BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 27.03.2016



  • Hooper PL, Rao NA, Smith RE. Cataract extraction in uveitis patients. Surv
  • Ophthalmol 1990;35:120-44.
  • Ionides A, Dowler JG, Hykin PG, Rosen PH, et. al. Posterior capsule
  • opacification following diabetic extracapsular cataract extraction. Eye
  • (Lond) 1994;8:535-7.
  • Polak M, Zarnowski T, Zagorski Z. Results of Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy
  • in posterior capsule opacification. Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sklodowska.
  • ;57:357-363.
  • Steinert RF, Puliafito CA, Kumar SR, et. al. Cystoid macular edema, retinal
  • detachment, and glaucoma after Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Am
  • J Ophthalmol. 1991;112:373-380.
  • Billotte C, Berdeaux G. Adverse clinical consequences of neodymium: YAG
  • laser treatment of posterior capsule opacification. J Cataract Refract Surg.
  • ;30:2064-2071.
  • Leff SR, Welch JC, Tasman W. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment after
  • YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Ophthalmology. 1987;94;10,1222–1225.
  • Channell MM, Beckman H. Intraocular pressure changes after
  • neodymium-YAGlaser posterior capsulotomy. Archives of Ophthalmology,
  • ;102;7,1024–1026.
  • Findl O, Drexler W, Menapace R, Georgopoulos M, et. al. Changes in
  • intraocular lens position after neodynamium: YAG capsulotomy. Journal of
  • Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1999;25;5,659–662.
  • Pereira Minello AA, Prata Jr JA, de Arruda Mello PA. Efficacy of topic ocular
  • hipotensive agents after posterior capsulotomy. Arquivos Brasileiros de
  • Oftalmologia. 2008;71;5,706–710.
  • Lin JC, Katz LJ, Spaeth GL, Klancnik Jr JM. Intraocular pressure control
  • afterNd : YAGlaser posterior capsulotomy in eyes with glaucoma. British
  • Journal of Ophthalmology. 2008;92;3,337–339.
  • Barnes EA, Murdoch IE, Subramaniam S, Cahill A, et. al. Neodymium:yttrium–
  • aluminum–garnet capsulotomy and intraocular pressure in pseudophakic
  • patients with glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1393–7.
  • Waseem M, Khan HA. Association of raised intraocular pressure and its
  • correlation to the energy used with raised versus normal intraocular
  • pressure following Nd:YAG laserposterior capsulotomy in pseudophakes. J
  • Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2010;20:524–7.
  • Ozkurt YB, Sengor T, Evciman T, Haboğlu M. Refraction, intraocular
  • pressure and anterior chamber depth changes after Nd:YAG laser treatment
  • for posterior capsular opacification in pseudophakic eyes. Clin Exp Optom.
  • ;92:412–5.
  • Ari S, Cingü AK, Sahin A, Çınar Y, et. al. The effects of Nd: YAG laser
  • posterior capsulotomy on macular thickness, intraocular pressure, and
  • visual acuity. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2012;43;395–400.
  • Kraff MC, Sanders DR, Lieberman HL. Intraocular pressure and the corneal
  • endothelium after neodymium-YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Relative
  • effects of aphakia and pseudophakia. Arch Ophthalmol. 1985;103;4,511-
  • Vine AK. Ocular hypertension following Nd-YAG Laser Capsulotomy: A
  • potentially blinding complication. Ophthalmic Surg. 1984;15;4,283-4.
  • Parker MD, Clofeine GS, Stocklin RD. Marked intraocular prressure rise
  • following Nd-YAG laser capsulotomy. Ophthalmic Surg. 1984;15;2;103-4.
  • Ruderman JM, Mitchell PG, Kraff M. Pupillary block following Nd-YAG laser
  • capsulotomy. Ophthalmic Surg. 1983;14;5,418-9.
  • MacEwen CJ, Dutton GN, Holding D. Angle closure following Neodymium-
  • YAG (Nd-YAG) laser capsulotomy in the Aphakic Eye. Br J Ophthalmol.
  • ;69;10,795-6.
  • Shani L, David R, Tessler Z, Rosen S, et. al. Intraocular pressure after
  • neodymium: YAG laser treatments in the anterior segment. Journal of
  • Cataract and Refractive Surgery 1994;20:4:455-8.
  • Karahan E, Tuncer İ, Zengin MÖ. The Effect of ND:YAG Laser Posterior
  • Capsulotomy Size on Refraction, Intraocular Pressure, and Macular Thickness;
  • Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014:846385. doi: 10.1155/2014/846385.
  • Ruiz-Casas D, Barrancos C, Alio JL, Ruiz-Guerrero M, et. all. Effect of
  • posterior neodymium:YAG capsulotomy. Safety evaluation of macular
  • foveal thickness, intraocular pressure and endothelial cell loss in
  • pseudophakic patients with posterior capsule opacification; Arch Soc Esp
  • Oftalmol. 2013;88:11,415-22.
  • Mete M, Doğan M, Bozkurt E, Kaya V, et. al. Arka Kapsül Kesafeti Olan
  • Olgularda Nd:YAG Lazer Arka Kapsülotomi Sonrası Makula Bulgularının
  • Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Tıp Derg - Istanbul Med J. 2012;13;1,29-35.
  • Altıparmak UE, Köklü Çakır B, Ersöz İ, Çaylak Yıldız E, et. all. Follow-Up of
  • Macular Thickness By Optical Coherence Tomography After Nd: Yag Lazer
  • Capsulotomy. Glo-Kat 2009;4:179-182.
  • L. A. Paunescu, J. S. Schuman, L. L. Price et al., “Reproducibility of nerve
  • fiber thickness, macular thickness, and optic nerve head measurements
  • using StratusOCT. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.
  • ;45,6.1716–1724.
  • J. S. Schuman, G. Wollstein, T. Farra et al. Comparison of optic nerve head
  • measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal
  • scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. American Journal of Ophthalmology.
  • ;135,4,504–512.
  • G. Garhofer, R. Werkmeister, N. Dragostinoff, and L. Schmetterer, “Retinal
  • blood flow in healthy young subjects,” Investigative Ophthalmology &
  • Visual Science. 2012;53,2,698–703.

YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına ve Retina Sinir Lifi ne Etkileri

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 27.03.2016


Amaç YAG kapsulotomi uygulaması yapılan hastalarda antiglokomatöz(AG) ilaç kullanan ve kulanmayanlarda göz içi basıncı (GİB) ve retina sinir lifi
(RSL) değişiklerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır.
Metod ve Sonuçlar: Katarakt operasyonundan sonra en az üç ay sürenin geçtiği, herhangi bir okuler hastalığı olmayan, YAG kapsulotomi uygulaması neticesinde
herhangi bir komplikasyon gelişmeyen hastalar (n=37) çalışmaya alındı. Kapsulotomi sonrası yalnızca steroidli damla kullanan hastalar Grup
1’i (n=18) oluştururken, steroidle beraber antiglokomatöz(AG) damla kullanan hastalar Grup 2’yi (n=19) oluşturdu. Hastalarda GİB ve RSL
ölçümleri işlemden önce işlemden 24 saat, 72 saat ve iki hafta sonra yapıldı. Ortalama olarak grup 1’de uygulanan güç 27,21mj, cerrahiden
sonra geçen zaman 50.84 ay, aksiyel göz uzunluğu(AL) 23.23mm idi. Ortalama GİB sırasıyla YAG kapsulotomi öncesi, işlemden 24 saat, 72
saat ve iki hafta sonra sırasıyla; 14.26mmHg, 14.57mmHg, 15.47mmHg, 15.26mmHg olarak ölçüldü. Ortalama RSL kalınlığı aynı sıralamayla
100.68 mikron, 101.21mikron, 100.20 mikron, 102.36 mikron olarak ölçüldü. Grup 2’de ise ortalama olarak uygulanan güç 58.68mj,
cerrahi sonrası süre 44.11 ay, AL 23.24mm. Grup 2’de GİB sırayla; 14.22mmHg, 14.22mmHg, 14.66mmHg, 14.55mmHg olarak ölçülürken;
RSL kalınlığı 98.88 mikron, 95.16 mikron, 95.94 mikron 96.44 mikron olarak ölçüldü.
Tartışma: Grup 1’ deki hastalarda GİB’ı işlem sonrası anlamlı olarak artarken, RSL ölçümlerinde anlamlı değişiklik izlenmedi. Grup 2’deki hastalarda
ise GİB anlamlı fark göstermedi ancak RSL kalınlığında anlamlı incelme ölçüldü. Oluşan değişiklikler normal sınırlarda idi ve herhangi bir
tedaviyi gerektirmedi. Düzenli takipleri yapılabilen, glokom için ilave risk taşımayan kişilerde YAG lazer sonrası ilaç seçiminin kişiye özel olarak
yapılması fazla ilaç kullanımını engelleyebilir.miştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: YAG kapsulotomi, glokom, retina sinir lifi, Optik Koherens Tomografi


  • Hooper PL, Rao NA, Smith RE. Cataract extraction in uveitis patients. Surv
  • Ophthalmol 1990;35:120-44.
  • Ionides A, Dowler JG, Hykin PG, Rosen PH, et. al. Posterior capsule
  • opacification following diabetic extracapsular cataract extraction. Eye
  • (Lond) 1994;8:535-7.
  • Polak M, Zarnowski T, Zagorski Z. Results of Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy
  • in posterior capsule opacification. Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sklodowska.
  • ;57:357-363.
  • Steinert RF, Puliafito CA, Kumar SR, et. al. Cystoid macular edema, retinal
  • detachment, and glaucoma after Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Am
  • J Ophthalmol. 1991;112:373-380.
  • Billotte C, Berdeaux G. Adverse clinical consequences of neodymium: YAG
  • laser treatment of posterior capsule opacification. J Cataract Refract Surg.
  • ;30:2064-2071.
  • Leff SR, Welch JC, Tasman W. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment after
  • YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Ophthalmology. 1987;94;10,1222–1225.
  • Channell MM, Beckman H. Intraocular pressure changes after
  • neodymium-YAGlaser posterior capsulotomy. Archives of Ophthalmology,
  • ;102;7,1024–1026.
  • Findl O, Drexler W, Menapace R, Georgopoulos M, et. al. Changes in
  • intraocular lens position after neodynamium: YAG capsulotomy. Journal of
  • Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1999;25;5,659–662.
  • Pereira Minello AA, Prata Jr JA, de Arruda Mello PA. Efficacy of topic ocular
  • hipotensive agents after posterior capsulotomy. Arquivos Brasileiros de
  • Oftalmologia. 2008;71;5,706–710.
  • Lin JC, Katz LJ, Spaeth GL, Klancnik Jr JM. Intraocular pressure control
  • afterNd : YAGlaser posterior capsulotomy in eyes with glaucoma. British
  • Journal of Ophthalmology. 2008;92;3,337–339.
  • Barnes EA, Murdoch IE, Subramaniam S, Cahill A, et. al. Neodymium:yttrium–
  • aluminum–garnet capsulotomy and intraocular pressure in pseudophakic
  • patients with glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1393–7.
  • Waseem M, Khan HA. Association of raised intraocular pressure and its
  • correlation to the energy used with raised versus normal intraocular
  • pressure following Nd:YAG laserposterior capsulotomy in pseudophakes. J
  • Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2010;20:524–7.
  • Ozkurt YB, Sengor T, Evciman T, Haboğlu M. Refraction, intraocular
  • pressure and anterior chamber depth changes after Nd:YAG laser treatment
  • for posterior capsular opacification in pseudophakic eyes. Clin Exp Optom.
  • ;92:412–5.
  • Ari S, Cingü AK, Sahin A, Çınar Y, et. al. The effects of Nd: YAG laser
  • posterior capsulotomy on macular thickness, intraocular pressure, and
  • visual acuity. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2012;43;395–400.
  • Kraff MC, Sanders DR, Lieberman HL. Intraocular pressure and the corneal
  • endothelium after neodymium-YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Relative
  • effects of aphakia and pseudophakia. Arch Ophthalmol. 1985;103;4,511-
  • Vine AK. Ocular hypertension following Nd-YAG Laser Capsulotomy: A
  • potentially blinding complication. Ophthalmic Surg. 1984;15;4,283-4.
  • Parker MD, Clofeine GS, Stocklin RD. Marked intraocular prressure rise
  • following Nd-YAG laser capsulotomy. Ophthalmic Surg. 1984;15;2;103-4.
  • Ruderman JM, Mitchell PG, Kraff M. Pupillary block following Nd-YAG laser
  • capsulotomy. Ophthalmic Surg. 1983;14;5,418-9.
  • MacEwen CJ, Dutton GN, Holding D. Angle closure following Neodymium-
  • YAG (Nd-YAG) laser capsulotomy in the Aphakic Eye. Br J Ophthalmol.
  • ;69;10,795-6.
  • Shani L, David R, Tessler Z, Rosen S, et. al. Intraocular pressure after
  • neodymium: YAG laser treatments in the anterior segment. Journal of
  • Cataract and Refractive Surgery 1994;20:4:455-8.
  • Karahan E, Tuncer İ, Zengin MÖ. The Effect of ND:YAG Laser Posterior
  • Capsulotomy Size on Refraction, Intraocular Pressure, and Macular Thickness;
  • Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014:846385. doi: 10.1155/2014/846385.
  • Ruiz-Casas D, Barrancos C, Alio JL, Ruiz-Guerrero M, et. all. Effect of
  • posterior neodymium:YAG capsulotomy. Safety evaluation of macular
  • foveal thickness, intraocular pressure and endothelial cell loss in
  • pseudophakic patients with posterior capsule opacification; Arch Soc Esp
  • Oftalmol. 2013;88:11,415-22.
  • Mete M, Doğan M, Bozkurt E, Kaya V, et. al. Arka Kapsül Kesafeti Olan
  • Olgularda Nd:YAG Lazer Arka Kapsülotomi Sonrası Makula Bulgularının
  • Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Tıp Derg - Istanbul Med J. 2012;13;1,29-35.
  • Altıparmak UE, Köklü Çakır B, Ersöz İ, Çaylak Yıldız E, et. all. Follow-Up of
  • Macular Thickness By Optical Coherence Tomography After Nd: Yag Lazer
  • Capsulotomy. Glo-Kat 2009;4:179-182.
  • L. A. Paunescu, J. S. Schuman, L. L. Price et al., “Reproducibility of nerve
  • fiber thickness, macular thickness, and optic nerve head measurements
  • using StratusOCT. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.
  • ;45,6.1716–1724.
  • J. S. Schuman, G. Wollstein, T. Farra et al. Comparison of optic nerve head
  • measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal
  • scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. American Journal of Ophthalmology.
  • ;135,4,504–512.
  • G. Garhofer, R. Werkmeister, N. Dragostinoff, and L. Schmetterer, “Retinal
  • blood flow in healthy young subjects,” Investigative Ophthalmology &
  • Visual Science. 2012;53,2,698–703.
There are 82 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

İsa Yuvacı This is me

Emine Pangal This is me

Mustafa Ataş This is me

Süleyman Demircan This is me

NECATİ Duru This is me

Nurettin Bayram This is me

Publication Date March 27, 2016
Submission Date April 7, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Yuvacı, İ., Pangal, E., Ataş, M., Demircan, S., et al. (2016). YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına ve Retina Sinir Lifi ne Etkileri. Journal of Human Rhythm, 2(1).
AMA Yuvacı İ, Pangal E, Ataş M, Demircan S, Duru N, Bayram N. YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına ve Retina Sinir Lifi ne Etkileri. Journal of Human Rhythm. March 2016;2(1).
Chicago Yuvacı, İsa, Emine Pangal, Mustafa Ataş, Süleyman Demircan, NECATİ Duru, and Nurettin Bayram. “YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına Ve Retina Sinir Lifi Ne Etkileri”. Journal of Human Rhythm 2, no. 1 (March 2016).
EndNote Yuvacı İ, Pangal E, Ataş M, Demircan S, Duru N, Bayram N (March 1, 2016) YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına ve Retina Sinir Lifi ne Etkileri. Journal of Human Rhythm 2 1
IEEE İ. Yuvacı, E. Pangal, M. Ataş, S. Demircan, N. Duru, and N. Bayram, “YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına ve Retina Sinir Lifi ne Etkileri”, Journal of Human Rhythm, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016.
ISNAD Yuvacı, İsa et al. “YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına Ve Retina Sinir Lifi Ne Etkileri”. Journal of Human Rhythm 2/1 (March 2016).
JAMA Yuvacı İ, Pangal E, Ataş M, Demircan S, Duru N, Bayram N. YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına ve Retina Sinir Lifi ne Etkileri. Journal of Human Rhythm. 2016;2.
MLA Yuvacı, İsa et al. “YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına Ve Retina Sinir Lifi Ne Etkileri”. Journal of Human Rhythm, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016.
Vancouver Yuvacı İ, Pangal E, Ataş M, Demircan S, Duru N, Bayram N. YAG Kapsulotomi Sonrası Antiglokomatöz İlaç Kullanımı;Göz İçi Basıncına ve Retina Sinir Lifi ne Etkileri. Journal of Human Rhythm. 2016;2(1).