Anşin R. & Özkan Z.C. (1993). Spermatophyata. Forestry Faculty of Black Sea Technical University Press, Trabzon.
Anonymous (2024). Forestry Statistics of Türkiye. General Directorate of Forestry, Ankara.
Bila A.D. (2000). Fertility Variation and Its Effects on Gene Diversity in Forest Tree Populations. [Doctoral dissertation, Swedish University]. Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
Bila A.D. & Lindgren D. (1998). Fertility variation in Milletias thuhlmannii, Brachystegia spiciformis, Brachystegia bohemii and Leucaena leucocephala and its effects on relatedness in seeds. Forest Genetics, 5, 119-129.
Bilir N. Kang K.S. & Lindgren D. (2005). Fertility variation in six populations of brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) over an altitudinal range. Euphytica, 141, 163-168.
Bilir N. Prescher F. Ayan S. & Lindgren D. (2006). Growth characters and number of strobili in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris. Euphytica, 152, 293-301.
Bilir N. (2011). Fertility variation in wild rose (Rosa canina) over habitat classes. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 13, 110-114.
Bilir N. Çerçioğlu M. & Çetinkaya D. (2017a). Interaction between cone production and growth traits in a Mediterranean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) plantation. Seed Orchard Conference, September 4-6, p. 64, Balsta, Sweden.
Bilir N. Çatal Y. Tekocak S. & Çerçioğlu, M. (2017b). Fertility variation in endemic populations of Ehrami black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana var. pyramidata). Journal of Forestry Research, 28, 683-686.
Bilir N. & Kang K.S. (2021). Fertility variation, seed collection and gene diversity in natural stands of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani). European Journal of Forest Research, 40, 199-208.
Bilir N. Jeon K. Kim Y.J. & Kang K.S. (2023). Fertility variation and effective population size across varying acorn yields in Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.): Implications for seed source management. Forests, 14, 1-13.
Bilir N. Özel H.B. Öztürk YO. & Ertaş T.B. (2023). Growth variations in clonal seed orchards of Anatolian black pine. Agriculture and Forestry, 69(3), 97-104.
Bilir N. & Yazıcı N. (2024). Effects of climatic factors on strobilus production of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) populations. Theoratican and Applied Climatology, 155, 2151-2159.
Burczyk J. & Chalupka W. (1997). Flowering and cone production variability and its effect on parental balance in a Scots pine clonal seed orchard. Ann. Sci. For., 54, 129-144.
Çalıkoğlu M. Sabuncu R. Baş M.N. Coşgun S. Altun Z.G. & Çetinay Ş. (2010). Mediterrenean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L. var. horizontalis (Mill.) Gordon) Provenance-Progeny Trials (Results of 8th Age). Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute, Technical Bulletin, 36, Antalya.
Çatal Y. Bilir N. & Özel H.B. (2018). Effect of growth characteristics on cone and seed production in Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27, 3832-3836.
El-Kassaby Y. (1995). Evaluation of the tree-improvement delivery system: Factors affecting genetic potential. Tree Physiology, 15, 545-550.
Kang, K.S. (2001). Genetic Gain and Gene Diversity of Seed Orchard Crops. [Doctoral dissertation, Swedish University]. Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
Kang K.S. & Bilir N. (2021). Seed Orchards (Establishment, Management and Genetics). OGEM-VAK Press.
Kang K.S. & Lindgren D. (1998). Fertility variation and its effect on the relatedness of seeds in Pinus densiflora, Pinus thunbergii and Pinus koraiensis clonal seed orchards. Silvae Genetica, 47, 196-201.
Kang K.S. & Lindgren D. (1999). Fertility variation among clones of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.) and its implications on seed orchard management. Forest Genetics, 6, 191-200.
Kang K.S. Bila A.D. Harju A.M. & Lindgren D. (2003). Estimation of fertility variation in forest tree populations. Forestry, 76, 329-344.
Kayacık H. (1966). Investigation on natural distribution of Mediterranean cypress (Cupresus sempervirens L.) in Turkey. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry University of İstanbul, 16, 39-65.
Neyişci T. (1996). Resistance to forest fire of plant species. Journal of Turkish Forest Engineering, 5, 6.
Nikkanen T. & Ruotsalainen S. (2000). Variation in flowering abundance and its impact on the genetic diversity of the seed crop in a Norway spruce seed orchard. Silva Fennica, 34, 205-222.
Özalp G. (1991). A new range of Cupressus sempervirens L. in Reşadiye peninsula. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry University of İstanbul, 41, 98-107.
Özbey Y. (2023). Bazı Orman Ağacı Türlerinin Ağaçlandırma Sahalarında Büyüme Performansı. Y. Lisans Tezi, Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Isparta.
Özbey A.A. Çalikoğlu M. Sabuncu R. & Altun Z.G. (2024). Genetic variation in provenance-progeny trials of Cupressus sempervirens in Türkiye. South-east Eur. For., 15(1), 21-28.
Özçelik R. (2006). Monumental Mediterranean cypresses in Mersin-Aydıncık county (Cupressus sempervirens L. var. horizontalis (Mill.) Gord.). The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Suleyman Demirel University, 10, 197-201.
Park J.M. Kwon S.H. Lee H.J. Na S.J. El-Kassaby Y.A. & Kang K.S. (2017). Integrating fecundity variation and genetic relatedness in estimating the gene diversity of seed crops: Pinus koraiensis seed orchard as an example. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47(3), 366-370.
Prescher F. (2007). Seed Orchards-Genetic Considertions on Function, Management and Seed Procurement. [Doctoral dissertation, Swedish University]. Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
Sabuncu R. (2004). Genetic Diversity in Mediterrenean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L. var. horizontalis (Mill.) Gordon) Populations for Seedling Growth Characteristics. Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute, Technical Bulletin 22, Antalya.
Schmidtling R.C. (1981). The inheritance of precocity and its relationship with growth in loblolly pine. Silvae Genetica, 30, 188-192.
SPSS. (2011). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0., NY: IBM Corp.
Uslu M. & Bilir N. (2020). Morphological seedling characteristics in Mediterranean and Pyramidal cypresses. The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 11(1), 12-21.
Varol T. Özel H.B. & Bilir N. (2017). Drought effects on reproductive and growth characteristics in seed orchards. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49, 1225-1229.
Yazıcı, N. & Bilir, N. (2017). Aspectual fertility variation and its effect on gene diversity of seeds in natural stands of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). International Journal of Genomics, 2017, 2960624.
Yazıcı N. & Bilir N. (2023). Impact of crown closure on cone production and effective number of parents in natural stands of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). Forests, 14, 1130.
Yazıcı N. (2024). Impact of climatic characteristics on variation of fruit production in wild rose (Rosa canina L.). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 22(2), 1747-1759.
Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) is an important secondary forest tree species in Turkish forestry because of its high adaptation ability and resistance to different ecological condition. However, limited studies were carried out in cypress. In this study, cone numbers, tree height, diameters at breast height and at base were surveyed from 75 individuals chosen randomly at eighteen years’ plantation in the species. Interaction between number of cones and growth characteristics was estimated together with fertility variation and linkage parameters (i.e. population size) to contribute management and practices of seed collection and gene conservation areas, and other forestry practices of the species. Mean cone number was 86/tree ranged from 36 to 174. Individual trees had large differences for the growth traits, while means of tree height, diameters of breast height and base were 6.1 m, 9.9 cm, and 12.6 cm, respectively. Fertility variation was 1.15 (87% of total trees, CV%=38.9), which close to typical population. Positive and significant (p≤0.05) relations were found between growth characteristics and cone production in Cupressus sempervirens. Tree height was better predictor in cone production than diameters.
Anşin R. & Özkan Z.C. (1993). Spermatophyata. Forestry Faculty of Black Sea Technical University Press, Trabzon.
Anonymous (2024). Forestry Statistics of Türkiye. General Directorate of Forestry, Ankara.
Bila A.D. (2000). Fertility Variation and Its Effects on Gene Diversity in Forest Tree Populations. [Doctoral dissertation, Swedish University]. Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
Bila A.D. & Lindgren D. (1998). Fertility variation in Milletias thuhlmannii, Brachystegia spiciformis, Brachystegia bohemii and Leucaena leucocephala and its effects on relatedness in seeds. Forest Genetics, 5, 119-129.
Bilir N. Kang K.S. & Lindgren D. (2005). Fertility variation in six populations of brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) over an altitudinal range. Euphytica, 141, 163-168.
Bilir N. Prescher F. Ayan S. & Lindgren D. (2006). Growth characters and number of strobili in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris. Euphytica, 152, 293-301.
Bilir N. (2011). Fertility variation in wild rose (Rosa canina) over habitat classes. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 13, 110-114.
Bilir N. Çerçioğlu M. & Çetinkaya D. (2017a). Interaction between cone production and growth traits in a Mediterranean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) plantation. Seed Orchard Conference, September 4-6, p. 64, Balsta, Sweden.
Bilir N. Çatal Y. Tekocak S. & Çerçioğlu, M. (2017b). Fertility variation in endemic populations of Ehrami black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana var. pyramidata). Journal of Forestry Research, 28, 683-686.
Bilir N. & Kang K.S. (2021). Fertility variation, seed collection and gene diversity in natural stands of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani). European Journal of Forest Research, 40, 199-208.
Bilir N. Jeon K. Kim Y.J. & Kang K.S. (2023). Fertility variation and effective population size across varying acorn yields in Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.): Implications for seed source management. Forests, 14, 1-13.
Bilir N. Özel H.B. Öztürk YO. & Ertaş T.B. (2023). Growth variations in clonal seed orchards of Anatolian black pine. Agriculture and Forestry, 69(3), 97-104.
Bilir N. & Yazıcı N. (2024). Effects of climatic factors on strobilus production of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) populations. Theoratican and Applied Climatology, 155, 2151-2159.
Burczyk J. & Chalupka W. (1997). Flowering and cone production variability and its effect on parental balance in a Scots pine clonal seed orchard. Ann. Sci. For., 54, 129-144.
Çalıkoğlu M. Sabuncu R. Baş M.N. Coşgun S. Altun Z.G. & Çetinay Ş. (2010). Mediterrenean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L. var. horizontalis (Mill.) Gordon) Provenance-Progeny Trials (Results of 8th Age). Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute, Technical Bulletin, 36, Antalya.
Çatal Y. Bilir N. & Özel H.B. (2018). Effect of growth characteristics on cone and seed production in Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27, 3832-3836.
El-Kassaby Y. (1995). Evaluation of the tree-improvement delivery system: Factors affecting genetic potential. Tree Physiology, 15, 545-550.
Kang, K.S. (2001). Genetic Gain and Gene Diversity of Seed Orchard Crops. [Doctoral dissertation, Swedish University]. Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
Kang K.S. & Bilir N. (2021). Seed Orchards (Establishment, Management and Genetics). OGEM-VAK Press.
Kang K.S. & Lindgren D. (1998). Fertility variation and its effect on the relatedness of seeds in Pinus densiflora, Pinus thunbergii and Pinus koraiensis clonal seed orchards. Silvae Genetica, 47, 196-201.
Kang K.S. & Lindgren D. (1999). Fertility variation among clones of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.) and its implications on seed orchard management. Forest Genetics, 6, 191-200.
Kang K.S. Bila A.D. Harju A.M. & Lindgren D. (2003). Estimation of fertility variation in forest tree populations. Forestry, 76, 329-344.
Kayacık H. (1966). Investigation on natural distribution of Mediterranean cypress (Cupresus sempervirens L.) in Turkey. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry University of İstanbul, 16, 39-65.
Neyişci T. (1996). Resistance to forest fire of plant species. Journal of Turkish Forest Engineering, 5, 6.
Nikkanen T. & Ruotsalainen S. (2000). Variation in flowering abundance and its impact on the genetic diversity of the seed crop in a Norway spruce seed orchard. Silva Fennica, 34, 205-222.
Özalp G. (1991). A new range of Cupressus sempervirens L. in Reşadiye peninsula. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry University of İstanbul, 41, 98-107.
Özbey Y. (2023). Bazı Orman Ağacı Türlerinin Ağaçlandırma Sahalarında Büyüme Performansı. Y. Lisans Tezi, Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Isparta.
Özbey A.A. Çalikoğlu M. Sabuncu R. & Altun Z.G. (2024). Genetic variation in provenance-progeny trials of Cupressus sempervirens in Türkiye. South-east Eur. For., 15(1), 21-28.
Özçelik R. (2006). Monumental Mediterranean cypresses in Mersin-Aydıncık county (Cupressus sempervirens L. var. horizontalis (Mill.) Gord.). The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Suleyman Demirel University, 10, 197-201.
Park J.M. Kwon S.H. Lee H.J. Na S.J. El-Kassaby Y.A. & Kang K.S. (2017). Integrating fecundity variation and genetic relatedness in estimating the gene diversity of seed crops: Pinus koraiensis seed orchard as an example. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47(3), 366-370.
Prescher F. (2007). Seed Orchards-Genetic Considertions on Function, Management and Seed Procurement. [Doctoral dissertation, Swedish University]. Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
Sabuncu R. (2004). Genetic Diversity in Mediterrenean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L. var. horizontalis (Mill.) Gordon) Populations for Seedling Growth Characteristics. Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute, Technical Bulletin 22, Antalya.
Schmidtling R.C. (1981). The inheritance of precocity and its relationship with growth in loblolly pine. Silvae Genetica, 30, 188-192.
SPSS. (2011). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0., NY: IBM Corp.
Uslu M. & Bilir N. (2020). Morphological seedling characteristics in Mediterranean and Pyramidal cypresses. The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 11(1), 12-21.
Varol T. Özel H.B. & Bilir N. (2017). Drought effects on reproductive and growth characteristics in seed orchards. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49, 1225-1229.
Yazıcı, N. & Bilir, N. (2017). Aspectual fertility variation and its effect on gene diversity of seeds in natural stands of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). International Journal of Genomics, 2017, 2960624.
Yazıcı N. & Bilir N. (2023). Impact of crown closure on cone production and effective number of parents in natural stands of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). Forests, 14, 1130.
Yazıcı N. (2024). Impact of climatic characteristics on variation of fruit production in wild rose (Rosa canina L.). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 22(2), 1747-1759.
Bilir, N. (2024). CONE YIELD AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS IN A PLANTATION OF CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 7(2), 77-82.
Bilir, Nebi. “CONE YIELD AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS IN A PLANTATION OF CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS”. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 7, no. 2 (December 2024): 77-82.
Bilir N (December 1, 2024) CONE YIELD AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS IN A PLANTATION OF CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 7 2 77–82.
N. Bilir, “CONE YIELD AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS IN A PLANTATION OF CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS”, JONAS, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 77–82, 2024, doi: 10.55930/jonas.1580163.
Bilir, Nebi. “CONE YIELD AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS IN A PLANTATION OF CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS”. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 7/2 (December 2024), 77-82.
Bilir, Nebi. “CONE YIELD AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS IN A PLANTATION OF CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS”. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, 2024, pp. 77-82, doi:10.55930/jonas.1580163.