In recent times, technology seems to be a major target amongst the foundations of rapid change and development of humanities. In the different areas of life, people have benefit of technological developments in many different area. Smartphones have an importance role in these technological developments. A lot of things can be done with smart phones that can manage the combination of computer and internet. Taking photos, listening to music, playing games, online purchasing, internet banking, and social media, preparing and organizing office programs have made smart phones more usable. Nomo-phobia is an inconvenience which people feel worry, anxiety, stress symptoms if lack of tools such as mobile phones, tablets, virtual communications. The deprivation status from the smartphone symbolize that people don't want to leave an environment which addictive and delightful. The concept of nomo-phobia is discussed in four sub-dimensions: loss of communication, lack of device, inability to access and no access to information. Loss of communication means no communication with phone. Lack of communication means that end of charge and broke down to phone or if there is no signal the person feel nervous. Inability to access information means that the person feel far from social connection. And no access to information means that people research everything about what he/she would like to learn but he feel anxiety because of he couldn’t get information. Intrinsic motivation means that person motivate himself/herself when there is no trigger from the environment. The concept of intrinsic motivation becomes an excuse, leading leads are motivated, there is no external control regulating their focused behavior. It is related to the attractiveness, content and nature of the work. It is important for the current job to be interesting, to show the employee's knowledge and skills, to focus on the job and to get feedback with the increase of performance and to increase the employee's intrinsic motivation. On the intrinsic motivation scale, you can find the individual's business success, the predetermined responsibility, the honor of the colleagues, the knowledge of knowing how long the job, the competence in business, the respect for business, the concept of self-righteousness, the decision-making and the manager's attitude and experiences.
Mobile network technology infrastructures are the center of mobile and blended learning and started to use for supporting to education system because of widespread of smart phones among young people. Beside the positive effects of supporting this technological evolution because of bring some inconvenience use intensive at every dimension of social life have been necessary to research effects of dependences and degree of it in human life. Smart phone deprivation involves feelings such as the person cannot feel fully. The reason of the people’s feelings of not survive increase without smart phones because of provide functional communication availability of smart phones day by day. The smart phones are become an important part of life owing to developing technology and changing needs. The use of smart phones has reached a level of dependency among young people and has taken place in life as a tool where a significant part of time is spent together. The aim of this research is to have an impact on intrinsic motivation of nomophobia planning in various departments of Giresun University. We used in this research nomophobia scale which was developed by Yıldırım and Correira (2015) and reliability studies were done then adapted to Turkish by Yıldırım (2015). The scale consists of a total of 20 items, including four sub-dimensions: loss of communication, lack of device, inability to be online, and inability to access information. In order to measure intrinsic motivation, the scale of intrinsic motivation which is tested validity and reliability by Dundar, Ozutku and Taspinar (2007) developed by Mottaz (1985) was used. The scale consists of one sub-dimension and 9 items. The population of the study consists of students studying at Giresun University. In the sample of the study, easy sampling was used from sampling methods which are not based on probability. Between April and July / 2018, face to face with totally 420 students were interviewed, 20 questionnaires which were incorrect or missing that were not included in the analysis. In this study, the effects of nomophobia and its sub-dimensions on intrinsic motivation level were tried to be determined.
The reliability of the questions was measured with Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient. After factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha value for nomophobia was found to be ,910 and ,919 for intrinsic motivation. The overall Cronbach's Alpha value of the scale was found to be ,907. The majority of the participants were female (58.3%), single marital status (95.8%), 21 years (27.3%), study program (18%), 2nd grade (41.5%). , the income level is between 1-500 TL (41%) and in the case of undergraduate education (63.5%) is seen. Firstly, explanatory factor analysis was performed on the data obtained from the sample group. According to the results, results were better when the analysis was repeated if some items were not analyzed. When the mean scores of the sub-dimensions of the Nomophobia scale were calculated, large to small, it was determined that there was loss of communication, inability to access information, lack of device and inability to online, respectively. When the overall mean score of nomophobia was examined, it was determined that the nomophobia was middle level in students. When the overall mean score of intrinsic motivation is examined, it is determined that internal motivation is at a good level. In order to determine whether there is any significant difference between the variables and demographic variables, t and Anova tests were applied. In addition, simple linear regression analysis was performed to measure the impact of nomophobia and its sub-dimensions on intrinsic motivation. In order to determine whether there is any significant difference between the variables of sub-dimensions and intrinsic motivation and other variables with Nomophobia variable, t and Anova tests were applied which are parametric tests. As a result of the t test, a significant difference was found between loss of communication with gender variable and intrinsic motivation learning status variable and intrinsic motivation variable. As a result of the Anova test, a significant difference was found between the age and class status variables and the device deprivation variable.
In order to determine the effect of nomophobia on intrinsic motivation, it was determined that it affected positively as a result of regression analysis. Nomophobia status increases the individual motivation level positively. It was determined that loss of communication positively influenced intrinsic motivation variable and lack of device did not affect intrinsic motivation. Inability to be online and the inability to access information positively influenced the intrinsic motivation variable. Although intrinsic motivation is related to the peace with the individual, the effect of the family and the environment on the individual cannot be ignored. In this direction, it is thought that the creation of barriers to the use of smart phones in high education institutions (not being introduced to school or using a signal disturbance) will positively affect the internal motivation and success of the individual in the long term.
Researchers who will do research on this issue in the future will make a significant contribution to the studies on how nomophobia differs in the context of burnout and time management. In addition, comparison of the results of the study with the results of this study will enable more clear information.
Bu çalışmanın amacı nomofobinin içsel motivasyona etkisi olup olmadığını ortaya
koymaktır. Bu çalışmada üniversite öğrencilerinde nomofobinin içsel motivasyona
etkisinin belirlenmesi için anket uygulanmış ve sonuçları analiz edilmiştir.
Çeşitli bölümlerde öğrenim gören toplam 420 öğrenci ankete katılmış, hatalı ve
eksik olan 20 anket elendikten sonra 400 ankete analiz uygulanmıştır.
Katılımcılardan demografik etkenlerle ilgili 7, nomofobiyi ölçmek için 20 ve içsel
motivasyonu ölçmek için 9 ifadeyi cevaplamaları istenilmiştir.
Nomofobi değişkeninin içsel motivasyonu pozitif yönde etkilediği, alt
boyutlardan iletişimi kaybetme, çevrimiçi olamama ve bilgiye ulaşamama
değişkenlerinin içsel motivasyonu pozitif yönde etkilediği, cihazdan yoksunluk
değişkeninin ise etkilemediği belirlenmiştir.
Öğrencilerin nomofobi düzeyinin orta, içsel motivasyon düzeyinin ise yüksek
olduğu belirlenmiştir. İçsel motivasyon bireyin kendisiyle barışık olması ile
ilişkili olmakla birlikte, aile ve çevrenin birey üzerindeki etkisi göz ardı
edilemez. Bu doğrultuda yüksek öğretim kurumlarında akıllı telefonların kullanımına
engeller oluşturulmasının (okula sokulmaması ya da sinyal bozucu kullanılması)
uzun vadede bireyin içsel motivasyonunu ve başarısını olumlu yönde etkileyeceği
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Business Administration |
Journal Section | Original Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 30, 2019 |
Submission Date | November 17, 2018 |
Acceptance Date | March 29, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 |
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