Research Article
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Biodiesel Produced from Sunflower Oil via Heterogeneous Catalysts of Calcium Oxide Prepared from Eggshells Loaded on Barium Oxide

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 59 - 72, 11.03.2025


In recent years, interest in converting vegetable oils into biodiesel as an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels has increased. Sunflower oil is a vegetable oil that has great potential for biodiesel production. This work explores the use of eggshell-derived calcium oxide along with barium oxide as a heterogeneous catalyst for sunflower oil-based biodiesel generation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency and feasibility of this catalyst combination in biodiesel synthesis. Experimental tests are conducted to analyze the reaction parameters, including the reaction time, catalyst loading, and temperature, to optimize the biodiesel production process. The properties of the resulting biodiesel are analyzed and compared with standard specifications to assess its quality. The use of heterogeneous catalysts derived from BaO/CaO has shown promising results in transesterification reactions for sunflower oil. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the potential implementation of these catalyst systems for environmentally friendly biodiesel production.


  • AL-ABBASI, A., ALMAHDI, F., ALMAKY, M., IZRIQ, R., MILAD, A., SALIM, S. & NAJAR, A. 2023. BaO as a heterogeneous nanoparticle catalyst in oil transesterification for the production of FAME fuel. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 158, 111620.
  • AL-ABBASI, A. A. & KASSIM, M. B. 2011. 1-Benzoyl-3-ethyl-3-phenylthiourea. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 67, o611.
  • AL-ABBASI, A. A., MOHAMED TAHIR, M. I. & KASSIM, M. B. 2012. N-(Pyrrolidin-1-ylcarbothioyl)benzamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 68, o201.
  • AL-ABBASI, A. A., TAHIR, M. I. M., KAYED, S. F. & KASSIM, M. B. 2022. Synthesis, characterisation and biological activities of mixed ligand oxovanadium (IV) complexes derived from N,N-diethyl-N′-para-substituted-benzoylthiourea and hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borate. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 36, e6607.
  • AL-ABBASI, A. A., YARMO, M. A. & KASSIM, M. B. 2010. N-[(Piperidin-1-yl)carbothioyl]benzamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 66, o2896.
  • ALMUTALEB, A. A. A. & ALABBASI, A. A. 2023. Synthesis, characterization and computational studies for (2′S*,3R*,3′S*,8a′R*)-2′,3′-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-oxo-2′,3′-dihydro-8a′H-spiro[indoline-3,1′-indolizine]-6′-carboxylic acid and some derivatives. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 36, e4452.
  • ANASTOPOULOS, G., DODOS, G., KALLIGEROS, S. & ZANNIKOS, F. 2013a. Methanolysis of sunflower oil and used frying oil using LiNO3/CaO as a solid base catalyst. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 34.
  • ANASTOPOULOS, G., DODOS, G. S., KALLIGEROS, S. & ZANNIKOS, F. 2013b. Methanolysis of sunflower oil and used frying oil using LiNO3/CaO as a solid base catalyst. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 34, 73-82.
  • ANTUNES, W., VELOSO, C. & HENRIQUES, C. 2008. Transesterification of soybean oil with methanol catalyzed by basic solids. Catalysis Today - CATAL TODAY, 133, 548-554.
  • ARUN, S. B., SURESH, R., YATISH, K. V., OMKARESH, B. R. & CHANNA KESHAVA NAIK, N. 2017. Use of CaO and Na3PO4 Catalysts in the Synthesis of Biodiesel and Investigation of Fuel Properties. Materials Today: Proceedings, 4, 11111-11117.
  • BELKHER, N., AL-ABBASI, A. AND ZIDAN, M. 2019 Potentiometric Studies on Stability Constant of the Complexes of SomeEssential Transition Metal Ions with L-Valine. Journal of Pure & Applied Science 13, 59-63.
  • BHATIA, S. C. 2014. 22 - Biodiesel. In: BHATIA, S. C. (ed.) Advanced Renewable Energy Systems. Woodhead Publishing India.
  • BORO, J., THAKUR, A. J. & DEKA, D. 2011. Solid oxide derived from waste shells of Turbonilla striatula as a renewable catalyst for biodiesel production. Fuel Processing Technology, 92, 2061-2067.
  • CHANGMAI, B., VANLALVENI, C., INGLE, A. P., BHAGAT, R. & ROKHUM, S. L. 2020. Widely used catalysts in biodiesel production: a review. RSC Advances, 10, 41625-41679.
  • CHEN, R., QIN, Z., HAN, J., WANG, M., TAHERIPOUR, F., TYNER, W., O'CONNOR, D. & DUFFIELD, J. 2018. Life cycle energy and greenhouse gas emission effects of biodiesel in the United States with induced land use change impacts. Bioresource Technology, 251, 249-258.
  • CHEW, K. Y., TAN, W. L., ABU BAKAR, N. H. H. & ABU BAKAR, M. 2017. Transesterification of palm cooking oil using barium-containing titanates and their sodium doped derivatives. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 8, 47-53.
  • COUTO, S., MATA, T. M., MARTINS, A. A., MOURA, B., MAGALHÃES, J. & CAETANO, N. S. 2011. Design and Simulation of Eco-Efficient Biodiesel Manufacture. In: PISTIKOPOULOS, E. N., GEORGIADIS, M. C. & KOKOSSIS, A. C. (eds.) Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Elsevier.
  • DHARMA, S., ONG, H. C., MASJUKI, H. H. & SEBAYANG, A. 2016. An overview of engine durability and compatibility using biodiesel–bioethanol–diesel blends in compression-ignition engines. Energy Conversion and Management, 128.
  • DI SERIO, M., TESSER, R., PENGMEI, L. & SANTACESARIA, E. 2008. Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Production. Energy & Fuels, 22, 207-217.
  • GHANBARI ZADEH FARD, R., JAFARI, D., PALIZIAN, M. & ESFANDYARI, M. 2019. Biodiesel production from beef tallow using the barium oxide catalyst. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 128, 723-738.
  • GUPTA, R., MCROBERTS, R., YU, Z., SMITH, C., SLOAN, W. & YOU, S. 2022. Life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from rapeseed oil: Influence of process parameters and scale. Bioresource Technology, 360, 127532.
  • HANIF, S., ALSAIARI, M., AHMAD, M., SULTANA, S., ZAFAR, M., ROZINA, HARRAZ, F. A., ALHARBI, A. F., ABAHUSSAIN, A. A. M. & AHMAD, Z. 2022. Membrane reactor based synthesis of biodiesel from Toona ciliata seed oil using barium oxide nano catalyst. Chemosphere, 308, 136458.
  • HU, M., PU, J., QIAN, E. W. & WANG, H. 2023. Biodiesel Production Using MgO–CaO Catalysts via Transesterification of Soybean Oil: Effect of MgO Addition and Insights of Catalyst Deactivation. BioEnergy Research.
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  • JITJAMNONG, J., LUENGNARUEMITCHAI, A., SAMANWONGA, N. & CHUAYKARN, N. 2019. Biodiesel Production from Canola Oil and Methanol Using Ba Impregnated Calcium Oxide with Microwave Irradiation-Assistance. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 46, 987-1000.
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  • LASKAR, I. B., RAJKUMARI, K., GUPTA, R., CHATTERJEE, S., PAUL, B. & ROKHUM, S. L. 2018. Waste snail shell derived heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production by the transesterification of soybean oil. RSC Advances, 8, 20131-20142.
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Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 59 - 72, 11.03.2025



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  • ANASTOPOULOS, G., DODOS, G. S., KALLIGEROS, S. & ZANNIKOS, F. 2013b. Methanolysis of sunflower oil and used frying oil using LiNO3/CaO as a solid base catalyst. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 34, 73-82.
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  • ARUN, S. B., SURESH, R., YATISH, K. V., OMKARESH, B. R. & CHANNA KESHAVA NAIK, N. 2017. Use of CaO and Na3PO4 Catalysts in the Synthesis of Biodiesel and Investigation of Fuel Properties. Materials Today: Proceedings, 4, 11111-11117.
  • BELKHER, N., AL-ABBASI, A. AND ZIDAN, M. 2019 Potentiometric Studies on Stability Constant of the Complexes of SomeEssential Transition Metal Ions with L-Valine. Journal of Pure & Applied Science 13, 59-63.
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  • BORO, J., THAKUR, A. J. & DEKA, D. 2011. Solid oxide derived from waste shells of Turbonilla striatula as a renewable catalyst for biodiesel production. Fuel Processing Technology, 92, 2061-2067.
  • CHANGMAI, B., VANLALVENI, C., INGLE, A. P., BHAGAT, R. & ROKHUM, S. L. 2020. Widely used catalysts in biodiesel production: a review. RSC Advances, 10, 41625-41679.
  • CHEN, R., QIN, Z., HAN, J., WANG, M., TAHERIPOUR, F., TYNER, W., O'CONNOR, D. & DUFFIELD, J. 2018. Life cycle energy and greenhouse gas emission effects of biodiesel in the United States with induced land use change impacts. Bioresource Technology, 251, 249-258.
  • CHEW, K. Y., TAN, W. L., ABU BAKAR, N. H. H. & ABU BAKAR, M. 2017. Transesterification of palm cooking oil using barium-containing titanates and their sodium doped derivatives. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 8, 47-53.
  • COUTO, S., MATA, T. M., MARTINS, A. A., MOURA, B., MAGALHÃES, J. & CAETANO, N. S. 2011. Design and Simulation of Eco-Efficient Biodiesel Manufacture. In: PISTIKOPOULOS, E. N., GEORGIADIS, M. C. & KOKOSSIS, A. C. (eds.) Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Elsevier.
  • DHARMA, S., ONG, H. C., MASJUKI, H. H. & SEBAYANG, A. 2016. An overview of engine durability and compatibility using biodiesel–bioethanol–diesel blends in compression-ignition engines. Energy Conversion and Management, 128.
  • DI SERIO, M., TESSER, R., PENGMEI, L. & SANTACESARIA, E. 2008. Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Production. Energy & Fuels, 22, 207-217.
  • GHANBARI ZADEH FARD, R., JAFARI, D., PALIZIAN, M. & ESFANDYARI, M. 2019. Biodiesel production from beef tallow using the barium oxide catalyst. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 128, 723-738.
  • GUPTA, R., MCROBERTS, R., YU, Z., SMITH, C., SLOAN, W. & YOU, S. 2022. Life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from rapeseed oil: Influence of process parameters and scale. Bioresource Technology, 360, 127532.
  • HANIF, S., ALSAIARI, M., AHMAD, M., SULTANA, S., ZAFAR, M., ROZINA, HARRAZ, F. A., ALHARBI, A. F., ABAHUSSAIN, A. A. M. & AHMAD, Z. 2022. Membrane reactor based synthesis of biodiesel from Toona ciliata seed oil using barium oxide nano catalyst. Chemosphere, 308, 136458.
  • HU, M., PU, J., QIAN, E. W. & WANG, H. 2023. Biodiesel Production Using MgO–CaO Catalysts via Transesterification of Soybean Oil: Effect of MgO Addition and Insights of Catalyst Deactivation. BioEnergy Research.
  • IVANOVA, A. S., SHERSTYUK, O. V., BUKHTIYAROVA, M. V., KUKUSHKIN, R. G., MATVIENKO, L. G., PLYASOVA, L. M., KAICHEV, V. V., SIMONOV, A. N. & YAKOVLEV, V. A. 2012. Performance of Ba-containing catalysts in the transesterification reaction of rapeseed oil with methanol under flow conditions. Catalysis Communications, 18, 156-160.
  • JITJAMNONG, J., LUENGNARUEMITCHAI, A., SAMANWONGA, N. & CHUAYKARN, N. 2019. Biodiesel Production from Canola Oil and Methanol Using Ba Impregnated Calcium Oxide with Microwave Irradiation-Assistance. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 46, 987-1000.
  • KEERA, S., EL SABAGH, S. & TAMAN, A. J. E. J. O. P. 2018. Castor oil biodiesel production and optimization. Egyptian journal of petroleum, 27, 979-984.
  • KESIC, Z., LUKIĆ, I., ZDUJIĆ, M., MOJOVIC, L. & SKALA, D. 2016. Calcium oxide based catalysts for biodiesel production: A review. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 22, 10-10.
  • KHALIFA, S., AL-ABBASSI, A., SULIMAN, M. 2018. Adsorption and Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Acidic Media by Expired Pharmaceutical Drug. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17, 1-6.
  • KOUZU, M., KASUNO, T., TAJIKA, M., SUGIMOTO, Y., YAMANAKA, S. & HIDAKA, J. 2008. Calcium oxide as a solid base catalyst for transesterification of soybean oil and its application to biodiesel production. Fuel, 87, 2798-2806.
  • LASKAR, I. B., RAJKUMARI, K., GUPTA, R., CHATTERJEE, S., PAUL, B. & ROKHUM, S. L. 2018. Waste snail shell derived heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production by the transesterification of soybean oil. RSC Advances, 8, 20131-20142.
  • LEUNG, D. Y., WU, X. & LEUNG, M. J. A. E. 2010. A review on biodiesel production using catalyzed transesterification. 87, 1083-1095.
  • LI, Y., ZHANG, Y., QIAN, K. & HUANG, W. 2022. Metal–Support Interactions in Metal/Oxide Catalysts and Oxide–Metal Interactions in Oxide/Metal Inverse Catalysts. ACS Catalysis, 12, 1268-1287.
  • LIGNON, G., BERÈS, F., QUENTRIC, M., ROUZIÈRE, S., WEIL, R., DE LA DURE-MOLLA, M., NAVEAU, A., KOZYRAKI, R., BERDAL, A. & DESSOMBZ, A. 2017. FAM20A Gene Mutation: Amelogenesis or Ectopic Mineralization? Frontiers in Physiology, 1, 267.
  • MA, F., HANNA, MILFORD A. 1999. Biodiesel production: a review Bioresource Technology, 70, 1-15.
  • MAHDI, H. I., RAMLEE, N. N., DA SILVA DUARTE, J. L., CHENG, Y.-S., SELVASEMBIAN, R., AMIR, F., DE OLIVEIRA, L. H., WAN AZELEE, N. I., MEILI, L. & RANGASAMY, G. 2023. A comprehensive review on nanocatalysts and nanobiocatalysts for biodiesel production in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil and USA. Chemosphere, 319, 138003.
  • MAHESHWARI, P., HAIDER, M. B., YUSUF, M., KLEMEŠ, J. J., BOKHARI, A., BEG, M., AL-OTHMAN, A., KUMAR, R. & JAISWAL, A. K. 2022. A review on latest trends in cleaner biodiesel production: Role of feedstock, production methods, and catalysts. Journal of Cleaner Production, 355, 131588.
  • MANAUWAR ALI, A. & NUSRAT, J. 2021. Structural and Optical Properties of BaO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Facile Co-precipitation Method. Materials Highlights, 2, 23-28.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental and Sustainable Processes, Catalytic Activity
Journal Section Full-length articles

Aisha Alabbsi 0000-0002-6082-9246

Publication Date March 11, 2025
Submission Date August 9, 2024
Acceptance Date February 11, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Alabbsi, A. (2025). Biodiesel Produced from Sunflower Oil via Heterogeneous Catalysts of Calcium Oxide Prepared from Eggshells Loaded on Barium Oxide. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section B: Chemical Engineering, 8(1), 59-72.

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