Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 31.07.2023
Olcay Özışık Yapıcı
Tahir Büyükkaragöz
- Dyer, G. (2010). Advertising as Communication, Beta Publishing, İstanbul.
- Erdoğan, G. M. (2014). Construction of Life Style in Tourism Advertising: Semiotic Analyse, Başkent University Social Sciences Institute Master Thesis, Ankara.
- Eröz, S. S., & Doğdubay, M. (2012). The role of social media in the choice of the tourist product and ethical relationship. Journal of Dokuz Eylul University EASF. 27 (1) 135-157.
- Feighey, M. (2003). Negative image? Developing the visual in tourism research. Current Issues in Tourism. 6 (1) 75-85.
- Gonzales, G. H. (2008). Tourism, mass media and the making of visual culture in the Greater Yucatan Peninsula, Journal of Film and Video, Vol: 60, No. 2, pp:50-58.
- Horzum, I. (1993). Semiotic analysing of modern myths and and greyths in advertisement. Humanities Sciences. 6 (1) 29-41.
- Hsu, L., & SooCheong, J. (2008). Advertising expenditure, intangible value and risk: A study of restaurant companies. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 27 259-267.
- Access Date: 15.08.2021
- Access Date: 20.08.2022
- Access Date: 10.08.2021
- İçöz, O. (1996). Marketing in Tourism Operations, Anatolia Publishing, Ankara.
- İnal, E., İri, R., & Sezgin, M. (2010). Evaluating the promotion activities employed by tourism firms in Bodrum region, Journal of Mustafa Kemal University Social Sciences Intitute, Vol:7(14), pp:285-208.
- İnan, N. (2019). Transformation of Advertising in New Media: Comparative Analysis of Television and Internet Advertisements in the Context of Digital Visual Culture. Ege University Social Sciences Institute Doctor thesis, İzmir.
- Jenks, C. (Ed.). (1995). Visual Culture, London: Routledge.
- Johnson, R. R., & Messmer, D. J. (1991). The effect of advertising on hierarchical stages in vacation destination choice. Journal of Advertising Research, December.
- Josephson, S., Kelly, J., & Smith, K. (2020). Handbook of visual communication: Theory, methods, and media. London: Routledge.
- Karagöz, K. (2013). Transforming social movements and digital activism movements in new media age. Journal of Communication and Diplomacy. 12 (1) 131-157.
- Karakuş, Y. (2020). Otel İşletmelerinde Mobil Teknolojilerin Kullanımı. In T. Pala & M. Tepeci (Eds.), Otel İşletmelerinin Yönetimi - Operasyonel Süreç ve Yönetim Uygulamaları (pp. 205–222). Detay Yayıncılık.
- Kazel, G. İ. (2017). Relationship between the visual culture and sociology. Journal of Meric International Social and Strategic Researches. 1 (1) 45-69.
- Kotler, P. (2000). Kotler and Marketing, Free Press, New York
- Kurtçu, F. (2018). Advertising imagery of in terms of brand value effects and evaluation aspects of semiological. Journal of Art-e. 11 (21) 14-30.
- Kuru, B. (2011). Visual culture in art and design education. Presentation paper of First Art and Design Education Symposium, Başkent University, 27-29 April 2011, Ankara.
- Liao, S. H., & Wu, C. C. (2010). System perspective of knowledge management, organizational learning and organizational innovation. Expert System with Applications. 37 1096- 1103.
- Lwin, M., & Phau, I. (2013). Effective advertising appeals for websites of small boutique hotels. Journal of Research Interactive. 7(1) 18-32.
- MacKay, K. J., & Smith, M. C. (2006). Destination advertising: Age and format effects on memory. Annals of Tourism Research. 33 (1) 7-24.
- McWilliams, E. G., & Crompton, J. L. (1997). An expanded framework for measuring the effectiveness of destination advertising. Tourism Management. 18 (3) 127-137.
- Mutlu, E. (2012). Dictionary of Communication, Bilim ve Sanat Publishing, Ankara
- Park, S., Juan, L. N., & Daniel, R. F. (2013). Assesing advertising in a hierarchicial decision model. Annals of Tourism Research. 40 260-282.
- Reichert, T. (2004). Erotic History of Advertisig, Prometheus Publishing, New York.
- Sezgin, M., Ruhan, I., & İnal, M. E. (2008). A research the promotion activities five star hotels in Bodrum region. Journal of Social Economic Research. 8 (16) 441-460.
- Sin, L. Y. M., Alan Tse, C. B., Oliver Yau, H. M., Raymond, P. M., & Lee, J. S. Y. (2005). Market orientation, relationship market orientation and business performance: the moderating effects of economic ıdeology and ındustry type. Journal of International Marketing. 13 (1) 36-57.
- Solmaz, S. A. (2019). Advertising strategies in hotels: İstanbul Cases. Journal of Safran Culture and Tourism Researches. 2 (3) 487-507.
- Soyuer, B. (2019). New Visual Culture: A Research on the Ontology of Visual Objects Produced with New Technology, Istanbul University Social Sciences Institute Doctor Thesis, İstanbul.
- Tavin, K. (2009). Youth, Aesthetics and Visual Cultural Education, Cultural Education, İnnovation, Creativity and Youth, 12-13., Brussels.
- Teker, U. (2002). Graphic Design and Advertising, Dokuz Eylül Publishing, Izmir
- Timisi, N. (2005). Reality of virtuality: Entrance of the Internet into the social and identity domains inside Binark M. & Kılıçbay, B. (ed.), Internet, Society and Culture, pp:89-105. Epos Publishing.
- Tunçsiper, B., & İlban, M. O. (2006). Marketing problems in tourism operation licence hotels: A research on Balıkesir province. Journal of Anadolu University Social Sciences. 6 (1) 225-244.
- Turizm Data Bank. (2020). Access date: 15.07.2021
- Ünüvar, S. (2012). Determining the application level in creative strategies into tourism advertisements. Journal of Erciyes Communication. 2 (3) 58-76.
Advertising analysis of hotel businesses in terms of digital visual culture
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 31.07.2023
Olcay Özışık Yapıcı
Tahir Büyükkaragöz
The purpose of this paper is to examine the hotel advertisements broadcast on YouTube in different continents in terms of digital visual culture. The ads on the YouTube page of the hotel companies were analyzed by semiotics method. The use of technology, the quality of service and the sense of trust were prioritized as a result of semiotic analysis of the advertising films on the YouTube pages of the hotel company located in 3 countries located on different continents. According to findings, the local tastes and cultural values, as well as the outdoor attractiveness of the countries in which they are located among the common points of the commercials in terms of digital visual culture. In addition to the short duration of the commercials presented by the hotels via YouTube, there are also messages related to the selected target market. With the widespread use of information and communication technologies, hotel businesses take their place on social media and different platforms. Hotel businesses in the tourism sector should use social platforms extensively in order to compete, to increase their market share and to ensure customer satisfaction. Promotional images and commercial films prepared on social platforms should be made by considering market segmentation. Hotel businesses should not forget that the visual culture is digitalized in the commercials they use on social platforms.

- Dyer, G. (2010). Advertising as Communication, Beta Publishing, İstanbul.
- Erdoğan, G. M. (2014). Construction of Life Style in Tourism Advertising: Semiotic Analyse, Başkent University Social Sciences Institute Master Thesis, Ankara.
- Eröz, S. S., & Doğdubay, M. (2012). The role of social media in the choice of the tourist product and ethical relationship. Journal of Dokuz Eylul University EASF. 27 (1) 135-157.
- Feighey, M. (2003). Negative image? Developing the visual in tourism research. Current Issues in Tourism. 6 (1) 75-85.
- Gonzales, G. H. (2008). Tourism, mass media and the making of visual culture in the Greater Yucatan Peninsula, Journal of Film and Video, Vol: 60, No. 2, pp:50-58.
- Horzum, I. (1993). Semiotic analysing of modern myths and and greyths in advertisement. Humanities Sciences. 6 (1) 29-41.
- Hsu, L., & SooCheong, J. (2008). Advertising expenditure, intangible value and risk: A study of restaurant companies. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 27 259-267.
- Access Date: 15.08.2021
- Access Date: 20.08.2022
- Access Date: 10.08.2021
- İçöz, O. (1996). Marketing in Tourism Operations, Anatolia Publishing, Ankara.
- İnal, E., İri, R., & Sezgin, M. (2010). Evaluating the promotion activities employed by tourism firms in Bodrum region, Journal of Mustafa Kemal University Social Sciences Intitute, Vol:7(14), pp:285-208.
- İnan, N. (2019). Transformation of Advertising in New Media: Comparative Analysis of Television and Internet Advertisements in the Context of Digital Visual Culture. Ege University Social Sciences Institute Doctor thesis, İzmir.
- Jenks, C. (Ed.). (1995). Visual Culture, London: Routledge.
- Johnson, R. R., & Messmer, D. J. (1991). The effect of advertising on hierarchical stages in vacation destination choice. Journal of Advertising Research, December.
- Josephson, S., Kelly, J., & Smith, K. (2020). Handbook of visual communication: Theory, methods, and media. London: Routledge.
- Karagöz, K. (2013). Transforming social movements and digital activism movements in new media age. Journal of Communication and Diplomacy. 12 (1) 131-157.
- Karakuş, Y. (2020). Otel İşletmelerinde Mobil Teknolojilerin Kullanımı. In T. Pala & M. Tepeci (Eds.), Otel İşletmelerinin Yönetimi - Operasyonel Süreç ve Yönetim Uygulamaları (pp. 205–222). Detay Yayıncılık.
- Kazel, G. İ. (2017). Relationship between the visual culture and sociology. Journal of Meric International Social and Strategic Researches. 1 (1) 45-69.
- Kotler, P. (2000). Kotler and Marketing, Free Press, New York
- Kurtçu, F. (2018). Advertising imagery of in terms of brand value effects and evaluation aspects of semiological. Journal of Art-e. 11 (21) 14-30.
- Kuru, B. (2011). Visual culture in art and design education. Presentation paper of First Art and Design Education Symposium, Başkent University, 27-29 April 2011, Ankara.
- Liao, S. H., & Wu, C. C. (2010). System perspective of knowledge management, organizational learning and organizational innovation. Expert System with Applications. 37 1096- 1103.
- Lwin, M., & Phau, I. (2013). Effective advertising appeals for websites of small boutique hotels. Journal of Research Interactive. 7(1) 18-32.
- MacKay, K. J., & Smith, M. C. (2006). Destination advertising: Age and format effects on memory. Annals of Tourism Research. 33 (1) 7-24.
- McWilliams, E. G., & Crompton, J. L. (1997). An expanded framework for measuring the effectiveness of destination advertising. Tourism Management. 18 (3) 127-137.
- Mutlu, E. (2012). Dictionary of Communication, Bilim ve Sanat Publishing, Ankara
- Park, S., Juan, L. N., & Daniel, R. F. (2013). Assesing advertising in a hierarchicial decision model. Annals of Tourism Research. 40 260-282.
- Reichert, T. (2004). Erotic History of Advertisig, Prometheus Publishing, New York.
- Sezgin, M., Ruhan, I., & İnal, M. E. (2008). A research the promotion activities five star hotels in Bodrum region. Journal of Social Economic Research. 8 (16) 441-460.
- Sin, L. Y. M., Alan Tse, C. B., Oliver Yau, H. M., Raymond, P. M., & Lee, J. S. Y. (2005). Market orientation, relationship market orientation and business performance: the moderating effects of economic ıdeology and ındustry type. Journal of International Marketing. 13 (1) 36-57.
- Solmaz, S. A. (2019). Advertising strategies in hotels: İstanbul Cases. Journal of Safran Culture and Tourism Researches. 2 (3) 487-507.
- Soyuer, B. (2019). New Visual Culture: A Research on the Ontology of Visual Objects Produced with New Technology, Istanbul University Social Sciences Institute Doctor Thesis, İstanbul.
- Tavin, K. (2009). Youth, Aesthetics and Visual Cultural Education, Cultural Education, İnnovation, Creativity and Youth, 12-13., Brussels.
- Teker, U. (2002). Graphic Design and Advertising, Dokuz Eylül Publishing, Izmir
- Timisi, N. (2005). Reality of virtuality: Entrance of the Internet into the social and identity domains inside Binark M. & Kılıçbay, B. (ed.), Internet, Society and Culture, pp:89-105. Epos Publishing.
- Tunçsiper, B., & İlban, M. O. (2006). Marketing problems in tourism operation licence hotels: A research on Balıkesir province. Journal of Anadolu University Social Sciences. 6 (1) 225-244.
- Turizm Data Bank. (2020). Access date: 15.07.2021
- Ünüvar, S. (2012). Determining the application level in creative strategies into tourism advertisements. Journal of Erciyes Communication. 2 (3) 58-76.