Year 2023,
, 71 - 78, 18.12.2023
Senem Şanlı
Halil Ozan Saraç
- Husoy, T., Haugen, M., Murkovic, M., Jöbstl, D., Stølen, L. H., Bjellaas, T., 2008. Dietary exposure to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from Norwegian food and correlations with urine metabolites of short-term exposure. Food and Chem. Tox. 46(12): 3697–3702.
- Ferrer, E., Alegria, A., Farre, R., Abellan, P., Romero, F., 2002. High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of furfural compounds in infant formulas. Change during heat treatment and storage. J. Chrom. A 947 (1): 85–95.
[3] Quintas, M.A.C., Branda, T.R.S., Silva, C.L.M. 2007. Modelling color changes during the caramelisation reaction. J. Food Eng. 83: 483–491.
- Hidalgo, F.J., Zamora, R., 2000. The role of lipids in nonenzymatic browning. Grasas y Aceites 51: 35– 49.
- Rufian-Henares, J.A., Delgado-Andrade, C., Morales, F.J., 2009. Assessing the Maillard reaction development during the toasting process of common flours employed by the cereal products industry. Food Chemistry 114: 93–99.
- Imperiale, S., Morozova, K., Ferrentino, G., Alam, M. R., & Scampicchio, M. 2022. Fast Detection of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Dulce de Leche by SPE-LC–MS. Food Analytical Methods, 15(1), 1-9.
- Ramirez-Jimenez, A., Villanova, B.G. and Hernandez, E.G., 2000. Hydroxymethylfurfural and methylfurfural content of selected bakery products. Food Res. Int. pp. 833–838.
- Arribas-Lorenzo, G., Morales, F.J., 2010. "Estimation of dietary intake of 5- hydroxymethylfurfural and related substances from coffee to Spanish population". Food and Chem. Tox. 48 (2): 644–9.
- Babsky, N.E., Toribio, J.L., Lozano, J.E., 1986. Influence of storage on the composition of clarified apple juice concentrate. J. Food Sci. 51: 564–567.
- Fallico, B., Arena, E., Zappala, M., 2003. Roasting of hazelnuts. Role of oil in colour development and hydroxymethylfurfural formation. Food Chem. 81(4): 569–573.
- Teixidio, E., Nunez, O., Santos, F.J., Galceran, M.T., 2011. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural content in foodstuffs determined by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Food Chem. 126: 1902–1908.
- Baldwin, I.T., Staszak-Kozinski L., Davidson R., 1994. Up in smoke: I. Smoke-derived germination cues for postfire annual, Nicotiana attenuata torr. ex. Watson. J. Chem. Eco. 20: 2345– 2371.
- Bozkurt, H., Gögüs, F., Eren, S. 1999. Nonenzymatic browning reactions in boiled grape juice and its models during storage. Food Chem. 64: 89–93.
- Ulbricht, R.J., Northup, S.J., Thomas, J.A., 1984. A Rewiev of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in parenteral solution. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 4: 843–853.
- Janzowski, C., Glaab, V., Samımı, E., Schlatter, J., Eisebbrand, G. 2000. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural: assessment of mutagenicity, DNA-damaging potential and reactivity towards cellular glutation. Food and Chem. Tox. 38: 801–809.
- Archer, M.C., Bruce, W.R., Chan, C.C., Carpet, D.E., Medline, A., Roncucci, L., Stamps, D., Zhang, X.M., 1992. Aberrant crypt foci and microadenoma as markers for colon cancer. Enviromental Health Perspectives 98: 195–197.
- Zhang, X.M., Chan C.C., Stamp D., Minkin S., Archer M.C., Bruce W.R., 1993. Initiation and promotion of colonic aberrant crypt foci in rats by 5- hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde in thermolyzed sucrose. Carcinogenesis 14: 773–775.
- Miyakawa, Y., Nishi Y., Kato K., Sato H., Takahashi M., Hayashi Y., 1991. Initiating activity of eight pyrolysates of carbohydrates in a two stage mouse skin tumorigenesis model. Carcinogenesis 12: 1169–1173.
- Malec, L.S., Llosa, R.A., Naranjo, G.B., Vigo, M.S., 2005. Loss of available lysine during processing of different dulce de leche formulations. Int. J. Dairy Technol. 58 (3), 164–168.
- Penci, M.C., Marín, M.A., 2016. Dulce De Leche: Technology, Quality, and Consumer Aspects of the Traditional Milk Caramel of South America. In Traditional Foods, pp. 123–136.
- Keeney, M., Bassette, R., 1959. Detection of intermediate compounds in the early stages of browning reaction in milk products. J. Dairy Sci. 42 (6), 945–960.
- Francisquini, J.d’Almeida, de Oliveira, L.N., Pereira, J.P.F., Stephani, R., Perrone, I.T., da Silva, P.H.F., 2016. Avaliaçao da intensidade da reaçao de Maillard, de atributos físico-químicos e analise de textura em doce de leite. Rev. Ceres 63 (5), 589–596.
- Pavlovic, S., Santos, R.C., Gloria, M.B.A., 1994. Maillard reaction during the processing of ‘Doce de leite’. J. Sci. Food Agric. 66 (2), 129–132.
- Albala-Hurtado, S., Veciana-Nogues, M.T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1997. Determination of free and total furfural compounds in infant milk formulas by high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45 (6), 2128–2133.
- Chavez-Servin, J.L., Castellote, A.I., Lopez-Sabater, M.C., 2005. Analysis of potential and free furfural compounds in milk-based formulae by high-performance liquid chromatography. Evolution during storage. J. Chromatogr. A 1076, 133–140.
- Morales FJ, van Boekel M.A.J.S. 1998. A study on advanced Maillard reaction in heated casein/sugar solutions: colour formation. Int. Dairy J., 8:907–915.
- Chavez-Servin, J.L., Castellote, A.I., Lopez-Sabater, M.C., 2005. Analysis of potential and free furfural compounds in milk-based formulae by high-performance liquid chromatography. Evolution during storage. J. Chromatogr. A 1076, 133–140.
- Morales, F.J., 2009. Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and related compounds. Process Induced Food Toxicants: Occurrence, Formation, Mitigation, and Health Risks, pp. 135–174.
- Barrera, J., Pedreschi, F., Gómez, J. P., Zúñiga, R. N., & Mariotti-Celis, M. S. 2021. In house validation for the direct determination of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (HMF) in “Dulce de Leche”. J. Food Comp. Anal., 95, p. 103665.
- Morales FJ, Romero C, Jimenez-Perez S. 1997. Chromatographic determination of bound hydroxymethylfurfural as an index of milk protein glycosylation. J. Agric. Food Chem., 45:1570-1573.
- ICH, ICH, Topic Q2A Validation of Analytical Procedures Methodology, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.
- C. M. Riley and T. W. Rosanske, Development and Validation of Analytical Methods, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, 1996.
- M. E. Swartz and I. S. Krull, Analytical Method Development and Validation, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1997.
- Rao, T.N., 2018. Validation of analytical methods. Validation of Analytical Methods – a Sampling of Current Approaches (Vol. 55, pp. 600A-608A). InTech.
- Gaze L, Costa M, Monteiro M, Lavorato J, Conte C, Raices R, Cruz A, Freitas M. 2015. Dulce de Leche, a typical product of Latin America: characterisation by physicochemical, optical and instrumental methods. Food Chem. 169:471–477. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.08.017.
- Francisquini J, Rocha J, Martins E, Stephani R, Fonseca Da Silva P, Renhe I, Perrone ÍT, Fernandes De Carvalho A. 2019. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural formation and color change in lactose-hydrolyzed Dulce de leche. J Dairy Res. 86(4):477–482. doi:10.1017/S0022029919000815.
- Morales, F.J., Martin, S., Açar, O.C., Arribas-Lorenzo, G., Gokmen, V., 2009. Antioxidant activity of cookies and its relationship with heat-processing contaminants: a risk/ benefit approach. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 228 (3), 345–354. 10.1007/s00217-008-0940-9.
A Novel HPLC Method for Rapid Determination of HMF in Dulce de Leche: A Potential Tool for Quality Control
Year 2023,
, 71 - 78, 18.12.2023
Senem Şanlı
Halil Ozan Saraç
A validated isocratic method utilizing reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) was developed for the quantification of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in five distinct commercially available Dulce de Leche samples that are sold in Turkish markets. The X-Terra RP-18 column, which has dimensions of 150 × 4.60 mm i.d. and a particle size of 5 μm, was selected for the stationary phase. The separation process was conducted isocratically by utilizing a methanol-water mixture (10:90, v/v) containing 1% TCA as the mobile phase. The separation was carried out at a temperature of 25 oC and a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The detection was performed at a wavelength of 284 nm. The methodology exhibited favorable selectivity and linearity, as evidenced by a correlation coefficient (r) exceeding 0.999. The obtained values for the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.0019 μg/mL and 0.0059 μg/mL, respectively. Additionally, the recovery rate was determined to be 95.45%. Furthermore, it has been reported that the levels of HMF in commercially available Dulce de Leche originating from Turkey vary between 50.55 and 90.18 mg/kg for the total HMF content.
- Husoy, T., Haugen, M., Murkovic, M., Jöbstl, D., Stølen, L. H., Bjellaas, T., 2008. Dietary exposure to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from Norwegian food and correlations with urine metabolites of short-term exposure. Food and Chem. Tox. 46(12): 3697–3702.
- Ferrer, E., Alegria, A., Farre, R., Abellan, P., Romero, F., 2002. High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of furfural compounds in infant formulas. Change during heat treatment and storage. J. Chrom. A 947 (1): 85–95.
[3] Quintas, M.A.C., Branda, T.R.S., Silva, C.L.M. 2007. Modelling color changes during the caramelisation reaction. J. Food Eng. 83: 483–491.
- Hidalgo, F.J., Zamora, R., 2000. The role of lipids in nonenzymatic browning. Grasas y Aceites 51: 35– 49.
- Rufian-Henares, J.A., Delgado-Andrade, C., Morales, F.J., 2009. Assessing the Maillard reaction development during the toasting process of common flours employed by the cereal products industry. Food Chemistry 114: 93–99.
- Imperiale, S., Morozova, K., Ferrentino, G., Alam, M. R., & Scampicchio, M. 2022. Fast Detection of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Dulce de Leche by SPE-LC–MS. Food Analytical Methods, 15(1), 1-9.
- Ramirez-Jimenez, A., Villanova, B.G. and Hernandez, E.G., 2000. Hydroxymethylfurfural and methylfurfural content of selected bakery products. Food Res. Int. pp. 833–838.
- Arribas-Lorenzo, G., Morales, F.J., 2010. "Estimation of dietary intake of 5- hydroxymethylfurfural and related substances from coffee to Spanish population". Food and Chem. Tox. 48 (2): 644–9.
- Babsky, N.E., Toribio, J.L., Lozano, J.E., 1986. Influence of storage on the composition of clarified apple juice concentrate. J. Food Sci. 51: 564–567.
- Fallico, B., Arena, E., Zappala, M., 2003. Roasting of hazelnuts. Role of oil in colour development and hydroxymethylfurfural formation. Food Chem. 81(4): 569–573.
- Teixidio, E., Nunez, O., Santos, F.J., Galceran, M.T., 2011. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural content in foodstuffs determined by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Food Chem. 126: 1902–1908.
- Baldwin, I.T., Staszak-Kozinski L., Davidson R., 1994. Up in smoke: I. Smoke-derived germination cues for postfire annual, Nicotiana attenuata torr. ex. Watson. J. Chem. Eco. 20: 2345– 2371.
- Bozkurt, H., Gögüs, F., Eren, S. 1999. Nonenzymatic browning reactions in boiled grape juice and its models during storage. Food Chem. 64: 89–93.
- Ulbricht, R.J., Northup, S.J., Thomas, J.A., 1984. A Rewiev of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in parenteral solution. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 4: 843–853.
- Janzowski, C., Glaab, V., Samımı, E., Schlatter, J., Eisebbrand, G. 2000. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural: assessment of mutagenicity, DNA-damaging potential and reactivity towards cellular glutation. Food and Chem. Tox. 38: 801–809.
- Archer, M.C., Bruce, W.R., Chan, C.C., Carpet, D.E., Medline, A., Roncucci, L., Stamps, D., Zhang, X.M., 1992. Aberrant crypt foci and microadenoma as markers for colon cancer. Enviromental Health Perspectives 98: 195–197.
- Zhang, X.M., Chan C.C., Stamp D., Minkin S., Archer M.C., Bruce W.R., 1993. Initiation and promotion of colonic aberrant crypt foci in rats by 5- hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde in thermolyzed sucrose. Carcinogenesis 14: 773–775.
- Miyakawa, Y., Nishi Y., Kato K., Sato H., Takahashi M., Hayashi Y., 1991. Initiating activity of eight pyrolysates of carbohydrates in a two stage mouse skin tumorigenesis model. Carcinogenesis 12: 1169–1173.
- Malec, L.S., Llosa, R.A., Naranjo, G.B., Vigo, M.S., 2005. Loss of available lysine during processing of different dulce de leche formulations. Int. J. Dairy Technol. 58 (3), 164–168.
- Penci, M.C., Marín, M.A., 2016. Dulce De Leche: Technology, Quality, and Consumer Aspects of the Traditional Milk Caramel of South America. In Traditional Foods, pp. 123–136.
- Keeney, M., Bassette, R., 1959. Detection of intermediate compounds in the early stages of browning reaction in milk products. J. Dairy Sci. 42 (6), 945–960.
- Francisquini, J.d’Almeida, de Oliveira, L.N., Pereira, J.P.F., Stephani, R., Perrone, I.T., da Silva, P.H.F., 2016. Avaliaçao da intensidade da reaçao de Maillard, de atributos físico-químicos e analise de textura em doce de leite. Rev. Ceres 63 (5), 589–596.
- Pavlovic, S., Santos, R.C., Gloria, M.B.A., 1994. Maillard reaction during the processing of ‘Doce de leite’. J. Sci. Food Agric. 66 (2), 129–132.
- Albala-Hurtado, S., Veciana-Nogues, M.T., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Vidal-Carou, M.C., 1997. Determination of free and total furfural compounds in infant milk formulas by high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45 (6), 2128–2133.
- Chavez-Servin, J.L., Castellote, A.I., Lopez-Sabater, M.C., 2005. Analysis of potential and free furfural compounds in milk-based formulae by high-performance liquid chromatography. Evolution during storage. J. Chromatogr. A 1076, 133–140.
- Morales FJ, van Boekel M.A.J.S. 1998. A study on advanced Maillard reaction in heated casein/sugar solutions: colour formation. Int. Dairy J., 8:907–915.
- Chavez-Servin, J.L., Castellote, A.I., Lopez-Sabater, M.C., 2005. Analysis of potential and free furfural compounds in milk-based formulae by high-performance liquid chromatography. Evolution during storage. J. Chromatogr. A 1076, 133–140.
- Morales, F.J., 2009. Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and related compounds. Process Induced Food Toxicants: Occurrence, Formation, Mitigation, and Health Risks, pp. 135–174.
- Barrera, J., Pedreschi, F., Gómez, J. P., Zúñiga, R. N., & Mariotti-Celis, M. S. 2021. In house validation for the direct determination of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (HMF) in “Dulce de Leche”. J. Food Comp. Anal., 95, p. 103665.
- Morales FJ, Romero C, Jimenez-Perez S. 1997. Chromatographic determination of bound hydroxymethylfurfural as an index of milk protein glycosylation. J. Agric. Food Chem., 45:1570-1573.
- ICH, ICH, Topic Q2A Validation of Analytical Procedures Methodology, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.
- C. M. Riley and T. W. Rosanske, Development and Validation of Analytical Methods, Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, 1996.
- M. E. Swartz and I. S. Krull, Analytical Method Development and Validation, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1997.
- Rao, T.N., 2018. Validation of analytical methods. Validation of Analytical Methods – a Sampling of Current Approaches (Vol. 55, pp. 600A-608A). InTech.
- Gaze L, Costa M, Monteiro M, Lavorato J, Conte C, Raices R, Cruz A, Freitas M. 2015. Dulce de Leche, a typical product of Latin America: characterisation by physicochemical, optical and instrumental methods. Food Chem. 169:471–477. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.08.017.
- Francisquini J, Rocha J, Martins E, Stephani R, Fonseca Da Silva P, Renhe I, Perrone ÍT, Fernandes De Carvalho A. 2019. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural formation and color change in lactose-hydrolyzed Dulce de leche. J Dairy Res. 86(4):477–482. doi:10.1017/S0022029919000815.
- Morales, F.J., Martin, S., Açar, O.C., Arribas-Lorenzo, G., Gokmen, V., 2009. Antioxidant activity of cookies and its relationship with heat-processing contaminants: a risk/ benefit approach. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 228 (3), 345–354. 10.1007/s00217-008-0940-9.