Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 1, 34 - 45, 26.04.2023


Bu araştırmada sağlık turizmi teması üzerine Web of Science veri tabanında 2012-2023 yılları arasında yayınlanan 10.962 adet makalenin evrimsel sürecini belirlemeye yönelik bibliyometrik analiz yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları ile araştırmaya dahil edilen çalışmaların tema kapsamında çalışma yoğunlukları belirlenerek, gelecekte konuya ilişkin yapılacak çalışmalara yön göstermek amaçlanmaktadır. Web of Science (WOS), bibliyometrik analiz yapılabilmesi için kullanılan programlar için istenilen formatta dosya indirilmesini sağlayan ve hemen hemen tüm önemli araştırma makalelerini içeren çevrimiçi veri tabanı olmasından dolayı çalışmada tercih edilmiştir. Analiz için vosviewer (sürüm 1.6.18) programı kullanılmıştır. WOS sayfasında gereksinimleri karşılayan belgelere ilişkin bilgilerde yayın yılı, dil, dergi, başlık, yazar, kuruluş, anahtar kelimeler, belge türü, özet ve alıntı sayısı yer almaktadır. Çalışmada ortak yazarlık, ortak anahtar kelimeler, ortak atıf, bibliyografik eşleştirme, ortak alıntı ve temaları analiz edilmiştir. Web of Science index’inde Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) (6,055), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) (5,383) ve Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) (2,262) İngilizce dili kullanılarak yayınlanan makaleler bibliyometri analizinde ele alınarak incelenecek yayınlar belirlenmiştir. Bu kısıtlamalara göre yayınlar incelenerek sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır.


  • Cesa-Bianchi, G., ve Cristini, C. (2019). Tourism, Aging, Healthy And Well-Being: Reflections On The Observations Made By Professor Marcello Cesa-Bianchi. Rıcerche Dı Psıcologıa, 42(4): 721-741.
  • Cinel, B. (2023). Koronavirus ve Sağlık Turizmi. tarihinde İZSATU-İzmir Sağlık Turizmi Derneği:, 01.02.2023
  • Çıtak, G., ve Keklik, B. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemisinin Sağlık Turizmine Etkisinin Nitel Bir Araştırma İle İncelenmesi. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 9(2): 161-172.
  • Çokgüngör, H. Ö. (2021). Health Tourism Bonds. Maliye Dergisi, 4(1): 1-17.
  • Damijanic, A. T. (2019). Wellness and Healthy Lifestyle İn Tourism Settings. Tourism Review, 74(4): 978-989.
  • Dunets, A., Yankovskaya, V., Plisova, A., Mikhailova, M., Vakhrushev, I., ve Aleshko, R. (2020). Health Tourısm In Low Mountaıns: A Case Study. Entrepreneurshıp And Sustaınabılıty Issues, 7: 2213-2227.
  • Eck, N.J. , ve Waltman, L. (2022). VOSviewer Manual. Universiteit Leiden.
  • Eissler, L., ve Casken , J. (2013). Seeking Health Care Through International Medical Tourism. Journal Of Nursıng Scholarshıp, 45(2): 177-184.
  • Ferrer, J., Ferri Sanz, M., Dura Ferrandis, E., McCabe , S., ve Sanchez Garcia , J. (2016). Social Tourism and Healthy Ageing. Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research, 18(4): Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research.
  • Gürvardar, Y. (2022). Türkiye’de Sağlık Turizmine Yönelik Uygulamaların Paydaş Görüşleri İle Değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi: Ankara.
  • Hall, C. M. (2011). Health And Medical Tourism: A Kill Or Cure For Global Public Health? Tourısm Revıew, 66(1-2): 4-15.
  • Halilur Rahman, M., Gazi, E., ve Bhuiyan, M. (2021). Effect Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Tourist Travel Risk And Management Perceptions. Plos one, 16(9: 1-19.
  • Hamid, S., ve Putit, N. (2012). Branding Kuching City As Health Tourism Destination. International Hospitality and Tourism Conference (IHTC), 263-268.
  • Kosikova, M., ve Litavcova, E. (2020). Health Tourısm In Slovak Medıcal Spas. 13th Internatıonal Days Of Statıstıcs And Economıcs, 794-803.
  • Lee, C. G. (2010). Health Care And Tourism: Evidence From Singapore. Tourısm Management, 31(4): 486-488.
  • Liu, X., ve Wang, H. (2013). Study on Health Tourism Products Basing on Traditional Chinese Sports Health Culture. 2013 Internatıonal Conference On Socıal Scıences Research (SSR 2013), 2: 109-113.
  • Novelli, M., Schmitz, B., ve Spencer, T. (2006). Networks, Clusters And İnnovation İn Tourism: A UK Experience. Tourısm Management, 27(6): 1141-1152.
  • P.Fokin, S. (2006). Sports And Healthy Tourism: A Problem of A Terminological Means. Pedagogıcs Psychology Medıcal-Bıologıcal Problems Of Physıcal Traınıng And Sports, 8: 88-90.
  • Patterson, I., ve Balderas-Cejudo, A. (2022). Tourism Towards Healthy Lives And Well-Being For Older Adults And Senior Citizens: Tourism Agenda 2030. Tourısm Revıew, 1-16.
  • Patterson, I., Balderas-Cejudo, A., ve Pegg, S. (2021). Tourism Preferences Of Seniors And Their İmpact On Healthy Ageing. Anatolıa-Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm And Hospıtalıty Research, 32(4): 553-564.
  • Roman, M., Roman, M., ve Wojcieszak-Zbierska, M. (2023). Health Tourism—Subject of Scientific Research: A Literature Review and Cluster Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res.Public Health, 1-17.
  • Santos-Roldan, L., Castillo Canalejo, A., Berbel-Pineda, J., ve Palacios-Florencio, B. (2020). Sustainable Tourism as a Source of Healthy Tourism. Internatıonal Journal Of Envıronmental Research And Publıc Health, 17(15): 2-15.
  • Scholz, P. (2015). Focus On Healthy Lıfestyle In Youth Tourısm. 10th International Conference on Topical Issues of Tourism, 446-458.
  • Sun, S., Zhong, L., Law, R., Li, X., Deng, B., ve Yang, L. (2022). Health Tourism Evolution: A Review Based on Bibliometric Analysis and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database. Sustainability, 1-14.
  • Tengilimoğlu, D. (2017). Sağlık Turizmi (Cilt 2. Baskı). Siyasalkitap: Ankara.
  • Tengilimoğlu, D. (2021). Sağlık Turizmi Ve Devlet Teşvikleri. Journal of Life Economics, 8(1): 1-10.
  • Tontuş, H. (2023). Sağlık Turizmi Nedir? SATURK Yayını: Ankara.
  • Tsartsara, S. I. (2018). Definition of a new type of tourism niche-The geriatric tourism. Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research, 20(6): 796-799.
  • Türkiye’nin Sağlık Turizminde 2023 Hedefi 1,5 Milyon Sağlık Turisti (10.10.2022) ( Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2023)
  • Wall, S., Hemingway, A., veCurtin, S. (2017). Engaging With A Healthy Tourism "Offer": Strategies To İmprove Place Perceptions. Worldwıde Hospıtalıty And Tourısm Themes, 9(5): 525-533.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 16.01.2023


Year 2023, Issue: 1, 34 - 45, 26.04.2023


In this research, bibliometric analysis was conducted to determine the evolutionary process of 10,962 articles published between 2012-2023 in the Web of Science database on the theme of health tourism. With the results of the analysis, the study intensities of the studies included in the research are determined within the scope of the theme, and it is aimed to guide the studies to be made on the subject in the future. Web of Science (WOS) was preferred in the study because it is an online database that allows downloading files in the desired format for the programs used for bibliometric analysis and contains almost all important research articles. The vosviewer (version 1.6.18) program was used for analysis. Information on documents meeting the requirements on the WOS page includes publication year, language, journal, title, author, organization, keywords, document type, abstract and number of citations. In the study, co-authorship, common keywords, co-citation, bibliographic matching, co-citation and themes were analyzed. Articles published in the Web of Science index using English language will be examined in the bibliometric analysis. publications are determined. According to these restrictions, the results were obtained by examining the publications.


  • Cesa-Bianchi, G., ve Cristini, C. (2019). Tourism, Aging, Healthy And Well-Being: Reflections On The Observations Made By Professor Marcello Cesa-Bianchi. Rıcerche Dı Psıcologıa, 42(4): 721-741.
  • Cinel, B. (2023). Koronavirus ve Sağlık Turizmi. tarihinde İZSATU-İzmir Sağlık Turizmi Derneği:, 01.02.2023
  • Çıtak, G., ve Keklik, B. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemisinin Sağlık Turizmine Etkisinin Nitel Bir Araştırma İle İncelenmesi. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 9(2): 161-172.
  • Çokgüngör, H. Ö. (2021). Health Tourism Bonds. Maliye Dergisi, 4(1): 1-17.
  • Damijanic, A. T. (2019). Wellness and Healthy Lifestyle İn Tourism Settings. Tourism Review, 74(4): 978-989.
  • Dunets, A., Yankovskaya, V., Plisova, A., Mikhailova, M., Vakhrushev, I., ve Aleshko, R. (2020). Health Tourısm In Low Mountaıns: A Case Study. Entrepreneurshıp And Sustaınabılıty Issues, 7: 2213-2227.
  • Eck, N.J. , ve Waltman, L. (2022). VOSviewer Manual. Universiteit Leiden.
  • Eissler, L., ve Casken , J. (2013). Seeking Health Care Through International Medical Tourism. Journal Of Nursıng Scholarshıp, 45(2): 177-184.
  • Ferrer, J., Ferri Sanz, M., Dura Ferrandis, E., McCabe , S., ve Sanchez Garcia , J. (2016). Social Tourism and Healthy Ageing. Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research, 18(4): Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research.
  • Gürvardar, Y. (2022). Türkiye’de Sağlık Turizmine Yönelik Uygulamaların Paydaş Görüşleri İle Değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi: Ankara.
  • Hall, C. M. (2011). Health And Medical Tourism: A Kill Or Cure For Global Public Health? Tourısm Revıew, 66(1-2): 4-15.
  • Halilur Rahman, M., Gazi, E., ve Bhuiyan, M. (2021). Effect Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Tourist Travel Risk And Management Perceptions. Plos one, 16(9: 1-19.
  • Hamid, S., ve Putit, N. (2012). Branding Kuching City As Health Tourism Destination. International Hospitality and Tourism Conference (IHTC), 263-268.
  • Kosikova, M., ve Litavcova, E. (2020). Health Tourısm In Slovak Medıcal Spas. 13th Internatıonal Days Of Statıstıcs And Economıcs, 794-803.
  • Lee, C. G. (2010). Health Care And Tourism: Evidence From Singapore. Tourısm Management, 31(4): 486-488.
  • Liu, X., ve Wang, H. (2013). Study on Health Tourism Products Basing on Traditional Chinese Sports Health Culture. 2013 Internatıonal Conference On Socıal Scıences Research (SSR 2013), 2: 109-113.
  • Novelli, M., Schmitz, B., ve Spencer, T. (2006). Networks, Clusters And İnnovation İn Tourism: A UK Experience. Tourısm Management, 27(6): 1141-1152.
  • P.Fokin, S. (2006). Sports And Healthy Tourism: A Problem of A Terminological Means. Pedagogıcs Psychology Medıcal-Bıologıcal Problems Of Physıcal Traınıng And Sports, 8: 88-90.
  • Patterson, I., ve Balderas-Cejudo, A. (2022). Tourism Towards Healthy Lives And Well-Being For Older Adults And Senior Citizens: Tourism Agenda 2030. Tourısm Revıew, 1-16.
  • Patterson, I., Balderas-Cejudo, A., ve Pegg, S. (2021). Tourism Preferences Of Seniors And Their İmpact On Healthy Ageing. Anatolıa-Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm And Hospıtalıty Research, 32(4): 553-564.
  • Roman, M., Roman, M., ve Wojcieszak-Zbierska, M. (2023). Health Tourism—Subject of Scientific Research: A Literature Review and Cluster Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res.Public Health, 1-17.
  • Santos-Roldan, L., Castillo Canalejo, A., Berbel-Pineda, J., ve Palacios-Florencio, B. (2020). Sustainable Tourism as a Source of Healthy Tourism. Internatıonal Journal Of Envıronmental Research And Publıc Health, 17(15): 2-15.
  • Scholz, P. (2015). Focus On Healthy Lıfestyle In Youth Tourısm. 10th International Conference on Topical Issues of Tourism, 446-458.
  • Sun, S., Zhong, L., Law, R., Li, X., Deng, B., ve Yang, L. (2022). Health Tourism Evolution: A Review Based on Bibliometric Analysis and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database. Sustainability, 1-14.
  • Tengilimoğlu, D. (2017). Sağlık Turizmi (Cilt 2. Baskı). Siyasalkitap: Ankara.
  • Tengilimoğlu, D. (2021). Sağlık Turizmi Ve Devlet Teşvikleri. Journal of Life Economics, 8(1): 1-10.
  • Tontuş, H. (2023). Sağlık Turizmi Nedir? SATURK Yayını: Ankara.
  • Tsartsara, S. I. (2018). Definition of a new type of tourism niche-The geriatric tourism. Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research, 20(6): 796-799.
  • Türkiye’nin Sağlık Turizminde 2023 Hedefi 1,5 Milyon Sağlık Turisti (10.10.2022) ( Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2023)
  • Wall, S., Hemingway, A., veCurtin, S. (2017). Engaging With A Healthy Tourism "Offer": Strategies To İmprove Place Perceptions. Worldwıde Hospıtalıty And Tourısm Themes, 9(5): 525-533.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 16.01.2023
Year 2023, Issue: 1, 34 - 45, 26.04.2023



  • Cesa-Bianchi, G., ve Cristini, C. (2019). Tourism, Aging, Healthy And Well-Being: Reflections On The Observations Made By Professor Marcello Cesa-Bianchi. Rıcerche Dı Psıcologıa, 42(4): 721-741.
  • Cinel, B. (2023). Koronavirus ve Sağlık Turizmi. tarihinde İZSATU-İzmir Sağlık Turizmi Derneği:, 01.02.2023
  • Çıtak, G., ve Keklik, B. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemisinin Sağlık Turizmine Etkisinin Nitel Bir Araştırma İle İncelenmesi. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 9(2): 161-172.
  • Çokgüngör, H. Ö. (2021). Health Tourism Bonds. Maliye Dergisi, 4(1): 1-17.
  • Damijanic, A. T. (2019). Wellness and Healthy Lifestyle İn Tourism Settings. Tourism Review, 74(4): 978-989.
  • Dunets, A., Yankovskaya, V., Plisova, A., Mikhailova, M., Vakhrushev, I., ve Aleshko, R. (2020). Health Tourısm In Low Mountaıns: A Case Study. Entrepreneurshıp And Sustaınabılıty Issues, 7: 2213-2227.
  • Eck, N.J. , ve Waltman, L. (2022). VOSviewer Manual. Universiteit Leiden.
  • Eissler, L., ve Casken , J. (2013). Seeking Health Care Through International Medical Tourism. Journal Of Nursıng Scholarshıp, 45(2): 177-184.
  • Ferrer, J., Ferri Sanz, M., Dura Ferrandis, E., McCabe , S., ve Sanchez Garcia , J. (2016). Social Tourism and Healthy Ageing. Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research, 18(4): Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research.
  • Gürvardar, Y. (2022). Türkiye’de Sağlık Turizmine Yönelik Uygulamaların Paydaş Görüşleri İle Değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi: Ankara.
  • Hall, C. M. (2011). Health And Medical Tourism: A Kill Or Cure For Global Public Health? Tourısm Revıew, 66(1-2): 4-15.
  • Halilur Rahman, M., Gazi, E., ve Bhuiyan, M. (2021). Effect Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Tourist Travel Risk And Management Perceptions. Plos one, 16(9: 1-19.
  • Hamid, S., ve Putit, N. (2012). Branding Kuching City As Health Tourism Destination. International Hospitality and Tourism Conference (IHTC), 263-268.
  • Kosikova, M., ve Litavcova, E. (2020). Health Tourısm In Slovak Medıcal Spas. 13th Internatıonal Days Of Statıstıcs And Economıcs, 794-803.
  • Lee, C. G. (2010). Health Care And Tourism: Evidence From Singapore. Tourısm Management, 31(4): 486-488.
  • Liu, X., ve Wang, H. (2013). Study on Health Tourism Products Basing on Traditional Chinese Sports Health Culture. 2013 Internatıonal Conference On Socıal Scıences Research (SSR 2013), 2: 109-113.
  • Novelli, M., Schmitz, B., ve Spencer, T. (2006). Networks, Clusters And İnnovation İn Tourism: A UK Experience. Tourısm Management, 27(6): 1141-1152.
  • P.Fokin, S. (2006). Sports And Healthy Tourism: A Problem of A Terminological Means. Pedagogıcs Psychology Medıcal-Bıologıcal Problems Of Physıcal Traınıng And Sports, 8: 88-90.
  • Patterson, I., ve Balderas-Cejudo, A. (2022). Tourism Towards Healthy Lives And Well-Being For Older Adults And Senior Citizens: Tourism Agenda 2030. Tourısm Revıew, 1-16.
  • Patterson, I., Balderas-Cejudo, A., ve Pegg, S. (2021). Tourism Preferences Of Seniors And Their İmpact On Healthy Ageing. Anatolıa-Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm And Hospıtalıty Research, 32(4): 553-564.
  • Roman, M., Roman, M., ve Wojcieszak-Zbierska, M. (2023). Health Tourism—Subject of Scientific Research: A Literature Review and Cluster Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res.Public Health, 1-17.
  • Santos-Roldan, L., Castillo Canalejo, A., Berbel-Pineda, J., ve Palacios-Florencio, B. (2020). Sustainable Tourism as a Source of Healthy Tourism. Internatıonal Journal Of Envıronmental Research And Publıc Health, 17(15): 2-15.
  • Scholz, P. (2015). Focus On Healthy Lıfestyle In Youth Tourısm. 10th International Conference on Topical Issues of Tourism, 446-458.
  • Sun, S., Zhong, L., Law, R., Li, X., Deng, B., ve Yang, L. (2022). Health Tourism Evolution: A Review Based on Bibliometric Analysis and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database. Sustainability, 1-14.
  • Tengilimoğlu, D. (2017). Sağlık Turizmi (Cilt 2. Baskı). Siyasalkitap: Ankara.
  • Tengilimoğlu, D. (2021). Sağlık Turizmi Ve Devlet Teşvikleri. Journal of Life Economics, 8(1): 1-10.
  • Tontuş, H. (2023). Sağlık Turizmi Nedir? SATURK Yayını: Ankara.
  • Tsartsara, S. I. (2018). Definition of a new type of tourism niche-The geriatric tourism. Internatıonal Journal Of Tourısm Research, 20(6): 796-799.
  • Türkiye’nin Sağlık Turizminde 2023 Hedefi 1,5 Milyon Sağlık Turisti (10.10.2022) ( Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2023)
  • Wall, S., Hemingway, A., veCurtin, S. (2017). Engaging With A Healthy Tourism "Offer": Strategies To İmprove Place Perceptions. Worldwıde Hospıtalıty And Tourısm Themes, 9(5): 525-533.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 16.01.2023
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Policy
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Kazak 0000-0002-7593-9050

Gülşah Kazak 0000-0002-1972-0820

Publication Date April 26, 2023
Submission Date February 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 1


APA Kazak, M., & Kazak, G. (2023). SAĞLIK TURİZMİ ALANINDA YAPILAN ÇALIŞMALARININ VOSVİEWER İLE BİBLİYOMETRİK ANALİZİ. Journal of Healthcare Management and Leadership(1), 34-45.