Current Issue

Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1/27/25

Year: 2025

Letter to Editor

Research Article

Case Report


The Journal of Child Development and Education (JOCDE) is an international, scientific journal that publishes academic articles on child development and education biannually (June and December). The journal’s goals include:
• Disseminating Scientific Knowledge: Providing the academic community with the latest research, theories, and practical knowledge in child development and education.
• Encouraging Research: Promoting new areas of research, expanding existing knowledge, and contributing to the field of child development and education.
• Offering Resources for Practitioners: Offering educators, families, and other professionals practical information and strategies to support child development and education.
• Promoting Multidisciplinary Approaches: Integrating knowledge from diverse fields such as psychology, education, sociology, and neuroscience to deepen the understanding of child development and education through quantitative, qualitative, and descriptive research.

In alignment with these objectives, the articles considered for publication in JOCDE include research on:
• Theories of Child Development: Studies on the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children aged 0-18, developmental stages, and individual differences.
• Educational Methods and Pedagogical Approaches: Research on educational methods, strategies, and pedagogical approaches implemented in early childhood, primary, secondary, and other educational settings.
• Family Dynamics and Societal Impacts: Studies on family dynamics, parenting approaches, societal influences, and environmental factors affecting child development.
• Special Education: Educational strategies, methodologies, and supportive approaches for children with special needs.
• Children's Mental Health and Social Skills: Research on children's psychological well-being, social skills, and emotional support systems.
• Educational and Public Policies: Studies on educational policies, the impact of public policies on child development, and educational reforms.
• Educational Technologies: Innovative teaching methods and technologies supporting children's development.

Please adhere to the following criteria when preparing your article:
• APA 7 (American Psychological Association) guidelines should be used for article writing and referencing ( (You can benefit from HERE when writing references. APA Style Guide is available HERE).
• Submitted works must be in English.
• Articles should be prepared using Microsoft Office Word.
• The first page and header should not include the author(s)’ name(s), institution(s), or contact information.
• Abstract: Provide a summary of the research that gives readers a general idea of the study. It should be written in Palatino Linotype font size 8, between 150 to 250 words.
• The article should consist of four main sections: Introduction, Method, Results or Findings, and Conclusion and Discussion.
• The total length of the article should not exceed 15 pages or 6,000 words.

The Article Template file can be accessed HERE.

If revisions are requested after the peer review process, all corrections should be documented in the Editor's Note file, taking into account the feedback and suggestions from the reviewers. For any recommendations that were not implemented, valid justifications must be provided. The Editor's Note file can be accessed HERE. When uploading the revised version of the article, use the Add Supplemental File option and upload it under the title RESPONSE TO REVIEWERS. 

Manuscript Submission Criteria

To be considered for publication, a manuscript must meet the following criteria:
• Originality
• Ethical integrity
• Clear, impactful messages for the scientific community
• Contribution to the field and relevance to social sciences
• Structural and logical coherence
• Results based on scientific evidence
• Adherence to appropriate scientific methods
By publishing research articles, review papers, case studies, and research reports, JOCDE aims to support the dissemination and development of scientific knowledge in the field of child development and education.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
The Journal of Child Development and Education (JOCDE) adopts the ethical guidelines and best practice recommendations set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), including the “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and the “Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers” to ensure ethical assurance in scientific periodicals.

In this context, the following points should be observed in submissions to the journal:
• Ethical approval must be obtained for all research conducted in disciplines requiring ethics committee approval, and this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
• For studies requiring ethics committee approval, information on the approval should be included in the relevant section of the article text as well as in the methodology section, providing details such as the name of the committee, date, and approval number.

Studies requiring ethics committee approval include:
• All types of research conducted using qualitative or quantitative approaches that involve data collection from participants through surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation, experimentation, or interview techniques.
• The use of humans or animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical studies on humans,
Research on animals.
Retrospective studies requiring the protection of personal data.

In line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index, Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published starting from 2020. If ethics committee permission is not required for your study, you must download the declaration form stating that it does not require Ethics Committee Permission from HERE and upload it to the system.

"No fees are charged to the author or their institution under any circumstances."