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Yukagir Dilindeki Türkçe ve Tunguzca Alıntılara İlaveler II

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 54 - 82, 10.01.2019


Continuing on previous research, in this second part of a paper series, ten newly found suggested borrowings from the Turkic, Tungusic and Mongolic languages into the Yukaghir languages and dialects of far north eastern Siberia are presented as loanword etymologies. The chronology of the borrowings is considered, and solid phonological and semantic considerations are given for each suggestion, and other possible cognates or borrowings in the surrounding languages are also discussed.


  • AFANAS’EV, P. S. et al. (1986). Dialektologičeskij Slovar’ Jakutskogo Jazyka, Moskva.
  • ANDERSON, G. D. S. (1998). “Historical Aspects of Yakut (Saxa) Phonology”, Turkic Languages, 2: 3-32.
  • ANGERE, J. (1957). Jukagirisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitzh.
  • APATÓCZKY, Á. B. & B. KEMPF (2017). “Recent developments on the decipherment of the Khitan Small script”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 70/2: 109-133.
  • APTULLAH, B. (1934). İbnü-Mühenna Lûgati, İstanbul.
  • ARMON, W. (1977). Polscy badacze kultury Jakutów, Wrocław.
  • ATLASOVA, E. S. (2007). Slovar’ jukagirsko-russkij i russko-jukagirskij (tundrenyj dialekti) – okolo 3500 slov, St. Peterburg: Filial izdatel’stva <prosveshchenije>.
  • AVRORIN, V. A. (1961). Grammatika Nanajskogo Jazyka I-II, Moskva-Leningrad: Nauka.
  • CHINGGELTEI (2002a). “On the Problems of Reading Kitan Characters”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 55/3: 99-114.
  • CHINGGELTEI (2002b). Qidan xiao zi shidu wenti [Problems of the decipherment of the Khitan Small Script], Tokyo.
  • CINCIUS, V. I. (1975). Sravnitel’nyj Slovar’ Tunguso-Man’žurskix Jazykov I, Leningrad: Akademia Nauka.
  • CINCIUS, V. I. (1977). Sravnitel’nyj Slovar’ Tunguso-Man’žurskix Jazykov II, Leningrad: Akademia Nauka.
  • CLAUSON, Sir G. (1972). Etymological dictionary of Prethirteenth Century Turkish, Oxford: Clarendon.
  • DOERFER, G. (1971). Khalaj Materials, Bloomington: Indiana University.
  • DOERFER, G. (1985). Mongolo-Tungusica, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • DOERFER, G. (2004). Etymologisch-ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Mandschurei), unter Mitwirklung von M. KNÜPPEL, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
  • HAENISCH, E. (1939) Wörterbuch zu Mangholun Niuča Tobčaan (Yüanchʁao pishi), Geheime Geshichte der Mongolen, Leipzig.
  • HMCH = (1971) hun mong cahoi, Soeul.
  • JANHUNEN, J. (2012). Khitan: Understanding the Language Behind the Script, SCRIPTA, 4: 1-36.
  • KANE, D. (2009). The Kitan Language and Script, Leiden-Boston.
  • LEE, KI-MOON (1958). “A Comparative Study of Manchu and Korean”, Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, 30: 104-120.
  • LESSING, F. D. (1960). Mongolian-English dictionary, Los Angeles & Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • LEWICKI, M. (1949) La langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIV-e siècle, Le Houya-yi yi-yu de 1389, Wroclaw.
  • MARTIN, S. E. (1987). The Japanese Language Through Time, New Haven-London.
  • MARTIN, S. E. et al. (1967). A Korean-English Dictionary, New Haven-London.
  • NAM KWANG, U. (1960). Koe sacen [Korean etymology], Seoul.
  • NIKOLAEVA, I. (2006). A Historical Dictionary of Yukaghir, Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • NIKOLAEVA, I. A. & V. G. SHALUGIN (2002). Slovar’ Jukagirsko-Russkij i Russkij-Jukagirskij (Verxnekol’mskij Dialekt), St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Drofa”.
  • NUGTEREN, H. (2011). Mongolic phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages, Utrecht: LOT.
  • PEKARSKY, E. K. (1959). Slovar jakutskogo jazyka I-III, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Yakutsk.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2013). “Further lexical borrowings from (Pre-)Yakut into the Yukaghiric languages”. Turkic Languages, 17: 115–139.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2015). “Evaluating the Uralic-Yukaghiric word-initial, proto-sibilant correspondence rules”. Journal de la Société Fenno-Ougrienne, 95: 237–273.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2018). “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir”, Turkic Languages, 22: 108-138.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2018b). Yup’ik Eskimo loan etymologies for the Yukaghir languages and dialects. [Submitted manuscript]
  • RAMSTEDT, G. J. (1935). Kalmückisches Wörterbuch, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÄSÄNEN, M. (1969). Versuch eines etymologisches Wörterbuchs der Türksprachen, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÉDEI, K. (1988–1991). Uralisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • ROBBEETS, M. (2005). Is Japanese Related to Korean, Tungusic, Mongolic and Turkic? Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • ROBBEK, V. A. & M. E. ROBBEK (2005). Evensko-Russkij slovar’, Novosibirsk: <Nauka>. Sibirskaja izdatel’skaja firma RAN.
  • RÓNA-TAS, A. (2016). “Khitan Studies 1. The Graphs of the Khitan Small Script”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 69/2: 117-138.
  • ROZYCKI, W. (1994). Mongol elements in Manchu. Indiana, Bloomington: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies.
  • SEVORTJAN, E. V. (1974–2000). Ėtimologičeskij slovar’ tjurskix jazykov, Moscow.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (1993). Dolganischer Wortschatz, Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagiel-lónski Kraków.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (1994). “Urtürkisch *mč, *nč und der Jakutische Ordinalsuffix”, Rocznik Orientalistyczny, 49/2: 177-183.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (2008). “Some thoughts on the Proto-Turkic palato-velar nasal”, Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları, 18: 375-392.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (2018). “Two Polish loanwords in Yakut (‘snuff [tobacco]’; ‘thou-sand’), being also a look at their reflexes in some other Siberian languages as well as in Russian”, Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 135: 107-111.
  • STAROSTIN, S. et al. (2003). An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages, Leiden: Brill.
  • TALVITIE, E. (2016). K Voprosu o Pervičnyx Dolgix Glasnyx v Tunguso-Man’čzhurskij jazykax, Helsinki University. [Unpublished master’s thesis]
  • TENIŠEV, E. R. (1997). Sravnitel’noistoričeskaja Grammatika Tjurskix Jazykov, Moskva: Akademia Nauk.
  • VASILEVIČ, G. M. (1958). Evenkijsko-Russkij Slovar’, Moskva: Gosudarstvennoje isdatel’stvo inostrannyx i natsional’nyx slovarej.
  • VASILIEV, Y. (1995). Türkce-Sahaça (Yakutça) Sözlük, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
  • VOVIN, A. & D. MCCRAW (2011). “Old Turkic Kinship Terms in Early Middle Chinese”, Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı Belleten, 2011/1: 105-116.
  • VOVIN, A. (2014). “Borrowing of Verbal Roots Across Language Family Boundaries in the ‘Altaic’ World”, Altai Hakpo, 24: 151-161.
  • WU, Y. & J. JANHUNEN (2010). New Materials on the Khitan Small Script: A Critical Edition of Xiao Dilu and Yelü Xiangwen. Folkestone.
  • ZAHAROV, I. (2010). Gramatika Man’čzhurskago Jazyka, Languages of Asia classic texts, 1, Folkestone, Kent: Global Oriental.

Additional Turkic and Tungusic Borrowings into Yukaghir II

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 54 - 82, 10.01.2019


Continuing on previous research, in this
second part of a paper series, ten newly found suggested borrowings from the
Turkic, Tungusic and Mongolic languages into the Yukaghir languages and
dialects of far north eastern Siberia are presented as loanword etymologies.
The chronology of the borrowings is considered, and solid phonological and
semantic considerations are given for each suggestion, and other possible
cognates or borrowings in the surrounding languages are also discussed


  • AFANAS’EV, P. S. et al. (1986). Dialektologičeskij Slovar’ Jakutskogo Jazyka, Moskva.
  • ANDERSON, G. D. S. (1998). “Historical Aspects of Yakut (Saxa) Phonology”, Turkic Languages, 2: 3-32.
  • ANGERE, J. (1957). Jukagirisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitzh.
  • APATÓCZKY, Á. B. & B. KEMPF (2017). “Recent developments on the decipherment of the Khitan Small script”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 70/2: 109-133.
  • APTULLAH, B. (1934). İbnü-Mühenna Lûgati, İstanbul.
  • ARMON, W. (1977). Polscy badacze kultury Jakutów, Wrocław.
  • ATLASOVA, E. S. (2007). Slovar’ jukagirsko-russkij i russko-jukagirskij (tundrenyj dialekti) – okolo 3500 slov, St. Peterburg: Filial izdatel’stva <prosveshchenije>.
  • AVRORIN, V. A. (1961). Grammatika Nanajskogo Jazyka I-II, Moskva-Leningrad: Nauka.
  • CHINGGELTEI (2002a). “On the Problems of Reading Kitan Characters”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 55/3: 99-114.
  • CHINGGELTEI (2002b). Qidan xiao zi shidu wenti [Problems of the decipherment of the Khitan Small Script], Tokyo.
  • CINCIUS, V. I. (1975). Sravnitel’nyj Slovar’ Tunguso-Man’žurskix Jazykov I, Leningrad: Akademia Nauka.
  • CINCIUS, V. I. (1977). Sravnitel’nyj Slovar’ Tunguso-Man’žurskix Jazykov II, Leningrad: Akademia Nauka.
  • CLAUSON, Sir G. (1972). Etymological dictionary of Prethirteenth Century Turkish, Oxford: Clarendon.
  • DOERFER, G. (1971). Khalaj Materials, Bloomington: Indiana University.
  • DOERFER, G. (1985). Mongolo-Tungusica, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • DOERFER, G. (2004). Etymologisch-ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Mandschurei), unter Mitwirklung von M. KNÜPPEL, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
  • HAENISCH, E. (1939) Wörterbuch zu Mangholun Niuča Tobčaan (Yüanchʁao pishi), Geheime Geshichte der Mongolen, Leipzig.
  • HMCH = (1971) hun mong cahoi, Soeul.
  • JANHUNEN, J. (2012). Khitan: Understanding the Language Behind the Script, SCRIPTA, 4: 1-36.
  • KANE, D. (2009). The Kitan Language and Script, Leiden-Boston.
  • LEE, KI-MOON (1958). “A Comparative Study of Manchu and Korean”, Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, 30: 104-120.
  • LESSING, F. D. (1960). Mongolian-English dictionary, Los Angeles & Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • LEWICKI, M. (1949) La langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIV-e siècle, Le Houya-yi yi-yu de 1389, Wroclaw.
  • MARTIN, S. E. (1987). The Japanese Language Through Time, New Haven-London.
  • MARTIN, S. E. et al. (1967). A Korean-English Dictionary, New Haven-London.
  • NAM KWANG, U. (1960). Koe sacen [Korean etymology], Seoul.
  • NIKOLAEVA, I. (2006). A Historical Dictionary of Yukaghir, Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • NIKOLAEVA, I. A. & V. G. SHALUGIN (2002). Slovar’ Jukagirsko-Russkij i Russkij-Jukagirskij (Verxnekol’mskij Dialekt), St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Drofa”.
  • NUGTEREN, H. (2011). Mongolic phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages, Utrecht: LOT.
  • PEKARSKY, E. K. (1959). Slovar jakutskogo jazyka I-III, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Yakutsk.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2013). “Further lexical borrowings from (Pre-)Yakut into the Yukaghiric languages”. Turkic Languages, 17: 115–139.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2015). “Evaluating the Uralic-Yukaghiric word-initial, proto-sibilant correspondence rules”. Journal de la Société Fenno-Ougrienne, 95: 237–273.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2018). “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir”, Turkic Languages, 22: 108-138.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2018b). Yup’ik Eskimo loan etymologies for the Yukaghir languages and dialects. [Submitted manuscript]
  • RAMSTEDT, G. J. (1935). Kalmückisches Wörterbuch, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÄSÄNEN, M. (1969). Versuch eines etymologisches Wörterbuchs der Türksprachen, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÉDEI, K. (1988–1991). Uralisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • ROBBEETS, M. (2005). Is Japanese Related to Korean, Tungusic, Mongolic and Turkic? Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • ROBBEK, V. A. & M. E. ROBBEK (2005). Evensko-Russkij slovar’, Novosibirsk: <Nauka>. Sibirskaja izdatel’skaja firma RAN.
  • RÓNA-TAS, A. (2016). “Khitan Studies 1. The Graphs of the Khitan Small Script”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 69/2: 117-138.
  • ROZYCKI, W. (1994). Mongol elements in Manchu. Indiana, Bloomington: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies.
  • SEVORTJAN, E. V. (1974–2000). Ėtimologičeskij slovar’ tjurskix jazykov, Moscow.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (1993). Dolganischer Wortschatz, Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagiel-lónski Kraków.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (1994). “Urtürkisch *mč, *nč und der Jakutische Ordinalsuffix”, Rocznik Orientalistyczny, 49/2: 177-183.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (2008). “Some thoughts on the Proto-Turkic palato-velar nasal”, Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları, 18: 375-392.
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (2018). “Two Polish loanwords in Yakut (‘snuff [tobacco]’; ‘thou-sand’), being also a look at their reflexes in some other Siberian languages as well as in Russian”, Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 135: 107-111.
  • STAROSTIN, S. et al. (2003). An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages, Leiden: Brill.
  • TALVITIE, E. (2016). K Voprosu o Pervičnyx Dolgix Glasnyx v Tunguso-Man’čzhurskij jazykax, Helsinki University. [Unpublished master’s thesis]
  • TENIŠEV, E. R. (1997). Sravnitel’noistoričeskaja Grammatika Tjurskix Jazykov, Moskva: Akademia Nauk.
  • VASILEVIČ, G. M. (1958). Evenkijsko-Russkij Slovar’, Moskva: Gosudarstvennoje isdatel’stvo inostrannyx i natsional’nyx slovarej.
  • VASILIEV, Y. (1995). Türkce-Sahaça (Yakutça) Sözlük, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
  • VOVIN, A. & D. MCCRAW (2011). “Old Turkic Kinship Terms in Early Middle Chinese”, Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı Belleten, 2011/1: 105-116.
  • VOVIN, A. (2014). “Borrowing of Verbal Roots Across Language Family Boundaries in the ‘Altaic’ World”, Altai Hakpo, 24: 151-161.
  • WU, Y. & J. JANHUNEN (2010). New Materials on the Khitan Small Script: A Critical Edition of Xiao Dilu and Yelü Xiangwen. Folkestone.
  • ZAHAROV, I. (2010). Gramatika Man’čzhurskago Jazyka, Languages of Asia classic texts, 1, Folkestone, Kent: Global Oriental.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Peter Piispanen This is me

Publication Date January 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Piispanen, P. (2019). Additional Turkic and Tungusic Borrowings into Yukaghir II. Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 3(1), 54-82.