Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
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Vosviewer kullanılarak espor üzerine yapılan yayınların bibliyometrik analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 149 - 163


Elektronik sporların video oyunları alanında rekabetçi bir arena olarak ortaya çıkması, sadece oyuncular ve seyirciler arasında önemli bir popülerlik kazanmakla kalmamış, aynı zamanda farklı disiplinlerden akademik araştırmacıların da ilgisini çekmiştir. Bu çalışma, e-sporu motivasyon, tüketici davranışı ve deneyim çerçevesinde inceleyerek teorik bir değerlendirme yapacaktır. Ayrıca, Web of Science (WOS) veri tabanından 2011-2023 yılları arasında turizm, işletme ve yönetim alanlarını kapsayan 206 yayının analizi Vosviewer kullanılarak yapılacaktır. Atıf analizi, ortak yazarlık analizi ve bibliyografik bağlantı analizleri, alanda en çok atıf alan yazarların Hamari ve Sjöblom olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Konuyla ilgili yayın sayısı bakımından önde gelen ülkeler sırasıyla ABD, Avustralya ve İngiltere iken, en çok atıf alan ülkeler sırasıyla Finlandiya, ABD ve Yeni Zelanda'dır. Anahtar kelime analizinde “espor”, “video oyunları”, “elektronik sporlar”, “espor oyunu” ve “kullanımlar ve hazlar” gibi terimler öne çıkmıştır. Kaynaklar incelendiğinde, “International Journal of Sports Marketing” yayın sayısı bakımından önde gelen kaynak olarak ortaya çıkarken, “Internet Research” dergisi en fazla atıf alan dergi olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, esporla ilgilenen araştırmacılar için değerli içgörüler sağlaması açısından önemlidir.


  • Abbasi, A. Z., Asif, M., Hollebeek, L. D., Islam, J. U., Ting, D. H., & Rehman, U. (2021). The effects of consumer esports videogame engagement on consumption behaviors. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(8), 1194-1211.
  • Algesheimer, R., Dholakia, U. M., & Gurau, C. (2011). Virtual team performance in a highly competitive environment. Group & Organization Management, 36(2), 161-190.
  • Batu, M., Kocaömer, C., Tos, O., & Kocaömer, N. (2022). Understanding motivational factors influencing intention to play esports games in Türkiye. TRT Akademi, 7(16), 1032-1051.
  • Bousquet, J., & Ertz, M. (2021). eSports: Historical review, current state, and future challenges. In S. Andrews & C. M. Crawford (Eds.), Handbook of research on pathways and opportunities into the business of esports (pp. 1-24). IGI Global.
  • Brown, K. A., Billings, A. C., Murphy, B., & Puesan, L. (2018). Intersections of fandom in the age of interactive media: esports fandom as a predictor of traditional sport fandom. Communication & Sport, 6(4), 418-435.
  • Calapez, A., Ribeiro, T., Almeida, V., & Pedragosa, V. (2023). Esports fan identity toward sponsor–sponsee relationship: An understanding of the role-based identity. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. Advance online publication.
  • Carmichael-Brown, S. (2023). Esports around the world: South Korea. Retrieved from (Accessed 6 November 2023).
  • Chou, S.-Y., Jang, W. (W)., Ma, S. C., Chang, C.-H., & Byon, K. K. (2023). Is mobile gaming a new pillar of esports? Exploring players' in-game purchases in PC and mobile platforms by using flow and clutch. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(2), 311-332.
  • Clarivate. (2023). Retrieved from (Accessed 30 June 2023).
  • Çuhadar, Y. (2024). Yoksul yanlısı turizm bağlamında yapılan çalışmaların bibliyometrik analizi: Web of Science örneği (Bibliometric analysis of studies in the context of pro-poor tourism: The case of Web of Science). Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 12(1), 204-226.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Fourie, J., & Santana-Gallego, M. (2011). The impact of mega-sport events on tourist arrivals. Tourism Management, 32, 1363-1370.
  • García-Lanzo, S., Bonilla, I., & Chamarro, A. (2020). The psychological aspects of electronic sports: Tips for sports psychologists. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 51(6), 613-625.
  • Gough, C. (2023). Size of global eSports market 2022-2030. Retrieved from (Accessed 10 July 2023).
  • Hamari, J., & Sjöblom, M. (2017). What is eSports and why do people watch it? Internet Research, 27(2), 211-232.
  • Hattingh, W., Van den Berg, L., & Bevan-Dye, A. (2024). The “why” behind Generation Y amateur gamers' ongoing eSports gameplay intentions. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 25(1), 67-87.
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2023). A typology of esport players. Journal of Global Sport Management, 8(2), 460-477.
  • Holbrook, M. B., & Hirschman, E. C. (1982). The experiential aspects of consumption: Consumer fantasies, feelings, and fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 132-140.
  • Hollebeek, L. D., Abbasi, A. Z., Schultz, C. D., Ting, D. H., & Sigurdsson, V. (2022). Hedonic consumption experience in videogaming: A multidimensional perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65, 102892.
  • IOC. (2018). Communique of the 7th Olympic Summit. Retrieved from (Accessed 30 July 2023).
  • IOC. (2023). Olympic esports week 22-25 June 2023. Retrieved from (Accessed 31 July 2023).
  • Jang, W. W., & Byon, K.K. (2020). Antecedents and consequence associated with esports gameplay. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 21(1), 1-22,
  • Jang, W. W., Byon, K. K., Williams, A., & Pedersen, P. M. (2021). Augmenting the formation of esports gameplay intention: Interaction effects of genre and gender. Sport, Business and Management, 11(5), 620-646.
  • Jenny, S. E., Keiper, M. C., Taylor, B.J., Williams, D. P., Gawrysiak, J., Manning, R. D., & Tutka, P. M. (2018). Esports venues: A new sport business opportunity. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 10(1), 34-49.
  • Kassim, R. N. M., Asbullah, M. A., Basal, M. H., Ab Aziz, M. N., Che Mat, H., Nawai, N. S., & Zaman, B. S. (2022). Scrutinizing the behaviour and commitment of a mixed martial art fighting online gamer. Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 22(2s), 46-52.
  • Kim, Y., Lee, S., & Lee, Y. (2021). Sequential effects of indirect, direct, and virtual sport experiences on consumer learning. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 30 (3), 235-246. DOI:10.32731/SMQ.303.0921.06.
  • Kohls, H., Hiler, J. L., & Cook, L. A. (2023). Why do we twitch? Vicarious consumption in video-game livestreaming. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40 (6), 639-650.
  • Lee, H. W., Chang, K., Neff, P. N., Nite, C., & Bennett, G. (2023). Perceived uniqueness of esports: players’ hyperconnected digital playground for self-improvement. Sport in Society, 26(11), 1873-1890.
  • Li, M., & Xiong, H. (2023). Virtual identities and women’s empowerment: the implication of the rise of female esports fans in China. Sport in Society, 26(3), 431-453,
  • McCauley, B., Nguyen, T. H. T., McDonald, M., & Wearing, S. (2020). Digital gaming culture in Vietnam: an exploratory study. Leisure Studies, 39(3), 372-386,
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., Liberati, A., & Altman, D. G. (2009). Reprint-preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151(4), 264–269.
  • Newzoo. (2022). Global esports & live streaming market report. Retriewed from: (Accessed 7 August 2023).
  • Nikas, I. A., & Poulaki, I. (2021), Esports tourism: sports tourism in a modern tourism environment, Katsoni, V., van Zyl, C. (Eds), Culture and Tourism in a Smart, Globalized, and Sustainable World, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
  • Pedraza-Ramirez, I., Musculus, L., Raab, M., & Laborde, S. (2020). Setting the scientific stage for esports psychology: a systematic review, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13:1, pp.319-352, DOI: 10.1080/1750984X.2020.1723122.
  • Perianes-Rodriguez, A., Waltman, L., & Van Eck, N. J. (2016). Constructing bibliometric networks: A comparison between full and fractional counting. Journal of Informetrics, 10(4), 1178-1195.
  • Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. (1998). Wellcome to the experience economy. Harvard Business Review, 76(4), July – August 1998, HBS Press.
  • Pizzo, A. D., Baker, B. J., N, S., Lee, M. A., Kim, D., & Funk, D. C. (2018). eSport vs. Sport: A Comparison of Spectator Motives. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27, 108.
  • Pu, H., Xiao, S., & Kota, R. W. (2022). Virtual games meet physical playground: exploring and measuring motivations for live esports event attendance. Sport in Society, 25(10), 1886-1908,
  • Qian, T. Y., Zhang, J. J., Wang, J. J., & Hulland, J. (2020a). Beyond the game: dimensions of esports online spectator demand. Communication & Sport, 8(6), 825-851,
  • Qian, T.Y., Wang, J. J., Zhang, J.J. & Lu, L. Z. (2020). It is in the game: dimensions of esports online spectator motivation and development of a scale. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(4), 458-479,
  • Riberio, T., Almeida, V., Calapez, A., Matsuoka, H., & Yamashita, R. (2023). Esports and Olympic Games: a cross-cultural exploration of the player support behaviour towards the Olympics. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(4), 700-721,
  • Rogers, R., Farquhar, L., & Mummert, J. (2022). Motivational differences among viewers of traditional sports, esports, and NBA 2K league. Communication & Sport, 10(2), 175-194,
  • Roth, A., Kunz, R. E., & Kolo, C. (2023). The players’ perspective of value co-creation in esports service ecosystems. Journal of Media Business Studies,
  • Scholz, T. M., & Nothelfer, N. (2022). Research for CULT Committee – Esports, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels.
  • Seo, Y. (2013). Electronic sports: A new marketing landscape of the experience economy. Journal of Marketing Management. 29, Nos. 13–14, 1542–1560,
  • Seo, Y. (2016). Professionalized consumption and identity transformations in the field of eSports. Journal of Business Research, 69 (1), 264-272,
  • Siuda, P., Jasny, M., Mankowski, D., & Sitek, M. (2023). The problematic nature of evaluating esports’ “genuineness” using traditional sports’ criteria: In-depth interviews with traditional sports and electronic sports journalists. Leisure Studies.
  • Siutila, M., & Karhulahti, V.-M. (2023). Continuous play: Leisure engagement in competitive fighting games and taekwondo. Annals of Leisure Research, 26(1), 100-116.
  • Sjöblom, M., Macey, J., & Hamari, J. (2020). Digital athletics in analogue stadiums: Comparing gratifications for engagement between live attendance and online esports spectating. Internet Research, 30(3), 713-735,
  • Statista. (2023). Esports – Worldwide. Market definition. Retrieved from (accessed 15 August 2023).
  • Tang, T., Kucek, J., & Toepfer, S. (2022). Active within structures: Predictors of esports gameplay and spectatorship. Communication & Sport, 10(2), 195–215.
  • Taylor, T. L. (2018). Esports broadcasting: Ditching the TV dream. In Watch me play: Twitch and the rise of game live streaming (pp. 136–211). Princeton University Press.
  • Üçüncüoğlu, M., & Çakır, V. O. (2017). Modern spor kulüplerinin espor faaliyetlerine ilgi gösterme nedenleri üzerine bir araştırma. İnönü Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 34-47.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Y. Ding, R. Rousseau, & D. Wolfram (Eds.), Measuring scholarly impact: Methods and practice (pp. 285–320). Springer.
  • VOSviewer. (n.d.). Welcome to VOSviewer. (accessed 25 June 2024).
  • Watanabe, N. M., Xue, H., Newman, J. I., & Yan, G. (2021). The attention economy and esports: An econometric analysis of Twitch viewership. Journal of Sport Management, 36(2), 145-158.
  • Weiss, T. (2011). Fulfilling the needs of esports consumers: A uses and gratifications perspective. BLED 2011 Proceedings, 30.
  • Wong, D., & Meng-Lewis, Y. (2023). Esports: An exploration of the advancing esports landscape, actors and interorganisational relationships. Sport in Society, 26(6), 943-969.
  • Xiao, M. (2020). Factors influencing esports viewership: An approach based on the theory of reasoned action. Communication & Sport, 8(1), 92–122.
  • Zagala, K., & Strzelecki, A. (2019). eSports evolution in football game series. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 83, 50-62.
  • Zhang, S., Liu, W., Han, W., Xie, J., & Sun, M. (2022). Influence mechanism of tourists' impulsive behavior in E-sports tourism: Mediating role of arousal. Tourism Management Perspectives, 44, 101032.

A bibliometric analysis using Vosviewer of publications on esports

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 149 - 163


The emergence of electronic sports as a competitive arena in the realm of video gaming has not only garnered substantial popularity among players and spectators, but it has also piqued the interest of academic researchers across diverse disciplines. This study will undertake a theoretical assessment of esports, scrutinizing it within the framework of motivation, consumer behavior, and experience. Furthermore, an analysis of 206 publications from the Web of Science (WOS) database, spanning the fields of tourism, business, and management from 2011 to 2023, will be conducted using Vosviewer. The citation analysis, co-authorship analysis, and bibliographic coupling analyses revealed that the most cited authors in the field are Hamari and Sjöblom. The countries leading in terms of the number of publications on the topic are the USA, Australia, and the UK, in that order, while the countries with the most citations are Finland, the USA, and New Zealand, respectively. In the keyword analysis, terms such as “esports”, “video games”, “electronic sports”, “esports gameplay”, and “uses and gratifications” were prominent. Upon examining the sources, the “International Journal of Sports Marketing” emerged as the leading source in terms of the number of publications, while the “Internet Research” journal had the highest number of citations. The findings of this study are significant as they provide valuable insights for researchers interested in esports.


  • Abbasi, A. Z., Asif, M., Hollebeek, L. D., Islam, J. U., Ting, D. H., & Rehman, U. (2021). The effects of consumer esports videogame engagement on consumption behaviors. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(8), 1194-1211.
  • Algesheimer, R., Dholakia, U. M., & Gurau, C. (2011). Virtual team performance in a highly competitive environment. Group & Organization Management, 36(2), 161-190.
  • Batu, M., Kocaömer, C., Tos, O., & Kocaömer, N. (2022). Understanding motivational factors influencing intention to play esports games in Türkiye. TRT Akademi, 7(16), 1032-1051.
  • Bousquet, J., & Ertz, M. (2021). eSports: Historical review, current state, and future challenges. In S. Andrews & C. M. Crawford (Eds.), Handbook of research on pathways and opportunities into the business of esports (pp. 1-24). IGI Global.
  • Brown, K. A., Billings, A. C., Murphy, B., & Puesan, L. (2018). Intersections of fandom in the age of interactive media: esports fandom as a predictor of traditional sport fandom. Communication & Sport, 6(4), 418-435.
  • Calapez, A., Ribeiro, T., Almeida, V., & Pedragosa, V. (2023). Esports fan identity toward sponsor–sponsee relationship: An understanding of the role-based identity. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. Advance online publication.
  • Carmichael-Brown, S. (2023). Esports around the world: South Korea. Retrieved from (Accessed 6 November 2023).
  • Chou, S.-Y., Jang, W. (W)., Ma, S. C., Chang, C.-H., & Byon, K. K. (2023). Is mobile gaming a new pillar of esports? Exploring players' in-game purchases in PC and mobile platforms by using flow and clutch. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(2), 311-332.
  • Clarivate. (2023). Retrieved from (Accessed 30 June 2023).
  • Çuhadar, Y. (2024). Yoksul yanlısı turizm bağlamında yapılan çalışmaların bibliyometrik analizi: Web of Science örneği (Bibliometric analysis of studies in the context of pro-poor tourism: The case of Web of Science). Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 12(1), 204-226.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Fourie, J., & Santana-Gallego, M. (2011). The impact of mega-sport events on tourist arrivals. Tourism Management, 32, 1363-1370.
  • García-Lanzo, S., Bonilla, I., & Chamarro, A. (2020). The psychological aspects of electronic sports: Tips for sports psychologists. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 51(6), 613-625.
  • Gough, C. (2023). Size of global eSports market 2022-2030. Retrieved from (Accessed 10 July 2023).
  • Hamari, J., & Sjöblom, M. (2017). What is eSports and why do people watch it? Internet Research, 27(2), 211-232.
  • Hattingh, W., Van den Berg, L., & Bevan-Dye, A. (2024). The “why” behind Generation Y amateur gamers' ongoing eSports gameplay intentions. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 25(1), 67-87.
  • Hedlund, D. P. (2023). A typology of esport players. Journal of Global Sport Management, 8(2), 460-477.
  • Holbrook, M. B., & Hirschman, E. C. (1982). The experiential aspects of consumption: Consumer fantasies, feelings, and fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 132-140.
  • Hollebeek, L. D., Abbasi, A. Z., Schultz, C. D., Ting, D. H., & Sigurdsson, V. (2022). Hedonic consumption experience in videogaming: A multidimensional perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65, 102892.
  • IOC. (2018). Communique of the 7th Olympic Summit. Retrieved from (Accessed 30 July 2023).
  • IOC. (2023). Olympic esports week 22-25 June 2023. Retrieved from (Accessed 31 July 2023).
  • Jang, W. W., & Byon, K.K. (2020). Antecedents and consequence associated with esports gameplay. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 21(1), 1-22,
  • Jang, W. W., Byon, K. K., Williams, A., & Pedersen, P. M. (2021). Augmenting the formation of esports gameplay intention: Interaction effects of genre and gender. Sport, Business and Management, 11(5), 620-646.
  • Jenny, S. E., Keiper, M. C., Taylor, B.J., Williams, D. P., Gawrysiak, J., Manning, R. D., & Tutka, P. M. (2018). Esports venues: A new sport business opportunity. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 10(1), 34-49.
  • Kassim, R. N. M., Asbullah, M. A., Basal, M. H., Ab Aziz, M. N., Che Mat, H., Nawai, N. S., & Zaman, B. S. (2022). Scrutinizing the behaviour and commitment of a mixed martial art fighting online gamer. Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 22(2s), 46-52.
  • Kim, Y., Lee, S., & Lee, Y. (2021). Sequential effects of indirect, direct, and virtual sport experiences on consumer learning. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 30 (3), 235-246. DOI:10.32731/SMQ.303.0921.06.
  • Kohls, H., Hiler, J. L., & Cook, L. A. (2023). Why do we twitch? Vicarious consumption in video-game livestreaming. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40 (6), 639-650.
  • Lee, H. W., Chang, K., Neff, P. N., Nite, C., & Bennett, G. (2023). Perceived uniqueness of esports: players’ hyperconnected digital playground for self-improvement. Sport in Society, 26(11), 1873-1890.
  • Li, M., & Xiong, H. (2023). Virtual identities and women’s empowerment: the implication of the rise of female esports fans in China. Sport in Society, 26(3), 431-453,
  • McCauley, B., Nguyen, T. H. T., McDonald, M., & Wearing, S. (2020). Digital gaming culture in Vietnam: an exploratory study. Leisure Studies, 39(3), 372-386,
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., Liberati, A., & Altman, D. G. (2009). Reprint-preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151(4), 264–269.
  • Newzoo. (2022). Global esports & live streaming market report. Retriewed from: (Accessed 7 August 2023).
  • Nikas, I. A., & Poulaki, I. (2021), Esports tourism: sports tourism in a modern tourism environment, Katsoni, V., van Zyl, C. (Eds), Culture and Tourism in a Smart, Globalized, and Sustainable World, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
  • Pedraza-Ramirez, I., Musculus, L., Raab, M., & Laborde, S. (2020). Setting the scientific stage for esports psychology: a systematic review, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13:1, pp.319-352, DOI: 10.1080/1750984X.2020.1723122.
  • Perianes-Rodriguez, A., Waltman, L., & Van Eck, N. J. (2016). Constructing bibliometric networks: A comparison between full and fractional counting. Journal of Informetrics, 10(4), 1178-1195.
  • Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. (1998). Wellcome to the experience economy. Harvard Business Review, 76(4), July – August 1998, HBS Press.
  • Pizzo, A. D., Baker, B. J., N, S., Lee, M. A., Kim, D., & Funk, D. C. (2018). eSport vs. Sport: A Comparison of Spectator Motives. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27, 108.
  • Pu, H., Xiao, S., & Kota, R. W. (2022). Virtual games meet physical playground: exploring and measuring motivations for live esports event attendance. Sport in Society, 25(10), 1886-1908,
  • Qian, T. Y., Zhang, J. J., Wang, J. J., & Hulland, J. (2020a). Beyond the game: dimensions of esports online spectator demand. Communication & Sport, 8(6), 825-851,
  • Qian, T.Y., Wang, J. J., Zhang, J.J. & Lu, L. Z. (2020). It is in the game: dimensions of esports online spectator motivation and development of a scale. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(4), 458-479,
  • Riberio, T., Almeida, V., Calapez, A., Matsuoka, H., & Yamashita, R. (2023). Esports and Olympic Games: a cross-cultural exploration of the player support behaviour towards the Olympics. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(4), 700-721,
  • Rogers, R., Farquhar, L., & Mummert, J. (2022). Motivational differences among viewers of traditional sports, esports, and NBA 2K league. Communication & Sport, 10(2), 175-194,
  • Roth, A., Kunz, R. E., & Kolo, C. (2023). The players’ perspective of value co-creation in esports service ecosystems. Journal of Media Business Studies,
  • Scholz, T. M., & Nothelfer, N. (2022). Research for CULT Committee – Esports, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels.
  • Seo, Y. (2013). Electronic sports: A new marketing landscape of the experience economy. Journal of Marketing Management. 29, Nos. 13–14, 1542–1560,
  • Seo, Y. (2016). Professionalized consumption and identity transformations in the field of eSports. Journal of Business Research, 69 (1), 264-272,
  • Siuda, P., Jasny, M., Mankowski, D., & Sitek, M. (2023). The problematic nature of evaluating esports’ “genuineness” using traditional sports’ criteria: In-depth interviews with traditional sports and electronic sports journalists. Leisure Studies.
  • Siutila, M., & Karhulahti, V.-M. (2023). Continuous play: Leisure engagement in competitive fighting games and taekwondo. Annals of Leisure Research, 26(1), 100-116.
  • Sjöblom, M., Macey, J., & Hamari, J. (2020). Digital athletics in analogue stadiums: Comparing gratifications for engagement between live attendance and online esports spectating. Internet Research, 30(3), 713-735,
  • Statista. (2023). Esports – Worldwide. Market definition. Retrieved from (accessed 15 August 2023).
  • Tang, T., Kucek, J., & Toepfer, S. (2022). Active within structures: Predictors of esports gameplay and spectatorship. Communication & Sport, 10(2), 195–215.
  • Taylor, T. L. (2018). Esports broadcasting: Ditching the TV dream. In Watch me play: Twitch and the rise of game live streaming (pp. 136–211). Princeton University Press.
  • Üçüncüoğlu, M., & Çakır, V. O. (2017). Modern spor kulüplerinin espor faaliyetlerine ilgi gösterme nedenleri üzerine bir araştırma. İnönü Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 34-47.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Y. Ding, R. Rousseau, & D. Wolfram (Eds.), Measuring scholarly impact: Methods and practice (pp. 285–320). Springer.
  • VOSviewer. (n.d.). Welcome to VOSviewer. (accessed 25 June 2024).
  • Watanabe, N. M., Xue, H., Newman, J. I., & Yan, G. (2021). The attention economy and esports: An econometric analysis of Twitch viewership. Journal of Sport Management, 36(2), 145-158.
  • Weiss, T. (2011). Fulfilling the needs of esports consumers: A uses and gratifications perspective. BLED 2011 Proceedings, 30.
  • Wong, D., & Meng-Lewis, Y. (2023). Esports: An exploration of the advancing esports landscape, actors and interorganisational relationships. Sport in Society, 26(6), 943-969.
  • Xiao, M. (2020). Factors influencing esports viewership: An approach based on the theory of reasoned action. Communication & Sport, 8(1), 92–122.
  • Zagala, K., & Strzelecki, A. (2019). eSports evolution in football game series. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 83, 50-62.
  • Zhang, S., Liu, W., Han, W., Xie, J., & Sun, M. (2022). Influence mechanism of tourists' impulsive behavior in E-sports tourism: Mediating role of arousal. Tourism Management Perspectives, 44, 101032.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Recreation Management, Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Contents

Didem Kutlu 0000-0003-3354-5202

Early Pub Date March 6, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date April 22, 2024
Acceptance Date March 1, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Kutlu, D. (2025). A bibliometric analysis using Vosviewer of publications on esports. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism, 10(2), 149-163.

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