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Year 2016, , 367 - 380, 08.01.2017


For at least 50 years, determination of the trace element levels in human hair has been used to assess environmental and vocational exposure to toxic elements . As compared to other biological matrices (e.g. blood, urine), human hair is stable and therefore useful as a matrice. In this study, analyses of toxic and essential trace elements, such as Cd, Pb, Cu and Fe, were done in hair samples which we collected from male smokers (10 people) and non-smokers (10 people) who live in Diyarbakır, Turkey and concentrations in hair samples were compared. Hair samples were washed by a standard procedure proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Then the samples were dried for 16 h at 110°C in an oven. Solubilization procedure was carried out by nitric acid hydrogen peroxide mixture (3:1) in closed vessels in a microwave oven. Trace element analyses were carried out by using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)  technique. In our study, while concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Fe elements were found to be considerably higher in smokers than non-smokers, similar results were observed in Cu concentrations. The precision and accuracy of the method was evaluated by applying spike method to samples. Analytical recovery results were found between 91.2% and 104.6%.



  • Szynkowska MI, Marcinek M, Pawlaczyk A, Albińska J. Human hair analysis in relation to similar environmental and occupational exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2015;40(2):402-8.
  • Sukumar A, Subramanian R. Relative element levels in the paired samples of scalp hair and fingernails of patients from New Delhi. Science of the Total Environment. 2007;372(2):474-9.
  • Ryabukhin YS. Activation analysis of hair as an indicator of contamination of man by environmental trace element pollutants: International Atomic Energy Agency1976.
  • Afridi HI, Kazi TG, Brabazon D, Naher S. Interaction between zinc, cadmium, and lead in scalp hair samples of Pakistani and Irish smokers rheumatoid arthritis subjects in relation to controls. Biological Trace Element Research. 2012;148(2):139-47.
  • Kazi TG, Afridi HI, Kazi N, Jamali MK, Arain MB, Sarfraz RA, et al. Distribution of zinc, copper and iron in biological samples of Pakistani myocardial infarction (1st, 2nd and 3rd heart attack) patients and controls. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2008;389(1):114-9.
  • Szynkowska M, Pawlaczyk A, Wojciechowska E, Sypniewski S, Paryjczak T. Human hair as a biomarker in assessing exposure to toxic metals. Pol J Environ Stud. 2009;18:1151-61.
  • Witte KK, Clark AL, Cleland JG. Chronic heart failure and micronutrients. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2001;37(7):1765-74.
  • Serdar MA, Akin BS, Razi C, Akin O, Tokgoz S, Kenar L, et al. The correlation between smoking status of family members and concentrations of toxic trace elements in the hair of children. Biological Trace Element Research. 2012;148(1):11-7.
  • Kalny P, Fijałek Z, Daszczuk A, Ostapczuk P. Determination of selected microelements in polish herbs and their infusions. Science of the Total Environment. 2007;381(1):99-104.
  • Maiga A, Diallo D, Bye R, Paulsen BS. Determination of some toxic and essential metal ions in medicinal and edible plants from Mali. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2005;53(6):2316-21.
  • Başgel S, Erdemoğlu S. Determination of mineral and trace elements in some medicinal herbs and their infusions consumed in Turkey. Science of the Total Environment. 2006;359(1):82-9.
  • Malik J, Szakova J, Drabek O, Balik J, Kokoska L. Determination of certain micro and macroelements in plant stimulants and their infusions. Food Chemistry. 2008;111(2):520-5.
  • Nookabkaew S, Rangkadilok N, Satayavivad J. Determination of trace elements in herbal tea products and their infusions consumed in Thailand. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2006;54(18):6939-44.
  • Raman P, Patino LC, Nair MG. Evaluation of metal and microbial contamination in botanical supplements. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2004;52(26):7822-7.
  • Bumbálová A, Komová M, Dejmková E. Identification of elements in plant drugs and their water infusion using X-ray fluorescence analysis. Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. 1992;166(1):55-62.
  • Afridi HI, Kazi TG, Jamali MK, Kazi GH, Arain MB, Jalbani N, et al. Analysis of heavy metals in scalp hair samples of hypertensive patients by conventional and microwave digestion methods. Spectroscopy Letters. 2006;39(2):203-14.
  • Deppisch LM, Centeno JA, Gemmel DJ, Torres NL. Andrew Jackson's exposure to mercury and lead: poisoned president? Jama. 1999;282(6):569-71.
  • COGUN HY, FIRAT O. Sigara İçen ve İçmeyenlerin Saç ve Tırnaklarında Kadmiyum Düzeyleri. Ekoloji. 2013;22(89):84-8.
  • Emel Ö, YALÇIN SS. Kurşun, Civa, Kadmiyum: Çocuk Sağlığına Etkileri ve Temasın Belirlenmesinde Saç Örneklerinin Kullanımı Lead, Mercury, Cadmium: Effects on Child Health and Using Hair Samples in Determination of Exposure.
  • Ali M, Murthy R, Chandra S. Developmental and longterm neurobehavioral toxicity of low level in-utero cadmium exposure in rats. Neurobehavioral Toxicology & Teratology. 1986.
  • Viaene M, Masschelein R, Leenders J, De Groof M, Swerts L, Roels H. Neurobehavioural effects of occupational exposure to cadmium: a cross sectional epidemiological study. Occupational and environmental medicine. 2000;57(1):19-27.
  • Diez S, Montuori P, Querol X, Bayona JM. Total mercury in the hair of children by combustion atomic absorption spectrometry (Comb-AAS). Journal of analytical toxicology. 2007;31(3):144-9.
  • Rodrigues JL, Batista BL, Nunes JA, Passos CJ, Barbosa F. Evaluation of the use of human hair for biomonitoring the deficiency of essential and exposure to toxic elements. Science of the Total Environment. 2008;405(1):370-6.
  • Özden T, Kılıc A, Toparlak D, Gökçay G, Saner G. Blood lead levels in school children. Indoor and Built Environment. 2004;13(2):149-54.
  • Razi C, Akın K, Harmancı K, Özdemir O, Abacı A, Hızlı Ş, et al. Relationship between hair cadmium levels, indoor ETS exposure and wheezing frequency in children. Allergologia et immunopathologia. 2012;40(1):51-9.
  • Seifert B, Becker K, Helm D, Krause C, Schulz C, Seiwert M. The German Environmental Survey 1990/1992 (GerES II): reference concentrations of selected environmental pollutants in blood, urine, hair, house dust, drinking water and indoor air. Journal of Exposure Analysis & Environmental Epidemiology. 2000;10(6).
  • Demir N, Göktürk T, Akçay O. Bazı Kozmetik Ürünlerde Ağır Metal (Pb, Cd) Tayini. SDÜ Fen Dergisi. 2014;9(2).
  • Güler Ç, Çobanoğlu Z. Kimyasallar ve Çevre. Ankara, Sağlık Bakanlığı. 1997.
  • Wolfsperger M, Hauser G, Göβler W, Schlagenhaufen C. Heavy metals in human hair samples from Austria and Italy: influence of sex and smoking habits. Science of the Total Environment. 1994;156(3):235-42.
  • Özden TA, Gökçay G, Ertem HV, Süoğlu ÖD, Kılıç A, Sökücü S, et al. Elevated hair levels of cadmium and lead in school children exposed to smoking and in highways near schools. Clinical biochemistry. 2007;40(1):52-6.
  • Mortada WI, Sobh MA, El-Defrawy MM. The exposure to cadmium, lead and mercury from smoking and its impact on renal integrity. Medical Science Monitor. 2004;10(3):CR112-CR6.
  • Barton HJ. Advantages of the use of deciduous teeth, hair, and blood analysis for lead and cadmium bio-monitoring in children. A study of 6-year-old children from Krakow (Poland). Biological Trace Element Research. 2011;143(2):637-58.
  • Afridi HI, Kazi TG, Brabazon D, Naher S. Association between essential trace and toxic elements in scalp hair samples of smokers rheumatoid arthritis subjects. Science of the Total Environment. 2011;412:93-100.
  • Kartal G, Güven A, Kahvecioğlu Ö, Timur S, Metalurji İ. Metallerin Çevresel Etkileri-II. Metalurji Dergisi. 2004;137:46-51.
  • Samanta G, Sharma R, Roychowdhury T, Chakraborti D. Arsenic and other elements in hair, nails, and skin-scales of arsenic victims in West Bengal, India. Science of the Total Environment. 2004;326(1):33-47.
Year 2016, , 367 - 380, 08.01.2017



  • Szynkowska MI, Marcinek M, Pawlaczyk A, Albińska J. Human hair analysis in relation to similar environmental and occupational exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2015;40(2):402-8.
  • Sukumar A, Subramanian R. Relative element levels in the paired samples of scalp hair and fingernails of patients from New Delhi. Science of the Total Environment. 2007;372(2):474-9.
  • Ryabukhin YS. Activation analysis of hair as an indicator of contamination of man by environmental trace element pollutants: International Atomic Energy Agency1976.
  • Afridi HI, Kazi TG, Brabazon D, Naher S. Interaction between zinc, cadmium, and lead in scalp hair samples of Pakistani and Irish smokers rheumatoid arthritis subjects in relation to controls. Biological Trace Element Research. 2012;148(2):139-47.
  • Kazi TG, Afridi HI, Kazi N, Jamali MK, Arain MB, Sarfraz RA, et al. Distribution of zinc, copper and iron in biological samples of Pakistani myocardial infarction (1st, 2nd and 3rd heart attack) patients and controls. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2008;389(1):114-9.
  • Szynkowska M, Pawlaczyk A, Wojciechowska E, Sypniewski S, Paryjczak T. Human hair as a biomarker in assessing exposure to toxic metals. Pol J Environ Stud. 2009;18:1151-61.
  • Witte KK, Clark AL, Cleland JG. Chronic heart failure and micronutrients. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2001;37(7):1765-74.
  • Serdar MA, Akin BS, Razi C, Akin O, Tokgoz S, Kenar L, et al. The correlation between smoking status of family members and concentrations of toxic trace elements in the hair of children. Biological Trace Element Research. 2012;148(1):11-7.
  • Kalny P, Fijałek Z, Daszczuk A, Ostapczuk P. Determination of selected microelements in polish herbs and their infusions. Science of the Total Environment. 2007;381(1):99-104.
  • Maiga A, Diallo D, Bye R, Paulsen BS. Determination of some toxic and essential metal ions in medicinal and edible plants from Mali. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2005;53(6):2316-21.
  • Başgel S, Erdemoğlu S. Determination of mineral and trace elements in some medicinal herbs and their infusions consumed in Turkey. Science of the Total Environment. 2006;359(1):82-9.
  • Malik J, Szakova J, Drabek O, Balik J, Kokoska L. Determination of certain micro and macroelements in plant stimulants and their infusions. Food Chemistry. 2008;111(2):520-5.
  • Nookabkaew S, Rangkadilok N, Satayavivad J. Determination of trace elements in herbal tea products and their infusions consumed in Thailand. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2006;54(18):6939-44.
  • Raman P, Patino LC, Nair MG. Evaluation of metal and microbial contamination in botanical supplements. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2004;52(26):7822-7.
  • Bumbálová A, Komová M, Dejmková E. Identification of elements in plant drugs and their water infusion using X-ray fluorescence analysis. Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. 1992;166(1):55-62.
  • Afridi HI, Kazi TG, Jamali MK, Kazi GH, Arain MB, Jalbani N, et al. Analysis of heavy metals in scalp hair samples of hypertensive patients by conventional and microwave digestion methods. Spectroscopy Letters. 2006;39(2):203-14.
  • Deppisch LM, Centeno JA, Gemmel DJ, Torres NL. Andrew Jackson's exposure to mercury and lead: poisoned president? Jama. 1999;282(6):569-71.
  • COGUN HY, FIRAT O. Sigara İçen ve İçmeyenlerin Saç ve Tırnaklarında Kadmiyum Düzeyleri. Ekoloji. 2013;22(89):84-8.
  • Emel Ö, YALÇIN SS. Kurşun, Civa, Kadmiyum: Çocuk Sağlığına Etkileri ve Temasın Belirlenmesinde Saç Örneklerinin Kullanımı Lead, Mercury, Cadmium: Effects on Child Health and Using Hair Samples in Determination of Exposure.
  • Ali M, Murthy R, Chandra S. Developmental and longterm neurobehavioral toxicity of low level in-utero cadmium exposure in rats. Neurobehavioral Toxicology & Teratology. 1986.
  • Viaene M, Masschelein R, Leenders J, De Groof M, Swerts L, Roels H. Neurobehavioural effects of occupational exposure to cadmium: a cross sectional epidemiological study. Occupational and environmental medicine. 2000;57(1):19-27.
  • Diez S, Montuori P, Querol X, Bayona JM. Total mercury in the hair of children by combustion atomic absorption spectrometry (Comb-AAS). Journal of analytical toxicology. 2007;31(3):144-9.
  • Rodrigues JL, Batista BL, Nunes JA, Passos CJ, Barbosa F. Evaluation of the use of human hair for biomonitoring the deficiency of essential and exposure to toxic elements. Science of the Total Environment. 2008;405(1):370-6.
  • Özden T, Kılıc A, Toparlak D, Gökçay G, Saner G. Blood lead levels in school children. Indoor and Built Environment. 2004;13(2):149-54.
  • Razi C, Akın K, Harmancı K, Özdemir O, Abacı A, Hızlı Ş, et al. Relationship between hair cadmium levels, indoor ETS exposure and wheezing frequency in children. Allergologia et immunopathologia. 2012;40(1):51-9.
  • Seifert B, Becker K, Helm D, Krause C, Schulz C, Seiwert M. The German Environmental Survey 1990/1992 (GerES II): reference concentrations of selected environmental pollutants in blood, urine, hair, house dust, drinking water and indoor air. Journal of Exposure Analysis & Environmental Epidemiology. 2000;10(6).
  • Demir N, Göktürk T, Akçay O. Bazı Kozmetik Ürünlerde Ağır Metal (Pb, Cd) Tayini. SDÜ Fen Dergisi. 2014;9(2).
  • Güler Ç, Çobanoğlu Z. Kimyasallar ve Çevre. Ankara, Sağlık Bakanlığı. 1997.
  • Wolfsperger M, Hauser G, Göβler W, Schlagenhaufen C. Heavy metals in human hair samples from Austria and Italy: influence of sex and smoking habits. Science of the Total Environment. 1994;156(3):235-42.
  • Özden TA, Gökçay G, Ertem HV, Süoğlu ÖD, Kılıç A, Sökücü S, et al. Elevated hair levels of cadmium and lead in school children exposed to smoking and in highways near schools. Clinical biochemistry. 2007;40(1):52-6.
  • Mortada WI, Sobh MA, El-Defrawy MM. The exposure to cadmium, lead and mercury from smoking and its impact on renal integrity. Medical Science Monitor. 2004;10(3):CR112-CR6.
  • Barton HJ. Advantages of the use of deciduous teeth, hair, and blood analysis for lead and cadmium bio-monitoring in children. A study of 6-year-old children from Krakow (Poland). Biological Trace Element Research. 2011;143(2):637-58.
  • Afridi HI, Kazi TG, Brabazon D, Naher S. Association between essential trace and toxic elements in scalp hair samples of smokers rheumatoid arthritis subjects. Science of the Total Environment. 2011;412:93-100.
  • Kartal G, Güven A, Kahvecioğlu Ö, Timur S, Metalurji İ. Metallerin Çevresel Etkileri-II. Metalurji Dergisi. 2004;137:46-51.
  • Samanta G, Sharma R, Roychowdhury T, Chakraborti D. Arsenic and other elements in hair, nails, and skin-scales of arsenic victims in West Bengal, India. Science of the Total Environment. 2004;326(1):33-47.
There are 35 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Elif Varhan Oral

Publication Date January 8, 2017
Submission Date July 4, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


Vancouver Varhan Oral E. DETERMINATION of the TRACE ELEMENT LEVELS in HAIR of SMOKERS and NON-SMOKERS by ICP-MS. JOTCSA. 2017;3(3):367-80.