. and Huang, H. I. (2014). The attractiveness of taiwan as a bicycle tourism destination: a supply-side approach, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(3): 273-299.
  • LARSON, J. (1995). The bicycle market. American Demographics 17(3): 42-48.
  • LU, D. (2010). Cycling tourism in China. Retrieved from Doven_CyclingInChina.pdf
  • LUMSDON, L. (2000). Transport and tourism: cycle tourism - a model for sustainable development?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 8(5): 361-377.
  • MORPETH, N. (2001). The renaissance of cycle tourism. special interest tourism, Brisbane : J. Wiley & Sons Australia.
  • NICKERSON, N. P., Jorgenson, J. D.; Berry, M., Kwenye, J., Kozel, D. and Schutz, J. (2014). Bicycle tourism: providing economic development opportunities for Montana. Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research Publications. Retrieved from
  • OKONSKİ, M. M. (2016). Bike touring ınfrastructure: an architectural proposal for sustainable bicycle tourism. University of Washington. Retrieved from
  • PATTON, M., Q. (2002), Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods, Thousand Oaks CA:Sge.
  • PAYNE, K. C. and Dror, M. (2015). Multi-day bicycle tour route generation. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 11(2): 85–96.
  • PIKET, P., Eijgelaar, E. and Peeters, P. (2013) European cycle tourism: A tool for sustainable regional rural development. Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, p. 115-119.
  • POMFRET, G. (2006). Mountaineering adventure tourists: a conceptual framework for research. Tourism Management. 27 (1): 113-123.
  • PORTER, L. W., and Lawler, E. E. (1968). Managerial Attitudes and Performance. Homewood, IL: Irwin-Dorsey.
  • RITCHIE, B. W. (1998) Bicycle tourism in the South Island of New Zealand: planning and management issues, Tourism Management 19(6): 567–582.
  • RITCHIE, B. W. and Hall, C. M. (1999). Bicycle tourism and regional development: A New Zealand case study. Anatolia: An international journal of tourism and hospitality research 10(2): 89-112.
  • SIMONSEN, P. S., Jorgensen, B. and Robbins, D. (1998) Cycling tourism, report 13/98, Bornholm: Reseach Centre of Bornholm.
  • SOUTH Australian Tourism Commission (2005). Cycle tourism strategy 2005-2009. Retrieved January 11, 2017, from
  • SUNG, H. H. (2000). An analysis of the adventure travel market: from conceptual development to market segmentation, PhD, Purdue University.
  • SUSTRANS, (2015). Sustrans’ Annual Review 2014–15. Retrieved January 5, 2017, from
  • SUSTRANS, (1999). Cycle tourism information pack. Retrieved January 7, 2017, from
  • WEBER, K. (2001). Outdoor adventure tourism a review of research approaches. Annals of Tourism Research, 28 (2): 360-377.
  • WILSON, D. G. (2004). Bicycling science, The Mit Press: Cambridge. Retrieved from
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Erol Duran

Figen Sevinç This is me

Serhat Harman This is me

Publication Date November 10, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Duran, E., Sevinç, F., & Harman, S. (2018). CYCLE TOURISM AS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN ÇANAKKALE, TURKEY. Journal of Awareness, 3(4), 25-34.