Al-Shammari, K.I.A., Batkowska, J. & Gryzinska, M. (2015). Assessment of ultraviolet light effect in hatching eggs disinfection on hatchability traits of two breeds of quails and chickens. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica, 14, 33–44.
Bailey, J.S., Buhr, R.J., Cox, N.A. & Berrang, M.E. (1996). Effect of hatching cabinet sanitation treatments on salmonella cross-contamination and hatchability of broiler eggs. Poultry Science, 75, 191–196.
Batkowska, J., Al-Shammari, K.I., Gryzinska, M., Brodacki, A., Wlazlo, L. & Nowakowicz – Debek, B. (2017). Effect of using colloidal silver in the disinfection of hatching eggs on some microbial, hatchability and performance traits in Japanese quail (Coturnix cot. japonica). European Poultry Science, 81.
Batkowska, J., Al-Shammari, K.I., Wlazlo, L., Nowakowicz-Debek, B. & Gryzinska, M. (2018). Evaluation of propolis extract as a disinfectant of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) hatching eggs. Poultry Science, 97, 2372–2377.
Berrang, M., Cox, N., Frank, J. & Buhr, R. (1999). Bacterial penetration of the eggshell and shell membranes of the chicken hatching egg: a review. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 8(4), 499-504.
Braun, P.G., Fernandez, N. & Fuhrmann, H. (2011). Investigations on the effect of ozone as a disinfectant of egg surfaces. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 33(5), 374-378.
Çopur, G., Arslan, M., Baylan, M. & Canoğullari, S. (2011). Use of allicin as an alternative hatching egg disinfectant versus formaldehyde fumigation in broiler hatching eggs. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 25, 2494–2498.
Fuhrmann, H., Rupp, N., Büchner, A. & Braun, P. (2010). The effect of gaseous ozone treatment on egg components. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90(4), 593-598.
Gentry, R.F., & Quarles, C.L. (1972). The measurement of bacterial contamination on eggshells. Poultry Science, 51, 930-933.
Gogaev, O.K., Demurova, A.R. & Choniashvili, E.T. (2021). Effect of ozone treatment on the embryonic development of quail. Journal of Livestock Science, 12, 202-205.
Hoffman, A., Thiele, M., Fehlhaber, K. & Seeger, J. (2005). Effects of Ozone (O3) on survival and development of chick embryos after gasexposure in ovo. XXVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists (EAVA), 28–31 July 2004, Oslo, pp.20-21.
Jones, D.R., Anderson, K.E., Curtis, P.A., & Jones, F.T. (2002). Microbial contamination in inoculated shell eggs, I. Effects of layer strain and hen age. Poultry Science, 81, 715-720.
Jones, D.R., Musgrove, M.T. & Northcutt, J.K. (2004). Variations in external and internal microbial populations in shell eggs during extended storage. Journal of Food Protection, 67, 2657–2660.
Koç, S. (2015). Bıldırcın yumurtalarına ozon uygulamasının yumurta kabuk mikrobiyal yükü, çıkış gücü ve civciv performansına etkisi. Selçuk Üniv. Fen. Bil. Enst., Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya.
Koç, S. & Aygün, A. (2021). Effects of ozone on egg shell microbial load, hatching traits and chick performance in quail eggs. Innoriginal: International Journal of Sciences, 8(3), 47-52.
Ledoux, L. (2002). Hatching egg sanitation beyond the myths. World Poultry Journal, 18,34–35.
Moats, W.A. (1981). Factors affecting bacterial loads on shells of commercially washe eggs. Poultry Science, 60, 2084-2090.
Musgrove, M.T., Northcutt, J.K., Jones, D.R., Cox, N.A. & Harrison, M.A. (2008). Enterobacteriaceae and related organisms isolated from shell eggs collected during commercial processing. Poultry Science, 87, 1211–1218.
Peebles, E.D., Pansky, T., Doyle, S.M., Boyle, C.R., Smith, T., Latour, M.A. & Gerard, P.D. (1998). Effects of dietary fat and eggshell cuticle removal on egg water loss and embryo growth in broiler hatching eggs. Poultry science, 77(10), 1522-1530.
Rodriguez-Romo, L.A. & Yousef, A.E. (2005). Inactivation of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis on shell eggs by ozone and UV radiation. Journal of Food Protection, 68(4), 711-717.
Uluçay, I.O. & Yildirim, I. (2010). Hatching traits of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs disinfected with carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde or thymol. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 38, 139–142.
Whistler, P. & Sheldon, B. (1989). Bactericidal activity, eggshell conductance, and hatchability effects of ozone versus formaldehyde disinfection. Poultry science, 68(8), 1074-1077.
Wlazlo, L., Drabik, K., Al-Shammari, K.I.A., Batkowska, J., Nowakowicz-Dedek, B. & Gryzinskay, M. (2020). Use of reactive oxygen species (ozone, hydrogen peroxide) for disinfection of hatching eggs. Poultry Science, 99,2478–2484.
Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation
Year 2024,
Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 61 - 64, 28.12.2024
In this study it was aimed to investigate effects of ozone treatment during incubation of broiler eggs as an alternative application for fumigation. A total of 240 eggs from 45-week-old Ross 308 broiler breeder flocks were utilized. The eggs were weighed and randomly assigned to two groups: one without ozone and one with ozone. A commercial ozone generator was placed in the incubator, with ozone gas generated for 1 minute every hour to provide ozone gas at a concentration of 0.050 ppm. Throughout the 18-day incubation phase, ozone gas was applied in three-day cycles. On the 18th day of incubation, six randomly selected eggs from each experimental group were placed in sterile bags to assess the microbial load of the eggshell. Furthermore, six eggs were randomly selected from each experimental group to assess embryo growth. The total aerobic bacteria and Coliform sp. count were found higher in control than ozone group (P < 0.01). The yeast mold count, egg weight, embryo weight and embryo yolk sac weight were found to be similar between the groups (P > 0.05). It can be determined that using ozone instead of fumigation during incubation in broiler chicken eggs reduces eggshell total aerobic bacteria and coliform counts, but not affected to embryo traits such as weight, yolk sac weight and length.
This study was approved by the Bursa Uludağ University Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee (Approval no: 2023-12/02).
Supporting Institution
Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Agriculture Research and Application Unit
Al-Shammari, K.I.A., Batkowska, J. & Gryzinska, M. (2015). Assessment of ultraviolet light effect in hatching eggs disinfection on hatchability traits of two breeds of quails and chickens. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica, 14, 33–44.
Bailey, J.S., Buhr, R.J., Cox, N.A. & Berrang, M.E. (1996). Effect of hatching cabinet sanitation treatments on salmonella cross-contamination and hatchability of broiler eggs. Poultry Science, 75, 191–196.
Batkowska, J., Al-Shammari, K.I., Gryzinska, M., Brodacki, A., Wlazlo, L. & Nowakowicz – Debek, B. (2017). Effect of using colloidal silver in the disinfection of hatching eggs on some microbial, hatchability and performance traits in Japanese quail (Coturnix cot. japonica). European Poultry Science, 81.
Batkowska, J., Al-Shammari, K.I., Wlazlo, L., Nowakowicz-Debek, B. & Gryzinska, M. (2018). Evaluation of propolis extract as a disinfectant of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) hatching eggs. Poultry Science, 97, 2372–2377.
Berrang, M., Cox, N., Frank, J. & Buhr, R. (1999). Bacterial penetration of the eggshell and shell membranes of the chicken hatching egg: a review. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 8(4), 499-504.
Braun, P.G., Fernandez, N. & Fuhrmann, H. (2011). Investigations on the effect of ozone as a disinfectant of egg surfaces. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 33(5), 374-378.
Çopur, G., Arslan, M., Baylan, M. & Canoğullari, S. (2011). Use of allicin as an alternative hatching egg disinfectant versus formaldehyde fumigation in broiler hatching eggs. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 25, 2494–2498.
Fuhrmann, H., Rupp, N., Büchner, A. & Braun, P. (2010). The effect of gaseous ozone treatment on egg components. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90(4), 593-598.
Gentry, R.F., & Quarles, C.L. (1972). The measurement of bacterial contamination on eggshells. Poultry Science, 51, 930-933.
Gogaev, O.K., Demurova, A.R. & Choniashvili, E.T. (2021). Effect of ozone treatment on the embryonic development of quail. Journal of Livestock Science, 12, 202-205.
Hoffman, A., Thiele, M., Fehlhaber, K. & Seeger, J. (2005). Effects of Ozone (O3) on survival and development of chick embryos after gasexposure in ovo. XXVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists (EAVA), 28–31 July 2004, Oslo, pp.20-21.
Jones, D.R., Anderson, K.E., Curtis, P.A., & Jones, F.T. (2002). Microbial contamination in inoculated shell eggs, I. Effects of layer strain and hen age. Poultry Science, 81, 715-720.
Jones, D.R., Musgrove, M.T. & Northcutt, J.K. (2004). Variations in external and internal microbial populations in shell eggs during extended storage. Journal of Food Protection, 67, 2657–2660.
Koç, S. (2015). Bıldırcın yumurtalarına ozon uygulamasının yumurta kabuk mikrobiyal yükü, çıkış gücü ve civciv performansına etkisi. Selçuk Üniv. Fen. Bil. Enst., Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya.
Koç, S. & Aygün, A. (2021). Effects of ozone on egg shell microbial load, hatching traits and chick performance in quail eggs. Innoriginal: International Journal of Sciences, 8(3), 47-52.
Ledoux, L. (2002). Hatching egg sanitation beyond the myths. World Poultry Journal, 18,34–35.
Moats, W.A. (1981). Factors affecting bacterial loads on shells of commercially washe eggs. Poultry Science, 60, 2084-2090.
Musgrove, M.T., Northcutt, J.K., Jones, D.R., Cox, N.A. & Harrison, M.A. (2008). Enterobacteriaceae and related organisms isolated from shell eggs collected during commercial processing. Poultry Science, 87, 1211–1218.
Peebles, E.D., Pansky, T., Doyle, S.M., Boyle, C.R., Smith, T., Latour, M.A. & Gerard, P.D. (1998). Effects of dietary fat and eggshell cuticle removal on egg water loss and embryo growth in broiler hatching eggs. Poultry science, 77(10), 1522-1530.
Rodriguez-Romo, L.A. & Yousef, A.E. (2005). Inactivation of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis on shell eggs by ozone and UV radiation. Journal of Food Protection, 68(4), 711-717.
Uluçay, I.O. & Yildirim, I. (2010). Hatching traits of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs disinfected with carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde or thymol. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 38, 139–142.
Whistler, P. & Sheldon, B. (1989). Bactericidal activity, eggshell conductance, and hatchability effects of ozone versus formaldehyde disinfection. Poultry science, 68(8), 1074-1077.
Wlazlo, L., Drabik, K., Al-Shammari, K.I.A., Batkowska, J., Nowakowicz-Dedek, B. & Gryzinskay, M. (2020). Use of reactive oxygen species (ozone, hydrogen peroxide) for disinfection of hatching eggs. Poultry Science, 99,2478–2484.
Yılmaz Dikmen, B., Sözcü, A., & İpek, A. (2024). Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation. Journal of Poultry Research, 21(2), 61-64.
Yılmaz Dikmen B, Sözcü A, İpek A. Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation. JPR. December 2024;21(2):61-64. doi:10.34233/jpr.1597124
Yılmaz Dikmen, Bilgehan, Arda Sözcü, and Aydın İpek. “Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation”. Journal of Poultry Research 21, no. 2 (December 2024): 61-64.
Yılmaz Dikmen B, Sözcü A, İpek A (December 1, 2024) Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation. Journal of Poultry Research 21 2 61–64.
B. Yılmaz Dikmen, A. Sözcü, and A. İpek, “Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation”, JPR, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 61–64, 2024, doi: 10.34233/jpr.1597124.
Yılmaz Dikmen, Bilgehan et al. “Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation”. Journal of Poultry Research 21/2 (December 2024), 61-64.
Yılmaz Dikmen B, Sözcü A, İpek A. Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation. JPR. 2024;21:61–64.
Yılmaz Dikmen, Bilgehan et al. “Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation”. Journal of Poultry Research, vol. 21, no. 2, 2024, pp. 61-64, doi:10.34233/jpr.1597124.
Yılmaz Dikmen B, Sözcü A, İpek A. Alternative Application for Fumigation: Ozone Treatment During Incubation. JPR. 2024;21(2):61-4.