Research Article
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The effect of 12-Weeks-of-Zumba, Bosu and Pilates on the Positive Psychological States of Women

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 31 - 40, 31.12.2021


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of 12 weeks of Zumba, Bosu and Pilates exercises on proactive personality, subjective vitality, psychological well-being and subjective happiness levels of women. The research consisted of control and experimental group. The experimental group comprised of 54 women (Xage=30.63±4.47 years) who performed one hour of 3-days-a-week Bosu, Zumba and Pilates exercises. The control group consisted of 39 women (Xage=27.21±5.74 years) who didn’t do any regular sportive activity. For measures, the abbreviated proactive personality scale, subjective happiness scale, the flourishing scale and the subjective vitality scale were used. In the analysis of the obtained data, descriptive statistics and dependent groups’ t-test were used. Findings showed significant differences between pre-test and post-test values in experimental group (p<0.05). The results revealed that women who regularly performed Zumba, Bosu and Pilates for 12 weeks had higher proactive personality, subjective vitality, psychological well-being and subjective happiness traits than women those who weren’t engaged in any sportive activity and accordingly feel better and happier.


  • Akın A (2011). The validity and reliability of the Turkish form of the subjective happiness scale. XI. National Congress of Psychological Counselling and Guidance, 3-5 October, İzmir.Koivula N (1999). Sport participation: differences in motivation and actual. J. Sport Behav. 22(3): 360-380.
  • Akın A, Abacı R, Kaya M, Arıcı N. (2011). The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the abbreviated Proactive Personality Questionnaire (PPP). In ICES11 International Conference on Educational Sciences. Cyprus. 2-25.
  • Akın A, Fidan M.( 2012) The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Flourishing Scale: In Third International Conference on New Trends in Education and their Implications (ICONTE). Istanbul. 26-28.
  • Akın A, Satici SA, Arslan S, Akın Ü, Kayıs AR (2018). The validity and the reliability of the Turkish version of the Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS). Paper presented at the 4rd World Conference on Educational Sciences, 2-5.
  • Ashford SJ, Black JS (1996) Proactivity during organizational entry: The role of desire for control. J. Appl. Psychol.81(2):199-214.
  • Bernardo LM. (2007) The effectiveness of Pilates training in healthy adults: An appraisal of the research literature. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther.;11(2):106-10.
  • Bateman TS, Crant JM (1993) The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. J. Organ. Behav.14(2):103-18.
  • Caldwell K, Harrison M, Adams M, Triplett NT. (2009) Effect of Pilates and taijiquan training on self-efficacy, sleep quality, mood, and physical performance of college students. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther.13(2):155-163.
  • Cowen EL (1994). The enhancement of psychological wellness: Challenges and opportunities. Am. J. Community Psychol. 22(2):149-79.
  • Cruz-Ferreira A, Fernandes J, Gomes D, et al. (2011) Effects of Pilates-based exercise on life satisfaction, physical self-concept and health status in adult women. Women health. 51(3):240-255.
  • Çiçek G, İmamoğlu O, Yamaner F, Nilüfer TÜ. (2017) Psychological effects of Cardio Bosu exercise on sedentary women. Int. J. Sport Exerc. Psychol. -IJSETS.3(3):69-75.
  • Deci EL, Ryan RM. (2000). The" what" and" why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychol. Inq.;11(4):227-68.
  • Delextrat AA, Warner S, Graham S, Neupert E. (2016) An 8-week exercise intervention based on Zumba improves aerobic fitness and psychologicalwell-being in healthy women. J Phys Act Health. 13(2):131-139.
  • Diener E (1984). Subjective well-being. Psychol Bull. 95(3):542-575.
  • Diener E (2009). Subjective well-being. The science of well-being. social indicators research series. USA: Springer
  • Diener E. Lucas RE. Oishi S. (2002) Subjective well-being: the science of happiness and life satisfaction. In: Snyder CR, Lopez SJ, editors. Handbook of positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press;.
  • Diener E, Seligman ME. (2002). Very happy people. Psychol. Sci.13(1):81-84.
  • Edwards S. (2006) Physical exercise and psychological well-being. S. Afr. J. Psychol.; 36(2):357-73.
  • Gable SL (2005), Haidt J. What (and why) is positive psychology? Rev. Gen. Psychol. 9(2):103-10.
  • Greenglass ER (2006). Vitality and vigor: Implications for healthy functioning. Stress and anxiety–application to health, community, work place and education. Cambridge, UK: Scholars Publishing;.
  • Hills P, Argyle M. (1998) Positive moods derived from leisure and their relationship to happiness and personality. Pers. Individ. Differ. 25(3):523-535.
  • Kavetsos G. (2011) Physical activity and subjective well-being: An empirical analysis. The economics of sport, health and happiness. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing;.
  • Ko YL, Lin PC, Yang CL, Chen CP, Shih HJ. (2015). Pilot study on an integrated pilates and yoga program for decreasing postpartum depression in women. Open J. Nurs.5(10):885-892.
  • Lange C, Unnithan VB, Larkam E, Latta PM. (2000) Maximizing the benefits of Pilates-inspired exercise for learning functional motor skills. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther.4(2):99-108.
  • Lyubomirsky S, Lepper HS (1999). A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Soc. Indic. Res. 46(2):137-55. https://doi.org10.1023/A:1006824100041
  • McAuley E (1994). Physical activity and psychosocial outcomes. In: Bouchard C, Shephard RJ, Stephens T, editors. Physical activity, fitness and health: the consensus knowledge. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics.
  • Miner J. (2003). The effects of physical activity and exercise on well-being. The review: J. Undergrad. Res.;6(1):26-35.
  • Parker SK, Bindl UK, Strauss K. (2010). Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation. J Manage. Jul. 36(4):827-56.
  • Ratten V (2017). Sports innovation management. Routledge
  • Ryan RM, Frederick C (1997). On energy, personality, and health: Subjective vitality as a dynamic reflection of well-being.J.Pers.;65(3):529-65.
  • Salama-Younes M. (2011). Positive mental health, subjective vitality and satisfaction with life for French physical education students. World J. Sport Sci.4(2):90-97.
  • Seligman MEP (2002). Positive psychology, positive prevention, and positive therapy. In: Snyder CR, Lopez SJ (Eds). Handbook of positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press;.
  • Stathi A, Fox KR, McKenna J. (2002) Physical activity and dimensions of subjective well-being in older adults. J. Aging Phys. Act. 10(1):76-92.
  • Tolnai N, Szabó Z, Köteles F, Szabo A. (2016). Physical and psychological benefits of once-a-week Pilates exercises in young sedentary women: A 10-week longitudinal study. Physiol. Behav.; 163:211-218.
  • Vendramin B, Bergamin M, Gobbo S, et al. (2016). Health benefits of Zumba fitness training: A systematic review. PM&R.; 8(12):1181-1200.
  • Wicker P, Coates D, Breuer C (2015). Physical activity and subjective well-being: the role of time. Eur J Public Health. 25(5):864-868.
  • Yorks DM, Frothingham CA, Schuenke MD. (2017) Effects of group fitness classes on stress and quality of life of medical students. Int. J. Osteopath. Med. 117(11):17-25.

12 Haftalık Zumba, Bosu ve Pilates'in Kadınların Olumlu Psikolojik Durumlarına Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 31 - 40, 31.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, 12 haftalık Zumba, Bosu ve Pilates egzersizlerinin kadınların proaktif kişilik, öznel zindelik, psikolojik iyi oluş ve öznel mutluluk düzeylerine etkisini incelemektir. Araştırma, kontrol ve deney grubundan oluşmaktadır. Haftada 3 gün 1 saat Bosu, Zumba ve Pilates egzersizleri yapan 54 kadın (Xyaş=30.63±4.47 yıl) deney grubunu oluşturmuştur. Kontrol grubu ise düzenli spor yapmayan 39 kadından (Xyaş=27.21±5.74 yıl) oluşmuştur. Ölçümler için kısaltılmış proaktif kişilik ölçeği, öznel mutluluk ölçeği, iyilik hali ölçeği ve öznel zindelik ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler ile bağımlı gruplar t-testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular, deney grubunda ön test ve son test değerleri arasında anlamlı farklılıklar göstermiştir (p<0.05). Araştırmanın sonucuna göre, 12 hafta boyunca düzenli olarak Zumba, Bosu ve Pilates yapan kadınların, herhangi bir sportif faaliyette bulunmayan kadınlara göre proaktif kişilik özelliklerinin daha yüksek olduğu ve buna bağlı olarak kendilerini daha iyi ve mutlu hissettikleri ortaya konmuştur.


  • Akın A (2011). The validity and reliability of the Turkish form of the subjective happiness scale. XI. National Congress of Psychological Counselling and Guidance, 3-5 October, İzmir.Koivula N (1999). Sport participation: differences in motivation and actual. J. Sport Behav. 22(3): 360-380.
  • Akın A, Abacı R, Kaya M, Arıcı N. (2011). The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the abbreviated Proactive Personality Questionnaire (PPP). In ICES11 International Conference on Educational Sciences. Cyprus. 2-25.
  • Akın A, Fidan M.( 2012) The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Flourishing Scale: In Third International Conference on New Trends in Education and their Implications (ICONTE). Istanbul. 26-28.
  • Akın A, Satici SA, Arslan S, Akın Ü, Kayıs AR (2018). The validity and the reliability of the Turkish version of the Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS). Paper presented at the 4rd World Conference on Educational Sciences, 2-5.
  • Ashford SJ, Black JS (1996) Proactivity during organizational entry: The role of desire for control. J. Appl. Psychol.81(2):199-214.
  • Bernardo LM. (2007) The effectiveness of Pilates training in healthy adults: An appraisal of the research literature. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther.;11(2):106-10.
  • Bateman TS, Crant JM (1993) The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. J. Organ. Behav.14(2):103-18.
  • Caldwell K, Harrison M, Adams M, Triplett NT. (2009) Effect of Pilates and taijiquan training on self-efficacy, sleep quality, mood, and physical performance of college students. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther.13(2):155-163.
  • Cowen EL (1994). The enhancement of psychological wellness: Challenges and opportunities. Am. J. Community Psychol. 22(2):149-79.
  • Cruz-Ferreira A, Fernandes J, Gomes D, et al. (2011) Effects of Pilates-based exercise on life satisfaction, physical self-concept and health status in adult women. Women health. 51(3):240-255.
  • Çiçek G, İmamoğlu O, Yamaner F, Nilüfer TÜ. (2017) Psychological effects of Cardio Bosu exercise on sedentary women. Int. J. Sport Exerc. Psychol. -IJSETS.3(3):69-75.
  • Deci EL, Ryan RM. (2000). The" what" and" why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychol. Inq.;11(4):227-68.
  • Delextrat AA, Warner S, Graham S, Neupert E. (2016) An 8-week exercise intervention based on Zumba improves aerobic fitness and psychologicalwell-being in healthy women. J Phys Act Health. 13(2):131-139.
  • Diener E (1984). Subjective well-being. Psychol Bull. 95(3):542-575.
  • Diener E (2009). Subjective well-being. The science of well-being. social indicators research series. USA: Springer
  • Diener E. Lucas RE. Oishi S. (2002) Subjective well-being: the science of happiness and life satisfaction. In: Snyder CR, Lopez SJ, editors. Handbook of positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press;.
  • Diener E, Seligman ME. (2002). Very happy people. Psychol. Sci.13(1):81-84.
  • Edwards S. (2006) Physical exercise and psychological well-being. S. Afr. J. Psychol.; 36(2):357-73.
  • Gable SL (2005), Haidt J. What (and why) is positive psychology? Rev. Gen. Psychol. 9(2):103-10.
  • Greenglass ER (2006). Vitality and vigor: Implications for healthy functioning. Stress and anxiety–application to health, community, work place and education. Cambridge, UK: Scholars Publishing;.
  • Hills P, Argyle M. (1998) Positive moods derived from leisure and their relationship to happiness and personality. Pers. Individ. Differ. 25(3):523-535.
  • Kavetsos G. (2011) Physical activity and subjective well-being: An empirical analysis. The economics of sport, health and happiness. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing;.
  • Ko YL, Lin PC, Yang CL, Chen CP, Shih HJ. (2015). Pilot study on an integrated pilates and yoga program for decreasing postpartum depression in women. Open J. Nurs.5(10):885-892.
  • Lange C, Unnithan VB, Larkam E, Latta PM. (2000) Maximizing the benefits of Pilates-inspired exercise for learning functional motor skills. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther.4(2):99-108.
  • Lyubomirsky S, Lepper HS (1999). A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Soc. Indic. Res. 46(2):137-55. https://doi.org10.1023/A:1006824100041
  • McAuley E (1994). Physical activity and psychosocial outcomes. In: Bouchard C, Shephard RJ, Stephens T, editors. Physical activity, fitness and health: the consensus knowledge. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics.
  • Miner J. (2003). The effects of physical activity and exercise on well-being. The review: J. Undergrad. Res.;6(1):26-35.
  • Parker SK, Bindl UK, Strauss K. (2010). Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation. J Manage. Jul. 36(4):827-56.
  • Ratten V (2017). Sports innovation management. Routledge
  • Ryan RM, Frederick C (1997). On energy, personality, and health: Subjective vitality as a dynamic reflection of well-being.J.Pers.;65(3):529-65.
  • Salama-Younes M. (2011). Positive mental health, subjective vitality and satisfaction with life for French physical education students. World J. Sport Sci.4(2):90-97.
  • Seligman MEP (2002). Positive psychology, positive prevention, and positive therapy. In: Snyder CR, Lopez SJ (Eds). Handbook of positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press;.
  • Stathi A, Fox KR, McKenna J. (2002) Physical activity and dimensions of subjective well-being in older adults. J. Aging Phys. Act. 10(1):76-92.
  • Tolnai N, Szabó Z, Köteles F, Szabo A. (2016). Physical and psychological benefits of once-a-week Pilates exercises in young sedentary women: A 10-week longitudinal study. Physiol. Behav.; 163:211-218.
  • Vendramin B, Bergamin M, Gobbo S, et al. (2016). Health benefits of Zumba fitness training: A systematic review. PM&R.; 8(12):1181-1200.
  • Wicker P, Coates D, Breuer C (2015). Physical activity and subjective well-being: the role of time. Eur J Public Health. 25(5):864-868.
  • Yorks DM, Frothingham CA, Schuenke MD. (2017) Effects of group fitness classes on stress and quality of life of medical students. Int. J. Osteopath. Med. 117(11):17-25.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Science and Exercise
Journal Section Research Articles

Hakan Kolayiş This is me 0000-0002-8398-4003

Nurullah Çelik This is me 0000-0003-0220-5344

Mustafa Narin This is me 0000-0001-5414-7049

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Kolayiş, H., Çelik, N., & Narin, M. (2021). 12 Haftalık Zumba, Bosu ve Pilates’in Kadınların Olumlu Psikolojik Durumlarına Etkisi. Egzersiz Ve Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 31-40.