Research Article
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Content Analysis of Master’s and PhD Thesis on Climate: Studies Conducted in The Field of Education in Türkiye

Year 2023, , 322 - 342, 27.10.2023


Through geography education, students make connections between natural phenomena, environment and behavior, and climate and climate change. Climate Science is positioned as “a sub-branch of geography classified under physical geography as a basic field of study”. Climate; It is expressed as the average condition of weather conditions such as precipitation, temperature, pressure, humidity and wind as a result of long-term observations in a place. When the literature is examined, there are many studies on climate in the field of education. These studies differ in terms of research topic, method and sample. It has been determined that there are no studies aimed at determining the direction of master’s and doctoral theses on climate in the field of education. The aim of our research is to reveal the current situation by evaluating the content of master’s and doctoral theses on climate in the field of education. Document review method was used in the research. The data were analyzed through content analysis. As documents, 73 studies, including master’s and doctoral theses on climate in the field of education in our country, were examined. According to the results obtained, it is seen that the postgraduate studies on climate in the field of education are predominantly on master’s thesis and the majority of the studies were conducted in 2022. In addition, it was seen that most of the climate theses were made at Gazi University. In the studies, climate change and global warming were mostly discussed, and it was determined that the method used was mostly descriptive scanning method. In the studies, the preferred sample group was students.


  • Adlığ, D. (2021). Investigating the Theses on the Field of History Education. International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(11), 329-348.
  • Akaydın, B., & Kaya, S. (2015). Studies conducted in the field of life science and social studies and published in national journals in Türkiye. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 12(30), 251-264.
  • Akgün, İ. H., & Akgün, M. (2021). Review of theses on the use of technology in social studies education. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 58, 227-247. DOI: 10.21764/maeuefd.799454.
  • Altay, N. (2020). Evaluation of article written in the area of social studies education in Türkiye. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Education Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1), 22-35.
  • Anderegg, W. R., Prall, J. W., Harold, J., & Schneider, S. H. (2010). Expert credibility in climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(27), 12107-12109.
  • Arastaman, G., Fidan, İ. Ö., & Fidan, T. (2018). Validity and Reliability in Qualitative Research: A Theoretical Analysis. YYU Journal of Education Faculty, 15(1), 37-75.
  • Arı, Y. (2010). Concepts and Changes in Geography Education, Özey, R. & İncekara, S. (Ed.). In: The contribution of geography to general education. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Atalay, I. (1994). Geography of Türkiye. Izmir: Ege University Press.
  • Atalay, I. (2005). General and physical geography (6th Expanded Edition). Izmir: Meta Publishing.
  • Ayvacı, H. Ş., & Şenel Çoruhlu, T. (2009). A developmental research on students' perspectives on global environmental problems and identification of misconceptuals HAYEF Journal of Education, 12/2, 11-25.
  • Bektaş, M., & Karadağ, B. (2013). The tendencies and assessments of post graduate thesis made in the field of life study teaching. International Journal of Human Sciences, 10(2), 113-129.
  • Boğdan, R. C., & Biklen, S.K. (1992). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory methods. Needham, MA.
  • Bozdoğan, A.E., & Yanar, O. (2010). Prospective elementary teachers’ perceptions on the effect of global warming in the next century. The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 2(1), 48-60.
  • Budak, U. (2021). The comparison of pedagogical content knowledge of social studies teachers about global climate change. [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirci, F. (2008). Scientific research methods. PegemA Publishing, p. 252-256.
  • Çalışır, E. (2022). Analysis of global climate change awareness of primary school students. [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara.
  • Çiçek, S., & Yeşilbursa, C. C. (2019). An examination of the graduate thesis by nurses and midwifes in Türkiye on gender. Journal of Social Policy Studies, 19(43), 149-176.
  • Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Green, S. A., Richardson, M., Winkler, B., Painting, R., ... & Skuce, A. (2013). Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature. Environmental research letters, 8(2), 024024. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024024.
  • De Blij, H. J. (2005). Why geography matters: 3 challenges facing America: Climate change, the rise of China and global terrorism. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
  • Demirbaş, İ., & Aydınözü, D. (2022). Content evaluation of studies in the field of geography education at primary school level in Türkiye. The Journal of International Social Science Education, 8(2), 297-329.
  • Doğan, S. (2005). Türkiye's role in global climate change and its attempts to participate in the preventive global effort. C. Ü. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6(2), 57-73.
  • Doğanay, H., & Sever, R. (2011). General and Physical Geography. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Doğru, M. S., & Demirbaş, İ. (2020). Examining the connection between secondary students' ideas about electricity and renewable energy resources, Turkish Studies- Education, 15(6), 4151-4167.
  • Doğru, M. S., & Yüzbaşıoğlu, F. (2023). Examining students’ thoughts on climate change in the context of basic concept. Research on Education and Psychology, 7(2), 316-329. 10.54535/rep.1340429
  • Emli, Z., & Afacan, Ö. (2017). The mental models of secondary school 7th class students about global warming. Journal of the Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, 14-1/27, 183-202.
  • Erlat, E. (2016). Climate system and climate changes (6th b.). Izmir: Ege University Press.
  • General Directorate of Meteorology (MGM), (2023). Climate change and current. situation accessed on 11.06.2023.
  • Güleç, S., & Hüdavendigar, M. N. (2020). Examination of the postgraduate theses prepared under the title of literacy skills in the field of social studies education. International Journal of Humanities and Research, 3(3), 24-36.
  • Gürkan, K. (2023). Examination of graduate theses made by using creative drama method in the field of science between 2003-2021 in Türkiye. [Unpublished master's thesis], Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya.
  • Güven, S., & Kılıç, Z. (2017). Content analysis of graduate thesis on the effectiveness of teaching methods followed in the life science course. The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 15(2), 200-223.
  • Harvey, F. (2008). The Heat is on, Financial Times, December 2, ss. 6-9.
  • İklimbu, (Boğaziçi University Climate Change and Policies Application and Research Center), (2023). Global warming or global climate change? Accessed on 11.06.2023.
  • ISU, (Kocaeli Water and Sewerage Administration Directorate). (2023). Global warming -Climate change and its effects on Türkiye. Accessed on 11.06.2023.
  • Karakuş, S. (2020). An examine master thesis and Phd dissertations conducted in the field of the concepts in social studies education in Türkiye. Academia Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 61-76.
  • Karaman, S., & Bakırcı, F. (2010). Postgraduate education in Türkiye: Problems and solution suggestions. Journal of Social Science Research, 5(2), 94-114.
  • Karasar, N. (2008). Scientific research method. Ankara: Nobel Publishing, pp.183-197.
  • Karışan, D. (2011). An explororation of preservice science teachers? written argumentation skills regarding the global climate change issue. [Unpublished master's thesis], Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van.
  • Kaymakcı, S. (2017). An evaluation on the tendency of history teaching in Türkiye. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(6), 2153-2172.
  • Kıral, B. (2020). Document analysis as a qualitative data analysis method. Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 8(15), 170-189.
  • Koca, E. (2019). Opinions of eight class students and science teachers about global warming. [Unpublished master's thesis], Erciyes University, Kayseri.
  • Koçoğlu, E., & Gökalp, L. (2021). Analysis of the graduate thesis made global warming areas in Türkiye: A meta synthesis study. Eastern Geographical Rewiew, 26 (46), 129-142. DOİ: 10.17295/ataunidcd.927150.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Sage.
  • Oğuz Haçat, S., & Demir, F. B. (2018). Evaluation of the doctoral dissertations conducted on social studies education (2002-2018). Eurasia Journal of International Studies, 6(15), 948-973.
  • Oğuz Haçat, S., & Demir, F. B. (2019). Analysis of postgraduate theses on literacy in the field of education. Anatolian Cultural Research Journal (ANKAD), 3(2), 116-145.
  • Oluk, E.A., & Oluk, S. (2007). Analysis of higher education students' perceptions of greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change. Buca Faculty of Education Journal, 22, 45-53.
  • Özçağlar, A. (2009). Introduction to geography. Ankara: Ümit Ofset Printing.
  • Öztürk, K. (2002). Global climatic changes and their probable effect upon Türkiye. Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 22(1), 47-65.
  • Papadimitriou, V. (2004). Prospective primary teachers’ understanding of climate change, greenhouse effect, and ozone layer depletion. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 13(2), 299–307.
  • Sabancı, H. (2023). Climate change training action research in the context of climate literacy with thematic teaching approach in preschool education. [Unpublished master's thesis], Çankırı Karatekin University, Çankırı.
  • Şahin, D., Calp, Ş., Bulut, P., & Kuşdemir, Y. (2013). Investigation of the graduate theses in the department of primary teacher education in terms of various criteria. Journal of World of Turks, 5(3), 187-205.
  • Sevgili, C. (2023). Evaluation of postgraduate theses on socioscientific issues in science education between the years 2008 and 2022. [Unpublished master's thesis], Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Şimşek, A. (2019). An analysis of post-graduate theses related to life sciences and social studies course in terms of some variables. [Unpublished master's thesis], Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya.
  • Tarman, B., Acun, İ., & Yüksel, Z. (2010). Evaluation of theses in the field of social studies education in Türkiye. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 9(3), 725-746.
  • Türkeş, M. (2001). Weather, climate, severe weather events and global warming. General Directorate of State Meteorological Affairs 2000 seminars, Technical Presentations, Seminar Series, 1, 187-205.
  • Türkeş, M., Sümer, U., & Çetiner, G. (2000). Global climate change and its possible effects. Ministry of Environment United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention Seminar Notes, 7-24.
  • Ünlü, M. (2014). Teaching geography. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Uzun, A., & Çakmak, M. A. (2021). An examination of graduate theses on skills in social studies education in Türkiye in view of various criteria. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 12(46), 1335-1354. Word Meteorological Organization (WMO), (2023). Climate. Accessed on 04.06.2023 from
  • Yakar, H. (2019). Determination of the climate literacy competencies at secondary school level by Delphi technique. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation], Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Yavuz, G. (2016). A content analysis related to completed theses in the field of project-based learning in science education: The case of Türkiye (2002-2014). [Unpublished master's thesis], Bülent Ecevit University, Zonguldak.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. (11th ed.). Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yuva Association (2020). Climate literacy education. Instructor's Manual.
Year 2023, , 322 - 342, 27.10.2023



  • Adlığ, D. (2021). Investigating the Theses on the Field of History Education. International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(11), 329-348.
  • Akaydın, B., & Kaya, S. (2015). Studies conducted in the field of life science and social studies and published in national journals in Türkiye. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 12(30), 251-264.
  • Akgün, İ. H., & Akgün, M. (2021). Review of theses on the use of technology in social studies education. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 58, 227-247. DOI: 10.21764/maeuefd.799454.
  • Altay, N. (2020). Evaluation of article written in the area of social studies education in Türkiye. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Education Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1), 22-35.
  • Anderegg, W. R., Prall, J. W., Harold, J., & Schneider, S. H. (2010). Expert credibility in climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(27), 12107-12109.
  • Arastaman, G., Fidan, İ. Ö., & Fidan, T. (2018). Validity and Reliability in Qualitative Research: A Theoretical Analysis. YYU Journal of Education Faculty, 15(1), 37-75.
  • Arı, Y. (2010). Concepts and Changes in Geography Education, Özey, R. & İncekara, S. (Ed.). In: The contribution of geography to general education. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Atalay, I. (1994). Geography of Türkiye. Izmir: Ege University Press.
  • Atalay, I. (2005). General and physical geography (6th Expanded Edition). Izmir: Meta Publishing.
  • Ayvacı, H. Ş., & Şenel Çoruhlu, T. (2009). A developmental research on students' perspectives on global environmental problems and identification of misconceptuals HAYEF Journal of Education, 12/2, 11-25.
  • Bektaş, M., & Karadağ, B. (2013). The tendencies and assessments of post graduate thesis made in the field of life study teaching. International Journal of Human Sciences, 10(2), 113-129.
  • Boğdan, R. C., & Biklen, S.K. (1992). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory methods. Needham, MA.
  • Bozdoğan, A.E., & Yanar, O. (2010). Prospective elementary teachers’ perceptions on the effect of global warming in the next century. The Black Sea Journal of Sciences, 2(1), 48-60.
  • Budak, U. (2021). The comparison of pedagogical content knowledge of social studies teachers about global climate change. [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirci, F. (2008). Scientific research methods. PegemA Publishing, p. 252-256.
  • Çalışır, E. (2022). Analysis of global climate change awareness of primary school students. [Unpublished Master's Thesis], Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara.
  • Çiçek, S., & Yeşilbursa, C. C. (2019). An examination of the graduate thesis by nurses and midwifes in Türkiye on gender. Journal of Social Policy Studies, 19(43), 149-176.
  • Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Green, S. A., Richardson, M., Winkler, B., Painting, R., ... & Skuce, A. (2013). Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature. Environmental research letters, 8(2), 024024. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024024.
  • De Blij, H. J. (2005). Why geography matters: 3 challenges facing America: Climate change, the rise of China and global terrorism. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
  • Demirbaş, İ., & Aydınözü, D. (2022). Content evaluation of studies in the field of geography education at primary school level in Türkiye. The Journal of International Social Science Education, 8(2), 297-329.
  • Doğan, S. (2005). Türkiye's role in global climate change and its attempts to participate in the preventive global effort. C. Ü. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6(2), 57-73.
  • Doğanay, H., & Sever, R. (2011). General and Physical Geography. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Doğru, M. S., & Demirbaş, İ. (2020). Examining the connection between secondary students' ideas about electricity and renewable energy resources, Turkish Studies- Education, 15(6), 4151-4167.
  • Doğru, M. S., & Yüzbaşıoğlu, F. (2023). Examining students’ thoughts on climate change in the context of basic concept. Research on Education and Psychology, 7(2), 316-329. 10.54535/rep.1340429
  • Emli, Z., & Afacan, Ö. (2017). The mental models of secondary school 7th class students about global warming. Journal of the Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, 14-1/27, 183-202.
  • Erlat, E. (2016). Climate system and climate changes (6th b.). Izmir: Ege University Press.
  • General Directorate of Meteorology (MGM), (2023). Climate change and current. situation accessed on 11.06.2023.
  • Güleç, S., & Hüdavendigar, M. N. (2020). Examination of the postgraduate theses prepared under the title of literacy skills in the field of social studies education. International Journal of Humanities and Research, 3(3), 24-36.
  • Gürkan, K. (2023). Examination of graduate theses made by using creative drama method in the field of science between 2003-2021 in Türkiye. [Unpublished master's thesis], Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya.
  • Güven, S., & Kılıç, Z. (2017). Content analysis of graduate thesis on the effectiveness of teaching methods followed in the life science course. The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 15(2), 200-223.
  • Harvey, F. (2008). The Heat is on, Financial Times, December 2, ss. 6-9.
  • İklimbu, (Boğaziçi University Climate Change and Policies Application and Research Center), (2023). Global warming or global climate change? Accessed on 11.06.2023.
  • ISU, (Kocaeli Water and Sewerage Administration Directorate). (2023). Global warming -Climate change and its effects on Türkiye. Accessed on 11.06.2023.
  • Karakuş, S. (2020). An examine master thesis and Phd dissertations conducted in the field of the concepts in social studies education in Türkiye. Academia Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 61-76.
  • Karaman, S., & Bakırcı, F. (2010). Postgraduate education in Türkiye: Problems and solution suggestions. Journal of Social Science Research, 5(2), 94-114.
  • Karasar, N. (2008). Scientific research method. Ankara: Nobel Publishing, pp.183-197.
  • Karışan, D. (2011). An explororation of preservice science teachers? written argumentation skills regarding the global climate change issue. [Unpublished master's thesis], Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van.
  • Kaymakcı, S. (2017). An evaluation on the tendency of history teaching in Türkiye. Kastamonu Education Journal, 25(6), 2153-2172.
  • Kıral, B. (2020). Document analysis as a qualitative data analysis method. Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 8(15), 170-189.
  • Koca, E. (2019). Opinions of eight class students and science teachers about global warming. [Unpublished master's thesis], Erciyes University, Kayseri.
  • Koçoğlu, E., & Gökalp, L. (2021). Analysis of the graduate thesis made global warming areas in Türkiye: A meta synthesis study. Eastern Geographical Rewiew, 26 (46), 129-142. DOİ: 10.17295/ataunidcd.927150.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Sage.
  • Oğuz Haçat, S., & Demir, F. B. (2018). Evaluation of the doctoral dissertations conducted on social studies education (2002-2018). Eurasia Journal of International Studies, 6(15), 948-973.
  • Oğuz Haçat, S., & Demir, F. B. (2019). Analysis of postgraduate theses on literacy in the field of education. Anatolian Cultural Research Journal (ANKAD), 3(2), 116-145.
  • Oluk, E.A., & Oluk, S. (2007). Analysis of higher education students' perceptions of greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change. Buca Faculty of Education Journal, 22, 45-53.
  • Özçağlar, A. (2009). Introduction to geography. Ankara: Ümit Ofset Printing.
  • Öztürk, K. (2002). Global climatic changes and their probable effect upon Türkiye. Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 22(1), 47-65.
  • Papadimitriou, V. (2004). Prospective primary teachers’ understanding of climate change, greenhouse effect, and ozone layer depletion. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 13(2), 299–307.
  • Sabancı, H. (2023). Climate change training action research in the context of climate literacy with thematic teaching approach in preschool education. [Unpublished master's thesis], Çankırı Karatekin University, Çankırı.
  • Şahin, D., Calp, Ş., Bulut, P., & Kuşdemir, Y. (2013). Investigation of the graduate theses in the department of primary teacher education in terms of various criteria. Journal of World of Turks, 5(3), 187-205.
  • Sevgili, C. (2023). Evaluation of postgraduate theses on socioscientific issues in science education between the years 2008 and 2022. [Unpublished master's thesis], Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Şimşek, A. (2019). An analysis of post-graduate theses related to life sciences and social studies course in terms of some variables. [Unpublished master's thesis], Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya.
  • Tarman, B., Acun, İ., & Yüksel, Z. (2010). Evaluation of theses in the field of social studies education in Türkiye. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 9(3), 725-746.
  • Türkeş, M. (2001). Weather, climate, severe weather events and global warming. General Directorate of State Meteorological Affairs 2000 seminars, Technical Presentations, Seminar Series, 1, 187-205.
  • Türkeş, M., Sümer, U., & Çetiner, G. (2000). Global climate change and its possible effects. Ministry of Environment United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention Seminar Notes, 7-24.
  • Ünlü, M. (2014). Teaching geography. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Uzun, A., & Çakmak, M. A. (2021). An examination of graduate theses on skills in social studies education in Türkiye in view of various criteria. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 12(46), 1335-1354. Word Meteorological Organization (WMO), (2023). Climate. Accessed on 04.06.2023 from
  • Yakar, H. (2019). Determination of the climate literacy competencies at secondary school level by Delphi technique. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation], Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Yavuz, G. (2016). A content analysis related to completed theses in the field of project-based learning in science education: The case of Türkiye (2002-2014). [Unpublished master's thesis], Bülent Ecevit University, Zonguldak.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. (11th ed.). Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yuva Association (2020). Climate literacy education. Instructor's Manual.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geography Education, Social Studies Education
Journal Section Research Article

İbrahim Demirbaş 0000-0002-8692-1059

Publication Date October 27, 2023
Submission Date October 12, 2023
Acceptance Date October 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Demirbaş, İ. (2023). Content Analysis of Master’s and PhD Thesis on Climate: Studies Conducted in The Field of Education in Türkiye. Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 6(2), 322-342.

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