Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 123 - 136, 11.03.2025



  • A F Fedorova and M L Davydova 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1079 032046 DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/1079/3/032046
  • A. Almena, M. Martín,.(2016). Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 55, 3226.
  • Ajay K. Manna, A.K. Bhattacharyya, P.P. De, D.K. Tripathy, S.K. De, Dennis G. Peiffer.(1998).Effect of silane coupling agent on the chemorheological behaviour of epoxidised natural rubber filled with precipitated silica, Polymer, Volume 39, Issue 26, Pages 7113-7117.
  • Al-Nesrawy, Sameer Hassan Hadi, Mohammed H. Al-maamori and Hamad Rahman Jappor. (2016).Effect of Temperature on Rheological Properties of SBR Compounds Reinforced by some Industrial Scraps as a Filler. international journal of chemical sciences 14: 1285-1295.
  • Arrillaga A, Zaldua AM, Atxurra RM, Farid AS.(2007). Techniques used for determining cure kinetics of rubber compound. Eur Polym J.; 43:4783–99.
  • Bandyopadhyaya, S.; Kitey, R.; Upadhyay, C.S.,(2022).The Effect of Carbon Black Content on Viscoelastic Properties of Vulcanized Natural Rubber.,Phys. Sci. Forum 2022, 4, 9.
  • Boukfessa, H., & Bezzazi, B. (2021). The effect of carbon black on the curing and mechanical properties of natural rubber/ acrylonitrile- butadiene rubber composites.  Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(3), 194–201.
  • Buckley DJ, Berger M, Poller D (1962) The swelling of polymer systems in solvents. I. Method for obtaining complete swelling–time curves. J Polym Sci 56:163–174.
  • Bukovskiy, P.O., Morozov, A.V., Petrova, N.N. et al.(2019). Study on the Influence of Activated Carbon Nanotubes on the Tribological Properties of Frost-Resistant Rubber. Mech. Solids 54, 1250–1255.
  • Chu HZ, Liu D, Cui ZW, Wang K, Qiu GX, Liu GY (2020) Effect of crosslink density on solubility parameters of styrene butadiene rubber and the application in pre-screening of new potential additives. Polym Testing 81:106253.
  • Darko, C. (2022). The link between swelling ratios and physical properties of EPDM rubber compound having different oil amounts. J Polym Res 29, 325.
  • Davydova, M.L., Shadrinov, N.V., Khaldeeva, A.R. et al.(2021) Influence of Vulcanizing System on Properties and Structure of Rubbers Based on Hydrin T6000 Epichlorohydrin Rubber. Inorg. Mater. Appl. Res. 12, 859–865.
  • Geetanjali Shukla, Robert C. Ferrier Jr.(2021). The versatile, functional polyether, polyepichlorohydrin: History, synthesis, and applications, J Polym Sci. 2021; 59:2704–2718.
  • H. Hu, W. Yuan, Z. Jia, G. L. Baker.(2015). Ionic liquid-based random copolymers: a new type of polymer electrolyte with low glass transition temperature, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 3135.
  • Haldeeva AR, Davydova ML, Sokolova MD. (2019). Development of Frost-Resistant Rubber Based on Epichlorohydrin Rubber of Hydrin T6000 Brand. MSF 2019; 945:356–61.
  • Ismail, H., Rusli, A., Rashid, A.A., 2005. Maleated natural rubber as a coupling agent for paper sludge filled natural rubber composites. Polymer Testing, 24(7): 856-862. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2005.06.011
  • Jovanovic. V., Budinski. S., Samardzija. J., Gordana. M., Marinovic. C., The influence of carbon black on curing kinetics and thermal aging of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2009, 15(4):283-289
  • Jun Qiu, Hongfei Wang, Jingwen Shao, Kefu Zhang, Juan Wu, Lifeng Yan.(2021). S4-Containing hyperbranched polymer modified graphene oxide as strong linker for both rubber and carbon black to enhance the crosslinking and mechanical properties of nitrile butadiene Rubber. Chemical Engineering Journal 417, 129336.
  • Kashani M. R.-., Hosseini S. M., Catalytic and networking effects of carbon black on the kinetics and conversion of sulfur vulcanization in styrene butadiene rubber.Soft Matter, 2018,14, 9194. DOI: 10.1039/c8sm01953c
  • Karnda Sengloyluan, Kannika Sahakaro, Wilma K. Dierkes, Jacques W.M. Noordermeer, “Silica-reinforced tire tread compounds compatibilized by using epoxidized natural Rubber”, European Polymer Journal 51 (2014) 69–79,
  • Kraus G (1957) Degree of cure in filler-reinforced vulcanizates by the swelling method. Rubber Chem Technol 30:928–951.
  • Mark, J. E.; Erman, B.; Eirich, F. R. (1994). Science and Technology of Rubber, 2nd ed.; Academic Press: New York, p 388.
  • Marzocca AJ, Mansilla MA.(2006). Vulcanization kinetic of styrene–butadiene rubber by sulfur/TBBS. J Appl Polym Sci.;101: 35–41.
  • R. Ismail, Nurul Husna Binti Rajhan, Hanizah Abdul Hamid, Azmi Ibrahim.(2019). “Experimental data for effect of carbon black loading on tensile, hardness and rebound of magnetic iron filled natural rubber composites.”, Data in brief 25, 104166.
  • Robertson, C.G.; Hardman, N.J. (2021). Nature of Carbon Black Reinforcement of Rubber: Perspective on the Original Polymer Nanocomposite. Polymers, 13, 538.
  • Schaal, S.; Coran, A. Y.; Mowdood, S. K.(2000). The effects of certain recipe ingredıents and mixing sequence on the rheology and processability of silica- and carbon black-filled tire compounds, Rubber Chem. Technol. 2000, 73, 240.
  • Sivaselvi K., Kandasamy Gopa,(2020). Study to enhance the mechanical properties of natural rubber by using the carbon black (N550). Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 26, Part 2, Pages 378-381.
  • Sokolova, M. D., Fedorova, A. F., & Pavlova, V. V. (2019). Research of Influence of Plasticizers on the Low-Temperature and Mechanical Properties of Rubbers. Materials Science Forum, 945, 459–464.
  • Tuan, C. M., Cong Tinh, V. D., & Kim, D. (2020). Anion Exchange Membranes Prepared from Quaternized Polyepichlorohydrin Cross-Linked with 1-(3-aminopropyl)imidazole Grafted Poly(arylene ether ketone) for Enhancement of Toughness and Conductivity. Membranes, 10(7), 138.
  • Vojislav Jovanovic´, Suzana Samarzˇija-Jovanovic´, Jaroslava Budinski-Simendic´, Gordana Markovic´, Milena Marinovic´-Cincovic´, Filler in Rubber Industry Silica and CB which purpouse they uses ın Rubber ındustry”, Composites: Part B 45 (2013) 333–340,
  • X. Sun, A.I. Isayev.(2009). Cure kinetics study of unfilled and carbon black filled synthetic isoprene rubber, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 82 (2) 149–169.
  • Yimin Zhang, S. Ge, B. Tang, T. Koga, M. H. Rafailovich, J. C. Sokolov, D. G. Peiffer, Z. Li, A. J. Dias, K. O. McElrath, M. Y. Lin, S. K. Satija,S. G. Urquhart, H. Ade and D. Nguyen,(2001). Effect of Carbon Black and Silica Fillers in Elastomer Blends, Macromolecules, 34, 7056-7065.
  • Yiran Fan a, b, Geoff D. Fowler b, Ming Zhao.(2020). The past, present and future of carbon black as a rubber reinforcing filler e A review. Journal of Cleaner Production 247 119115.
  • Zhuoheng Tu, Mingzhen Shi, Xiaomin Zhang, Pingping Liu, Youting Wu, Xingbang Hu. (2021). Selective membrane separation of CO2 using novel epichlorohydrin-amine-based crosslinked protic ionic liquids: Crosslinking mechanism and enhanced salting-out effect. Journal of CO2 Utilization, Volume 46, 2021.

Preparation and Characterization of Varying Carbon Black Particle Sizes on Poly(Epichlorohydrin) Elastomer: I. Improving of Curing Kinetics and Mechanical Properties

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 123 - 136, 11.03.2025


This study investigates the effect of carbon black (CB) particle size on the curing kinetics and mechanical properties of poly(epichlorohydrin) (H55) elastomers. The curing behavior was analyzed at 170 °C, 180 °C, 190 °C, and 200 °C, using first-order and nth-order kinetic models to determine the activation energy (Ea) and cure rate constant (k). Results indicate that CB significantly accelerates the vulcanization process, reducing the scorch time (ts2) and optimum cure time (t90) while increasing delta torque (ΔT) values, which correlates with improved cross-link density. The H55-N330 formulation exhibited the fastest cure rate and the highest delta torque, highlighting its superior curing efficiency. Mechanical testing revealed that adding CB enhanced stiffness, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity, with the H55-N330 blend showing the highest elastic modulus (9.90 ± 1.07 MPa), approximately 13 times higher than CB-free H55 (0.70 ± 0.14 MPa). Swelling studies confirmed that CB increases cross-link density, leading to a 54% reduction in swelling ratio for the H55-N330 blend. Additionally, Shore A hardness values doubled with CB incorporation, while compression set values increased. Despite no significant differences in elongation at break, the addition of CB improved overall toughness and durability. These findings suggest that carbon black, particularly N330, significantly improves the curing kinetics, mechanical properties, and cross-link density of H55 elastomers, making them ideal for high-performance rubber applications in automotive, aerospace, and industrial sealing systems.


Dr. Davut Aksüt would like to thank Dr. Murat Şen for his helpful discussions.


  • A F Fedorova and M L Davydova 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1079 032046 DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/1079/3/032046
  • A. Almena, M. Martín,.(2016). Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 55, 3226.
  • Ajay K. Manna, A.K. Bhattacharyya, P.P. De, D.K. Tripathy, S.K. De, Dennis G. Peiffer.(1998).Effect of silane coupling agent on the chemorheological behaviour of epoxidised natural rubber filled with precipitated silica, Polymer, Volume 39, Issue 26, Pages 7113-7117.
  • Al-Nesrawy, Sameer Hassan Hadi, Mohammed H. Al-maamori and Hamad Rahman Jappor. (2016).Effect of Temperature on Rheological Properties of SBR Compounds Reinforced by some Industrial Scraps as a Filler. international journal of chemical sciences 14: 1285-1295.
  • Arrillaga A, Zaldua AM, Atxurra RM, Farid AS.(2007). Techniques used for determining cure kinetics of rubber compound. Eur Polym J.; 43:4783–99.
  • Bandyopadhyaya, S.; Kitey, R.; Upadhyay, C.S.,(2022).The Effect of Carbon Black Content on Viscoelastic Properties of Vulcanized Natural Rubber.,Phys. Sci. Forum 2022, 4, 9.
  • Boukfessa, H., & Bezzazi, B. (2021). The effect of carbon black on the curing and mechanical properties of natural rubber/ acrylonitrile- butadiene rubber composites.  Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(3), 194–201.
  • Buckley DJ, Berger M, Poller D (1962) The swelling of polymer systems in solvents. I. Method for obtaining complete swelling–time curves. J Polym Sci 56:163–174.
  • Bukovskiy, P.O., Morozov, A.V., Petrova, N.N. et al.(2019). Study on the Influence of Activated Carbon Nanotubes on the Tribological Properties of Frost-Resistant Rubber. Mech. Solids 54, 1250–1255.
  • Chu HZ, Liu D, Cui ZW, Wang K, Qiu GX, Liu GY (2020) Effect of crosslink density on solubility parameters of styrene butadiene rubber and the application in pre-screening of new potential additives. Polym Testing 81:106253.
  • Darko, C. (2022). The link between swelling ratios and physical properties of EPDM rubber compound having different oil amounts. J Polym Res 29, 325.
  • Davydova, M.L., Shadrinov, N.V., Khaldeeva, A.R. et al.(2021) Influence of Vulcanizing System on Properties and Structure of Rubbers Based on Hydrin T6000 Epichlorohydrin Rubber. Inorg. Mater. Appl. Res. 12, 859–865.
  • Geetanjali Shukla, Robert C. Ferrier Jr.(2021). The versatile, functional polyether, polyepichlorohydrin: History, synthesis, and applications, J Polym Sci. 2021; 59:2704–2718.
  • H. Hu, W. Yuan, Z. Jia, G. L. Baker.(2015). Ionic liquid-based random copolymers: a new type of polymer electrolyte with low glass transition temperature, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 3135.
  • Haldeeva AR, Davydova ML, Sokolova MD. (2019). Development of Frost-Resistant Rubber Based on Epichlorohydrin Rubber of Hydrin T6000 Brand. MSF 2019; 945:356–61.
  • Ismail, H., Rusli, A., Rashid, A.A., 2005. Maleated natural rubber as a coupling agent for paper sludge filled natural rubber composites. Polymer Testing, 24(7): 856-862. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2005.06.011
  • Jovanovic. V., Budinski. S., Samardzija. J., Gordana. M., Marinovic. C., The influence of carbon black on curing kinetics and thermal aging of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2009, 15(4):283-289
  • Jun Qiu, Hongfei Wang, Jingwen Shao, Kefu Zhang, Juan Wu, Lifeng Yan.(2021). S4-Containing hyperbranched polymer modified graphene oxide as strong linker for both rubber and carbon black to enhance the crosslinking and mechanical properties of nitrile butadiene Rubber. Chemical Engineering Journal 417, 129336.
  • Kashani M. R.-., Hosseini S. M., Catalytic and networking effects of carbon black on the kinetics and conversion of sulfur vulcanization in styrene butadiene rubber.Soft Matter, 2018,14, 9194. DOI: 10.1039/c8sm01953c
  • Karnda Sengloyluan, Kannika Sahakaro, Wilma K. Dierkes, Jacques W.M. Noordermeer, “Silica-reinforced tire tread compounds compatibilized by using epoxidized natural Rubber”, European Polymer Journal 51 (2014) 69–79,
  • Kraus G (1957) Degree of cure in filler-reinforced vulcanizates by the swelling method. Rubber Chem Technol 30:928–951.
  • Mark, J. E.; Erman, B.; Eirich, F. R. (1994). Science and Technology of Rubber, 2nd ed.; Academic Press: New York, p 388.
  • Marzocca AJ, Mansilla MA.(2006). Vulcanization kinetic of styrene–butadiene rubber by sulfur/TBBS. J Appl Polym Sci.;101: 35–41.
  • R. Ismail, Nurul Husna Binti Rajhan, Hanizah Abdul Hamid, Azmi Ibrahim.(2019). “Experimental data for effect of carbon black loading on tensile, hardness and rebound of magnetic iron filled natural rubber composites.”, Data in brief 25, 104166.
  • Robertson, C.G.; Hardman, N.J. (2021). Nature of Carbon Black Reinforcement of Rubber: Perspective on the Original Polymer Nanocomposite. Polymers, 13, 538.
  • Schaal, S.; Coran, A. Y.; Mowdood, S. K.(2000). The effects of certain recipe ingredıents and mixing sequence on the rheology and processability of silica- and carbon black-filled tire compounds, Rubber Chem. Technol. 2000, 73, 240.
  • Sivaselvi K., Kandasamy Gopa,(2020). Study to enhance the mechanical properties of natural rubber by using the carbon black (N550). Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 26, Part 2, Pages 378-381.
  • Sokolova, M. D., Fedorova, A. F., & Pavlova, V. V. (2019). Research of Influence of Plasticizers on the Low-Temperature and Mechanical Properties of Rubbers. Materials Science Forum, 945, 459–464.
  • Tuan, C. M., Cong Tinh, V. D., & Kim, D. (2020). Anion Exchange Membranes Prepared from Quaternized Polyepichlorohydrin Cross-Linked with 1-(3-aminopropyl)imidazole Grafted Poly(arylene ether ketone) for Enhancement of Toughness and Conductivity. Membranes, 10(7), 138.
  • Vojislav Jovanovic´, Suzana Samarzˇija-Jovanovic´, Jaroslava Budinski-Simendic´, Gordana Markovic´, Milena Marinovic´-Cincovic´, Filler in Rubber Industry Silica and CB which purpouse they uses ın Rubber ındustry”, Composites: Part B 45 (2013) 333–340,
  • X. Sun, A.I. Isayev.(2009). Cure kinetics study of unfilled and carbon black filled synthetic isoprene rubber, Rubber Chemistry and Technology 82 (2) 149–169.
  • Yimin Zhang, S. Ge, B. Tang, T. Koga, M. H. Rafailovich, J. C. Sokolov, D. G. Peiffer, Z. Li, A. J. Dias, K. O. McElrath, M. Y. Lin, S. K. Satija,S. G. Urquhart, H. Ade and D. Nguyen,(2001). Effect of Carbon Black and Silica Fillers in Elastomer Blends, Macromolecules, 34, 7056-7065.
  • Yiran Fan a, b, Geoff D. Fowler b, Ming Zhao.(2020). The past, present and future of carbon black as a rubber reinforcing filler e A review. Journal of Cleaner Production 247 119115.
  • Zhuoheng Tu, Mingzhen Shi, Xiaomin Zhang, Pingping Liu, Youting Wu, Xingbang Hu. (2021). Selective membrane separation of CO2 using novel epichlorohydrin-amine-based crosslinked protic ionic liquids: Crosslinking mechanism and enhanced salting-out effect. Journal of CO2 Utilization, Volume 46, 2021.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Polymer Science and Technologies
Journal Section Full-length articles

Davut Aksüt 0000-0003-0954-0727

Publication Date March 11, 2025
Submission Date February 5, 2025
Acceptance Date March 5, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Aksüt, D. (2025). Preparation and Characterization of Varying Carbon Black Particle Sizes on Poly(Epichlorohydrin) Elastomer: I. Improving of Curing Kinetics and Mechanical Properties. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section B: Chemical Engineering, 8(1), 123-136.

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