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Müverrih Ebü’l-Ferec’in Yahudi Kökeni ve İbnü’l-İbrī Nisbesi Hakkında

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 534 - 552, 05.09.2023


The renowned thirteenth-century Syriac historian Gregory Abū al-Faraj was an encyclopaedic and prolific author, writing in fields as diverse as theology, history, literature and philosophy. This multifaceted approach makes him a forerunner of the Renaissance concept of “homo universalis”, embodying the quest for “universal knowledge”. Among his notable works, the Makhtebhanūth zabhne, written in Syriac by Abū al-Faraj, is a cornerstone of Turkish and Islamic historical studies. The article explores the semantic nuances behind his relativity, Ibn al-Ibri, and summarises the prevailing discussions. It also examines the claims made by European orientalists to Abū al-Faraj’s Jewish ancestry, as well as the counter-arguments put forward by opposing scholars. Most importantly, this article offers fresh and original insights into this complicated subject, thus broadening the discourse surrounding Abū al-Faraj’s background.


  • Atiya, A. S. (2005). Doğu Hristiyanlığı Tarihi. Çev. Hiçyılmaz, N. İstanbul: Doz Yayınları.
  • Avcı, C. (2010). Nisbe Maddesi. TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi 33 (pp. 142-144). İstanbul: TDV İSAM.
  • Bolis, Behnâm (1965). İbnü’l İbrî Eş-Şâ’ir. Kamışlı: Matbaatü’ş Şebâb.
  • Bolis, el-Fegâlî (1988). Ebü’l Ferec İbnü’l İbrî Hayâtühü ve Âsârühü. Dirâsât fi’l Âdâb ve’l Ulûm ve’l İnsâniyye: İbnü’l İbrî fî Mieviyyeti’s-Sâbiati li-Vefâtihi. Beyrut, 15(23), 19-25.
  • Brockhelmann, C. (1978). İbnü’l İbrî maddesi. MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi V/II (pp. 861-862). İstanbul: Millî Eğitim Basımevi.
  • Budge, E. A. W. (1999). Abû’l-Farac Tarihi I-II. Çev. Doğrul, Ö. R. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Cahun, L. (1896). Introduction à l’histoire de l’Asie Turcs et Mongols des Origines à 1405. Paris: Armand Colin.
  • Chabot, J. B. (1934). Littérature Syriaque. Paris: Librairie Bloud & Gay.
  • Çelik, M. (2010). Süryanîler maddesi. TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi 38 (pp. 175-178). İstanbul: TDV İSAM.
  • Danişmend, İ. H. (1939). Süryânî Mîkâîl Vakâyinamesi. Türklük Mecmuası, I, 70-80.
  • Darkot, B. (1978). Fırat maddesi. MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi IV (pp. 622-626). İstanbul: MEB Basımevi.
  • Delitzch, F. (1881). Wo Lag das Paradies. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung.
  • Delitzch, F. (1889). A New Commentary of Genesis. Tr. by Taylor S. Newyork: Scribner and Welford.
  • Frowde, H. (1859). The Gospel by John. New York: American Bible Union.
  • Frowde, H. (1901). A Dictionary of English and Wellsh Surnames. London: Charles Wareigh Bardsley.
  • Grousset, R. (2011). Stepler İmparatorluğu. Çev. İnalcık, H. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Günaltay, M. Ş. (1991). İslam Tarihinin Kaynakları Tarih ve Müverrihler. İstanbul: Endülüs Yayınları.
  • Hastings, J. (1909). Dictionary of the Bible. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Hommel, F. (1885). Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens. Berlin: G. Grote'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
  • Honningman, E. (1978). Malatya maddesi. MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi VII (pp. 225-239). İstanbul: MEB Basımevi.
  • Ignatius, Barsoum A. (2003). The Scattered Pearls a Short History of Syriac Literature and Sciences. Tr. and Ed. by Moosa, M. New Jersey: Georgias Press.
  • İbnü’l İbrî Mâr Grigoryus Yuhannâ (1983). Divânü’l ‘Allâmeti’l Kebîr ve’ş-Şâ’iri’ş-Şehîr El-Feylesufü’s-Süryânî Mafriyânü’l Maşrık. Holland.
  • İbnü’l Manzûr (1985). Lisânü’l’Arab I-IV. Kum: Neşr-i Edeb-i Havza.
  • Janssens, H. F. (1930). Bar Hebraeus’ Book of the Pupils of the Eye. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 47(1), 26-49.
  • Kittel, R. (1895). A History of the Hebrews. Tr. by Taylor, J. Edinburg: Williams and Norgate.
  • Lane, G. (1999). An Acoount of Gregory Bar Hebraeus Abu Al-Faraj and his Relations with the Mongols of Persia. Journal of Syriac Studies, 2(2), 209-233.
  • Le Strange, G. (1905). The Land of the Eastern Chaliphate. Cambridge: University Press.
  • Lower, M. A. (1860). A Dictionary of The Family Names of the United Kingdom. London: John Russel Smith.
  • Maksutoğlu, M. (1969). Arapça Dilbilgisi. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Mar Ignatius Jacoub III H. H. (1985). The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. Holland.
  • Mütercim Âsım (2013). Okyânûsu’l-Basît fî Tercemeti’l Kâmûsu’l Muhît Tercümesi. Haz. Koç M. & Tanrıverdi, E. İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı.
  • Nöldeke, T. (1892). Bar Hebraeus, Orientalische Skizzen. Berlin: Verlag von Gebrüder Paetel. ( İng. terc. Black, J. S. (1892) Sketches from Eastern History. London and Edinbugh: Adam and Charles Black.)
  • Özaydın, A. (2000). İbnü’l-İbrî maddesi. TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi 21 (pp. 92-94). İstanbul: TDV İSAM.
  • Panicker, J. M. (2002). The Person of Jesus Christ in the Writings of Juhanon Gregorius Abu’l Faraj Commonly Called Bar Ebraya. Hamburg: Transaction Publishers.
  • Renaudot, E. (1847). Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio I-II. Francofurti ad Moenum: Sumptibus Josephi Baer Bibliopolae.
  • Sayce, A. H. (1894). Primer of Assyriology. The Religious Tract Society.
  • Smith, R. P. (1927). Thesaurus Syriacus I-II. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano.
  • Şartûnî, R. (1943). Mebâdi’l ‘Arabiyye III. Beyrut: Matbaatü Kâsülikiyye.
  • Şemseddin, M. (h. 1341). İslâm Târihi Birinci Kitâb. İstanbul: Evkâf-ı İslâmiyye Matbaası.
  • Teule, H. G. B. (1997). Ebn Al-ʿEbrī maddesi. Encyclopaedia Iranica VIII (pp. 13-15).
  • Vankulu Mehmed (2014). Vankulu Lügati. Haz. Koç, M. & Tanrıverdi, E. İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı.
  • Weekly, E. (1921). Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. London: J. Murray.
  • Wright, W. (1894). A Short History of Syriac Literature. London: Adam and Charles Black.
  • Yâkût-i Hamevî (1886). Jacut’s geographisches Wörterbuch aus den Handschriften III. Hrsg. von Wüstenfeld, F. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus.
  • Yesûî, L. Ş. (1898). Grigoryus Ebü’l Ferec El-Ma’rûf bi-İbni’l İbrî. El-Maşrık. Beyrut: Matbaa-i Kâsûlikiyye.
  • Zeydân, C. (tarihsiz). Târîhü’t-Temeddüni’l İslâmî I-III. Beyrut: Dârü Mektebeti’l Hayât.
  • Zihnî Efendi (2014). El-Müntehab ve’l Muktezab. İstanbul: Marifet Yayınları.

On the Jewish Origin of the Historian Abū al-Faraj and the Relationship with the Title Ibn al-Ibrī

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 534 - 552, 05.09.2023


The renowned thirteenth-century Syriac historian Gregory Abū al-Faraj was an encyclopaedic and prolific author, writing in fields as diverse as theology, history, literature and philosophy. This multifaceted approach makes him a forerunner of the Renaissance concept of “homo universalis”, embodying the quest for “universal knowledge”. Among his notable works, the Makhtebhanūth zabhne, written in Syriac by Abū al-Faraj, is a cornerstone of Turkish and Islamic historical studies. The article explores the semantic nuances behind his relativity, Ibn al-Ibri, and summarises the prevailing discussions. It also examines the claims made by European orientalists to Abū al-Faraj’s Jewish ancestry, as well as the counter-arguments put forward by opposing scholars. Most importantly, this article offers fresh and original insights into this complicated subject, thus broadening the discourse surrounding Abū al-Faraj’s background.


  • Atiya, A. S. (2005). Doğu Hristiyanlığı Tarihi. Çev. Hiçyılmaz, N. İstanbul: Doz Yayınları.
  • Avcı, C. (2010). Nisbe Maddesi. TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi 33 (pp. 142-144). İstanbul: TDV İSAM.
  • Bolis, Behnâm (1965). İbnü’l İbrî Eş-Şâ’ir. Kamışlı: Matbaatü’ş Şebâb.
  • Bolis, el-Fegâlî (1988). Ebü’l Ferec İbnü’l İbrî Hayâtühü ve Âsârühü. Dirâsât fi’l Âdâb ve’l Ulûm ve’l İnsâniyye: İbnü’l İbrî fî Mieviyyeti’s-Sâbiati li-Vefâtihi. Beyrut, 15(23), 19-25.
  • Brockhelmann, C. (1978). İbnü’l İbrî maddesi. MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi V/II (pp. 861-862). İstanbul: Millî Eğitim Basımevi.
  • Budge, E. A. W. (1999). Abû’l-Farac Tarihi I-II. Çev. Doğrul, Ö. R. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Cahun, L. (1896). Introduction à l’histoire de l’Asie Turcs et Mongols des Origines à 1405. Paris: Armand Colin.
  • Chabot, J. B. (1934). Littérature Syriaque. Paris: Librairie Bloud & Gay.
  • Çelik, M. (2010). Süryanîler maddesi. TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi 38 (pp. 175-178). İstanbul: TDV İSAM.
  • Danişmend, İ. H. (1939). Süryânî Mîkâîl Vakâyinamesi. Türklük Mecmuası, I, 70-80.
  • Darkot, B. (1978). Fırat maddesi. MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi IV (pp. 622-626). İstanbul: MEB Basımevi.
  • Delitzch, F. (1881). Wo Lag das Paradies. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung.
  • Delitzch, F. (1889). A New Commentary of Genesis. Tr. by Taylor S. Newyork: Scribner and Welford.
  • Frowde, H. (1859). The Gospel by John. New York: American Bible Union.
  • Frowde, H. (1901). A Dictionary of English and Wellsh Surnames. London: Charles Wareigh Bardsley.
  • Grousset, R. (2011). Stepler İmparatorluğu. Çev. İnalcık, H. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Günaltay, M. Ş. (1991). İslam Tarihinin Kaynakları Tarih ve Müverrihler. İstanbul: Endülüs Yayınları.
  • Hastings, J. (1909). Dictionary of the Bible. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Hommel, F. (1885). Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens. Berlin: G. Grote'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
  • Honningman, E. (1978). Malatya maddesi. MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi VII (pp. 225-239). İstanbul: MEB Basımevi.
  • Ignatius, Barsoum A. (2003). The Scattered Pearls a Short History of Syriac Literature and Sciences. Tr. and Ed. by Moosa, M. New Jersey: Georgias Press.
  • İbnü’l İbrî Mâr Grigoryus Yuhannâ (1983). Divânü’l ‘Allâmeti’l Kebîr ve’ş-Şâ’iri’ş-Şehîr El-Feylesufü’s-Süryânî Mafriyânü’l Maşrık. Holland.
  • İbnü’l Manzûr (1985). Lisânü’l’Arab I-IV. Kum: Neşr-i Edeb-i Havza.
  • Janssens, H. F. (1930). Bar Hebraeus’ Book of the Pupils of the Eye. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 47(1), 26-49.
  • Kittel, R. (1895). A History of the Hebrews. Tr. by Taylor, J. Edinburg: Williams and Norgate.
  • Lane, G. (1999). An Acoount of Gregory Bar Hebraeus Abu Al-Faraj and his Relations with the Mongols of Persia. Journal of Syriac Studies, 2(2), 209-233.
  • Le Strange, G. (1905). The Land of the Eastern Chaliphate. Cambridge: University Press.
  • Lower, M. A. (1860). A Dictionary of The Family Names of the United Kingdom. London: John Russel Smith.
  • Maksutoğlu, M. (1969). Arapça Dilbilgisi. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Mar Ignatius Jacoub III H. H. (1985). The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. Holland.
  • Mütercim Âsım (2013). Okyânûsu’l-Basît fî Tercemeti’l Kâmûsu’l Muhît Tercümesi. Haz. Koç M. & Tanrıverdi, E. İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı.
  • Nöldeke, T. (1892). Bar Hebraeus, Orientalische Skizzen. Berlin: Verlag von Gebrüder Paetel. ( İng. terc. Black, J. S. (1892) Sketches from Eastern History. London and Edinbugh: Adam and Charles Black.)
  • Özaydın, A. (2000). İbnü’l-İbrî maddesi. TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi 21 (pp. 92-94). İstanbul: TDV İSAM.
  • Panicker, J. M. (2002). The Person of Jesus Christ in the Writings of Juhanon Gregorius Abu’l Faraj Commonly Called Bar Ebraya. Hamburg: Transaction Publishers.
  • Renaudot, E. (1847). Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio I-II. Francofurti ad Moenum: Sumptibus Josephi Baer Bibliopolae.
  • Sayce, A. H. (1894). Primer of Assyriology. The Religious Tract Society.
  • Smith, R. P. (1927). Thesaurus Syriacus I-II. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano.
  • Şartûnî, R. (1943). Mebâdi’l ‘Arabiyye III. Beyrut: Matbaatü Kâsülikiyye.
  • Şemseddin, M. (h. 1341). İslâm Târihi Birinci Kitâb. İstanbul: Evkâf-ı İslâmiyye Matbaası.
  • Teule, H. G. B. (1997). Ebn Al-ʿEbrī maddesi. Encyclopaedia Iranica VIII (pp. 13-15).
  • Vankulu Mehmed (2014). Vankulu Lügati. Haz. Koç, M. & Tanrıverdi, E. İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı.
  • Weekly, E. (1921). Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. London: J. Murray.
  • Wright, W. (1894). A Short History of Syriac Literature. London: Adam and Charles Black.
  • Yâkût-i Hamevî (1886). Jacut’s geographisches Wörterbuch aus den Handschriften III. Hrsg. von Wüstenfeld, F. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus.
  • Yesûî, L. Ş. (1898). Grigoryus Ebü’l Ferec El-Ma’rûf bi-İbni’l İbrî. El-Maşrık. Beyrut: Matbaa-i Kâsûlikiyye.
  • Zeydân, C. (tarihsiz). Târîhü’t-Temeddüni’l İslâmî I-III. Beyrut: Dârü Mektebeti’l Hayât.
  • Zihnî Efendi (2014). El-Müntehab ve’l Muktezab. İstanbul: Marifet Yayınları.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics (Other), History of Central Asia
Journal Section Articles

Şükrü Özdemir 0000-0001-5175-3086

Early Pub Date September 5, 2023
Publication Date September 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Özdemir, Ş. (2023). Müverrih Ebü’l-Ferec’in Yahudi Kökeni ve İbnü’l-İbrī Nisbesi Hakkında. Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 7(2), 534-552.