Adams, A. 1992. Bullying at work: How to confront and overcome it. London: Virago
Adams, A. 2003. The Andrea Adams Trust: Fact sheet on workplace bullying. or Factsheetpdf.pdf.
Bjorkqvist, K., Osterman, K. & Lagerspitz, M.J. 1994. Aggression in the workplace: Sex differences in covert aggression among adults. Aggressive behaviour, 20:27-30.
Brooke, R.W.A. 1983. An empirical phenomenological investigation of being guilty. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
Coyne, I., Seigne, E. & Randall, P. 2000. Predicting Workplace Victim Status from Personality. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9(3):335-349.
Crawford, N. 1999. Conundrums and Confusion in Organisations: the Etymology of the Word “bully”. International Journal of Manpower, 20(1/2):86-93.
Ellis, A. 1998. Bullying in the Workplace – an acceptable cost?
Einarsen, S. 1999. The nature and causes of bullying at work. International Journal of Manpower, 20(1/2):16-27.
Einarsen, S. 2000. Harassment and Bullying at Work: a Review of the Scandinavian Approach. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 5(4):379-401,
Einarsen, S. & Raknes, B.I. 1997. Harassment at work and the victimization of men. Violence and Victims, 12:247–263.
Einarsen, S. & Skogstad, A. 1996. Bullying at work: Epidemiological findings in public and private organisations. European Journal of work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2):185-210.
Field, T. 1996. Bully in sight: how to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace bullying. Oxfordshire:
Success Unlimited.
Field, T. 2003. Staffroom bullying. http: or or workbully or defns.htm.
Field, T. 2003. Bully OnLine. http: or or workbully or defns.htm.
Fischer, W.J. 1982. An empirical-phenomenological approach to the psychology of anxiety. In de Koning, A.J.J. & Jenner, F.A. (eds). Phenomenology and Psychiatry, 63-84. London: Academic.
Garrett, A. 2003. Crash course: How to Cure Bullying at Work. Management Today, 80, May.
Hadjifotiou, N. 1983. Women and harassment at work. London: Pluto.
Hoel, H., Cooper, C.L. & Faragher, B. 2001. The Experience of Bullying in Great Britain: the Impact of Organizational Status. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):443-465, December.
Hubert, A.B. & Van Veldhoven, M. 2001. Risk Sectors for Undesirable Behaviour and Mobbing. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):415-424, December.
Kramer, M. 2003. Discrimination and Bullying at the Work Place. Emotional Intelligence assignment for Mario
Denton, lecturer at Graduate School of Business, University of Stellenbosch, Bellville, Egypt.
Kruger, D. & Stones, C.R. 1979. An introduction to phenomenological psychology. Cape Town: Juta.
Kruger, D. 1988. An introduction to phenomenological psychology. Cape Town: Juta.
Kvale, S. 1987. Interpretation of the qualitative research interview. In Van Zuuren, F, Wertz, F.J. & Mook, B. (eds). Advances in Qualitative Psychology: Themes and Variations. Swets: Berwyn.
Lee, D. 2000. An Analysis of Workplace Bullying in the UK. Personnel Review, 29(5/6):593-610.
Lewis, D. 1999. Workplace bullying – interim findings of a study in further and higher education in Wales. International Journal of Manpower, 20(1/2):106-118.
Lewis, J., Coursol, D. & Wahl, K.H. 2002. Addressing issues of workplace harassment: counselling the targets. Journal of Employment Counselling, 39(3):109-116.
Leymann, H. 1992. From mobbing to expulsion at work. Stockholm: Publica.
Leymann, H. 1996. Explanation of the Operation of the LIPT – Questionnaire, School of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Griffith University, Brisbane.
Liefooghe, A.P.D. & MacKenzie Davey, K. 2001. Accounts of workplace bullying: the role of the organization.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):375-392.
McAvoy, B.R. & Murtagh, J. (2003). Workplace bullying. British Medical Journal, 326(7393), 12 April, 776-777.
Mikkelsen, E.G. & Einarsen, S. 2001. Bullying in Danish work-life: Prevalence and health correlates. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):393-413.
Neumann, J.H. 2000. Measuring the coast associated with stress, injustice and bullying. State University of New York, New Paltz.
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. 5th ed. 1(A-M). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Randall, P. 1997. Adult Bullying: Perpertrators and Victims. London & New York: Routledge.
Rayner, C. & Cooper, C. 1997. Workplace bullying: myth or reality – can we afford to ignore it? Leadership and Organisation Development Journal, 18(4):211-214.
Reade, Q. 2002. Bullies fight way to top employee complaints. Personnel Today, 13, 9 October,
Salin, D. 2001. Prevalence and forms of bullying among business professionals: a comparison of two different strategies for measuring bullying. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):425.
Seward, K. & Fahy, S. 2003. Tackling workplace bullies. Occupational Health, 55(5): 16-19, May.
Stones, C.R. 1988. Research: towards a phenomenological praxis. In Kruger, D. (ed.) An introduction to phenomenological psychology. Cape Town: Juta.
Tehrani, N. (ed). 2001. Building a culture of respect: managing bullying at work. London: Taylor & Francis.
Todres, L.A. 1990. An existential phenomenological study of the kind of therapeutic self-insight that carries a greater sense of freedom. Unpublished PhD- dissertation, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.
Vartia, M.A. 2001. Consequences of workplace bullying with respect to the well-being of its targets and the observers of bullying. Scand Journal Work Environ Health, 27(1):63-9, February.
Zapf, D. & Einarsen, S. 2001. Bullying in the workplace: recent trends in research and practice – an introduction. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4): 369-373.
Egyptian Experience of the Workplace Bullying and its impact on worker productivity
The article's general goals and particular objectives are to explore the experience of workplace bullying from a qualitative and descriptive standpoint. Finally, the combined findings are shown.
Design/methodology/approach - The methodology of this paper is therefore to identify, via a phenomenological inquiry, the situation in the professional world in terms of workplace bullying.
Findings - Phenomenological research is a strong qualitative research approach that seeks greater knowledge and insight into an individual's experience, thoughts, emotions, and worries about a certain topic.
The phenomenological qualitative method considerably adds to the meaning of workplace bullying and demonstrates its richness when contrasted to the quantitative approach.
Originality/value - To eliminate workplace discrimination and bullying, organizations must deal with it effectively wherever and wherever it happens.
Workplace Bullying Definition
Adams, A. 1992. Bullying at work: How to confront and overcome it. London: Virago
Adams, A. 2003. The Andrea Adams Trust: Fact sheet on workplace bullying. or Factsheetpdf.pdf.
Bjorkqvist, K., Osterman, K. & Lagerspitz, M.J. 1994. Aggression in the workplace: Sex differences in covert aggression among adults. Aggressive behaviour, 20:27-30.
Brooke, R.W.A. 1983. An empirical phenomenological investigation of being guilty. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
Coyne, I., Seigne, E. & Randall, P. 2000. Predicting Workplace Victim Status from Personality. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9(3):335-349.
Crawford, N. 1999. Conundrums and Confusion in Organisations: the Etymology of the Word “bully”. International Journal of Manpower, 20(1/2):86-93.
Ellis, A. 1998. Bullying in the Workplace – an acceptable cost?
Einarsen, S. 1999. The nature and causes of bullying at work. International Journal of Manpower, 20(1/2):16-27.
Einarsen, S. 2000. Harassment and Bullying at Work: a Review of the Scandinavian Approach. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 5(4):379-401,
Einarsen, S. & Raknes, B.I. 1997. Harassment at work and the victimization of men. Violence and Victims, 12:247–263.
Einarsen, S. & Skogstad, A. 1996. Bullying at work: Epidemiological findings in public and private organisations. European Journal of work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2):185-210.
Field, T. 1996. Bully in sight: how to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace bullying. Oxfordshire:
Success Unlimited.
Field, T. 2003. Staffroom bullying. http: or or workbully or defns.htm.
Field, T. 2003. Bully OnLine. http: or or workbully or defns.htm.
Fischer, W.J. 1982. An empirical-phenomenological approach to the psychology of anxiety. In de Koning, A.J.J. & Jenner, F.A. (eds). Phenomenology and Psychiatry, 63-84. London: Academic.
Garrett, A. 2003. Crash course: How to Cure Bullying at Work. Management Today, 80, May.
Hadjifotiou, N. 1983. Women and harassment at work. London: Pluto.
Hoel, H., Cooper, C.L. & Faragher, B. 2001. The Experience of Bullying in Great Britain: the Impact of Organizational Status. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):443-465, December.
Hubert, A.B. & Van Veldhoven, M. 2001. Risk Sectors for Undesirable Behaviour and Mobbing. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):415-424, December.
Kramer, M. 2003. Discrimination and Bullying at the Work Place. Emotional Intelligence assignment for Mario
Denton, lecturer at Graduate School of Business, University of Stellenbosch, Bellville, Egypt.
Kruger, D. & Stones, C.R. 1979. An introduction to phenomenological psychology. Cape Town: Juta.
Kruger, D. 1988. An introduction to phenomenological psychology. Cape Town: Juta.
Kvale, S. 1987. Interpretation of the qualitative research interview. In Van Zuuren, F, Wertz, F.J. & Mook, B. (eds). Advances in Qualitative Psychology: Themes and Variations. Swets: Berwyn.
Lee, D. 2000. An Analysis of Workplace Bullying in the UK. Personnel Review, 29(5/6):593-610.
Lewis, D. 1999. Workplace bullying – interim findings of a study in further and higher education in Wales. International Journal of Manpower, 20(1/2):106-118.
Lewis, J., Coursol, D. & Wahl, K.H. 2002. Addressing issues of workplace harassment: counselling the targets. Journal of Employment Counselling, 39(3):109-116.
Leymann, H. 1992. From mobbing to expulsion at work. Stockholm: Publica.
Leymann, H. 1996. Explanation of the Operation of the LIPT – Questionnaire, School of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Griffith University, Brisbane.
Liefooghe, A.P.D. & MacKenzie Davey, K. 2001. Accounts of workplace bullying: the role of the organization.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):375-392.
McAvoy, B.R. & Murtagh, J. (2003). Workplace bullying. British Medical Journal, 326(7393), 12 April, 776-777.
Mikkelsen, E.G. & Einarsen, S. 2001. Bullying in Danish work-life: Prevalence and health correlates. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):393-413.
Neumann, J.H. 2000. Measuring the coast associated with stress, injustice and bullying. State University of New York, New Paltz.
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. 5th ed. 1(A-M). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Randall, P. 1997. Adult Bullying: Perpertrators and Victims. London & New York: Routledge.
Rayner, C. & Cooper, C. 1997. Workplace bullying: myth or reality – can we afford to ignore it? Leadership and Organisation Development Journal, 18(4):211-214.
Reade, Q. 2002. Bullies fight way to top employee complaints. Personnel Today, 13, 9 October,
Salin, D. 2001. Prevalence and forms of bullying among business professionals: a comparison of two different strategies for measuring bullying. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4):425.
Seward, K. & Fahy, S. 2003. Tackling workplace bullies. Occupational Health, 55(5): 16-19, May.
Stones, C.R. 1988. Research: towards a phenomenological praxis. In Kruger, D. (ed.) An introduction to phenomenological psychology. Cape Town: Juta.
Tehrani, N. (ed). 2001. Building a culture of respect: managing bullying at work. London: Taylor & Francis.
Todres, L.A. 1990. An existential phenomenological study of the kind of therapeutic self-insight that carries a greater sense of freedom. Unpublished PhD- dissertation, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.
Vartia, M.A. 2001. Consequences of workplace bullying with respect to the well-being of its targets and the observers of bullying. Scand Journal Work Environ Health, 27(1):63-9, February.
Zapf, D. & Einarsen, S. 2001. Bullying in the workplace: recent trends in research and practice – an introduction. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4): 369-373.
Muhanna, E. (2023). Egyptian Experience of the Workplace Bullying and its impact on worker productivity. Journal of Business and Trade, 4(2), 199-221.