Research Article
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Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2020, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 30.06.2020


Bu araştırma, rekombinant DNA teknolojisi kullanarak yerli imkanlarla üretilen fitaz enziminin ticari bir fitaz enzimi ile karşılaştırılarak yumurta tavuklarının performans ve yumurta kalite özelliklerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. 40 haftalık yaşta, toplam 80 adet ATAK-S hibrit kahverengi yumurtacı tavuk 4 grup ve 20 tekerrür (her tekerrürde 1 tavuk) olacak şekilde rasgele bireysel kafeslere dağıtılmıştır. Araştırma 15 hafta boyunca devam ettirilmiştir. Deneme grupları; kontrol (% 0.35 yararlanılabilir P) (PK), negatif kontrol (% 0.25 yararlanılabilir P) (NK), NK+600 FTU/kg yem deneysel fitaz (DF) ve NK+600 FTU/kg yem ticari fitaz (TF) şeklinde oluşturulmuştur. Yemdeki yararlanılabilir fosfor (YP) oranının düşürülmesi ve ticari veya deneysel fitaz ilavesi canlı ağırlık, yumurta verimi, ağırlığı ve kütlesi, yem tüketimi ve yem değerlendirme oranı gibi performans parametrelerini etkilememiştir (P>0.05). Kırık-çatlak yumurta oranı, kabuk ağırlık oranı, kabuk kalınlığı ve mukavemeti, ak yüksekliği ve haugh birimi gibi yumurta kalite özellikleri de farklı muamelelerden önemli düzeyde etkilememiştir (P>0.05). Sonuç olarak, yerli imkanlarla üretilen deneysel fitazın yumurta tavuklarının performans parametreleri ve yumurta kalite özelliklerine olan etkileri ticari fitazla benzer olmuştur.

Supporting Institution

T.C Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü

Project Number



Bu çalışma T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü (TAGEM) tarafından Araştırma-Geliştirme Destek Programı kapsamında TAGEM/16/AR-GE/39 numaralı Araştırma Projesi olarak desteklenmiştir.


  • Abudabos, A.M. 2012. Intestinal phytase activity in chickens (Gallus domesticus). Afr J Microbiol Res., 6: 4932-4938.
  • ATAK-S Hibrit Kataloğu. 2015. Tavukçuluk Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, 3. Basım, Reproton Reprodüksiyon Ltd. Şti, Ankara.
  • Baş D., Boyacı, İ.H. 2007. Modeling and optimization I: Usability of response surface methodology. Journal of Food Engineering, 78 (3):836-845. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2005.11.024
  • Boling S., Douglas M., Shirley R., Parsons C.M., Koelkebeck K.W. 2000. The effects of various dietary levels of phytase and available phosphorus on performance of laying hens. Poultry Science, 79:535-538.
  • Choi Y.M., Suh H.J., Kim J.M. 2001. Purification and properties of extracellular phytase from Bacillus sp. KHU-10. Journal of Protein Chemistry, 20:287-292.
  • Çiftçi, İ. 2017. Broyler yemlerinde enzim uygulama tecrübeleri ve pratik uygulama stratejileri, 4 th International Poultry Meat Congress, page:140-144, 26-30 Nisan, Antalya/Türkiye.
  • Cowieson, A.J., Acamovic, T., Bedford, M.R. 2004. The effects of phytase and phytic acid on the loss of endogenous amino acids and minerals from chickens. Br. Poult. Sci., 45: 101-108.
  • Deniz, G. 2014. Kanatlı hayvanların rasyonlarında fitaz enzimi kullanılmasının önemi. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 33 (1, 2): 27-31.
  • Dersjant-Li, Y., Kwakernaak, C. 2019. Comparative effects of two phytases versus increasing the inorganic phosphorus content of the diet, on nutrient and amino acid digestibility in boilers. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 253: 166-180, doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2019.05.018
  • Dorozhkin, S.V., Epple, M. 2002. Biological and medical significance of calcium phosphates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 41: 3130−3146.
  • Duncan, D.B. 1955. Multiple Range and Multiple F Tests. Biometrics, 11:1-42.
  • Eeckhout, W., de Paepe, M. 1994. Total phosphorus, phytate phosphorus and phytase activity in plant feedstuffs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 47: 19-29.
  • Fernandez, S.R., Charraga, S., Avila-Gonzalez E. 2019. Evaluation of a new generation phytase on phytate phosphorus release for egg production and tibia strength in hens fed a corn-soybean meal diet. Poultry Science, 98: 2087-2093. doi:10.3382/ps/pey558
  • Gordon R., Roland Sr D. 1997. Performance of commercial laying hens fed various phosphorus levels, with and without supplemental phytase. Poultry Science, 76:1172-1177.
  • Ingelmann, C.J., Witzig, M., Mohring, J., Schollenberger, M., Kuhn, I., Rodehutscord, M. 2019. Phytate degradation and phosphorus digestibility in broilers and turkeys fed different corn sources with or without added phytase. Poultry Science, 98: 912-922, doi:10.3382/ps/pey438
  • Jalal M., Scheideler S. 2001. Effect of supplementation of two different sources of phytase on egg production parameters in laying hens and nutrient digestiblity. Poultry Science. 80:1463-1471.
  • Kerovuo, J. 2000. A Novel Phytase from Bacillus. Characterization and Production of the Enzyme. Academic Dissertation, 68 p., Helsinki.
  • Keshavarz K. 2000. Nonphytate phosphorus requirement of laying hens with and without phytase on a phase feeding program. Poultry Science, 79:748-763.
  • Kis, I., Gerendai, D., Gippert, T.(2000. The effect of phytase enzyme in the feeding of layers. Allattenyesztes es Takarmanyozas, 49:155-163.
  • Kubis, M., Lewko, L., Kaczmarek, S.A., Nowaczewski, S., Hejdysz, M., Rutkowski, A. 2019. The effect of enzyme and protein source on laying hens performance, eggshell and bone traits. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 31(5): 353-360 doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2019.v31.i5.1953.
  • Leyva-Jimenez, H., Alsadwi, A.M., Gardner, K., Voltura, E., Christopher, A., Bailey, C.A. 2019. Evaluation of high dietary phytase supplementation on performance, bone mineralization, and apparent ileal digestible energy of growing broilers. Poultry Science, 98:811–819, doi:10.3382/ps/pey389
  • Li, W., Angela, R., Kima, S.W., Jiménez-Morenoa, E., Proszkowiec-Weglarza, M., Plumstead, P.W. 2018. Impacts of age and calcium on Phytase efficacy in broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 238: 9-17, doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.01.021 29.
  • Liebert F., Htoo J., Sunder A. 2005. Performance and nutrient utilization of laying hens fed low-phosphorus corn-soybean and wheat-soybean diets supplemented with microbial phytase, Poultry Science, 84:1576-1583.
  • Lim, H., Namkung, H., Paik, I. 2003. Effects of phytase supplementation on the performance, egg quality, and phosphorous excretion of laying hens fed different levels of dietary calcium and nonphytate phosphorous. Poultry Science, 82:92-99.
  • Miller, S.C. 1992. Calcium homeostasis and mineral turnover in the laying hen. In Bone biology and skeletal disorders in poultry. Br. Poult. Sci., 23:103-116.
  • Mohamed E., El-Hack, A., Alagawany, M., Arif, M., Emam, M., Saeed M., Arain, M.A., Siyal, F.A., Patra, A., Elnesr, S.S., Khan R.U. 2018. The uses of microbial phytase as a feed additive in poultry nutrition. Ann. Anim. Sci., 18 (3): 639-658, doi:10.2478/aoas-2018-0009
  • Musapuor, A., Pourreza, J., Samie, A., Moradi Shahrbabak H. 2005. The effects of phytase and different level of dietary calcium and phosphorous on phytate phosphorus utilization in laying hens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 4 (8): 560-562.
  • Pongmanee, K., Kühn, T., Korver, D.R. 2000. Effects of phytase supplementation on eggshell and bone quality, and phosphorus and calcium digestibility in laying hens from 25 to 37 wk of age. Poultry Science, In press, doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2019.12.051
  • Sebastian S., Touchburn S., Chavez E., Lague P. 1996. The effects of supplemental microbial phytase on the performance and utilization of dietary calcium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc in broiler chickens fed corn-soybean diets. Poultry Science, 75:729-736.
  • Selle, P.H., Ravindran, V. 2007. Microbial phytase in poultry nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 135:1-41.
  • Truong, H.H., Bold, R.M., Liu, S.Y., Selle, P.H. 2015. Standard phytase inclusion in maize based broiler diets enhances digestibility coefficients of starch, amino acids and sodium in four small intestinal segments and digestive Dynamics of starch and protein. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 209: 240-248, doi:10.1016/j. anifeedsci.2015.08.012 57.
  • Wu G., Liu Z., Bryant M., Roland Sr D. 2006. Comparison of natuphos and phyzyme as phytase sources for commercial layers fed corn-soy diet. Poultry Science, 85: 64-69.
  • Zyla, K., Mika, M., Dulinski, R., Swiatkiewicz, S., Koreleski, J., Pustkowiak, H., Piironen, J. 2012. Effects of inositol, inositol-generating phytase B applied alone, and in combination with 6-phytase A to phosphorus-deficient diets on laying performance, eggshell quality, yolk cholesterol, and fatty acid deposition in laying hens. Poultry Science, 91 :1915–1927, doi:10.3382/ps.2012-02198.

The Effects of Locally Produced Phytase Enzyme on Performance and Egg Quality Characteristics of Laying Hens

Year 2020, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 30.06.2020


recombinant DNA technology in Turkey compare to a commercial phytase enzyme on the performance and egg quality characteristics of laying hens. At the age of 40 weeks, a total of 80 ATAK-S hybrid brown laying hens were distributed randomly into individual cages with 4 groups and 20 repetitions (one hen in each repeat). The experiment was continued for 15 weeks. Trial groups; control (0.35% available P) (PK), negative control (0.25% available P) (NK), NK + 600 FTU / kg feed experimental phytase (DF) and NK + 600 FTU / kg feed commercial phytase (TF). Reducing the available phosphorus (YP) ratio in the diet and the addition of commercial or experimental phytase did not affect performance parameters such as live weight, egg yield, weight and mass, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio. Egg quality characteristics as broken and cracked egg ratio, eggshell weight ratio, eggshell thickness and breaking strength, albumen height and Haugh unit were not affected significantly by different treatments. As a result, the effects of experimental phytase locally produced on performance parameters and egg quality characteristics of laying hen were similar to commercial phytase.

Project Number



  • Abudabos, A.M. 2012. Intestinal phytase activity in chickens (Gallus domesticus). Afr J Microbiol Res., 6: 4932-4938.
  • ATAK-S Hibrit Kataloğu. 2015. Tavukçuluk Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, 3. Basım, Reproton Reprodüksiyon Ltd. Şti, Ankara.
  • Baş D., Boyacı, İ.H. 2007. Modeling and optimization I: Usability of response surface methodology. Journal of Food Engineering, 78 (3):836-845. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2005.11.024
  • Boling S., Douglas M., Shirley R., Parsons C.M., Koelkebeck K.W. 2000. The effects of various dietary levels of phytase and available phosphorus on performance of laying hens. Poultry Science, 79:535-538.
  • Choi Y.M., Suh H.J., Kim J.M. 2001. Purification and properties of extracellular phytase from Bacillus sp. KHU-10. Journal of Protein Chemistry, 20:287-292.
  • Çiftçi, İ. 2017. Broyler yemlerinde enzim uygulama tecrübeleri ve pratik uygulama stratejileri, 4 th International Poultry Meat Congress, page:140-144, 26-30 Nisan, Antalya/Türkiye.
  • Cowieson, A.J., Acamovic, T., Bedford, M.R. 2004. The effects of phytase and phytic acid on the loss of endogenous amino acids and minerals from chickens. Br. Poult. Sci., 45: 101-108.
  • Deniz, G. 2014. Kanatlı hayvanların rasyonlarında fitaz enzimi kullanılmasının önemi. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 33 (1, 2): 27-31.
  • Dersjant-Li, Y., Kwakernaak, C. 2019. Comparative effects of two phytases versus increasing the inorganic phosphorus content of the diet, on nutrient and amino acid digestibility in boilers. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 253: 166-180, doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2019.05.018
  • Dorozhkin, S.V., Epple, M. 2002. Biological and medical significance of calcium phosphates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 41: 3130−3146.
  • Duncan, D.B. 1955. Multiple Range and Multiple F Tests. Biometrics, 11:1-42.
  • Eeckhout, W., de Paepe, M. 1994. Total phosphorus, phytate phosphorus and phytase activity in plant feedstuffs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 47: 19-29.
  • Fernandez, S.R., Charraga, S., Avila-Gonzalez E. 2019. Evaluation of a new generation phytase on phytate phosphorus release for egg production and tibia strength in hens fed a corn-soybean meal diet. Poultry Science, 98: 2087-2093. doi:10.3382/ps/pey558
  • Gordon R., Roland Sr D. 1997. Performance of commercial laying hens fed various phosphorus levels, with and without supplemental phytase. Poultry Science, 76:1172-1177.
  • Ingelmann, C.J., Witzig, M., Mohring, J., Schollenberger, M., Kuhn, I., Rodehutscord, M. 2019. Phytate degradation and phosphorus digestibility in broilers and turkeys fed different corn sources with or without added phytase. Poultry Science, 98: 912-922, doi:10.3382/ps/pey438
  • Jalal M., Scheideler S. 2001. Effect of supplementation of two different sources of phytase on egg production parameters in laying hens and nutrient digestiblity. Poultry Science. 80:1463-1471.
  • Kerovuo, J. 2000. A Novel Phytase from Bacillus. Characterization and Production of the Enzyme. Academic Dissertation, 68 p., Helsinki.
  • Keshavarz K. 2000. Nonphytate phosphorus requirement of laying hens with and without phytase on a phase feeding program. Poultry Science, 79:748-763.
  • Kis, I., Gerendai, D., Gippert, T.(2000. The effect of phytase enzyme in the feeding of layers. Allattenyesztes es Takarmanyozas, 49:155-163.
  • Kubis, M., Lewko, L., Kaczmarek, S.A., Nowaczewski, S., Hejdysz, M., Rutkowski, A. 2019. The effect of enzyme and protein source on laying hens performance, eggshell and bone traits. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 31(5): 353-360 doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2019.v31.i5.1953.
  • Leyva-Jimenez, H., Alsadwi, A.M., Gardner, K., Voltura, E., Christopher, A., Bailey, C.A. 2019. Evaluation of high dietary phytase supplementation on performance, bone mineralization, and apparent ileal digestible energy of growing broilers. Poultry Science, 98:811–819, doi:10.3382/ps/pey389
  • Li, W., Angela, R., Kima, S.W., Jiménez-Morenoa, E., Proszkowiec-Weglarza, M., Plumstead, P.W. 2018. Impacts of age and calcium on Phytase efficacy in broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 238: 9-17, doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.01.021 29.
  • Liebert F., Htoo J., Sunder A. 2005. Performance and nutrient utilization of laying hens fed low-phosphorus corn-soybean and wheat-soybean diets supplemented with microbial phytase, Poultry Science, 84:1576-1583.
  • Lim, H., Namkung, H., Paik, I. 2003. Effects of phytase supplementation on the performance, egg quality, and phosphorous excretion of laying hens fed different levels of dietary calcium and nonphytate phosphorous. Poultry Science, 82:92-99.
  • Miller, S.C. 1992. Calcium homeostasis and mineral turnover in the laying hen. In Bone biology and skeletal disorders in poultry. Br. Poult. Sci., 23:103-116.
  • Mohamed E., El-Hack, A., Alagawany, M., Arif, M., Emam, M., Saeed M., Arain, M.A., Siyal, F.A., Patra, A., Elnesr, S.S., Khan R.U. 2018. The uses of microbial phytase as a feed additive in poultry nutrition. Ann. Anim. Sci., 18 (3): 639-658, doi:10.2478/aoas-2018-0009
  • Musapuor, A., Pourreza, J., Samie, A., Moradi Shahrbabak H. 2005. The effects of phytase and different level of dietary calcium and phosphorous on phytate phosphorus utilization in laying hens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 4 (8): 560-562.
  • Pongmanee, K., Kühn, T., Korver, D.R. 2000. Effects of phytase supplementation on eggshell and bone quality, and phosphorus and calcium digestibility in laying hens from 25 to 37 wk of age. Poultry Science, In press, doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2019.12.051
  • Sebastian S., Touchburn S., Chavez E., Lague P. 1996. The effects of supplemental microbial phytase on the performance and utilization of dietary calcium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc in broiler chickens fed corn-soybean diets. Poultry Science, 75:729-736.
  • Selle, P.H., Ravindran, V. 2007. Microbial phytase in poultry nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 135:1-41.
  • Truong, H.H., Bold, R.M., Liu, S.Y., Selle, P.H. 2015. Standard phytase inclusion in maize based broiler diets enhances digestibility coefficients of starch, amino acids and sodium in four small intestinal segments and digestive Dynamics of starch and protein. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 209: 240-248, doi:10.1016/j. anifeedsci.2015.08.012 57.
  • Wu G., Liu Z., Bryant M., Roland Sr D. 2006. Comparison of natuphos and phyzyme as phytase sources for commercial layers fed corn-soy diet. Poultry Science, 85: 64-69.
  • Zyla, K., Mika, M., Dulinski, R., Swiatkiewicz, S., Koreleski, J., Pustkowiak, H., Piironen, J. 2012. Effects of inositol, inositol-generating phytase B applied alone, and in combination with 6-phytase A to phosphorus-deficient diets on laying performance, eggshell quality, yolk cholesterol, and fatty acid deposition in laying hens. Poultry Science, 91 :1915–1927, doi:10.3382/ps.2012-02198.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Engin Yenice 0000-0001-9495-5606

Deniz Karasu This is me 0000-0002-7873-6857

Serdar Kamanlı 0000-0003-1936-7550

Project Number TAGEM/16/AR-GE/39
Publication Date June 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Yenice, E., Karasu, D., & Kamanlı, S. (2020). Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Poultry Research, 17(1), 1-7.
AMA Yenice E, Karasu D, Kamanlı S. Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. JPR. June 2020;17(1):1-7. doi:10.34233/jpr.728403
Chicago Yenice, Engin, Deniz Karasu, and Serdar Kamanlı. “Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans Ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Poultry Research 17, no. 1 (June 2020): 1-7.
EndNote Yenice E, Karasu D, Kamanlı S (June 1, 2020) Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Poultry Research 17 1 1–7.
IEEE E. Yenice, D. Karasu, and S. Kamanlı, “Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”, JPR, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2020, doi: 10.34233/jpr.728403.
ISNAD Yenice, Engin et al. “Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans Ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Poultry Research 17/1 (June 2020), 1-7.
JAMA Yenice E, Karasu D, Kamanlı S. Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. JPR. 2020;17:1–7.
MLA Yenice, Engin et al. “Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans Ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Poultry Research, vol. 17, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-7, doi:10.34233/jpr.728403.
Vancouver Yenice E, Karasu D, Kamanlı S. Yerli Üretilen Fitaz Enziminin Yumurta Tavuklarının Performans ve Yumurta Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. JPR. 2020;17(1):1-7.

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