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The Movement Toward a Monolingual Nation in Russia: The Language Policy in the Circassian Republics of the Northern Caucasus [Rusya’da Tek Dilli Ulusa Yönelim: Kuzey Kafkasya’daki Çerkes Cumhuriyetlerinde Dil Politikası]

Year 2015, , 33 - 68, 19.09.2015


Rusya’nın kurumsallaşmış çok-ulusluluk ideolojisi çerçevesinde, ülkedeki dil politikaları Rusların anadili Rusça ile Rusya’nın Rus olmayan diğer yerli etnik gruplarının anadilleri arasındaki ayrıma dayanmaktadır. Bu ayrım, Rusya Federasyonu anayasası ve çeşitli federal ve bölgesel yasalara da yansımakta, aynı zamanda pratikte de Rusça diğer otokton anadillere göre ayrıcalıklı bir uygulamaya tabi tutulmaktadır. Bu makale, etnik çeşitlilik kavramına yönelik Rusya devlet politikalarının geçirdiği çarpıcı dönüşümü irdelemektedir. Sovyet döneminin ‘Halkların Kardeşliği’ sloganında sembolleşen Leninist /Stalinist yaklaşım, asimilasyoncu ulus inşası siyasetine yönelmiştir. Bu yeni yaklaşım, etnik çeşitliliği temelde tek dilli ve tek kültürlü bir ulus devletin folklorik bir öğesi haline indirgemektedir. Peki bu ayrımcı etnik ve dil politikaların uygulanma amacı nedir? Bu makalede irdelenen Kuzey Kafkasyalı bir etnik grup olan ‘Çerkesler’ vaka çalışmasının ortaya koyduğu bulgulara göre on yıllardır uygulanan bu politikalar, siyasi ve kültürel anlamda her iki tarafın da zararına olmuş, ve  Rus ve Rus olmayan halkların birbirlerine yabancılaşmasına neden olmuştur.  Bir taraftan, uygulanmakta olan asimilasyoncu dil politikaları Rusya devletinin hali hazırda Rus olmayan etnik azınlık gruplarla yaşadığı sorunlara ek problemler yaratmakta, öte yandan Rus olmayan etnik gruplar, henüz Rus kültürüne asimile olmadılarsa da, ulusal dillerini geliştirecek yasal hakları açısından ciddi bir kayba uğramışlardır. 


  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2009. "Persistence of the Islamic Millet as an Ottoman Legacy: Nationhood." Middle Eastern Studies, 45/6, 893-909. and Anti-Ethnic Definition of Turkish
  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2010. "Passport Identification and Nation-Building in Post- Soviet Russia." Post-Soviet Affairs, 26/4, 314-341.
  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2013. "The Four Pillars of Ottoman Identity: Religious Toleration, Diversity and the Four Millets under the 'Eternal State'." Turkish Review, 3/1, 16-23.
  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2012. Regimes of Ethnicity and Nationhood in Germany, Russia, and Turkey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ARUTYUNOV, S.A. 2014. “Three Women’s View on Circassian People (review).” Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Research of the KBSC of RAN, vestnik_2014_3(22).pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • vestnik/2014/
  • BAKU, K.I. 2014. “Adygebzer: Dyguase, Nobe, Pshedei.” Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Research of the KBSC Of The RAN, 21, 69-80. (In Circassian language.)
  • BALABAS, E. 2015. “Viktor Sadovnishii: My Teriaem Kavkaz.” Moskovskii Komsomolets, viktor-sadovnichiy- my-teryaem-kavkaz.html (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • BASHIEVA, S. 2014. “Provedenie Yazykovoi Politiki Kakimi-to Radikalnymi Metodami, Prinuzhdeniem Ne Dostignet Tseli.” Kabardino- Balkarskaia Pravda, http://kbpravda .ru/2014/04/12.pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • BELOV, S.A. 2015. "International Experience in Regulating the Legal Status of a State Language." Linguistic and Legal Aspects of the Text of the Federal Law on the State Language of the Russian Federation. Saint- Petersburg (last accessed September 3, 2015). University, 124-139. http://rus
  • BILINSKY, Y. 1962. "The Soviet Education Laws of 1958–1959 and Soviet Nationality Policy." Europe-Asia Studies, 14/2, 138-157.
  • BOURDIEU, P. 1973. "The Algerian Subproletariat", in I. W. Zartman (ed.). Man, State, and Society In The Contemporary Maghreb. London: Pall Mall, 83–89.
  • BRUBAKER, R. 1994. "Nationhood and the National Question in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Eurasia: An Institutionalist Account," Theory and Society, 23, 47-78.
  • BULLOUGH, O. 2010. Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus. New York: Basic Books.
  • CHUKOVSKY, K.I. 2003. Dnevnik. 1901-1969, 2, Moscow: Olma-Press Zvyozdnyi Mir.
  • Constitutional Court of Russia. 2005. “Decision of the Constitutional Court of Russia from November 16, 2004, no. 16-P.” Vestnik Konstitutsionnogo Suda, no.1.
  • DERLUGUIAN, G. 2005. Bourdieu’s Secret Admirer in the Caucasus: A World-System Biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • DUNLOP, J. 1998. Russia Confronts Chechnya: Roots of a Separatist Conflict. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Federalnyi Zakon. 1999. O Garantiyakh Prav Korennykh Malochislennykh Narodov (last accessed September 31, 2015) Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow,
  • Federalnyi Zakon. 2005. O Gosudarstvennom Yazyke Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow, (last accessed September 3, 2015)
  • Federalnyi Zakon. 2015. “O Vnesenii Izmenenii v Federalnyi Zakon ‘O Gosudarstvennoi Politike RF v Ontoshenii Sootechestvennikov za Rubezhom.” Rossiiskaya Gazeta, dok.html (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • FEDOROVA, T.S. 2015. “Russia. Profile.” Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. Council of Europe/ERICarts, 16th edition, web/russia.php?aid=519&cid=1390&curl=425 (Last accessed September 3, 2015)
  • GOULD, R. 2010. “Language Dreamers: Race and the Politics of Etymology in the Caucasus,” in Grant and Yalçın-Heckmann (eds.). Caucasus Paradigms: Anthropologies, Histories, and the Making of a World Area. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia, 13, 143-166.
  • GRANT, B. 2009. The Captive and the Gift: Cultural Histories of Sovereignty in Russia and the Caucasus. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • HALE, H. 2005. Why Not Parties in Russia? Democracy, Federalism, and the State. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • HANSON, S.E. 2010. Post-Imperial Democracies: Ideology and Party Formation in Third Republic France, Weimer Germany, and Post-Soviet Russia. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • HIRSCH, F. 2005. Empire of Nations: Ethnographic Knowledge and the Making of the Soviet Union. Cornell University Press.
  • KHAKUASHEV, A. et al. 2014. “Open Letter to the Head of Kabardino- Balkariiaon April 8, 2014.” Kabardino-Balkarskii Pravozashitnyi Tsentr. com_content&view=article&id=451:2013-08-06-10-2430&catid=5: analinic&Itemid=7 (last accessed July 31, 2015, the website does not work anymore).
  • KHAKUASHEVA, M. 2015. “Problema Sokhraneniia Kabardino- Cherkesskogo Yazyka. Istoriia I Sovremennost.” Kabardino-Balkarskii Pravozashitnyi index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=451:2013-08-06-10-24- 30& catid=5:analinic&Itemid=7 (last accessed July 31, 2015, the website does not work anymore). Tsentr.
  • KING, C. 2010. The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • KUMAKHOV M.A. 1981. Sravnitel’no-Istoricheskaia Grammatika Adygskikh (Cherkesskikh) Literaturnykh Yazykov. Moscow: Nauka.
  • KUMAKHOV, M.A. (ed.) 2006. Adygskaia (Cherkesskaia) Entsiklopediia. Moscow: Fond B. Akbasheva, 695-698.
  • KUMAKHOVA, Z.Y. 1972. Razvitie Adygskikh Literaturnykh Yazykov. Moscow: Nauka.
  • LARUELLE, M. 2015. “Eurasia, Eurasianism, Eurasian Union: Terminological union-terminological-gaps-and-overlaps (last accessed September 3, 2015). ian
  • Law Languages of the Peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (1995). Kavkazskii Uzel, October 3, 2001 (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • Law on Languages of the Peoples of Adygea (1994). http://rus-Адыгея_zakon53915fd995a accessed September 3, 2015). 2f.pdf (last
  • Law on Languages of the Peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (1995 with 5391b88745115.pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • Law on Languages of the Peoples of Karachay-Cherkesia (1996),
  • (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • LAYTON, S. 2005. Russian Literature and Empire: Conquest of the Caucasus from Pushkin to Tolstoy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • LIEVEN, A. 1998. Chechnya, the Tombstone of Russian Power. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • LUNACHARSKY, A. 1930. “Latinizatsiia Russkoi Pis’mennosti,” Kul’tura I Pis’mennost’ Vostoka, 6, 20-26.
  • MALBAKHOV, T. 2008. Rechi. Stat’i. Pis’ma. Nalchik: El-Fa.
  • MARTIN, T.D. 2001. The Affirmative Action Empire: Nations and Nationalism in The Soviet Union, 1923-1939. Cornell University Press.
  • MCCONNELL, G.D, SOLNTSEV, V.M. & MIKHALCHENKO, V.I. (eds.). 2000. Pismennye Yazyki Mira. Yazyki Rossiskoi Federatsii L Sotsiolingvisticheskaya Entsiklopediya. Kniga 1. Moscow: Institut Yazakoznaniya RAN, 52, 164. 20061206082941/ accessed September 3, 2015). (last
  • MOROZOV, V. 2015. “Kazakhstan and the “Russian World": Is a New Intervention intervention-horizon (last accessed September 3, 2015). Eurasia, 364.
  • NEKRICH, A.M. 1981. The Punished Peoples: The Deportation and Fate of Soviet Minorities at the End of the Second World War. W. W. Norton & Company.
  • NEVEZHIN, V.A. 2010. “Tost Stalina, ‘Za Russkii Narod’ (24 Maya 1945).” Mir i Politika, 44, 92-99.
  • PLATT, K.M.F, & BRANDENBERGER, D. (eds.). 2006. Epic Revisionism: Russian History and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda. University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Postanovlenie “o Likvidatsii Bezgramotnosti Sredi Naselenia RSFSR (Instruktsiya).” 1920. Moscow: Narodny Komissariat Prosveshetiya, Istorichskiye Materialy. 40942 (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • Postanovlenie Parlamenta KBR. 2014. Ob Obrashenii Parlamenta KBR K Predsedatelyu Pravitelstva RF D.A. Medvedevu po Voprosu Vklyucheniaya Naroda Ubykhi v Edinyi Perechen Korennykh Malochislennykh Narodov RF. Nalchik, http://monitoring.zspk.файл/1133984/3272-pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • PSCHIBY, I. 1994. “Myschem I Shher Plhaghume,” Adyge Psalhe. (In Circassian language.)
  • PUTIN, V.V. 2015. “The Speech at the Council for Interethnic Relations and the Council for the Russian Language on 19 May 2015.” President of Russia. news/49491 (Last visited July 31, 2015).
  • RICHMOND, W. 2013. The Circassian Genocide. Rutgers University Press.
  • SCOTT, J.C. 1998. Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. Yale University Press.
  • SLEZKINE, Y. 1994. "The USSR as a Communal Apartment, or How a Socialist State Promoted Ethnic Particularism." Slavic Review, 53/2, 414
  • STARODUBROVSKAIA, I.V. (ed.). 2012. Severnyi Kavkaz: Modernizatsionnyi Vyzov. Moscow: Delo.
  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993). TIKAEVA, F. 2014. September 3, 2015). “Zakon
  • Pretknoveniia.” Kavpolit, accessed (last
  • TIMASHEFF, N.S. 1946. The Great Retreat: The Growth and Decline of Communism in Russia. EP Dutton & Company, Inc..
  • TIMIZHEV, K. 2014. “Problemy Normativnogo Obestpecheniia Funktsionirovaniia Funktsionirovaniia Gosudarstvennykh Yazykov V Bilingvalnoy Srede. Nakchik.
  • Fosudarstvennykh Yazykov KBR.” Osobennosti
  • TISHKOV, V. 1997. Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame. Oslo: PRIO, 246-271.
  • TROTSKY, L. 1937. The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet Union and Where is it Going?, Mehring Books.
  • TSUTSIEV, A. 2013. Atlas of the Ethno-Political History of the Caucasus. Translated by Nora Seligman Favorov. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • URBAN, M., V. Igrunov, S. Mitrokhin. 1997. The Rebirth of Politics in Russia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Vserossiiskaia Perepis Naseleniaia pub-04-01.pdf; croc/Documents/Vol4/pub-04-05.pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • WIXMAN, R. 1980. Language Aspects of Ethnic Patterns and Processes in the North Caucasus, University of Chicago Geography Research Series, 19.
  • ZAKON KBR. “O Vnesenii Izmenemii I Dopolnenii V Zakon KBR “O Yazykakh Narodov KBR”.” Parlament KBR, February 20, 2003. accessed September 3, 2015).
  • ZHEMUKHOV S. 2009. ”Pasche Bechmyrze Ts’ykhu Hetych’em Zereplhu Schytar.” In Karmoque and Pschiby (eds.). Pasche Bechmyrze; I Ghasch’emre I Lezh’yghemre. Nalchik, Russia: Elbrus, 177-96. (In Circassian language.)
  • ZHEMUKHOV, S. 1994. “Pasche Bechmyrzere Istembylak’uemre Tewyhwawe Ijyri Ze,” Adyge Psalhe. (In Circassian language.)
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The Movement Toward a Monolingual Nation in Russia: The Language Policy in the Circassian Republics of the Northern Caucasus

Year 2015, , 33 - 68, 19.09.2015


In the context of an institutionalized multi-nationalist ideology, the language policy in Russia is based on the distinction of the native language of Russian people and the languages of all other non-Russians. Such a distinction is reflected in ‘The Constitution of the Russian Federation,’ federal and regional laws and policy practices that have given advantage to Russian over the other titular languages of the indigenous people in the Russian Federation. This article charts the grand "shift" in Russian state policy toward ethnic diversity. The Soviet-era multinational Leninist/Stalinist approach summarized in the slogan "druzhba narodov" (friendship of peoples) shifted toward a more assimilationist nation-building model. Such ideology reduced the ethnic diversity into just a cultural, folkloric feature of an otherwise monolingual, mono-cultural nation-state. What is the purpose of discriminatory ethnic and language policy? Our case study of Circassians, one of the ethnic groups in the North Caucasus, demonstrates that, after many decades, such a policy only caused political and cultural damages to all sides and alienation between them. On the one hand, the assimilationist language policy continues to cause problems with the non-Russian ethnic groups adding to the major challenges that the Russian state faces today. On the other hand, non-Russian ethnic groups, though not yet assimilated by Russian culture, have undergone significant decrease in terms of their rights to develop their languages.


  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2009. "Persistence of the Islamic Millet as an Ottoman Legacy: Nationhood." Middle Eastern Studies, 45/6, 893-909. and Anti-Ethnic Definition of Turkish
  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2010. "Passport Identification and Nation-Building in Post- Soviet Russia." Post-Soviet Affairs, 26/4, 314-341.
  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2013. "The Four Pillars of Ottoman Identity: Religious Toleration, Diversity and the Four Millets under the 'Eternal State'." Turkish Review, 3/1, 16-23.
  • AKTÜRK, Ş. 2012. Regimes of Ethnicity and Nationhood in Germany, Russia, and Turkey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ARUTYUNOV, S.A. 2014. “Three Women’s View on Circassian People (review).” Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Research of the KBSC of RAN, vestnik_2014_3(22).pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • vestnik/2014/
  • BAKU, K.I. 2014. “Adygebzer: Dyguase, Nobe, Pshedei.” Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Research of the KBSC Of The RAN, 21, 69-80. (In Circassian language.)
  • BALABAS, E. 2015. “Viktor Sadovnishii: My Teriaem Kavkaz.” Moskovskii Komsomolets, viktor-sadovnichiy- my-teryaem-kavkaz.html (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • BASHIEVA, S. 2014. “Provedenie Yazykovoi Politiki Kakimi-to Radikalnymi Metodami, Prinuzhdeniem Ne Dostignet Tseli.” Kabardino- Balkarskaia Pravda, http://kbpravda .ru/2014/04/12.pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • BELOV, S.A. 2015. "International Experience in Regulating the Legal Status of a State Language." Linguistic and Legal Aspects of the Text of the Federal Law on the State Language of the Russian Federation. Saint- Petersburg (last accessed September 3, 2015). University, 124-139. http://rus
  • BILINSKY, Y. 1962. "The Soviet Education Laws of 1958–1959 and Soviet Nationality Policy." Europe-Asia Studies, 14/2, 138-157.
  • BOURDIEU, P. 1973. "The Algerian Subproletariat", in I. W. Zartman (ed.). Man, State, and Society In The Contemporary Maghreb. London: Pall Mall, 83–89.
  • BRUBAKER, R. 1994. "Nationhood and the National Question in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Eurasia: An Institutionalist Account," Theory and Society, 23, 47-78.
  • BULLOUGH, O. 2010. Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus. New York: Basic Books.
  • CHUKOVSKY, K.I. 2003. Dnevnik. 1901-1969, 2, Moscow: Olma-Press Zvyozdnyi Mir.
  • Constitutional Court of Russia. 2005. “Decision of the Constitutional Court of Russia from November 16, 2004, no. 16-P.” Vestnik Konstitutsionnogo Suda, no.1.
  • DERLUGUIAN, G. 2005. Bourdieu’s Secret Admirer in the Caucasus: A World-System Biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • DUNLOP, J. 1998. Russia Confronts Chechnya: Roots of a Separatist Conflict. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Federalnyi Zakon. 1999. O Garantiyakh Prav Korennykh Malochislennykh Narodov (last accessed September 31, 2015) Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow,
  • Federalnyi Zakon. 2005. O Gosudarstvennom Yazyke Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow, (last accessed September 3, 2015)
  • Federalnyi Zakon. 2015. “O Vnesenii Izmenenii v Federalnyi Zakon ‘O Gosudarstvennoi Politike RF v Ontoshenii Sootechestvennikov za Rubezhom.” Rossiiskaya Gazeta, dok.html (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • FEDOROVA, T.S. 2015. “Russia. Profile.” Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. Council of Europe/ERICarts, 16th edition, web/russia.php?aid=519&cid=1390&curl=425 (Last accessed September 3, 2015)
  • GOULD, R. 2010. “Language Dreamers: Race and the Politics of Etymology in the Caucasus,” in Grant and Yalçın-Heckmann (eds.). Caucasus Paradigms: Anthropologies, Histories, and the Making of a World Area. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia, 13, 143-166.
  • GRANT, B. 2009. The Captive and the Gift: Cultural Histories of Sovereignty in Russia and the Caucasus. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • HALE, H. 2005. Why Not Parties in Russia? Democracy, Federalism, and the State. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • HANSON, S.E. 2010. Post-Imperial Democracies: Ideology and Party Formation in Third Republic France, Weimer Germany, and Post-Soviet Russia. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • HIRSCH, F. 2005. Empire of Nations: Ethnographic Knowledge and the Making of the Soviet Union. Cornell University Press.
  • KHAKUASHEV, A. et al. 2014. “Open Letter to the Head of Kabardino- Balkariiaon April 8, 2014.” Kabardino-Balkarskii Pravozashitnyi Tsentr. com_content&view=article&id=451:2013-08-06-10-2430&catid=5: analinic&Itemid=7 (last accessed July 31, 2015, the website does not work anymore).
  • KHAKUASHEVA, M. 2015. “Problema Sokhraneniia Kabardino- Cherkesskogo Yazyka. Istoriia I Sovremennost.” Kabardino-Balkarskii Pravozashitnyi index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=451:2013-08-06-10-24- 30& catid=5:analinic&Itemid=7 (last accessed July 31, 2015, the website does not work anymore). Tsentr.
  • KING, C. 2010. The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • KUMAKHOV M.A. 1981. Sravnitel’no-Istoricheskaia Grammatika Adygskikh (Cherkesskikh) Literaturnykh Yazykov. Moscow: Nauka.
  • KUMAKHOV, M.A. (ed.) 2006. Adygskaia (Cherkesskaia) Entsiklopediia. Moscow: Fond B. Akbasheva, 695-698.
  • KUMAKHOVA, Z.Y. 1972. Razvitie Adygskikh Literaturnykh Yazykov. Moscow: Nauka.
  • LARUELLE, M. 2015. “Eurasia, Eurasianism, Eurasian Union: Terminological union-terminological-gaps-and-overlaps (last accessed September 3, 2015). ian
  • Law Languages of the Peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (1995). Kavkazskii Uzel, October 3, 2001 (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • Law on Languages of the Peoples of Adygea (1994). http://rus-Адыгея_zakon53915fd995a accessed September 3, 2015). 2f.pdf (last
  • Law on Languages of the Peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (1995 with 5391b88745115.pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • Law on Languages of the Peoples of Karachay-Cherkesia (1996),
  • (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • LAYTON, S. 2005. Russian Literature and Empire: Conquest of the Caucasus from Pushkin to Tolstoy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • LIEVEN, A. 1998. Chechnya, the Tombstone of Russian Power. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • LUNACHARSKY, A. 1930. “Latinizatsiia Russkoi Pis’mennosti,” Kul’tura I Pis’mennost’ Vostoka, 6, 20-26.
  • MALBAKHOV, T. 2008. Rechi. Stat’i. Pis’ma. Nalchik: El-Fa.
  • MARTIN, T.D. 2001. The Affirmative Action Empire: Nations and Nationalism in The Soviet Union, 1923-1939. Cornell University Press.
  • MCCONNELL, G.D, SOLNTSEV, V.M. & MIKHALCHENKO, V.I. (eds.). 2000. Pismennye Yazyki Mira. Yazyki Rossiskoi Federatsii L Sotsiolingvisticheskaya Entsiklopediya. Kniga 1. Moscow: Institut Yazakoznaniya RAN, 52, 164. 20061206082941/ accessed September 3, 2015). (last
  • MOROZOV, V. 2015. “Kazakhstan and the “Russian World": Is a New Intervention intervention-horizon (last accessed September 3, 2015). Eurasia, 364.
  • NEKRICH, A.M. 1981. The Punished Peoples: The Deportation and Fate of Soviet Minorities at the End of the Second World War. W. W. Norton & Company.
  • NEVEZHIN, V.A. 2010. “Tost Stalina, ‘Za Russkii Narod’ (24 Maya 1945).” Mir i Politika, 44, 92-99.
  • PLATT, K.M.F, & BRANDENBERGER, D. (eds.). 2006. Epic Revisionism: Russian History and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda. University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Postanovlenie “o Likvidatsii Bezgramotnosti Sredi Naselenia RSFSR (Instruktsiya).” 1920. Moscow: Narodny Komissariat Prosveshetiya, Istorichskiye Materialy. 40942 (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • Postanovlenie Parlamenta KBR. 2014. Ob Obrashenii Parlamenta KBR K Predsedatelyu Pravitelstva RF D.A. Medvedevu po Voprosu Vklyucheniaya Naroda Ubykhi v Edinyi Perechen Korennykh Malochislennykh Narodov RF. Nalchik, http://monitoring.zspk.файл/1133984/3272-pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • PSCHIBY, I. 1994. “Myschem I Shher Plhaghume,” Adyge Psalhe. (In Circassian language.)
  • PUTIN, V.V. 2015. “The Speech at the Council for Interethnic Relations and the Council for the Russian Language on 19 May 2015.” President of Russia. news/49491 (Last visited July 31, 2015).
  • RICHMOND, W. 2013. The Circassian Genocide. Rutgers University Press.
  • SCOTT, J.C. 1998. Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. Yale University Press.
  • SLEZKINE, Y. 1994. "The USSR as a Communal Apartment, or How a Socialist State Promoted Ethnic Particularism." Slavic Review, 53/2, 414
  • STARODUBROVSKAIA, I.V. (ed.). 2012. Severnyi Kavkaz: Modernizatsionnyi Vyzov. Moscow: Delo.
  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993). TIKAEVA, F. 2014. September 3, 2015). “Zakon
  • Pretknoveniia.” Kavpolit, accessed (last
  • TIMASHEFF, N.S. 1946. The Great Retreat: The Growth and Decline of Communism in Russia. EP Dutton & Company, Inc..
  • TIMIZHEV, K. 2014. “Problemy Normativnogo Obestpecheniia Funktsionirovaniia Funktsionirovaniia Gosudarstvennykh Yazykov V Bilingvalnoy Srede. Nakchik.
  • Fosudarstvennykh Yazykov KBR.” Osobennosti
  • TISHKOV, V. 1997. Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame. Oslo: PRIO, 246-271.
  • TROTSKY, L. 1937. The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet Union and Where is it Going?, Mehring Books.
  • TSUTSIEV, A. 2013. Atlas of the Ethno-Political History of the Caucasus. Translated by Nora Seligman Favorov. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • URBAN, M., V. Igrunov, S. Mitrokhin. 1997. The Rebirth of Politics in Russia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Vserossiiskaia Perepis Naseleniaia pub-04-01.pdf; croc/Documents/Vol4/pub-04-05.pdf (last accessed September 3, 2015).
  • WIXMAN, R. 1980. Language Aspects of Ethnic Patterns and Processes in the North Caucasus, University of Chicago Geography Research Series, 19.
  • ZAKON KBR. “O Vnesenii Izmenemii I Dopolnenii V Zakon KBR “O Yazykakh Narodov KBR”.” Parlament KBR, February 20, 2003. accessed September 3, 2015).
  • ZHEMUKHOV S. 2009. ”Pasche Bechmyrze Ts’ykhu Hetych’em Zereplhu Schytar.” In Karmoque and Pschiby (eds.). Pasche Bechmyrze; I Ghasch’emre I Lezh’yghemre. Nalchik, Russia: Elbrus, 177-96. (In Circassian language.)
  • ZHEMUKHOV, S. 1994. “Pasche Bechmyrzere Istembylak’uemre Tewyhwawe Ijyri Ze,” Adyge Psalhe. (In Circassian language.)
  • ZHEMUKHOV, S. 2011. “One Thousand Years of Islam in Kabarda: An Experiment in Periodization,” Anthropology & Archaeology of Eurasia, 49/4, 54-71.
  • ZHEMUKHOV, S. 2012. “The Birth of Modern Circassian Nationalism,” Nationalities Papers, 40/4, 503-524.
There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Article

Sufian Zhemukhov This is me

Şener Aktürk

Publication Date September 19, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


MLA Zhemukhov, Sufian and Şener Aktürk. “The Movement Toward a Monolingual Nation in Russia: The Language Policy in the Circassian Republics of the Northern Caucasus”. Kafkasya Çalışmaları, vol. 1, no. 1, 2015, pp. 33-68, doi:10.21488/jocas.46077.
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