Publication in the Journal of Poultry Research (JPR) is totally FREE (No Article submission charges nor article processing charges and no publication fees), as one of the main goals of the journal is to provide global poultry researchers with a free publishing platform.
The Journal of Poultry Research (JPR) is an international journal published by the Ankara Poultry Research Station(APRS).The JPR welcomes original articles that report basic and applied findings in the area of poultry physiology, genetics and breeding, nutrition, reproduction, behavior, immune system, preventive hygiene, management, function and utility of product, and biotechnology. The JPR publishes original articles (either full papers or research notes) and review articles. In full papers, the relevant background, experimental designs and methods, results and discussion should be logically presented, and novel findings must be included. Research notes are restricted to experimental reports that contain novel findings but may represent less comprehensive research. The editorial board invites proposals for review articles.
Journal of Poultry Research is an open access journal that publishes papers submitted in Turkish, in German, in French and in English. Readers are able to freely access the journal online at www.turkishpoultryscience without the need for a subscription and authors retain the copyright of their work. All manuscripts that are submitted to Journal of Poultry Research are publihed without any Article Processing Charges.
The Journal welcomes submission of original and significant contributions that meets the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Articles submitted should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration elsewhere. Authors have to read through the submission guidelines carefully before submission.
1.Submission of manuscript
Manuscripts submitted to JPR must contain original and unpublished material, and must not be under editorial consideration elsewhere. All submissions to JPR must be made using the online system. The online submission system can be accessed by going to the website of the Ankara Poultry Research Station ( and following the link for JPR manuscript submission. All procedures required for the web-based submission are provided on the web site. If the authors are unable to submit online or in the case of technical difficulties, please contact:
The Technical Editor of the Journal of Poultry Research
Dr. Hasan Eleroğlu
2.Editorial Review
All manuscripts, whether submitted or solicited, are peer-reviewed by two outstanding reviewers, anonymously designated by the section editor for the field that is selected by the authors at the time of submission. The evaluation of the manuscripts is made solely based on the originality, logic and significance of the contents. If there is an inconsistent evaluation between two reviewers, a third reviewer is selected. To minimize the potential for conflict of interest in the review process, the authors may suggest a few potential reviewers or may request a specific individual not be involved in reviewing the manuscript.
3.Ethical Statement
All experimental animals should be acquired, retained, and used in compliance with the national laws and regulations of the research institution(s) of the authors. Experimental animals should be properly housed and used in accordance with the research plan, and all procedures should be described in the manuscript. If the study or the conditions or treatment of the animals is not in compliance with these guidelines, the manuscript will not be considered for publication.
4.Preparation of Manuscript
Original articles should consist of the following contents: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Legends to Figures, Tables, and Figures (graphs, photographs and illustrations). The Results and Discussion sections can be appropriately combined under specific conditions. Review articles should consist of a Title page, Abstract, Introduction, main contents, Acknowledgments, References, Legends to Figures, Tables, and Figures. All manuscripts must be written in English. In the case of linguistic problems, English proofreading will be requested.
Articles must be written using a 12-point font (preferably Times or Times New Roman) in A4 (210 x 297 mm) format with 24 to 26 lines per page. The lines should be numbered along the left margin and the margins should be 30 mm on all sides. Pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom center.
In the final version of the article after acceptance, the manuscript and tables should be prepared with MS Word, while the figures should be prepared with JPEG, TIFF, PDF, or EPS formats.
Title Pages
The first page should include the title of the article, name of author(s) and their affiliation and address, running title (6 words or less), and corresponding author including name, affiliation address and e-mail address. The first and last names of the authors should be written in full, and the middle names should be abbreviated to initials.
The abstract should clearly show the purpose, experimental approach, results and conclusions of the research, and should not exceed 300 words. Three to six key words should be listed in alphabetical order. Abbreviations should be avoided.
Materials and Methods
The description of methods should include sufficient details to allow the experiments to be repeated. When using modifications to a method previously described by other authors, authors should describe each modification and cite the original reference. Results should be analyzed using suitable statistical methods, and these methods should be described.
It is most important that references should be checked carefully. Refer to unpublished work only in the text (Smith AB, unpublished), (Brown CD, pers. comm.). References to the literature should be indicated by numerical superscripts (1) numbered in order of appearance (2,3) and following any punctuation (4-6). References should be listed in numerical order at the end of the paper, giving all the authors, with forename initials after the respective surnames. Ensure that all references in the list are cited in the text and vice versa. Give the date and full title of the paper in the language in which it appeared or an accurate English translation. Abbreviate all journal titles as in Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts and the annual BIOSIS List of Serials , without using full stops after abbreviation. If the journal is not included, give its title in full. Volume numbers should be bold. Note the following style and order for journals:
1- Çiftci, İ., Yenice, E., Gökçeyrek, D. and Öztürk, E., 2003. Effects of energy level and enzyme supplementation in wheat– based layer diets on hen performance and egg quality. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Fkralike Section A, Animal Science, 53:113-119.
2- Al-Kaisey, M.T., Mohammed, M.A., Alwan, A.K., Mohammed, M.H. 2002. The effect of gamma irradiation on the viscosity of two barley cultivars for broiler chicks. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 63:295-297. 10th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry Radiation Phsics and chemistry volume 67 page:493-496
3- Şekeroğlu, A. ve Akşimşek, Ş.D., 2009a. Village chicken production in Turkey: Tokat province example. Trop Anim Health Prod (2009) 41:103–108.
4- Kamanlı, S., Durmus, İ., Demir, S., 2010. Hatching Caracteristic of Abnormal Egg. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 5(4): 271-274.
5- Sarica, M., Ocak, N., Turhan, S., Kop, C., Yamak, U.S., 2011. Evaluation of meat quality from 3 turkey genotypes reared with or without outdoor access. Poult. Sci. 90(6):1313–1323.
6- Geiger, G., Biellier, H., 1993. Brooding and rearing ducklings and goslings. Accessed: 23.01.2012
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Journal of Poultry Research is an academic journal. As such, it is dedicated to the open exchange of information. For this reason, Journal of Poultry Research is freely available to individuals and institutions. Copies of this journal or articles in this journal may be distributed for research or educational purposes free of charge and without permission. However, commercial use of the Journal of Poultry Research website or the articles contained herein is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the editor. Authors who publish in The Journal of Poultry Research will release their articles under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. This license allows anyone to copy and distribute the article for non-commercial purposes provided that appropriate attribution is given. For details of the rights authors grants users of their work, see the "human-readable summary" of the license "human-readable summary" of the license, with a link to the full license. (Note that "you" refers to a user, not an author, in the summary.)
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Print ISSN:1302-3209 - Online ISSN:2147-9003
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