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Geriatrik popülasyonda malnutrisyonun bibliometrik analizi

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 151 - 157, 27.03.2023


Amaç: Malnütrisyon geriatrik hastalarda önemli bir sorundur. Yetersiz beslenen hastalarda enfeksiyon sıklığı, morbidite ve mortalite oranları daha yüksektir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, geriatrik malnütrisyon ile ilgili bilimsel makaleleri istatistiksel yöntemlerle değerlendirmek ve konuyu yeni bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Web of Science veritabanında 1980 ile 2022 yılları arasında yayınlanan geriatrik malnütrisyon konulu makaleler istatistiksel ve bibliyometrik teknikler ile incelendi. Korelasyon analizleri için Spearman korelasyon katsayısı kullanıldı. Önümüzdeki yıllarda yayınlanacak yayın sayılarını tahmin etmek için non-lineer regresyon analizi (üstel büyüme modeli) kullanıldı. Trend olan konular ve alanlar, anahtar kelime ağları ve haritaları kullanılarak görselleştirildi.
Bulgular: 1980 ile 2022 yılları arasında geriatrik malnütrisyon ilişkili arama kriterlerine uyan 595 yayın tespit edildi. Bunların içerisinden 427 makale ve inceleme analize dahil edildi. Konuyla ilişkili yayınların sayısının 2005'ten itibaren önemli ölçüde arttığı ve artmaya da devam edeceği görüldü. Ülkelerin gayrisafi yurtiçi hasılası arttıkça yaşlı popülasyonun yetersiz beslenmesi konusunda daha çok makale yayınladığı gözlemlendi. Geriatrik malnütrisyon alanında en aktif ülkeler ABD ve İspanya, en aktif yazar Volkert, D. ve konuyla ilgili en aktif dergi Clinical Nutrition idi.
Sonuç: Geriatrik malnütrisyon üzerine yapılan bu araştırma, 427 yayını, bunların menşe ülkelerini, yazarlarını ve en çok kullanılan anahtar kelimeleri araştırmaktadır. Geriatrik malnutrisyon, günümüzde üzerinde durulan araştırma konularından biridir ve yaşlanan dünyada her yıl önemi daha da artan bir konudur. Bu makale, doktorların ve konu ile ilişkili bilim adamlarının geriatrik malnütrisyon alanında dünya çapında şimdiye kadar sarfedilmiş eforu anlamalarına ve yeni çalışmalarını yönlendirmelerine yardımcı olabilir.


  • Zhao VM, Ziegler TR, Davis KA. Parenteral nutrition, in Surgical metabolism: the metabolic care of the surgical patient, Davis KA, Rosenbaum SH (eds). Springer International Publishing Cham 2020: 251-60.
  • Agarwal E, Miller M, Yaxley A, Isenring E. Malnutrition in the elderly: a narrative review. Maturitas 2013; 76: 296-302.
  • Pirlich M, Schutz T, Norman K, et al. The German hospital malnutrition study. Clin Nutr 2006; 25: 563-72.
  • Sullivan DH, Walls RC. Protein-energy undernutrition and the risk of mortality within six years of hospital discharge. J Am Coll Nutr 1998; 17: 571-8.
  • Corkins MR, Guenter P, DiMaria-Ghalili RA, et al. Malnutrition diagnoses in hospitalized patients: United States, 2010. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2014; 38: 186-95.
  • White JV, Guenter P, Jensen G, et al. Consensus statement: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: characteristics recommended for the identification and documentation of adult malnutrition (undernutrition). JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2012; 36: 275-83.
  • Cederholm T, Barazzoni R, Austin P, et al. ESPEN guidelines on definitions and terminology of clinical nutrition. Clin Nutr 2017; 36: 49-64.
  • Cederholm T, Jensen GL, Correia M, et al. GLIM criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition - A consensus report from the global clinical nutrition community. Clin Nutr 2019; 38: 1-9.
  • Evans WJ, Morley JE, Argiles J, et al. Cachexia: a new definition. Clin Nutr 2008; 27: 793-9.
  • Kiraz M, Demir E, Özdemir Ö. An international bibliometric study of scientific articles on intracranial aneurysms. Neuroradiol J 2021; 34: 482-93.
  • Kiraz S, Demir E. Global scientific outputs of schizophrenia publications from 1975 to 2020: a bibliometric analysis. Psychiatr Q 2021; 92: 1725-44.
  • Tian H, Chen J. Global scientific research on elderly malnutrition: a bibliometric analysis. Progr Nutr 2022; 24: 14.
  • van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics 2010; 84: 523-38.
  • World Bank. GDP (current US$) | Data. 2022 [cited 2023 28 February]; Available from: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD.
  • Cereda E, Pedrolli C, Klersy C, et al. Nutritional status in older persons according to healthcare setting: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence data using MNA(®). Clin Nutr 2016; 35: 1282-90.
  • Norman K, Haß U, Pirlich M. Malnutrition in older adults-recent advances and remaining challenges. Nutrients 2021; 13.
  • Martínez-Reig M, Aranda-Reneo I, Peña-Longobardo LM, et al. Use of health resources and healthcare costs associated with nutritional risk: The FRADEA study. Clin Nutr 2018; 37: 1299-305.
  • Özkan MB, Yıldırım MB. The evolution of parenteral nutrition over the past 40 years: a bibliometric overview. J Surg Med 2022; 6: 196-204.
  • Özkadı T, Demir E, Yıldırım T, Çağlar EÇ, Alagöz İ, Aydoğdu G. Bibliometric analysis of swimming publications in sports science: a medical perspective. Hitit Med J 2022; 4: 39-48.
  • Guigoz Y, Lauque S, Vellas BJ. Identifying the elderly at risk for malnutrition - The Mini Nutritional Assessment. Clin Geriatr Med 2002; 18: 737.
  • Milne AC, Potter J, Vivanti A, Avenell A. Protein and energy supplementation in elderly people at risk from malnutrition. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005: 101.
  • Li T, Zhang YL, Gong C, et al. Prevalence of malnutrition and analysis of related factors in elderly patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Eur J Clin Nutr 2020; 74: 871-5.

A Bibliometric Analysis of Malnutrition in the Geriatric Population

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 151 - 157, 27.03.2023


Aim: Malnutrition is a significant issue in the geriatric population. The frequency of infections, morbidity, and mortality rates are higher in malnourished patients. The purpose of this research is to evaluate scientific articles on geriatric malnutrition using statistical methods and to evaluate the topic from a novel viewpoint.
Material and Method: Statistical and bibliometric techniques were used to examine articles on geriatric malnutrition published between 1980 and 2022 in the Web of Science database. For correlation analyses, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used. To predict the number of publications in the subsequent years, a nonlinear (exponential growth model) regression analysis was performed. Trending subjects and connections were identified using keyword network visualization maps.
Results: Within the search criteria, 595 publications on geriatric malnutrition were identified between 1980 and 2022. 427 of those (articles and reviews) were included in the analysis. Since 2005, the quantity of published materials on the issue has expanded dramatically and continues to rise. The most active countries were USA and Spain, the most active author was Volkert, D., and the most active journal on the subject was Clinical Nutrition.
Conclusion: This research on geriatric malnutrition explores 427 publications, their origin countries, authors, and most used keywords. Geriatric malnutrition is one of the current trending research topics and seems more relevant every year in the aging world. This article may help physicians’ and scientists’ understanding of worldwide efforts on geriatric malnutrition.


  • Zhao VM, Ziegler TR, Davis KA. Parenteral nutrition, in Surgical metabolism: the metabolic care of the surgical patient, Davis KA, Rosenbaum SH (eds). Springer International Publishing Cham 2020: 251-60.
  • Agarwal E, Miller M, Yaxley A, Isenring E. Malnutrition in the elderly: a narrative review. Maturitas 2013; 76: 296-302.
  • Pirlich M, Schutz T, Norman K, et al. The German hospital malnutrition study. Clin Nutr 2006; 25: 563-72.
  • Sullivan DH, Walls RC. Protein-energy undernutrition and the risk of mortality within six years of hospital discharge. J Am Coll Nutr 1998; 17: 571-8.
  • Corkins MR, Guenter P, DiMaria-Ghalili RA, et al. Malnutrition diagnoses in hospitalized patients: United States, 2010. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2014; 38: 186-95.
  • White JV, Guenter P, Jensen G, et al. Consensus statement: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: characteristics recommended for the identification and documentation of adult malnutrition (undernutrition). JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2012; 36: 275-83.
  • Cederholm T, Barazzoni R, Austin P, et al. ESPEN guidelines on definitions and terminology of clinical nutrition. Clin Nutr 2017; 36: 49-64.
  • Cederholm T, Jensen GL, Correia M, et al. GLIM criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition - A consensus report from the global clinical nutrition community. Clin Nutr 2019; 38: 1-9.
  • Evans WJ, Morley JE, Argiles J, et al. Cachexia: a new definition. Clin Nutr 2008; 27: 793-9.
  • Kiraz M, Demir E, Özdemir Ö. An international bibliometric study of scientific articles on intracranial aneurysms. Neuroradiol J 2021; 34: 482-93.
  • Kiraz S, Demir E. Global scientific outputs of schizophrenia publications from 1975 to 2020: a bibliometric analysis. Psychiatr Q 2021; 92: 1725-44.
  • Tian H, Chen J. Global scientific research on elderly malnutrition: a bibliometric analysis. Progr Nutr 2022; 24: 14.
  • van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics 2010; 84: 523-38.
  • World Bank. GDP (current US$) | Data. 2022 [cited 2023 28 February]; Available from: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD.
  • Cereda E, Pedrolli C, Klersy C, et al. Nutritional status in older persons according to healthcare setting: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence data using MNA(®). Clin Nutr 2016; 35: 1282-90.
  • Norman K, Haß U, Pirlich M. Malnutrition in older adults-recent advances and remaining challenges. Nutrients 2021; 13.
  • Martínez-Reig M, Aranda-Reneo I, Peña-Longobardo LM, et al. Use of health resources and healthcare costs associated with nutritional risk: The FRADEA study. Clin Nutr 2018; 37: 1299-305.
  • Özkan MB, Yıldırım MB. The evolution of parenteral nutrition over the past 40 years: a bibliometric overview. J Surg Med 2022; 6: 196-204.
  • Özkadı T, Demir E, Yıldırım T, Çağlar EÇ, Alagöz İ, Aydoğdu G. Bibliometric analysis of swimming publications in sports science: a medical perspective. Hitit Med J 2022; 4: 39-48.
  • Guigoz Y, Lauque S, Vellas BJ. Identifying the elderly at risk for malnutrition - The Mini Nutritional Assessment. Clin Geriatr Med 2002; 18: 737.
  • Milne AC, Potter J, Vivanti A, Avenell A. Protein and energy supplementation in elderly people at risk from malnutrition. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005: 101.
  • Li T, Zhang YL, Gong C, et al. Prevalence of malnutrition and analysis of related factors in elderly patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Eur J Clin Nutr 2020; 74: 871-5.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles [en] Araştırma Makaleleri [tr]

Duygu Tutan

Suna Bürkük 0000-0001-7342-7097

Publication Date March 27, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


AMA Tutan D, Bürkük S. A Bibliometric Analysis of Malnutrition in the Geriatric Population. J Med Palliat Care / JOMPAC / jompac. March 2023;4(2):151-157. doi:10.47582/jompac.1257815

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