The purpose of this study is to raise the awareness
for products with geographical indication (GI) which directly influence the
development of local and nation-wide economies, marketing of tourism activities
and branding of destination and to investigate the integrated marketing communication
(IMC) tools applied for realization of selling and the impact of such tools on
shopping behavior. In this study, simple linear regression analysis have been
used. The data analysis showed that the perceived quality of food products and
IMC tools appear to affect purchase behavior in a positive way. But there are
only 200 products in Turkey with GI registration despite the high GI potential
thereof. This result reveals the fact that despite the rapidly increasing state
incentive the GI concept of Turkey is not yet understood fully and its
significance is not understood sufficiently. This has revealed the existence of
other fundamental problems which are discussed in part of conclusion and
Addor, F., and A. Grazioli (2002) Geographical Indications beyond Wines and Spirits: A Roadmap for a Better Protection for Geographical Indications in the WTO Trips Agreement. Journal of World Intellectual Property 5(6): 865-97.
Akin, E. B., (2006) Coğrafi İşaret Olarak Tescil Edilmiş Malatya Kayısısının Teknolojik Özelliklerinin Saptanması ve Gıda Güvenliği Açısından Araştırılması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bil. Ens. Gıda Mühendisliği ABD, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
Albayram Z., Mattas K., Tsakiridou E. (2014) Purchasing Local and Non-local Products Labeled with Geographical Indications (GIs), Operational Research (14).
Arzenton V., Neresini F., Ravarotto L. (2005), A Tavola con Sicurezza. La Percezione del Rischio Alimentare in Veneto, Vicenza: Ergon.
Babcock B. A., Clemens R. (2004) Geographical Indications and Property Rights: Protecting Value-Added Agricultural Products, MATRIC Briefing Paper.
Barjolle D., Paus M. & Perret A. (2009) Impacts of Geographical Indications – Review of methods and empirical evidences, Contributed paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, August 16-22, 2009, in Beijing, China, 14 p. Retrieved September 17, 2009, from
Battaglini C. et al. (2007) The effects of an individualized exercise intervention on body composition in breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, São Paulo, v.125, no.1.
Blakeney M. (2001) Proposals for the International Regulation of Geographical Indications, September, The Journal of World Intellectual Property.
Bilkey W. J., Nes E. (1982) Country of Origin Effects on Product Evaluations, Journal of Internationa Business Studies, Vol.13.
Cerdan C., Vitrolles D., Delfosse C., Velloso C. Q., Nabinger C. & Silva A.L. (2009), Penser la conservation des ressources bioculturelles sous l’angle de la valorisation de l’origine : la mise en place d’indications géographiques dans le Sud Brésil, Autrepart, 50.
Çalişkan V., Koç H. (2012), Evaluation of Distributional Characteristics of Geographical Indications and the Potential for Geographical Indications in Turkey, Eastern Geographical Review – 28.
Delphine Marie V. (2008) From Plant Variety Definition to Geographical Indication Protection: A Search for the Link Between Basmati Rice and India/Pakistan, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 11, no. 4.
Kotler P. and Armstrong G. (2016) Principles of Marketing, England, Pearson Education Limited.
Mascarello G., Pinto A., Parise N., Crovato S. & Ravarotto L. (2015) The Perception of Food Quality. Profiling Italian Consumers, Appetite (89): 175-182.
Oraman Yasemin (2015) Türkiye’de Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler, Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 01 (01).
Şentürk B. (2011) Coğrafi İşaretlerin Ekonomik Etkileri: Mikro ve Makro Açıdan Bir Değerlendirme, Muğla Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
Vitrolles Delphine (2011) When Geographical Indication Conflicts with Food Heritage Protection, Anthropology of Food, Vol.8,
“Coğrafi İşaretler”,
Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior
Year 2017,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 87 - 100, 30.04.2017
The purpose of this study is to raise the awareness
for products with geographical indication (GI) which directly influence the
development of local and nation-wide economies, marketing of tourism activities
and branding of destination and to investigate the integrated marketing communication
(IMC) tools applied for realization of selling and the impact of such tools on
shopping behavior. In this study, simple linear regression analysis have been
used. The data analysis showed that the perceived quality of food products and
IMC tools appear to affect purchase behavior in a positive way. But there are
only 200 products in Turkey with GI registration despite the high GI potential
thereof. This result reveals the fact that despite the rapidly increasing state
incentive the GI concept of Turkey is not yet understood fully and its
significance is not understood sufficiently. This has revealed the existence of
other fundamental problems which are discussed in part of conclusion and
Addor, F., and A. Grazioli (2002) Geographical Indications beyond Wines and Spirits: A Roadmap for a Better Protection for Geographical Indications in the WTO Trips Agreement. Journal of World Intellectual Property 5(6): 865-97.
Akin, E. B., (2006) Coğrafi İşaret Olarak Tescil Edilmiş Malatya Kayısısının Teknolojik Özelliklerinin Saptanması ve Gıda Güvenliği Açısından Araştırılması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bil. Ens. Gıda Mühendisliği ABD, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
Albayram Z., Mattas K., Tsakiridou E. (2014) Purchasing Local and Non-local Products Labeled with Geographical Indications (GIs), Operational Research (14).
Arzenton V., Neresini F., Ravarotto L. (2005), A Tavola con Sicurezza. La Percezione del Rischio Alimentare in Veneto, Vicenza: Ergon.
Babcock B. A., Clemens R. (2004) Geographical Indications and Property Rights: Protecting Value-Added Agricultural Products, MATRIC Briefing Paper.
Barjolle D., Paus M. & Perret A. (2009) Impacts of Geographical Indications – Review of methods and empirical evidences, Contributed paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, August 16-22, 2009, in Beijing, China, 14 p. Retrieved September 17, 2009, from
Battaglini C. et al. (2007) The effects of an individualized exercise intervention on body composition in breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, São Paulo, v.125, no.1.
Blakeney M. (2001) Proposals for the International Regulation of Geographical Indications, September, The Journal of World Intellectual Property.
Bilkey W. J., Nes E. (1982) Country of Origin Effects on Product Evaluations, Journal of Internationa Business Studies, Vol.13.
Cerdan C., Vitrolles D., Delfosse C., Velloso C. Q., Nabinger C. & Silva A.L. (2009), Penser la conservation des ressources bioculturelles sous l’angle de la valorisation de l’origine : la mise en place d’indications géographiques dans le Sud Brésil, Autrepart, 50.
Çalişkan V., Koç H. (2012), Evaluation of Distributional Characteristics of Geographical Indications and the Potential for Geographical Indications in Turkey, Eastern Geographical Review – 28.
Delphine Marie V. (2008) From Plant Variety Definition to Geographical Indication Protection: A Search for the Link Between Basmati Rice and India/Pakistan, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 11, no. 4.
Kotler P. and Armstrong G. (2016) Principles of Marketing, England, Pearson Education Limited.
Mascarello G., Pinto A., Parise N., Crovato S. & Ravarotto L. (2015) The Perception of Food Quality. Profiling Italian Consumers, Appetite (89): 175-182.
Oraman Yasemin (2015) Türkiye’de Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünler, Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 01 (01).
Şentürk B. (2011) Coğrafi İşaretlerin Ekonomik Etkileri: Mikro ve Makro Açıdan Bir Değerlendirme, Muğla Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
Vitrolles Delphine (2011) When Geographical Indication Conflicts with Food Heritage Protection, Anthropology of Food, Vol.8,
Kırgız, A. (2017). Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 5(1), 87-100.
Kırgız A. Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior. About the Journal. April 2017;5(1):87-100. doi:10.22139/jobs.303277
Kırgız, Ayça. “Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior”. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi 5, no. 1 (April 2017): 87-100.
Kırgız A (April 1, 2017) Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi 5 1 87–100.
A. Kırgız, “Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior”, About the Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 87–100, 2017, doi: 10.22139/jobs.303277.
Kırgız, Ayça. “Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior”. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi 5/1 (April 2017), 87-100.
Kırgız A. Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior. About the Journal. 2017;5:87–100.
Kırgız, Ayça. “Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior”. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1, 2017, pp. 87-100, doi:10.22139/jobs.303277.
Kırgız A. Impacts of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies Applied for Geographical Indications on Purchasing Behavior. About the Journal. 2017;5(1):87-100.