Diyafragma rüptürleri, sıklıkla politravmaya entegre olan nadir fakat potansiyel olarak ciddi bir klinik durumu temsil eder. Karayolu üzerinde meydana gelen bir kazadan yirmi gün sonra ortaya çıkan bir sol diyafragma rüptürü vakasını sunduk. Teşhis için, vücudun taramasında ısrar etmek gerekir; hassasiyeti diğer özel muayene tekniklerinden daha azdır, ancak çoğu acil merkezde kolayca yorumlanabilir ve erişilebilirdir. Cerrahi tedavi sırası, klinik muayenede ve bir abdominal acil durum varlığına göre önceye alınır.
5. Somers JM, Gleeson FV, Flower CDR. Rupture of the right hemidiaphragm following blunt trauma: the use of ultrasound in diagnosis. Clin Radiolol. 1990;42:97-101.
6. Eren S, Kantarc M, Okur A. Imaging of diaphragmatic rupture after trauma. Clin Radiol. 2006;61:467–77.
7. Sacco R, Quitadamo S, Rotolo N, et al. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: personal experience. Acta Bio Medica. 2003;74 (Suppl. 2):71–3.
8. Turhan K, Makay O, Cakan A, et al. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: look to see. Eur J Cardio Thor Surg. 2008;33:1082–5.
The rupture of the diaphragm: Case report
Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 359 - 360, 01.09.2018
Diaphragmatic ruptures represent a rare but potentially serious clinical entity that is often integrated into polytrauma. We report a case of left diaphragmatic rupture, discovered twenty days after an accident on the public highway. For the diagnosis, it is necessary to insist on the body scan, whose sensitivity is undoubtedly less than that of other more specific examinations, but which is easily interpretable and accessible in most emergency centers. The order of surgical management is taken at clinical examination, and before the existence of an abdominal emergency.
5. Somers JM, Gleeson FV, Flower CDR. Rupture of the right hemidiaphragm following blunt trauma: the use of ultrasound in diagnosis. Clin Radiolol. 1990;42:97-101.
6. Eren S, Kantarc M, Okur A. Imaging of diaphragmatic rupture after trauma. Clin Radiol. 2006;61:467–77.
7. Sacco R, Quitadamo S, Rotolo N, et al. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: personal experience. Acta Bio Medica. 2003;74 (Suppl. 2):71–3.
8. Turhan K, Makay O, Cakan A, et al. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: look to see. Eur J Cardio Thor Surg. 2008;33:1082–5.
Ekuke, E. O., Zhar, J., & El Bouhaddouti, H. (2018). The rupture of the diaphragm: Case report. Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 2(3), 359-360.
Ekuke EO, Zhar J, El Bouhaddouti H. The rupture of the diaphragm: Case report. J Surg Med. September 2018;2(3):359-360. doi:10.28982/josam.419440
Ekuke, Eddy Oleko, Jamal Zhar, and Hicham El Bouhaddouti. “The Rupture of the Diaphragm: Case Report”. Journal of Surgery and Medicine 2, no. 3 (September 2018): 359-60.
Ekuke EO, Zhar J, El Bouhaddouti H (September 1, 2018) The rupture of the diaphragm: Case report. Journal of Surgery and Medicine 2 3 359–360.
E. O. Ekuke, J. Zhar, and H. El Bouhaddouti, “The rupture of the diaphragm: Case report”, J Surg Med, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 359–360, 2018, doi: 10.28982/josam.419440.
Ekuke, Eddy Oleko et al. “The Rupture of the Diaphragm: Case Report”. Journal of Surgery and Medicine 2/3 (September 2018), 359-360.
Ekuke EO, Zhar J, El Bouhaddouti H. The rupture of the diaphragm: Case report. J Surg Med. 2018;2:359–360.
Ekuke, Eddy Oleko et al. “The Rupture of the Diaphragm: Case Report”. Journal of Surgery and Medicine, vol. 2, no. 3, 2018, pp. 359-60, doi:10.28982/josam.419440.
Ekuke EO, Zhar J, El Bouhaddouti H. The rupture of the diaphragm: Case report. J Surg Med. 2018;2(3):359-60.