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A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1 - 6, 12.12.2022


Organoids are miniature forms of organs to demonstrate spatio-temporal cellular structure and tissue function. The organoids creation revolutionized developmental biology and provided the opportunity to study and modify human development and disease in laboratory setting. Recently, new biomaterial-guided culture systems have represented the versatility for designing and producing of organoids in a constant and reproducible manner. Since 2D cell culture models often lack in vivo tissue architecture, recent detailed research has allowed many 3D culture models development demonstrating the characteristics of in vivo organ structure and function. Organoid models are able to create 3D structures complex that maintain multiple cell types and also hide the relevant organ functions in vivo, and therefore, the development of organoids in particular has revolutionized developmental biology, disease modeling, and drug discovery.
The new biomaterials production has been important for development of in vitro 3D models. Further work with biomaterials has been on the creation of hybrid polymers that combine the advantages of both synthetic and natural polymers to take place of communal materials such as Matrigel and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The creation of 3D culture systems has also revolutionized in vitro drug testing. Furthermore, recreating the three-dimensional environment of tumors and the functional arrangement of cancer cells has been a major motivation for developing new tumor models. Under defined culture conditions, cancer cells can form three-dimensional structures known as spheroids and advances in development of embryonic to self-organize into three-dimensional cultures known as organoids. These newly designed biomaterials using for tumor modeling will make an important contribution to understand the main mechanisms of cancer.


  • [1] Sung, H., Ferlay, J., and Siegel, R.L. 2021. Global Cancer Statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN Estimates of Incidence and Mortality Worldwide for 36 Cancers in 185 Countries. 71, 209-249.
  • [2] Goodspeed, A., Heiser, L.M., Gray, J.W. and Costello, J.C. 2016. Tumor-Derived Cell Lines as Molecular Models of Cancer PharmacogenomicsCancer Cell Lines as Pharmacogenomic Models. Molecular Cancer Research 14, 3-13.
  • [3] Sharma, S.V., Haber, D.A., and Settleman, J. 2010. Cell line-based platforms to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of candidate anticancer agents. Nature reviews cancer 10, 241-253.
  • [4] Hughes, J.P., Rees, S., Kalindjian, S.B., and Philpott, K.L. 2011. Principles of early drug discovery. British journal of pharmacology 162.1239-1249.
  • [5] Yadav, B., Gopalacharyulu, P., Pemovska, T., Khan, S.A., Szwajda, A., Tang, J., Wennerberg, K., and Aittokallio, T. 2015. From drug response profiling to target addiction scoring in cancer cell models. Disease models & mechanisms 8, 1255-1264.
  • [6] Foley, G.E., and Eagle, H. 1958. The cytotoxicity of anti-tumor agents for normal human and animal cells in first tissue culture passage. Cancer Research 18, 1012-1016.
  • [7] Ham, S.L., Joshi, R., Thakuri, P.S. and Tavana, H. 2016. Liquid-based three-dimensional tumor models for cancer research and drug discovery. Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) 241, 939-54.
  • [8] Pampaloni, F., Reynaud, E.G., and Stelzer, E.H. 2007. The third dimension bridges the gap between cell culture and live tissue. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 8, 839-845.
  • [9] Baker, B.M., and Chen, C.S. 2012. Deconstructing the third dimension–how 3D culture microenvironments alter cellular cues. Journal of cell science 125, 3015-3024.
  • [10] Bissell, M.J., Rizki, A., and Mian, I.S. 2003. Tissue architecture: the ultimate regulator of breast epithelial function. Current opinion in cell biology 15, 753.
  • [11] Von Der Mark, K., Gauss, V. Von Der Mark, H. and Müller, P. 1977. Relationship between cell shape and type of collagen synthesised as chondrocytes lose their cartilage phenotype in culture. Nature 267, 531-532.
  • [12] Petersen, O.W., Rønnov-Jessen, L., Howlett, A.R., and Bissell, M.J. 1992. Interaction with basement membrane serves to rapidly distinguish growth and differentiation pattern of normal and malignant human breast epithelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89, 9064-9068.
  • [13] Mahmud, G., Campbell, C.J., Bishop, K.J., Komarova, Y.A., Chaga, O., Soh, S., Huda, S., Kandere-Grzybowska, K., and Grzybowski, B.A. 2009. Directing cell motions on micropatterned ratchets. Nature physics 5, 606-612.
  • [14] Kilian, K.A., Bugarija, B., Lahn, B.T., and Mrksich, M. 2010. Geometric cues for directing the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107. 4872-4877.
  • [15] Debnath, J., and Brugge, J.S. 2005. Modelling glandular epithelial cancers in three-dimensional cultures. Nature Reviews Cancer 5, 675-688.
  • [16] Nelson, C.M., and Bissell, M.J. 2006. Of extracellular matrix, scaffolds, and signaling: tissue architecture regulates development, homeostasis, and cancer. Annual review of cell and developmental biology 22, 287.
  • [17] Mseka, T., Bamburg, J.R. and Cramer, L.P. 2007. ADF/cofilin family proteins control formation of oriented actin-filament bundles in the cell body to trigger fibroblast polarization. Journal of cell science 120. 4332-4344.
  • [18] Weaver, V.M., Lelièvre, S., Lakins, J.N., Chrenek, M.A., Jones, J.C. Giancotti, F. Werb, Z. and Bissell, M.J. 2002. β4 integrin-dependent formation of polarized three-dimensional architecture confers resistance to apoptosis in normal and malignant mammary epithelium. Cancer cell 2, 205-216.
  • [19] Meyers, J., Craig, J., and Odde, D.J. 2006. Potential for control of signaling pathways via cell size and shape. Current biology 16, 1685-1693.
  • [20] Birgersdotter, A., Sandberg, R., and Ernberg, I. 2005. Gene expression perturbation in vitro—a growing case for three-dimensional (3D) culture systems, Seminars in cancer biology, Elsevier, pp. 405-412.
  • [21] Gómez‐Lechón, M.J., Jover, R., Donato, T., Ponsoda, X., Rodriguez, C., Stenzel, K.G., Klocke, R., Paul, Guillén, D.I., and Bort, R. 1998. Long‐term expression of differentiated functions in hepatocytes cultured in three‐dimensional collagen matrix. Journal of cellular physiology 177, 553-562.
  • [22] Li, C., Kato, M., Shiue, L., Shively, J.E., Ares Jr, M., and Lin, R.-J. 2006. Cell type and culture condition–dependent alternative splicing in human breast cancer cells revealed by splicing-sensitive microarrays. Cancer Research 66, 1990-1999.
  • [23] Fuchs, E., Tumbar, T., and Guasch, G.2004. Socializing with the neighbors: stem cells and their niche. Cell 116, 769-778.
  • [24] Fischbach, C. Chen, R. Matsumoto, T. Schmelzle, T. Brugge, J.S. Polverini, P.J. and Mooney, D.J. 2007. Engineering tumors with 3D scaffolds. Nature methods 4, 855-860.
  • [25] Gilbert, P.M., Havenstrite, K.L., Magnusson, K.E., Sacco, A., Leonardi, N.A., Kraft, P., Nguyen, N.K., Thrun, S., Lutolf, M.P., and Blau, H.M. 2010. Substrate elasticity regulates skeletal muscle stem cell self-renewal in culture. Science 329, 1078-1081.
  • [26] Engler, A.J., Sen, S., Sweeney, H.L., and Discher, D.E. 2006. Matrix elasticity directs stem cell lineage specification. Cell 126, 677-689.
  • [27] Sutherland, R.M. 1988. Cell and environment interactions in tumor microregions: the multicell spheroid model. Science 240, 177-184.
  • [28] Vaira, V., Fedele, G., Pyne, S., Fasoli, E., Zadra, G., Bailey, D., Snyder, E., Faversani, A., Coggi, G., and Flavin, R. 2010. Preclinical model of organotypic culture for pharmacodynamic profiling of human tumors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107. 8352-8356.
  • [29] Kyle, A.H., Huxham, L.A., Chiam, A.S., Sim, D.H., and Minchinton, A.I. 2004. Direct assessment of drug penetration into tissue using a novel application of three-dimensional cell culture. Cancer research 64, 6304-6309.
  • [30] Barrila, J., Radtke, A.L., Crabbé, A., Sarker, S.F., Herbst-Kralovetz, M.M., Ott, C.M., and Nickerson, C.A. 2010. Organotypic 3D cell culture models: using the rotating wall vessel to study host–pathogen interactions. Nature Reviews Microbiology 8, 791-801.
  • [31] Lin, R.Z., and Chang, H.Y. 2008. Recent advances in three-dimensional multicellular spheroid culture for biomedical research. Biotechnology journal 3, 1172-84.
  • [32] Vinci, M., Gowan, S., Boxall, F., Patterson, L., and Zimmermann, M., Court W, Lomas C, Mendiola M, Hardisson D, Eccles ES. 2012. Advances in establishment and analysis of three-dimensional tumor spheroid-based functional assays for target validation and drug evaluation. BMC Biol 10 29.
  • [33] Vinci, M., Box, C., and Eccles, S.A. 2015. Three-dimensional (3D) tumor spheroid invasion assay. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e52686.
  • [34] Griffith, L.G., and Swartz, M.A. 2006. Capturing complex 3D tissue physiology in vitro. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 7, 211-224.
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  • [40] Marushima, H., Shibata, S.-I., Asakura, T., Matsuura, T., Maehashi, H., Ishii, Y., Eda, H., Aoki, K., Iida, Y., and Morikawa, T. 2011. Three-dimensional culture promotes reconstitution of the tumor-specific hypoxic microenvironment under TGFβ stimulation. International journal of oncology 39, 1327-1336.
  • [41] Berthiaume, F., Moghe, P.V., Toner, M. and Yarmush, M.L. 1996. Effect of extracellular matrix topology on cell structure, function, and physiological responsiveness: hepatocytes cultured in a sandwich configuration. The FASEB journal 10, 1471-1484.
  • [42] Semino, C.E., Merok, J.R., Crane, G., Panagiotakos, G.G., and Zhang, S. 2003. Functional differentiation of hepatocyte-like spheroid structures from putative liver progenitor cells in three-dimensional peptide scaffolds. Differentiation 71, 262-270.
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  • [45] Hsiao, A.Y., Torisawa, Y.S., Tung, Y.C., Sud, S., Taichman, R.S., Pienta, K.J., and Takayama, S. 2009. Microfluidic system for formation of PC-3 prostate cancer co-culture spheroids. Biomaterials 30, 3020-7.
  • [46] Tu, T.Y., Wang, Z., Bai, J., Sun, W., Peng, W.K., Huang, R.Y., Thiery, J.P., and Kamm, R.D. 2014. Rapid prototyping of concave microwells for the formation of 3D multicellular cancer aggregates for drug screening. Advanced healthcare materials 3, 609-16.
  • [47] Naipal, K.A., Verkaik, N.S., Sánchez, H., van Deurzen, C.H., den Bakker, M.A., Hoeijmakers, J.H., Kanaar, R., Vreeswijk, M.P., Jager, A., and van Gent, D.C. 2016. Tumor slice culture system to assess drug response of primary breast cancer. BMC cancer 16, 78.
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Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1 - 6, 12.12.2022



  • [1] Sung, H., Ferlay, J., and Siegel, R.L. 2021. Global Cancer Statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN Estimates of Incidence and Mortality Worldwide for 36 Cancers in 185 Countries. 71, 209-249.
  • [2] Goodspeed, A., Heiser, L.M., Gray, J.W. and Costello, J.C. 2016. Tumor-Derived Cell Lines as Molecular Models of Cancer PharmacogenomicsCancer Cell Lines as Pharmacogenomic Models. Molecular Cancer Research 14, 3-13.
  • [3] Sharma, S.V., Haber, D.A., and Settleman, J. 2010. Cell line-based platforms to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of candidate anticancer agents. Nature reviews cancer 10, 241-253.
  • [4] Hughes, J.P., Rees, S., Kalindjian, S.B., and Philpott, K.L. 2011. Principles of early drug discovery. British journal of pharmacology 162.1239-1249.
  • [5] Yadav, B., Gopalacharyulu, P., Pemovska, T., Khan, S.A., Szwajda, A., Tang, J., Wennerberg, K., and Aittokallio, T. 2015. From drug response profiling to target addiction scoring in cancer cell models. Disease models & mechanisms 8, 1255-1264.
  • [6] Foley, G.E., and Eagle, H. 1958. The cytotoxicity of anti-tumor agents for normal human and animal cells in first tissue culture passage. Cancer Research 18, 1012-1016.
  • [7] Ham, S.L., Joshi, R., Thakuri, P.S. and Tavana, H. 2016. Liquid-based three-dimensional tumor models for cancer research and drug discovery. Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) 241, 939-54.
  • [8] Pampaloni, F., Reynaud, E.G., and Stelzer, E.H. 2007. The third dimension bridges the gap between cell culture and live tissue. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 8, 839-845.
  • [9] Baker, B.M., and Chen, C.S. 2012. Deconstructing the third dimension–how 3D culture microenvironments alter cellular cues. Journal of cell science 125, 3015-3024.
  • [10] Bissell, M.J., Rizki, A., and Mian, I.S. 2003. Tissue architecture: the ultimate regulator of breast epithelial function. Current opinion in cell biology 15, 753.
  • [11] Von Der Mark, K., Gauss, V. Von Der Mark, H. and Müller, P. 1977. Relationship between cell shape and type of collagen synthesised as chondrocytes lose their cartilage phenotype in culture. Nature 267, 531-532.
  • [12] Petersen, O.W., Rønnov-Jessen, L., Howlett, A.R., and Bissell, M.J. 1992. Interaction with basement membrane serves to rapidly distinguish growth and differentiation pattern of normal and malignant human breast epithelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89, 9064-9068.
  • [13] Mahmud, G., Campbell, C.J., Bishop, K.J., Komarova, Y.A., Chaga, O., Soh, S., Huda, S., Kandere-Grzybowska, K., and Grzybowski, B.A. 2009. Directing cell motions on micropatterned ratchets. Nature physics 5, 606-612.
  • [14] Kilian, K.A., Bugarija, B., Lahn, B.T., and Mrksich, M. 2010. Geometric cues for directing the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107. 4872-4877.
  • [15] Debnath, J., and Brugge, J.S. 2005. Modelling glandular epithelial cancers in three-dimensional cultures. Nature Reviews Cancer 5, 675-688.
  • [16] Nelson, C.M., and Bissell, M.J. 2006. Of extracellular matrix, scaffolds, and signaling: tissue architecture regulates development, homeostasis, and cancer. Annual review of cell and developmental biology 22, 287.
  • [17] Mseka, T., Bamburg, J.R. and Cramer, L.P. 2007. ADF/cofilin family proteins control formation of oriented actin-filament bundles in the cell body to trigger fibroblast polarization. Journal of cell science 120. 4332-4344.
  • [18] Weaver, V.M., Lelièvre, S., Lakins, J.N., Chrenek, M.A., Jones, J.C. Giancotti, F. Werb, Z. and Bissell, M.J. 2002. β4 integrin-dependent formation of polarized three-dimensional architecture confers resistance to apoptosis in normal and malignant mammary epithelium. Cancer cell 2, 205-216.
  • [19] Meyers, J., Craig, J., and Odde, D.J. 2006. Potential for control of signaling pathways via cell size and shape. Current biology 16, 1685-1693.
  • [20] Birgersdotter, A., Sandberg, R., and Ernberg, I. 2005. Gene expression perturbation in vitro—a growing case for three-dimensional (3D) culture systems, Seminars in cancer biology, Elsevier, pp. 405-412.
  • [21] Gómez‐Lechón, M.J., Jover, R., Donato, T., Ponsoda, X., Rodriguez, C., Stenzel, K.G., Klocke, R., Paul, Guillén, D.I., and Bort, R. 1998. Long‐term expression of differentiated functions in hepatocytes cultured in three‐dimensional collagen matrix. Journal of cellular physiology 177, 553-562.
  • [22] Li, C., Kato, M., Shiue, L., Shively, J.E., Ares Jr, M., and Lin, R.-J. 2006. Cell type and culture condition–dependent alternative splicing in human breast cancer cells revealed by splicing-sensitive microarrays. Cancer Research 66, 1990-1999.
  • [23] Fuchs, E., Tumbar, T., and Guasch, G.2004. Socializing with the neighbors: stem cells and their niche. Cell 116, 769-778.
  • [24] Fischbach, C. Chen, R. Matsumoto, T. Schmelzle, T. Brugge, J.S. Polverini, P.J. and Mooney, D.J. 2007. Engineering tumors with 3D scaffolds. Nature methods 4, 855-860.
  • [25] Gilbert, P.M., Havenstrite, K.L., Magnusson, K.E., Sacco, A., Leonardi, N.A., Kraft, P., Nguyen, N.K., Thrun, S., Lutolf, M.P., and Blau, H.M. 2010. Substrate elasticity regulates skeletal muscle stem cell self-renewal in culture. Science 329, 1078-1081.
  • [26] Engler, A.J., Sen, S., Sweeney, H.L., and Discher, D.E. 2006. Matrix elasticity directs stem cell lineage specification. Cell 126, 677-689.
  • [27] Sutherland, R.M. 1988. Cell and environment interactions in tumor microregions: the multicell spheroid model. Science 240, 177-184.
  • [28] Vaira, V., Fedele, G., Pyne, S., Fasoli, E., Zadra, G., Bailey, D., Snyder, E., Faversani, A., Coggi, G., and Flavin, R. 2010. Preclinical model of organotypic culture for pharmacodynamic profiling of human tumors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107. 8352-8356.
  • [29] Kyle, A.H., Huxham, L.A., Chiam, A.S., Sim, D.H., and Minchinton, A.I. 2004. Direct assessment of drug penetration into tissue using a novel application of three-dimensional cell culture. Cancer research 64, 6304-6309.
  • [30] Barrila, J., Radtke, A.L., Crabbé, A., Sarker, S.F., Herbst-Kralovetz, M.M., Ott, C.M., and Nickerson, C.A. 2010. Organotypic 3D cell culture models: using the rotating wall vessel to study host–pathogen interactions. Nature Reviews Microbiology 8, 791-801.
  • [31] Lin, R.Z., and Chang, H.Y. 2008. Recent advances in three-dimensional multicellular spheroid culture for biomedical research. Biotechnology journal 3, 1172-84.
  • [32] Vinci, M., Gowan, S., Boxall, F., Patterson, L., and Zimmermann, M., Court W, Lomas C, Mendiola M, Hardisson D, Eccles ES. 2012. Advances in establishment and analysis of three-dimensional tumor spheroid-based functional assays for target validation and drug evaluation. BMC Biol 10 29.
  • [33] Vinci, M., Box, C., and Eccles, S.A. 2015. Three-dimensional (3D) tumor spheroid invasion assay. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e52686.
  • [34] Griffith, L.G., and Swartz, M.A. 2006. Capturing complex 3D tissue physiology in vitro. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 7, 211-224.
  • [35] Cawkill, D., and Eaglestone, S.S. 2007. Evolution of cell-based reagent provision. Drug discovery today 12, 820-825.
  • [36] Lee, J., Cuddihy, M.J., and Kotov, N.A. 2008. Three-dimensional cell culture matrices: state of the art. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 14, 61-86.
  • [37] Yamada, K.M., and Cukierman, E. 2007. Modeling tissue morphogenesis and cancer in 3D. Cell 130, 601-610.
  • [38] Benya, P.D., and Shaffer, J.D. 1982. Dedifferentiated chondrocytes reexpress the differentiated collagen phenotype when cultured in agarose gels. Cell 30, 215-224.
  • [39] Ghosh, S., Spagnoli, G.C., Martin, I., Ploegert, S., Demougin, P., Heberer, M., and Reschner, A. 2005. Three‐dimensional culture of melanoma cells profoundly affects gene expression profile: A high density oligonucleotide array study. Journal of cellular physiology 204, 522-531.
  • [40] Marushima, H., Shibata, S.-I., Asakura, T., Matsuura, T., Maehashi, H., Ishii, Y., Eda, H., Aoki, K., Iida, Y., and Morikawa, T. 2011. Three-dimensional culture promotes reconstitution of the tumor-specific hypoxic microenvironment under TGFβ stimulation. International journal of oncology 39, 1327-1336.
  • [41] Berthiaume, F., Moghe, P.V., Toner, M. and Yarmush, M.L. 1996. Effect of extracellular matrix topology on cell structure, function, and physiological responsiveness: hepatocytes cultured in a sandwich configuration. The FASEB journal 10, 1471-1484.
  • [42] Semino, C.E., Merok, J.R., Crane, G., Panagiotakos, G.G., and Zhang, S. 2003. Functional differentiation of hepatocyte-like spheroid structures from putative liver progenitor cells in three-dimensional peptide scaffolds. Differentiation 71, 262-270.
  • [43] Powers, M.J., Janigian, D.M., Wack, K.E., Baker, C.S., Stolz, D.B. and Griffith, L.G. 2002. Functional behavior of primary rat liver cells in a three-dimensional perfused microarray bioreactor. Tissue engineering 8, 499-513.
  • [44] Weigelt, B., Ghajar, C.M., and Bissell, M.J. 2014. The need for complex 3D culture models to unravel novel pathways and identify accurate biomarkers in breast cancer. Advanced drug delivery reviews 69-70, 42-51.
  • [45] Hsiao, A.Y., Torisawa, Y.S., Tung, Y.C., Sud, S., Taichman, R.S., Pienta, K.J., and Takayama, S. 2009. Microfluidic system for formation of PC-3 prostate cancer co-culture spheroids. Biomaterials 30, 3020-7.
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There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Material Production Technologies
Journal Section Articles

Şeyda Berk 0000-0003-4687-0223

Publication Date December 12, 2022
Submission Date July 12, 2022
Acceptance Date August 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Berk, Ş. (2022). A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials, 5(2), 1-6.
AMA Berk Ş. A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials. December 2022;5(2):1-6. doi:10.54565/jphcfum.1143395
Chicago Berk, Şeyda. “A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids”. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials 5, no. 2 (December 2022): 1-6.
EndNote Berk Ş (December 1, 2022) A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials 5 2 1–6.
IEEE Ş. Berk, “A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids”, Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1–6, 2022, doi: 10.54565/jphcfum.1143395.
ISNAD Berk, Şeyda. “A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids”. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials 5/2 (December 2022), 1-6.
JAMA Berk Ş. A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials. 2022;5:1–6.
MLA Berk, Şeyda. “A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids”. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials, vol. 5, no. 2, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi:10.54565/jphcfum.1143395.
Vancouver Berk Ş. A Review on Biomaterials for Organoid Modeling and Tumor Spheroids. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials. 2022;5(2):1-6.

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