Research Article
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Molecular interaction of Dextran and Sodium Hydroxide through Ultrasonic Investigation

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1369 - 1376


Studies were conducted to analyze the intermolecular interactions between dextran solute and 1M sodium hydroxide solvent in aqueous solutions at different temperatures and concentrations. This involved measuring ultrasonic speed (U), density (ρ), and viscosity (η). Various acoustic parameters such as free volume (Vf), internal pressure (Пi), Rao’s constant (R), and Wada's constant (W) were calculated at a constant frequency using the experimentally obtained values of density (ρ), viscosity (η), and ultrasonic speed (U) of the solutions. The results provide insight into the temperature and concentration dependence of these parameters and the intermolecular interactions within the system. This investigation offers valuable information about the interaction type between solute and solvent, structural rearrangement, and the extent of molecular interaction in liquid solutions.

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Project Number



  • 1. Fort RJ, Moore WR. Viscosities of binary liquid mixtures. Trans Faraday Soc [Internet]. 1966 Jan 1;62:1112–9. Available from: <URL>.
  • 2. Panda S. Thermo-acoustic Parameters of Polymer Dextran with Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: An Ultrasonic Study. Curr Mater Sci [Internet]. 2022 Aug 18;16(2):217–24. Available from: <URL>.
  • 3. Panda S. Analysis of Aqueous Dextran: An Ultrasonic Study. Curr Microw Chem [Internet]. 2022 Mar 25;9(1):30–6. Available from: <URL>.
  • 4. Pawar NR, Chimankar OP. Ultrasonic absorption and excess absorption study of polar and non-polar binary liquid mixtures. J Pure Appl Ultrason [Internet]. 2015;37(4):83–90. Available from: <URL>.
  • 5. Nath G, Sahu S, Paikaray R. Effect of frequency on acoustic parameters in a binary mixture of polar liquids. Indian J Phys [Internet]. 2009 Dec 11;83(11):1567–74. Available from: <URL>.
  • 6. Mehra R, Gaur AK. Study of a Binary Liquid Mixture of Diethylamine and 1-Decanol and Validation of Theoretical Approaches of Sound Speed at Different Temperatures. J Chem Eng Data [Internet]. 2008 Mar;53(3):863–6. Available from: <URL>.
  • 7. Beebi S, Nayeem SM, Rambabu C. Investigation of molecular interactions in binary mixture of dimethyl carbonate + N-methylformamide at T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K: Thermo-physical and spectroscopic study. J Therm Anal Calorim [Internet]. 2019 Mar 30;135(6):3387–99. Available from: <URL>.
  • 8. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Molecular interaction studies of aqueous Dextran solution through ultrasonic measurement at 313K with different concentration and frequency. Arch Phys Res [Internet]. 2015;6(2):6–12. Available from: <URL>.
  • 9. Palani R, Geetha A, Swara RK. Ultrasonic studies on molecular interaction and physico-chemical behaviour of some divalent transition metal sulphates in aqueous propylene glycol at 303.15 K. Rasayan J Chem [Internet]. 2009;2(3):602–8. Available from: <URL>.
  • 10. Pandey JD, Dey R, Datt Bhatt B. Estimation of molecular radius of liquids and liquid mixtures from sound velocity. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2004 Apr;111(1–3):67–71. Available from: <URL>.
  • 11. Panda R, Panda S, Biswal SK. A Review of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation through Liquid Solutions. Curr Microw Chem [Internet]. 2024 Mar 18;11(1):2–15. Available from: <URL>.
  • 12. Arunachalam M, Thamilmaran P, Sankarrajan S, Sakthipandi K. Study of high temperature metal-insulator phase transition in La1−xCaxMnO3 employing in-situ ultrasonic studies. Phys B Condens Matter [Internet]. 2015 Jan 1;456:118–24. Available from: <URL>.
  • 13. Sakthipandi K, Rajendran V. Metal insulator transition of bulk and nanocrystalline La1−xCaxMnO3 perovskite manganite materials through in-situ ultrasonic measurements. Mater Charact [Internet]. 2013 Mar 1;77:70–80. Available from: <URL>.
  • 14. Sakthipandi K, Rajendran V, Jayakumar T. Phase transitions of bulk and nanocrystalline La1−xSrxMnO3 (x=0.35 and 0.37) perovskite manganite materials using in situ ultrasonic studies. Mater Res Bull [Internet]. 2013 Apr 1;48(4):1651–9. Available from: <URL>.
  • 15. Panda R, Panda S, Biswal SK. Acoustic behavior of electrolytes in aqueous dimethyl sulphoxide as a solvent at different temperatures. J Therm Anal Calorim [Internet]. 2024 May 1;149(10):4839–53. Available from: <URL>.
  • 16. Das N, Kumar Praharaj M, Panda S. Exploring ultrasonic wave transmission in liquids and liquid mixtures: A comprehensive overview. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2024 Jun 1;403:124841. Available from: <URL>.
  • 17. Panda S. Acoustical Analysis of Dextran+urea: Insights into Molecular Interactions. Recent Innov Chem Eng (Formerly Recent Patents Chem Eng [Internet]. 2023 Dec 19;17(1):44–54. Available from: <URL>.
  • 18. Panda S. Molecular interaction of novel polymer dextran with 1(N) sodium hydroxide solution: Ultrasonic studies. Asia-Pacific J Sci Technol [Internet]. 2022;27(6):APST 270603. Available from: <URL>.
  • 19. Panda S. Molecular Interaction of Polymer Dextran in Sodium Hydroxide through Evaluation of Thermo Acoustic Parameters. Indian J Pharm Educ Res |Vol [Internet]. 2020;54(3):630–6. Available from: <URL>.
  • 20. Zolkiflee NF, Affandi MMRMM, Majeed ABA. Molecular dynamics and related solution chemistry of lovastatin in aqueous solution of arginine: Viscometric analysis. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2019 Apr 1;279:386–91. Available from: <URL>.
  • 21. Ali A, Nain AK, Abida. Ultrasonic and Volumetric Studies of Molecular Interactions in Acetonitrile + 1-Alkanol (C6, C8, C10) Binary Liquid Mixtures at Different Temperatures. J Chinese Chem Soc [Internet]. 2004 Jun 1;51(3):477–85. Available from: <URL>.
  • 22. Sonar AN, Pawar NS, Khairnar MD. Ultrasonic studies on molecular interaction of substituted heterocyclic compounds in acetone-water mixture at 303K. Int J Appl Biol Pharm Technol [Internet]. 2011;3(2):291–5. Available from: <URL>.
  • 23. Thirumaran S, Sabu J. Ultrasonic investigation of amino acids in aqueous sodium acetate medium. Indian J Pure Appl Phys [Internet]. 2009;47:87–96. Available from: <URL>.
  • 24. Das M, Das S, Pattanaik AK. Acoustical Behaviour of Sodium Nitroprusside in Aquo‐Organic Solvent Media at 308.15 K. Prabhakar YS, editor. J Chem [Internet]. 2013 Jan 7;2013(1):942430. Available from: <URL>.
  • 25. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Study of acoustical parameters of dextran in 2 (M) glycine using ultrasonic technique at different frequencies. J Pure Appl Ultrason [Internet]. 2017;39:83–7. Available from: <URL>.
  • 26. Panda S. Ultrasonic Study of Novel Polymer Dextran in Aqueous Media at 12 MHz. Curr Microw Chem [Internet]. 2023 Sep 11;10(2):237–43. Available from: <URL>.
  • 27. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Intermolecular interaction of aqueous dextran with urea. Int J Innov Technol Explor Eng [Internet]. 2019;8(11):742–8. Available from: <URL>.
  • 28. Gil EC, Colarte AI, El Ghzaoui A, Durand D, Delarbre JL, Bataille B. A sugar cane native dextran as an innovative functional excipient for the development of pharmaceutical tablets. Eur J Pharm Biopharm [Internet]. 2008 Feb 1;68(2):319–29. Available from: <URL>.
  • 29. Jeanes A, Haynes WC, Wilham CA, Rankin JC, Melvin EH, Austin MJ, et al. Characterization and Classification of Dextrans from Ninety-six Strains of Bacteria 1b. J Am Chem Soc [Internet]. 1954 Oct 1;76(20):5041–52. Available from: <URL>.
  • 30. Panda S. Thermoacoustical parameters of dextran polymer in sodium hydroxide solutions. Artic Songklanakarin J Sci Technol [Internet]. 2022;44(4):1125–30. Available from: <URL>.
  • 31. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Molecular Interaction of Dextran with Urea Through Ultrasonic Technique. Clay Res [Internet]. 2019;38(1):35–42. Available from: <URL>.
  • 32. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Acoustic and Ultrasonic Studies of Dextran in 2(M) Glycine-Variation with Frequencies and Concentrations. Int J Pure Appl Phys [Internet]. 2016;12(1):71–9. Available from: <URL>.
  • 33. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Study of Acoustic and Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Solution of Dextran at Different Concentration and Temperature through Ultrasonic Technique. Int J Sci Res [Internet]. 2013;503–8. Available from: <URL>.
  • 34. Bhandakkar VD, Chimankar O, Ramdin Pawar N. Ultrasonic study of molecular interactions in some bio-liquids. J Chem Pharm Res [Internet]. 2010;2(4):873–7. Available from: <URL>.
  • 35. Ali A, Akhtar Y, Hyder S. Ultrasonic and volumetric studies of glycine in aqueous electrolytic solutions. J pure Appl Ultrason. 2003;25(1):13–8.
  • 36. Panda S. Molecular Interaction Study of Binary Liquid Solution Using Ultrasonic Technique. Recent Innov Chem Eng (Formerly Recent Patents Chem Eng [Internet]. 2022 Apr 7;15(2):138–46. Available from: <URL>.
  • 37. Palani R, Balakrishnan S. Acoustical properties of ternary mixtures of 1-alkanols in di-isopropyl ether and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol mixed solvent. Indian J Pure Appl Phys [Internet]. 2010;48:644–50. Available from: <URL>.
  • 38. Jyothirmai G, Nayeem SM, Khan I, Anjaneyulu C. Thermo-physicochemical investigation of molecular interactions in binary combination (dimethyl carbonate + methyl benzoate). J Therm Anal Calorim [Internet]. 2018 Apr 22;132(1):693–707. Available from: <URL>.
  • 39. Singla M, Jindal R, Kumar H. Volumetric, acoustic, and UV absorption studies on solute–solvent interactions of dipeptides of glycine with aqueous amoxicillin solutions. Thermochim Acta [Internet]. 2014 Sep 10;591:140–51. Available from: <URL>.
  • 40. Godhani DR, Dobariya PB, Sanghani AM, Mehta JP. Thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures of 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivative with chloroform, N , N -dimethyl formamide at 303, 308 and 313 K and atmospheric pressure. Arab J Chem [Internet]. 2017 Feb 1;10:S422–30. Available from: <URL>.
  • 41. Pal A, Kumar H, Kumar B, Gaba R. Density and speed of sound for binary mixtures of 1,4-dioxane with propanol and butanol isomers at different temperatures. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2013 Nov 1;187:278–86. Available from: <URL>.
  • 42. Takaya H, Nii S, Kawaizumi F, Takahashi K. Enrichment of surfactant from its aqueous solution using ultrasonic atomization. Ultrason Sonochem [Internet]. 2005 Aug 1;12(6):483–7. Available from: <URL>.
  • 43. Patil KC, Dudhe CM. Acoustical and viscometric studies of Gentamicin sulphate in aqueous medium. Der Pharma Chem [Internet]. 2016;8(20):227–33. Available from: <URL>.
  • 44. Akhtar Y, Ibrahim SF. Ultrasonic and thermodynamic studies of glycine in aqueous electrolytes solutions at 303K. Arab J Chem [Internet]. 2011 Oct 1;4(4):487–90. Available from: <URL>.
  • 45. Panda S. Thermoacoustical Analysis of Polymer Dextran at Different Frequencies Subhraraj Panda. Bulg J Phys [Internet]. 2022 Apr 20;49(2):136–44. Available from: <URL>.
  • 46. Wada Y. On the Relation between Compressibility and Molal Volume of Organic Liquids. J Phys Soc Japan [Internet]. 1949 Jul 15;4(4–6):280–3. Available from: <URL>.
  • 47. Panda S. Acoustic and thermodynamics study of aqueous dextran: an ultrasonic analysis. Rom J Biophys [Internet]. 2023;33(3):105–18. Available from: <URL>.
Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1369 - 1376


Project Number



  • 1. Fort RJ, Moore WR. Viscosities of binary liquid mixtures. Trans Faraday Soc [Internet]. 1966 Jan 1;62:1112–9. Available from: <URL>.
  • 2. Panda S. Thermo-acoustic Parameters of Polymer Dextran with Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: An Ultrasonic Study. Curr Mater Sci [Internet]. 2022 Aug 18;16(2):217–24. Available from: <URL>.
  • 3. Panda S. Analysis of Aqueous Dextran: An Ultrasonic Study. Curr Microw Chem [Internet]. 2022 Mar 25;9(1):30–6. Available from: <URL>.
  • 4. Pawar NR, Chimankar OP. Ultrasonic absorption and excess absorption study of polar and non-polar binary liquid mixtures. J Pure Appl Ultrason [Internet]. 2015;37(4):83–90. Available from: <URL>.
  • 5. Nath G, Sahu S, Paikaray R. Effect of frequency on acoustic parameters in a binary mixture of polar liquids. Indian J Phys [Internet]. 2009 Dec 11;83(11):1567–74. Available from: <URL>.
  • 6. Mehra R, Gaur AK. Study of a Binary Liquid Mixture of Diethylamine and 1-Decanol and Validation of Theoretical Approaches of Sound Speed at Different Temperatures. J Chem Eng Data [Internet]. 2008 Mar;53(3):863–6. Available from: <URL>.
  • 7. Beebi S, Nayeem SM, Rambabu C. Investigation of molecular interactions in binary mixture of dimethyl carbonate + N-methylformamide at T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K: Thermo-physical and spectroscopic study. J Therm Anal Calorim [Internet]. 2019 Mar 30;135(6):3387–99. Available from: <URL>.
  • 8. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Molecular interaction studies of aqueous Dextran solution through ultrasonic measurement at 313K with different concentration and frequency. Arch Phys Res [Internet]. 2015;6(2):6–12. Available from: <URL>.
  • 9. Palani R, Geetha A, Swara RK. Ultrasonic studies on molecular interaction and physico-chemical behaviour of some divalent transition metal sulphates in aqueous propylene glycol at 303.15 K. Rasayan J Chem [Internet]. 2009;2(3):602–8. Available from: <URL>.
  • 10. Pandey JD, Dey R, Datt Bhatt B. Estimation of molecular radius of liquids and liquid mixtures from sound velocity. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2004 Apr;111(1–3):67–71. Available from: <URL>.
  • 11. Panda R, Panda S, Biswal SK. A Review of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation through Liquid Solutions. Curr Microw Chem [Internet]. 2024 Mar 18;11(1):2–15. Available from: <URL>.
  • 12. Arunachalam M, Thamilmaran P, Sankarrajan S, Sakthipandi K. Study of high temperature metal-insulator phase transition in La1−xCaxMnO3 employing in-situ ultrasonic studies. Phys B Condens Matter [Internet]. 2015 Jan 1;456:118–24. Available from: <URL>.
  • 13. Sakthipandi K, Rajendran V. Metal insulator transition of bulk and nanocrystalline La1−xCaxMnO3 perovskite manganite materials through in-situ ultrasonic measurements. Mater Charact [Internet]. 2013 Mar 1;77:70–80. Available from: <URL>.
  • 14. Sakthipandi K, Rajendran V, Jayakumar T. Phase transitions of bulk and nanocrystalline La1−xSrxMnO3 (x=0.35 and 0.37) perovskite manganite materials using in situ ultrasonic studies. Mater Res Bull [Internet]. 2013 Apr 1;48(4):1651–9. Available from: <URL>.
  • 15. Panda R, Panda S, Biswal SK. Acoustic behavior of electrolytes in aqueous dimethyl sulphoxide as a solvent at different temperatures. J Therm Anal Calorim [Internet]. 2024 May 1;149(10):4839–53. Available from: <URL>.
  • 16. Das N, Kumar Praharaj M, Panda S. Exploring ultrasonic wave transmission in liquids and liquid mixtures: A comprehensive overview. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2024 Jun 1;403:124841. Available from: <URL>.
  • 17. Panda S. Acoustical Analysis of Dextran+urea: Insights into Molecular Interactions. Recent Innov Chem Eng (Formerly Recent Patents Chem Eng [Internet]. 2023 Dec 19;17(1):44–54. Available from: <URL>.
  • 18. Panda S. Molecular interaction of novel polymer dextran with 1(N) sodium hydroxide solution: Ultrasonic studies. Asia-Pacific J Sci Technol [Internet]. 2022;27(6):APST 270603. Available from: <URL>.
  • 19. Panda S. Molecular Interaction of Polymer Dextran in Sodium Hydroxide through Evaluation of Thermo Acoustic Parameters. Indian J Pharm Educ Res |Vol [Internet]. 2020;54(3):630–6. Available from: <URL>.
  • 20. Zolkiflee NF, Affandi MMRMM, Majeed ABA. Molecular dynamics and related solution chemistry of lovastatin in aqueous solution of arginine: Viscometric analysis. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2019 Apr 1;279:386–91. Available from: <URL>.
  • 21. Ali A, Nain AK, Abida. Ultrasonic and Volumetric Studies of Molecular Interactions in Acetonitrile + 1-Alkanol (C6, C8, C10) Binary Liquid Mixtures at Different Temperatures. J Chinese Chem Soc [Internet]. 2004 Jun 1;51(3):477–85. Available from: <URL>.
  • 22. Sonar AN, Pawar NS, Khairnar MD. Ultrasonic studies on molecular interaction of substituted heterocyclic compounds in acetone-water mixture at 303K. Int J Appl Biol Pharm Technol [Internet]. 2011;3(2):291–5. Available from: <URL>.
  • 23. Thirumaran S, Sabu J. Ultrasonic investigation of amino acids in aqueous sodium acetate medium. Indian J Pure Appl Phys [Internet]. 2009;47:87–96. Available from: <URL>.
  • 24. Das M, Das S, Pattanaik AK. Acoustical Behaviour of Sodium Nitroprusside in Aquo‐Organic Solvent Media at 308.15 K. Prabhakar YS, editor. J Chem [Internet]. 2013 Jan 7;2013(1):942430. Available from: <URL>.
  • 25. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Study of acoustical parameters of dextran in 2 (M) glycine using ultrasonic technique at different frequencies. J Pure Appl Ultrason [Internet]. 2017;39:83–7. Available from: <URL>.
  • 26. Panda S. Ultrasonic Study of Novel Polymer Dextran in Aqueous Media at 12 MHz. Curr Microw Chem [Internet]. 2023 Sep 11;10(2):237–43. Available from: <URL>.
  • 27. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Intermolecular interaction of aqueous dextran with urea. Int J Innov Technol Explor Eng [Internet]. 2019;8(11):742–8. Available from: <URL>.
  • 28. Gil EC, Colarte AI, El Ghzaoui A, Durand D, Delarbre JL, Bataille B. A sugar cane native dextran as an innovative functional excipient for the development of pharmaceutical tablets. Eur J Pharm Biopharm [Internet]. 2008 Feb 1;68(2):319–29. Available from: <URL>.
  • 29. Jeanes A, Haynes WC, Wilham CA, Rankin JC, Melvin EH, Austin MJ, et al. Characterization and Classification of Dextrans from Ninety-six Strains of Bacteria 1b. J Am Chem Soc [Internet]. 1954 Oct 1;76(20):5041–52. Available from: <URL>.
  • 30. Panda S. Thermoacoustical parameters of dextran polymer in sodium hydroxide solutions. Artic Songklanakarin J Sci Technol [Internet]. 2022;44(4):1125–30. Available from: <URL>.
  • 31. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Molecular Interaction of Dextran with Urea Through Ultrasonic Technique. Clay Res [Internet]. 2019;38(1):35–42. Available from: <URL>.
  • 32. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Acoustic and Ultrasonic Studies of Dextran in 2(M) Glycine-Variation with Frequencies and Concentrations. Int J Pure Appl Phys [Internet]. 2016;12(1):71–9. Available from: <URL>.
  • 33. Panda S, Mahapatra AP. Study of Acoustic and Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Solution of Dextran at Different Concentration and Temperature through Ultrasonic Technique. Int J Sci Res [Internet]. 2013;503–8. Available from: <URL>.
  • 34. Bhandakkar VD, Chimankar O, Ramdin Pawar N. Ultrasonic study of molecular interactions in some bio-liquids. J Chem Pharm Res [Internet]. 2010;2(4):873–7. Available from: <URL>.
  • 35. Ali A, Akhtar Y, Hyder S. Ultrasonic and volumetric studies of glycine in aqueous electrolytic solutions. J pure Appl Ultrason. 2003;25(1):13–8.
  • 36. Panda S. Molecular Interaction Study of Binary Liquid Solution Using Ultrasonic Technique. Recent Innov Chem Eng (Formerly Recent Patents Chem Eng [Internet]. 2022 Apr 7;15(2):138–46. Available from: <URL>.
  • 37. Palani R, Balakrishnan S. Acoustical properties of ternary mixtures of 1-alkanols in di-isopropyl ether and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol mixed solvent. Indian J Pure Appl Phys [Internet]. 2010;48:644–50. Available from: <URL>.
  • 38. Jyothirmai G, Nayeem SM, Khan I, Anjaneyulu C. Thermo-physicochemical investigation of molecular interactions in binary combination (dimethyl carbonate + methyl benzoate). J Therm Anal Calorim [Internet]. 2018 Apr 22;132(1):693–707. Available from: <URL>.
  • 39. Singla M, Jindal R, Kumar H. Volumetric, acoustic, and UV absorption studies on solute–solvent interactions of dipeptides of glycine with aqueous amoxicillin solutions. Thermochim Acta [Internet]. 2014 Sep 10;591:140–51. Available from: <URL>.
  • 40. Godhani DR, Dobariya PB, Sanghani AM, Mehta JP. Thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures of 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivative with chloroform, N , N -dimethyl formamide at 303, 308 and 313 K and atmospheric pressure. Arab J Chem [Internet]. 2017 Feb 1;10:S422–30. Available from: <URL>.
  • 41. Pal A, Kumar H, Kumar B, Gaba R. Density and speed of sound for binary mixtures of 1,4-dioxane with propanol and butanol isomers at different temperatures. J Mol Liq [Internet]. 2013 Nov 1;187:278–86. Available from: <URL>.
  • 42. Takaya H, Nii S, Kawaizumi F, Takahashi K. Enrichment of surfactant from its aqueous solution using ultrasonic atomization. Ultrason Sonochem [Internet]. 2005 Aug 1;12(6):483–7. Available from: <URL>.
  • 43. Patil KC, Dudhe CM. Acoustical and viscometric studies of Gentamicin sulphate in aqueous medium. Der Pharma Chem [Internet]. 2016;8(20):227–33. Available from: <URL>.
  • 44. Akhtar Y, Ibrahim SF. Ultrasonic and thermodynamic studies of glycine in aqueous electrolytes solutions at 303K. Arab J Chem [Internet]. 2011 Oct 1;4(4):487–90. Available from: <URL>.
  • 45. Panda S. Thermoacoustical Analysis of Polymer Dextran at Different Frequencies Subhraraj Panda. Bulg J Phys [Internet]. 2022 Apr 20;49(2):136–44. Available from: <URL>.
  • 46. Wada Y. On the Relation between Compressibility and Molal Volume of Organic Liquids. J Phys Soc Japan [Internet]. 1949 Jul 15;4(4–6):280–3. Available from: <URL>.
  • 47. Panda S. Acoustic and thermodynamics study of aqueous dextran: an ultrasonic analysis. Rom J Biophys [Internet]. 2023;33(3):105–18. Available from: <URL>.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics, Macromolecular Materials, Physical Properties of Materials

Subhraraj Panda 0000-0003-4224-4663

Project Number NA
Publication Date
Submission Date August 17, 2023
Acceptance Date August 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 4


Vancouver Panda S. Molecular interaction of Dextran and Sodium Hydroxide through Ultrasonic Investigation. JOTCSA. 11(4):1369-76.