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Additional Turkic and Tungusic Borrowings into Yukaghir IV

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 152 - 187, 29.01.2020


Continuing on previous research, in this
fourth part of a paper series, a total of sixteen newly found suggested
borrowings from the Turkic, Tungusic and Mongolic languages into the Yukaghir
languages and dialects of far northeastern Siberia are presented as loanword
etymologies, as well as ten most tentative borrowing suggestions from the same
sources, tentative only due to numerous semantic or phonological problems. The
chronology of the totally twenty-six borrowing suggested is considered again to
some degree, and solid phonological and semantic considerations are given for
each suggestion, and other possible cognates or borrowings in the surrounding
languages are also discussed. The results continue to highlight the extensive
historical social contacts between the Yukaghir populations and surrounding


  • ANGERE, J. (1957). Jukagirisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
  • ANIKIN, A. E. (2003). Etimologičeskij slovar russkix dialektov sibiri, zaimstvovaniya iz ural’skix, altajskix i paleoaziatskix jazykov, Moscow-Novosibirsk: Nauka.
  • ATLASOVA, E. S. (2007). Slovar’ jukagirsko-russkij i russko-jukagirskij (tundrenyj dialekti) – okolo 3500 slov, St. Peterburg: Filial izdatel’stva <prosveshchenije>.
  • BATTAL, A. (1934). İbnü-Mühenna Lûgati, Istanbul.
  • BEREZKIN, Y. (2010). “Tricksters trot to America – areal distribution of folklore motifs”, Folklore, 46: 125-142.
  • BOGORAS, W. (2009) Tales of Yukaghir, International Polar Institute Press. [reprint of the 1918 materials]
  • CLAUSON, Sir G. (1972). Etymological dictionary of Prethirteenth Century Turkish, Oxford: Clarendon.
  • DOERFER, G. (1985). Mongolo-Tungusica, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • DOERFER, G. (2004). Etymologisch-Ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Mandschurei), Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
  • DYBO, A. V. (1997). Nazvanija podarkov v praaltajskom, Honour of the 90th Anniversary of N. A. BASKAKOV, Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture.
  • FEDOTOV, M. R. (1996). Etimologičeskij slovar’ čuvaškogo jazyka, Tom II: Sav-Yaštaka, Čeboksary: Čuvaškij gosudarstvennyj institut gumanitarnyx nauk.
  • FORTESCUE, M. (2016). Comparative Nivkh Dictionary, München: LINCOM Europa.
  • FORTESCUE, M. J. S. & L. KAPLAN (2001). Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: With Aleut Cognates, Alaska: University of Alaska Press.
  • GOMBOCZ, Z. (1912). Die bulgarisch-türkische Lehnwörter in der ungarischen Sprache, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia.
  • HAENISCH, E. (1939). Wörterbuch zu Mangholun Niuča Tobčaan (Yüanchʁao pishi), Geheime Geshichte der Mongolen, Leipzig: Harrassowitz.
  • JOCHELSON, W. (1898). “Obrazcy materialov po jukagiskomu jazyku i fol’kloru, sobrannye v Jakutskoj ekspedicii”, Izvestija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk, 8: 151–177.
  • JOCHELSON, W. (1926). The Yukaghir and the Yukaghirized Tungus, New York: G. E. Stechert American Agents.
  • KAŁUŻYŃSKI, S. (1961). Mongolische Elemente in der jakutischen Sprache, Warzawa: Państwowe Wydawn.
  • KAŁUŻYŃSKI, S. (1995). Iautica: Prace językoznawcze, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog.
  • KOZIN, S. A. (1941). Sokrovennoje skazanije, Moscow-Leningrad.
  • KREJNOVIČ, E. (1958). Jukagirskij jazyk, Moscow: Leningrad: Akademija Nauk.
  • KREJNOVIČ, E. (1982). Issledovanija i materialy po jukagirskomu jazyku, Leningrad: Nauka.
  • KURILOV, G. N. (1990). Jukagirsko-russkij slovar’, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Jakutsk: Jakutskoje knizhnoje izdatel’stvo.
  • KURILOV, G. N. (2001). Jukagirsko-russkij slovar’, Rossiskaja Akademija Nauk, Novosibirsk: Sibirskoje otdelenije institut problem malocislennyx narodov severa.
  • LEHTISALO, T. (1956). Juraksamojedisches Wörterbuch, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • LESSING, F. D. (1960). Mongolian-English Dictionary, Los Angeles & Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • LEWICKI, M. (1949). La langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIV-e siècle, Le Houya-yi yi-yu de 1389, Wroclaw.
  • LIU (1981). Liu Zhaoxiong. Dongxiang yu jianzhi. Beijing.
  • LORAND, B. (1967-1976). A magyar nyelv történeti-etimológiai szótára I-IV, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • MARTIn, S. E. (1987). The Japanese Language through Time, New Haven-London: Yale University Press.
  • MARTIN, S. E. et al. (1967). A Korean-English Dictionary, New Haven-London: Yale University Press.
  • MASLOVA, E. (2003). A Grammar of Kolyma Yukaghir, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • MIDDENDORFF, A.Th.v. (1851). Über die Sprache der Jakuten, von Otto Böntlingk, Theil 2. Jakutisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Reise in den äussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens Band III, St. Petersburg: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • NIKOLAEAV, S. L. (2015). “Toward the reconstruction of Proto-Algonquian-Wakashan. Part 1: Proof of the Algonquian-Wakashan relationship”, Journal of Language Relationship, 13/1: 23-61.
  • NIKOLAEVA A. & V. G. SHALUGIN (2002). Slovar’ Jukagirsko-Russkij i Russkij-Jukagirskij (Verxnekol’mskij Dialekt), St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Drofa”.
  • NIKOLAEVA, I. (2006). A Historical Dictionary of Yukaghir, Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • NUGTEREN, H. (2011). Mongolic phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages, Utrecht: LOT.
  • PEKARSKY, E. K. (1959). Slovar jakutskogo jazyka I-III, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Yakutsk.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2013). “The Uralic-Yukaghiric connection revisited: Sound Correspondences of Geminate Clusters”, Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 93: 165-197.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2015). “Evaluating the Uralic-Yukaghiric word-initial, proto-sibilant correspondence rules”, Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 95: 237-273.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2016a). “Folklore borrowings in north-eastern Siberia”, Turkic Languages, 20: 257–272.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2016b). “A prosody-controlled semi-vowel alternation in Yukaghir”, Journal of Historical Linguistics, 6/2: 247-296.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2017). “Folklore borrowings in north-eastern Siberia”, Turkic Languages, 20: 257–272.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2018). “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir”, Turkic Languages, 22: 108-138.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2019a). “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir II”, Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 3/1: 54-82.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2019b) “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir III”, Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 3/2: 321-371.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2019c). “Re-etymologizing Russian cultural vocabulary as mediated by the Yakut”, Turkic Languages, 23/2: 222-249.
  • POPPE, N. (1966). “On some ancient Mongolian loanwords in Tungus”, Central Asiatic Journal, 11/3: 187-198.
  • RAMSTEDT, G. J. (1935). Kalmückisches Wörterbuch, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÄSÄNEN, M. (1969). Versuch eines etymologisches Wörterbuchs der Türksprachen, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÉDEI, K. (1988-1991). Uralisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • RÉDEI, K. (1999). “Zu den uralisch-jukagirischen Sprachkontakten”, Finnisch-Ugrischen Forschungen, 55: 1–58.
  • ROZYCKI, W. (1994). Mongol Elements in Manchu, Indiana, Bloomington: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies.
  • RYBATZKI, V. (1994). ”Bemerkungen zur türkischen und mongolischen Metallterminologie”, Studia Orientalia, 73: 193-251.
  • RYBATZKI, V. (1999). “Turkic words for ’steel’ and ’cast iron’”, Turkic Languages, 3/1: 56-86.
  • SANZHEEV, G. D. et al. (2015a). Etimologičeskij slovar’ mongol’skix jazykov I: A-E, Moscow: Institut Vostokovedenija RAN.
  • SANZHEEV, G. D. et al. (2015b). Etimologičeskij slovar’ mongol’skix jazykov II: G-P, Moscow: Institut Vostokovedenija RAN.
  • SEVORTJAN, E. V. (1974–2000). Ėtimologičeskij slovar’ tjurskix jazykov, Moscow.
  • SLEPCOV, P. (1972). Jakutsko-russkij slovar’, Moscow: Sovetskaja Ekciklopedija.
  • SPIRIDONOV, N. I. (2003). Jukagirsko-russkij slovar’ i évensko-russkij slovar’, Jakutsk: Yakut State University Publishing House.
  • SPIRIDONOV, V. K. (1997). Shkol’nyj russko-jukagirskij slovar’, Jakutsk: Minister-stvo obrazovanija respubliki Saxa (Jakutija).
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (2005). “Chronology of some Yakut phonetic changes in the context of 18th century Mongolian loanwords into Yakut”, Rocznik Orientalistyczny, 58: 194-203.
  • STAROSTIN, S. et al. (2003). An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages I-III, Leiden: Brill.
  • STAROSTIN, S. et. al. (2003). An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages, Leiden: Brill.
  • STEINITZ, W. (1966-1993). Dialektologisches und etymologisches Wörterbuch der ostjakischen Sprache (unter Mitarbeit von Liselotte Böhnke Gert Sauer und Brigitte Schulze) I-XV, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
  • TENIŠEV, E. R. (1997). Sravnitel’noistoričeskaja grammatika tjurskix jazykov: Lek-sika, Moscow: Akademia Nauk.
  • VASILEVIČ, G. M. (1958). Evenkijsko-Russkij Slovar’, Moskva: Gosudarstvennoje isdatel’stvo inostrannyx i natsional’nyx slovarej.
  • VASILIEV, Y. (1995). Türkçe-Sahaça (Yakutça) Sözlük, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
  • VOVIN, A. (2015). “Eskimo loans in North Tungusic”, Iran and the Caucasus, 19: 87–95.
  • WRANGEL, F. von (1841). Putešestvie po severnym beregam Sibiri i po Ledovitomu morju, soveršennoe v 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823 i 1824 godax èkspediciju, sostojavšeju pod načal’stvom flota lejtenanta Ferdinanda fon Vrangelja I-II, St. Petersburg.
  • YEGOROV, V. G. (1964). Etimologičeskij slovar’ čuvaškogo jazyka, Čeboksary.

Yukagir Dilindeki Türkçe ve Tunguzca Alıntılara İlaveler IV

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 152 - 187, 29.01.2020


Continuing on previous research, in this fourth part of a paper series, a total of sixteen newly found suggested borrowings from the Turkic, Tungusic and Mongolic languages into the Yukaghir languages and dialects of far northeastern Siberia are presented as loanword etymologies, as well as ten most tentative borrowing suggestions from the same sources, tentative only due to numerous semantic or phonological problems. The chronology of the totally twenty-six borrowing suggested is considered again to some degree, and solid phonological and semantic considerations are given for each suggestion, and other possible cognates or borrowings in the surrounding languages are also discussed. The results continue to highlight the extensive historical social contacts between the Yukaghir populations and surrounding tribes.


  • ANGERE, J. (1957). Jukagirisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
  • ANIKIN, A. E. (2003). Etimologičeskij slovar russkix dialektov sibiri, zaimstvovaniya iz ural’skix, altajskix i paleoaziatskix jazykov, Moscow-Novosibirsk: Nauka.
  • ATLASOVA, E. S. (2007). Slovar’ jukagirsko-russkij i russko-jukagirskij (tundrenyj dialekti) – okolo 3500 slov, St. Peterburg: Filial izdatel’stva <prosveshchenije>.
  • BATTAL, A. (1934). İbnü-Mühenna Lûgati, Istanbul.
  • BEREZKIN, Y. (2010). “Tricksters trot to America – areal distribution of folklore motifs”, Folklore, 46: 125-142.
  • BOGORAS, W. (2009) Tales of Yukaghir, International Polar Institute Press. [reprint of the 1918 materials]
  • CLAUSON, Sir G. (1972). Etymological dictionary of Prethirteenth Century Turkish, Oxford: Clarendon.
  • DOERFER, G. (1985). Mongolo-Tungusica, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • DOERFER, G. (2004). Etymologisch-Ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Mandschurei), Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
  • DYBO, A. V. (1997). Nazvanija podarkov v praaltajskom, Honour of the 90th Anniversary of N. A. BASKAKOV, Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture.
  • FEDOTOV, M. R. (1996). Etimologičeskij slovar’ čuvaškogo jazyka, Tom II: Sav-Yaštaka, Čeboksary: Čuvaškij gosudarstvennyj institut gumanitarnyx nauk.
  • FORTESCUE, M. (2016). Comparative Nivkh Dictionary, München: LINCOM Europa.
  • FORTESCUE, M. J. S. & L. KAPLAN (2001). Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: With Aleut Cognates, Alaska: University of Alaska Press.
  • GOMBOCZ, Z. (1912). Die bulgarisch-türkische Lehnwörter in der ungarischen Sprache, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia.
  • HAENISCH, E. (1939). Wörterbuch zu Mangholun Niuča Tobčaan (Yüanchʁao pishi), Geheime Geshichte der Mongolen, Leipzig: Harrassowitz.
  • JOCHELSON, W. (1898). “Obrazcy materialov po jukagiskomu jazyku i fol’kloru, sobrannye v Jakutskoj ekspedicii”, Izvestija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk, 8: 151–177.
  • JOCHELSON, W. (1926). The Yukaghir and the Yukaghirized Tungus, New York: G. E. Stechert American Agents.
  • KAŁUŻYŃSKI, S. (1961). Mongolische Elemente in der jakutischen Sprache, Warzawa: Państwowe Wydawn.
  • KAŁUŻYŃSKI, S. (1995). Iautica: Prace językoznawcze, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog.
  • KOZIN, S. A. (1941). Sokrovennoje skazanije, Moscow-Leningrad.
  • KREJNOVIČ, E. (1958). Jukagirskij jazyk, Moscow: Leningrad: Akademija Nauk.
  • KREJNOVIČ, E. (1982). Issledovanija i materialy po jukagirskomu jazyku, Leningrad: Nauka.
  • KURILOV, G. N. (1990). Jukagirsko-russkij slovar’, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Jakutsk: Jakutskoje knizhnoje izdatel’stvo.
  • KURILOV, G. N. (2001). Jukagirsko-russkij slovar’, Rossiskaja Akademija Nauk, Novosibirsk: Sibirskoje otdelenije institut problem malocislennyx narodov severa.
  • LEHTISALO, T. (1956). Juraksamojedisches Wörterbuch, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • LESSING, F. D. (1960). Mongolian-English Dictionary, Los Angeles & Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • LEWICKI, M. (1949). La langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIV-e siècle, Le Houya-yi yi-yu de 1389, Wroclaw.
  • LIU (1981). Liu Zhaoxiong. Dongxiang yu jianzhi. Beijing.
  • LORAND, B. (1967-1976). A magyar nyelv történeti-etimológiai szótára I-IV, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • MARTIn, S. E. (1987). The Japanese Language through Time, New Haven-London: Yale University Press.
  • MARTIN, S. E. et al. (1967). A Korean-English Dictionary, New Haven-London: Yale University Press.
  • MASLOVA, E. (2003). A Grammar of Kolyma Yukaghir, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • MIDDENDORFF, A.Th.v. (1851). Über die Sprache der Jakuten, von Otto Böntlingk, Theil 2. Jakutisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Reise in den äussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens Band III, St. Petersburg: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • NIKOLAEAV, S. L. (2015). “Toward the reconstruction of Proto-Algonquian-Wakashan. Part 1: Proof of the Algonquian-Wakashan relationship”, Journal of Language Relationship, 13/1: 23-61.
  • NIKOLAEVA A. & V. G. SHALUGIN (2002). Slovar’ Jukagirsko-Russkij i Russkij-Jukagirskij (Verxnekol’mskij Dialekt), St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Drofa”.
  • NIKOLAEVA, I. (2006). A Historical Dictionary of Yukaghir, Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • NUGTEREN, H. (2011). Mongolic phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages, Utrecht: LOT.
  • PEKARSKY, E. K. (1959). Slovar jakutskogo jazyka I-III, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Yakutsk.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2013). “The Uralic-Yukaghiric connection revisited: Sound Correspondences of Geminate Clusters”, Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 93: 165-197.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2015). “Evaluating the Uralic-Yukaghiric word-initial, proto-sibilant correspondence rules”, Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 95: 237-273.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2016a). “Folklore borrowings in north-eastern Siberia”, Turkic Languages, 20: 257–272.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2016b). “A prosody-controlled semi-vowel alternation in Yukaghir”, Journal of Historical Linguistics, 6/2: 247-296.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2017). “Folklore borrowings in north-eastern Siberia”, Turkic Languages, 20: 257–272.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2018). “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir”, Turkic Languages, 22: 108-138.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2019a). “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir II”, Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 3/1: 54-82.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2019b) “Additional Turkic and Tungusic borrowings into Yukaghir III”, Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 3/2: 321-371.
  • PIISPANEN, P. S. (2019c). “Re-etymologizing Russian cultural vocabulary as mediated by the Yakut”, Turkic Languages, 23/2: 222-249.
  • POPPE, N. (1966). “On some ancient Mongolian loanwords in Tungus”, Central Asiatic Journal, 11/3: 187-198.
  • RAMSTEDT, G. J. (1935). Kalmückisches Wörterbuch, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÄSÄNEN, M. (1969). Versuch eines etymologisches Wörterbuchs der Türksprachen, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
  • RÉDEI, K. (1988-1991). Uralisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • RÉDEI, K. (1999). “Zu den uralisch-jukagirischen Sprachkontakten”, Finnisch-Ugrischen Forschungen, 55: 1–58.
  • ROZYCKI, W. (1994). Mongol Elements in Manchu, Indiana, Bloomington: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies.
  • RYBATZKI, V. (1994). ”Bemerkungen zur türkischen und mongolischen Metallterminologie”, Studia Orientalia, 73: 193-251.
  • RYBATZKI, V. (1999). “Turkic words for ’steel’ and ’cast iron’”, Turkic Languages, 3/1: 56-86.
  • SANZHEEV, G. D. et al. (2015a). Etimologičeskij slovar’ mongol’skix jazykov I: A-E, Moscow: Institut Vostokovedenija RAN.
  • SANZHEEV, G. D. et al. (2015b). Etimologičeskij slovar’ mongol’skix jazykov II: G-P, Moscow: Institut Vostokovedenija RAN.
  • SEVORTJAN, E. V. (1974–2000). Ėtimologičeskij slovar’ tjurskix jazykov, Moscow.
  • SLEPCOV, P. (1972). Jakutsko-russkij slovar’, Moscow: Sovetskaja Ekciklopedija.
  • SPIRIDONOV, N. I. (2003). Jukagirsko-russkij slovar’ i évensko-russkij slovar’, Jakutsk: Yakut State University Publishing House.
  • SPIRIDONOV, V. K. (1997). Shkol’nyj russko-jukagirskij slovar’, Jakutsk: Minister-stvo obrazovanija respubliki Saxa (Jakutija).
  • STACHOWSKI, M. (2005). “Chronology of some Yakut phonetic changes in the context of 18th century Mongolian loanwords into Yakut”, Rocznik Orientalistyczny, 58: 194-203.
  • STAROSTIN, S. et al. (2003). An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages I-III, Leiden: Brill.
  • STAROSTIN, S. et. al. (2003). An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages, Leiden: Brill.
  • STEINITZ, W. (1966-1993). Dialektologisches und etymologisches Wörterbuch der ostjakischen Sprache (unter Mitarbeit von Liselotte Böhnke Gert Sauer und Brigitte Schulze) I-XV, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
  • TENIŠEV, E. R. (1997). Sravnitel’noistoričeskaja grammatika tjurskix jazykov: Lek-sika, Moscow: Akademia Nauk.
  • VASILEVIČ, G. M. (1958). Evenkijsko-Russkij Slovar’, Moskva: Gosudarstvennoje isdatel’stvo inostrannyx i natsional’nyx slovarej.
  • VASILIEV, Y. (1995). Türkçe-Sahaça (Yakutça) Sözlük, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
  • VOVIN, A. (2015). “Eskimo loans in North Tungusic”, Iran and the Caucasus, 19: 87–95.
  • WRANGEL, F. von (1841). Putešestvie po severnym beregam Sibiri i po Ledovitomu morju, soveršennoe v 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823 i 1824 godax èkspediciju, sostojavšeju pod načal’stvom flota lejtenanta Ferdinanda fon Vrangelja I-II, St. Petersburg.
  • YEGOROV, V. G. (1964). Etimologičeskij slovar’ čuvaškogo jazyka, Čeboksary.
There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Peter Piispaanen

Publication Date January 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Piispaanen, P. (2020). Additional Turkic and Tungusic Borrowings into Yukaghir IV. Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 4(1), 152-187. https://doi.org/10.35236/jots.672873