Manuscript Submission

JODM has a fully online submission and online reviewing system. This system offers authors the option of tracking by online based review process of their manuscripts. All manuscripts must be submitted with online from the system by registering. The manuscripts submitted for the publication should correspond to the scope of JODM. The journal covers theoretical and some applied aspects of science and technology; it informs the reader of new trends in basic science and technology.

Evaluation Process
The evaluation process of the articles submitted to the JODM consists of 3 stages; the Pre-Evaluation Process, the Evaluation by the Referees and the Final Decision Process. The evaluation process is confidential. The authors will be informed about the status of the evaluation of the articles upon their request.

1. Pre-Evaluation Process: The submitted articles are evaluated by the editor before publication, in terms of coverage, scientific validity, relevance, relevance to previous work, suitability of references / citations, and length of article.

2. Evaluation by the Referees: The referees will fill in the "Article Evaluation Form" about the article on-line and send to the editor.
Each referee is required to assess the scientific validity and orginality of the article. Referees are also expected to emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of the article at the same time. While the referee reports playing a decisive role in rejecting or accepting the manuscript, the final decision on the publishability of a manuscript belongs to the Editor.
If the article is rejected or required to be revised in a comprehensive manner, the author (s) has the right to request reconsideration from the editor and the referees, writing the dispute in detail / justification if he / she thinks that the reason for rejection or correction is not a scientific / rational basis. The appeal is evaluated by the editor and final decision is made. The article may be re-evaluated, or the writer's objections may not be sufficient. The author (s) who are required to make corrections must complete these corrections within a reasonable time as requested.
When an article is accepted as a format, the estimated publication date is informed to the author (s) based on the number of articles waiting to be published. The articles are published in this order, based on their acceptance dates. The evaluation process described above lasts for an average of four months.

3. Final Decision Process: In accordance with the evaluations made by the referees, the decision to accept or reject a manuscript for publication is the responsibility of the Editor, who evaluates the reports sent by the referees. However, in case the Editor considers it is of necessity, the manuscript may be sent to another referee. The editor will send referee's evaluation to the author if there is any need for correction. Once the author sends the corrected version of the accepted manuscript back to the editor, the editor will send it to the publishing manager. The text is passed through the final checks, type and layout operations before printing. After all this process, the paper will be ready for publication.

Last Update Time: 4/7/23, 2:32:23 PM