Abadjieva, D., Grigorova S., Mladenova V., Shimkus A., Kistanova E., 2020. Effect of artichoke (Cynara scolimus L.) on the egg productivity and biochemical parameters in laying hens. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 26: 1280–1285.
Abbasi, F., Samadi, F., 2014. Effect of different levels of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) leaf powder on the performance and meat quality of Japanese quail. Poultry Science Journal, 2(2): 95-111.
AOAC International. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 18th ed.; Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 2006.
Awad, A., Fahim, H., El-Shhat A.E.G., Mahrose, K., Shazly, S., 2021. Dietary Echinacea purpurea administration enhanced egg laying performance, serum lipid profile, antioxidant status and semen quality in duck breeders during summer season. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 00:1-9. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13488
Bahmani, M. , Saki, K., Rafeian Kopaei, M. 2014. Medicinal plants of thyme land in Iran. Academic Publishing.
Bozkurt, M., Küçükyilmaz, K., Catli, A.U., Çınar, M., Bintaş, E., Çöven, F., 2012. Performance, egg quality, and immune response of laying hens fed diets supplemented with mannan‐oligosaccharide or an essential oil mixture under moderate and hot environmental conditions. Poultry Science, 91(6): 1379–1386.
Böhmer, B.M., Salisch, H., Paulicks, B., Roth, F.X., 2009. Echinacea purpurea as a potential immunostimulatory feed additive in laying hens and fattening pigs by intermittent application. Livestock Science, 122(1). DOI:10.1016/j.livsci.2008.07.013
Dilawar, M.A., Mun, H.S., Rathnayake, D., Yang, E.J., Seo, Y.S., Park, H.S., Yang, C.J., 2021. Egg Quality Parameters, Production Performance and Immunity of Laying Hens Supplemented with Plant Extracts. Animals, 11: 975. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11040975.
Esenbuga, N., Ekinci, O., 2023. Dietary Effects of Some Plant Extracts on Laying Performance, Egg Quality, and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens at Different Cage Densities. Animals, 13:3866. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13243866
FAO. (2022). FAOStat. https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data
Farghly, M.F.A., Mahrose, K.M., Rehman, Z., Yu, S., Abdelfattah, M.G., El-Garhy, O.H., 2019. Intermittent lighting regime as a tool to enhance egg production and eggshell thickness in Rhode Island Red laying hens. Poultry Science, 98: 2459–2465.
Funk, E.M., 1948. The relation of yolk index determined in natural position to the yolk index as determined after separating the yolk from the albumen. Poult. Sci., 27: 367. [CrossRef]
Garcia, J.A.A., Correa, R.C.G., Barros, L., Pereira, C., Abreu, R.M.V., Alves, M.J., Calhelha, R.C., Bracht, A., Peralta, R.M., Ferreira., I.C.F.R., 2019. Chemical composition and biological activities of Jucara (Euterpe edulis Martius) ¸fruit by-products, a promising underexploited source of high-added value compounds. J. Funct. Foods, 55: 325–332.
Gholami‐Ahangaran, M., Ahmadi‐Dastgerdi, A., Karimi‐Dehkordi, M., 2020. Thymol and carvacrol; as antibiotic alternative in green healthy poultry production. Plant Biotechnology Persa, 2(1): 22–25. 10.29252/pbp.2.1.22
Gholami‐Ahangaran, M., Karimi‐Dehkordi, M., Akbari Javar, A., Haj Salehi, M., Ostadpoor, M., 2021. A systematic review on the effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) on improvement of biological and fertility indices of sperm in laboratory animals, poultry and humans. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 7: 1959–1969. 10.1002/vms3.538
Gholami-Ahangaran, M., Ahmadi‐Dastgerdi, A., Azizi, S., Basiratpour, A., Zokaei, M., Derakhshan, M., 2022. Thymol and carvacrol supplementation in poultry health and performance. Vet Med Sci. 8(1): 267–288.
Hashemi, S.R. and Davoodi, H., 2012. Herbal Plants as New Immuno-Stimulator in Poultry Industry: A Review. Asian Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances, 7:105-116.
Haugh, R.R., 1937. The haugh unit for measuring egg quality. US Egg Poult., 43: 552–555.
Heiman, V., Carver, J.S., 1936. Albumen index as a physical measurement of observed egg quality. Poult. Sci. 15:141–148.
Jahanian, E., Jahanian, R., Rahmani, H.‐R., Alikhani, M., 2017. Dietary supplementation of Echinacea purpurea powder improved performance, serum lipid profile, and yolk oxidative stability in laying hens. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 45(1): 45–51. 10.1080/09712119.2015.1091344
Jin, L. Z., Dersjant‐Li, Y., Giannenas, I., 2019. Application of aromatic plants and their extracts in diets of broiler chickens. In Christaki E., Giannenas I., & Florou‐Pane P. (Eds.) Feed additives: Aromatic plants and herbs in animal nutrition and health. Elsevier, 159–185. 10.1016/B978-0-12-814700-9.00010-8
Kikusato, M., 2021. Phytobiotics to improve health and production of broiler chickens: functions beyond the antioxidant activity. Animal Bioscience, 34(3): 345.
Klementavičiūtė J., Gružauskas A., Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė A., Mieželienė G., Alenčikienė V., Buckiūnienė A., Daukšienė L., Kudlinskienė J., Lionikienė G., Stanytė V., Šašytė Valaitienė V., 2018. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus l.) influence on laying hen‘s eggs‘ quality characteristics. Vet Med Zoot, 76: 46-50.
K.L. Landers, C.L. Woodward, X. Li, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet, S.C. Ricke, 2005. Alfalfa as a single dietary source for molt induction in laying hens Bioresour. Technol., 96: 565-570.
K.L. Landers, R.W. Moore, P. Herrera, D.A. Landers, Z.R. Howard, J.L. McReynolds, J.A. Byrd, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet, S.C. Ricke, 2008. Organ weight and serum triglyceride responses of older (80 wk) commercial laying hens fed an alfalfa meal molt diet Bioresour. Technol., 99: 6692-6996.
NRC., 1994. National Research Council, Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9t h rev. ed. National Academy Press, Washington, 1994 DC
O’Neill, J. Review on Antimicrobial Resistance: Tackling Drug-Resistant Infections Globally: Final Report and Recommendations. 2016. Available online: https://amr-review.org/sites/default/files/160518_Final%20paper_with%20cover.pdf (accessed on 19 August 2020). Accessed date: 15.12.2023
Osawa, T., Sugiyama, Y., Inayoshi, M. Kawakisi, S., 1995. Antioxidative activity of tetrahydrocurcuminoids. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 59: 1609-1611.
Park, S.S., Kim, J.M., Kim, E.J., Kim, H.S.B., Kang, C.W., 2012. Effects of dietary turmeric powder on laying performance and egg qualities in laying hens. Korean Journal Poultry Science, 39: 27-32.
Radwan Nadia, L., Hassan, R. A., Qota, E. M., Fayek, H. M., 2008. Effect of natural antioxidant on oxidative stability of eggs and productive and reproductive performance of laying hens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7(2): 134–150.
Rahardja D., Hakim M., Sri Lestari V., 2016. Egg Production Performance of Old Laying Hen Fed Dietary Turmeric Powder. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 9(7): 748–752. DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1107277
Rajput, N., Naeem, M., Ali, S., Zhang, J. F., Zhang, L., Wang, T., 2013. The effect of dietary supplementation with the natural carotenoids curcumin and lutein on broiler pigmentation and immunity. Poultry Science, 92: 1177-1185.
Reddy, P.M., Reddy, V.Y., Reddy, C.V., Rap, S.P., 1979. Egg weight, shape index and hatchability in Khaki Campbell duck egg. Ind. J. Poult., 14: 26–31.
Riasi A., Kermanshahi H., Mahdavi A.H., 2012. Production performance, egg quality and some serum metabolites of older commercial laying hens fed different levels of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) powder. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6(11): 2141–2145. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5897/jmpr11.1316
Roland, D.A., J. Brake, 1982. Influence of premolt production on post molt performance for improvement in egg production due to force molting. Poultry Sci., 61:2473-A81.
Roth-Maier, D. A., Böhmer, B. M., Maass, N., Damme, K., Paulicks, B. R., 2005. Efficiency of Echinacea purpurea on performance of broilers and layers. Archive fur Geflügelkunde, 69: 123–127.
Suwarta F.X., Suryani C.L., 2019. The effects of supplementation of cinnamon and turmeric powder mixture in ration of quail on performance and quality of eggs. Journal of World’s Poultry Research, 9(4): 249–254. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36380/SCIL.2019.WVJ31
Şimşek Ü.G., Ciftci M., Özçelik M., Azman M.A., Tonbak F., Özhan N., 2015. Effects of cinnamon and rosemary oils on egg production, egg quality, hatchability traits and blood serum mineral contents in laying quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 62: 229-236. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1501/vetfak_0000002685
Torki, M., Sedgh-Gooya, S., Mohammadi, H., 2018. Effects of adding essential oils of rosemary, dill and chicory extract to diets on performance, egg quality and some blood parameters of laying hens subjected to heat stress. J. App. Anim. Res., 46(1): 1118-1126 doi: 10.1080/09712119.2018.1473254
Ürüşan, H., 2023. Hepatoprotective effect of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) in laying hens. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 74(1): 5249–5258. https://doi.org/10.12681/jhvms.28954 (Original work published April 11, 2023)
Van Dijk, M., Morley, T., Rau, M.L., Saghai, Y., 2021. A meta-analysis of projected global food demand and population at risk of hunger for the period 2010–2050. Nature Food, 2: 494-501.
Wen J., Zhe Z., QianWen W., Wei L., 2021. Effect of homologous traditional chinese medicine feed additives on production performance of laying hens and egg quality and economic benefits. Turk J. Field Crops, 26(1): 285-298 doi: 10.17557/tjfc.834527
Wuthi-udomler, M., Grisanapan, W., Luanratana, O., Caichompoo, W., 2000. Anti-fungal activities of plant extracts. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 31: 178-182
Yadav, A. S., Kolluri, G., Gopi, M., Karthik, K., Singh, Y., 2016. Exploring alternatives to antibiotics as health promoting agents in poultry‐a review. Journal of Experimental Biology, 4(3): 368–383.
The effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality in second production cycle
Year 2024,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 14 - 21, 30.06.2024
This study aimed to investigate the effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality parameters in second production cycle under commercial conditions. A total of 16657 Nick Brown laying hens in a second production cycle, kept in free-range system, used in the experiment between 75-83 weeks of age. The experimental groups were consisted of three treatment: CONT - control group (no supplementation), PEXT1 - combination of artichoke (Cynara scolymus) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) supplementation, PEXT2 – combination of cinnamon (Cinnamomum venum) + echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) + turmeric (Curcuma longa) supplementation as liquid form into drinking water. The supplementation was performed twice on weekly basis with an amount of 1 l / ton drinking water. The mean value of hen-housed and hen-day egg production, and egg weight were interestingly increased in the control group, than the PEXT1 and PEXT2 groups. However, a more efficient of FCR was found for the PEXT2 group. The breaking strength was found to be the highest
in the eggs of PEXT1, whereas a higher value for shell thickness was observed in PEXT1 and PEXT2 groups. Egg yolk had a darker tone in the PEXT1 and PEXT2 groups. According to the results of the present study, it could be concluded that using a combination of cinnamon, echinacea and turmeric could improve feed efficiency. Furthermore, supplementation of plant extracts enhanced the egg quality, namely shell strength and yolk color, during the second cycle of egg production.
Abadjieva, D., Grigorova S., Mladenova V., Shimkus A., Kistanova E., 2020. Effect of artichoke (Cynara scolimus L.) on the egg productivity and biochemical parameters in laying hens. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 26: 1280–1285.
Abbasi, F., Samadi, F., 2014. Effect of different levels of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) leaf powder on the performance and meat quality of Japanese quail. Poultry Science Journal, 2(2): 95-111.
AOAC International. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 18th ed.; Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 2006.
Awad, A., Fahim, H., El-Shhat A.E.G., Mahrose, K., Shazly, S., 2021. Dietary Echinacea purpurea administration enhanced egg laying performance, serum lipid profile, antioxidant status and semen quality in duck breeders during summer season. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 00:1-9. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13488
Bahmani, M. , Saki, K., Rafeian Kopaei, M. 2014. Medicinal plants of thyme land in Iran. Academic Publishing.
Bozkurt, M., Küçükyilmaz, K., Catli, A.U., Çınar, M., Bintaş, E., Çöven, F., 2012. Performance, egg quality, and immune response of laying hens fed diets supplemented with mannan‐oligosaccharide or an essential oil mixture under moderate and hot environmental conditions. Poultry Science, 91(6): 1379–1386.
Böhmer, B.M., Salisch, H., Paulicks, B., Roth, F.X., 2009. Echinacea purpurea as a potential immunostimulatory feed additive in laying hens and fattening pigs by intermittent application. Livestock Science, 122(1). DOI:10.1016/j.livsci.2008.07.013
Dilawar, M.A., Mun, H.S., Rathnayake, D., Yang, E.J., Seo, Y.S., Park, H.S., Yang, C.J., 2021. Egg Quality Parameters, Production Performance and Immunity of Laying Hens Supplemented with Plant Extracts. Animals, 11: 975. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11040975.
Esenbuga, N., Ekinci, O., 2023. Dietary Effects of Some Plant Extracts on Laying Performance, Egg Quality, and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Hens at Different Cage Densities. Animals, 13:3866. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13243866
FAO. (2022). FAOStat. https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data
Farghly, M.F.A., Mahrose, K.M., Rehman, Z., Yu, S., Abdelfattah, M.G., El-Garhy, O.H., 2019. Intermittent lighting regime as a tool to enhance egg production and eggshell thickness in Rhode Island Red laying hens. Poultry Science, 98: 2459–2465.
Funk, E.M., 1948. The relation of yolk index determined in natural position to the yolk index as determined after separating the yolk from the albumen. Poult. Sci., 27: 367. [CrossRef]
Garcia, J.A.A., Correa, R.C.G., Barros, L., Pereira, C., Abreu, R.M.V., Alves, M.J., Calhelha, R.C., Bracht, A., Peralta, R.M., Ferreira., I.C.F.R., 2019. Chemical composition and biological activities of Jucara (Euterpe edulis Martius) ¸fruit by-products, a promising underexploited source of high-added value compounds. J. Funct. Foods, 55: 325–332.
Gholami‐Ahangaran, M., Ahmadi‐Dastgerdi, A., Karimi‐Dehkordi, M., 2020. Thymol and carvacrol; as antibiotic alternative in green healthy poultry production. Plant Biotechnology Persa, 2(1): 22–25. 10.29252/pbp.2.1.22
Gholami‐Ahangaran, M., Karimi‐Dehkordi, M., Akbari Javar, A., Haj Salehi, M., Ostadpoor, M., 2021. A systematic review on the effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) on improvement of biological and fertility indices of sperm in laboratory animals, poultry and humans. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 7: 1959–1969. 10.1002/vms3.538
Gholami-Ahangaran, M., Ahmadi‐Dastgerdi, A., Azizi, S., Basiratpour, A., Zokaei, M., Derakhshan, M., 2022. Thymol and carvacrol supplementation in poultry health and performance. Vet Med Sci. 8(1): 267–288.
Hashemi, S.R. and Davoodi, H., 2012. Herbal Plants as New Immuno-Stimulator in Poultry Industry: A Review. Asian Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances, 7:105-116.
Haugh, R.R., 1937. The haugh unit for measuring egg quality. US Egg Poult., 43: 552–555.
Heiman, V., Carver, J.S., 1936. Albumen index as a physical measurement of observed egg quality. Poult. Sci. 15:141–148.
Jahanian, E., Jahanian, R., Rahmani, H.‐R., Alikhani, M., 2017. Dietary supplementation of Echinacea purpurea powder improved performance, serum lipid profile, and yolk oxidative stability in laying hens. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 45(1): 45–51. 10.1080/09712119.2015.1091344
Jin, L. Z., Dersjant‐Li, Y., Giannenas, I., 2019. Application of aromatic plants and their extracts in diets of broiler chickens. In Christaki E., Giannenas I., & Florou‐Pane P. (Eds.) Feed additives: Aromatic plants and herbs in animal nutrition and health. Elsevier, 159–185. 10.1016/B978-0-12-814700-9.00010-8
Kikusato, M., 2021. Phytobiotics to improve health and production of broiler chickens: functions beyond the antioxidant activity. Animal Bioscience, 34(3): 345.
Klementavičiūtė J., Gružauskas A., Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė A., Mieželienė G., Alenčikienė V., Buckiūnienė A., Daukšienė L., Kudlinskienė J., Lionikienė G., Stanytė V., Šašytė Valaitienė V., 2018. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus l.) influence on laying hen‘s eggs‘ quality characteristics. Vet Med Zoot, 76: 46-50.
K.L. Landers, C.L. Woodward, X. Li, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet, S.C. Ricke, 2005. Alfalfa as a single dietary source for molt induction in laying hens Bioresour. Technol., 96: 565-570.
K.L. Landers, R.W. Moore, P. Herrera, D.A. Landers, Z.R. Howard, J.L. McReynolds, J.A. Byrd, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet, S.C. Ricke, 2008. Organ weight and serum triglyceride responses of older (80 wk) commercial laying hens fed an alfalfa meal molt diet Bioresour. Technol., 99: 6692-6996.
NRC., 1994. National Research Council, Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9t h rev. ed. National Academy Press, Washington, 1994 DC
O’Neill, J. Review on Antimicrobial Resistance: Tackling Drug-Resistant Infections Globally: Final Report and Recommendations. 2016. Available online: https://amr-review.org/sites/default/files/160518_Final%20paper_with%20cover.pdf (accessed on 19 August 2020). Accessed date: 15.12.2023
Osawa, T., Sugiyama, Y., Inayoshi, M. Kawakisi, S., 1995. Antioxidative activity of tetrahydrocurcuminoids. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 59: 1609-1611.
Park, S.S., Kim, J.M., Kim, E.J., Kim, H.S.B., Kang, C.W., 2012. Effects of dietary turmeric powder on laying performance and egg qualities in laying hens. Korean Journal Poultry Science, 39: 27-32.
Radwan Nadia, L., Hassan, R. A., Qota, E. M., Fayek, H. M., 2008. Effect of natural antioxidant on oxidative stability of eggs and productive and reproductive performance of laying hens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7(2): 134–150.
Rahardja D., Hakim M., Sri Lestari V., 2016. Egg Production Performance of Old Laying Hen Fed Dietary Turmeric Powder. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 9(7): 748–752. DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1107277
Rajput, N., Naeem, M., Ali, S., Zhang, J. F., Zhang, L., Wang, T., 2013. The effect of dietary supplementation with the natural carotenoids curcumin and lutein on broiler pigmentation and immunity. Poultry Science, 92: 1177-1185.
Reddy, P.M., Reddy, V.Y., Reddy, C.V., Rap, S.P., 1979. Egg weight, shape index and hatchability in Khaki Campbell duck egg. Ind. J. Poult., 14: 26–31.
Riasi A., Kermanshahi H., Mahdavi A.H., 2012. Production performance, egg quality and some serum metabolites of older commercial laying hens fed different levels of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) powder. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6(11): 2141–2145. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5897/jmpr11.1316
Roland, D.A., J. Brake, 1982. Influence of premolt production on post molt performance for improvement in egg production due to force molting. Poultry Sci., 61:2473-A81.
Roth-Maier, D. A., Böhmer, B. M., Maass, N., Damme, K., Paulicks, B. R., 2005. Efficiency of Echinacea purpurea on performance of broilers and layers. Archive fur Geflügelkunde, 69: 123–127.
Suwarta F.X., Suryani C.L., 2019. The effects of supplementation of cinnamon and turmeric powder mixture in ration of quail on performance and quality of eggs. Journal of World’s Poultry Research, 9(4): 249–254. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36380/SCIL.2019.WVJ31
Şimşek Ü.G., Ciftci M., Özçelik M., Azman M.A., Tonbak F., Özhan N., 2015. Effects of cinnamon and rosemary oils on egg production, egg quality, hatchability traits and blood serum mineral contents in laying quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 62: 229-236. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1501/vetfak_0000002685
Torki, M., Sedgh-Gooya, S., Mohammadi, H., 2018. Effects of adding essential oils of rosemary, dill and chicory extract to diets on performance, egg quality and some blood parameters of laying hens subjected to heat stress. J. App. Anim. Res., 46(1): 1118-1126 doi: 10.1080/09712119.2018.1473254
Ürüşan, H., 2023. Hepatoprotective effect of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) in laying hens. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 74(1): 5249–5258. https://doi.org/10.12681/jhvms.28954 (Original work published April 11, 2023)
Van Dijk, M., Morley, T., Rau, M.L., Saghai, Y., 2021. A meta-analysis of projected global food demand and population at risk of hunger for the period 2010–2050. Nature Food, 2: 494-501.
Wen J., Zhe Z., QianWen W., Wei L., 2021. Effect of homologous traditional chinese medicine feed additives on production performance of laying hens and egg quality and economic benefits. Turk J. Field Crops, 26(1): 285-298 doi: 10.17557/tjfc.834527
Wuthi-udomler, M., Grisanapan, W., Luanratana, O., Caichompoo, W., 2000. Anti-fungal activities of plant extracts. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 31: 178-182
Yadav, A. S., Kolluri, G., Gopi, M., Karthik, K., Singh, Y., 2016. Exploring alternatives to antibiotics as health promoting agents in poultry‐a review. Journal of Experimental Biology, 4(3): 368–383.
Gümüş, İ. H., Çil, G., & Sözcü, A. (2024). The effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality in second production cycle. Journal of Poultry Research, 21(1), 14-21. https://doi.org/10.34233/jpr.1507520
Gümüş İH, Çil G, Sözcü A. The effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality in second production cycle. JPR. June 2024;21(1):14-21. doi:10.34233/jpr.1507520
Gümüş, İbrahim Halil, Güner Çil, and Arda Sözcü. “The Effects of Different Plant Extract Supplementation into Drinking Water Egg Laying Performance and Egg Quality in Second Production Cycle”. Journal of Poultry Research 21, no. 1 (June 2024): 14-21. https://doi.org/10.34233/jpr.1507520.
Gümüş İH, Çil G, Sözcü A (June 1, 2024) The effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality in second production cycle. Journal of Poultry Research 21 1 14–21.
İ. H. Gümüş, G. Çil, and A. Sözcü, “The effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality in second production cycle”, JPR, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 14–21, 2024, doi: 10.34233/jpr.1507520.
Gümüş, İbrahim Halil et al. “The Effects of Different Plant Extract Supplementation into Drinking Water Egg Laying Performance and Egg Quality in Second Production Cycle”. Journal of Poultry Research 21/1 (June 2024), 14-21. https://doi.org/10.34233/jpr.1507520.
Gümüş İH, Çil G, Sözcü A. The effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality in second production cycle. JPR. 2024;21:14–21.
Gümüş, İbrahim Halil et al. “The Effects of Different Plant Extract Supplementation into Drinking Water Egg Laying Performance and Egg Quality in Second Production Cycle”. Journal of Poultry Research, vol. 21, no. 1, 2024, pp. 14-21, doi:10.34233/jpr.1507520.
Gümüş İH, Çil G, Sözcü A. The effects of different plant extract supplementation into drinking water egg laying performance and egg quality in second production cycle. JPR. 2024;21(1):14-21.