Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 133 - 149, 28.12.2018



  • Ang, Andrew, and Geert Bekaert. 2006. “Stock Return Predictability:Is It There ?” New York.Baboukardos, Diogenis, and Gunnar Rimmel. 2016. “Value Relevance of Accounting Information under an Integrated Reporting Approach: A Research Note.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 35 (4). Elsevier Inc.: 437–52. doi:10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2016.04.004.Basu, S. 1977. “Investment Performance of Common Stocks in Relation to Their Price-Earnings Ratios: A Test of the Efficient Market Hypothesis.” The Journal of Finance 32 (3): 663–82. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1977.tb01979.x.Beck, Cornelia, John Dumay, and Geoffrey Frost. 2017. “In Pursuit of a ‘Single Source of Truth’: From Threatened Legitimacy to Integrated Reporting.” Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1): 191–205. doi:10.1007/s10551-014-2423-1.Breusch, T. S., and A. R. Pagan. 1980. “The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics.” The Review of Economic Studies 47 (1). Oxford University Press: 239. doi:10.2307/2297111.Burke, Jenna J, and Cynthia E Clark. 2016. “The Business Case for Integrated Reporting : Insights from Leading Practitioners , Regulators , and Academics.” Business Horizons 59 (3). “Kelley School of Business, Indiana University”: 273–83. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2016.01.001.Bushee, Brian J, and F. Noe Christopher. 2000. “Corporate Disclosure Practices , Institutional Investors , and Stock Return Volatility.” Journal of Accounting Research 38: 171–202.Campbell, John Y. 1999. “Asset Prices, Consumption, and the Business Cycle.” In Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1:1231–1303. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/S1574-0048(99)10032-6.Campbell, John Y., and Robert J. Shiller. 1988. “Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends.” The Journal of Finance 43 (3): 661–76. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1988.tb04598.x.Dumay, John, Cristiana Bernardi, James Guthrie, and Paola Demartini. 2016. “Integrated Reporting: A Structured Literature Review.” Accounting Forum 40 (3). Elsevier Ltd: 166–85. doi:10.1016/j.accfor.2016.06.001.Easton, Peter D. 2004. “PE ratios,PEG Ratios, and Estimating the Implied Expected Rate of Return on Equity Capital.” The Accounting Review. doi:10.2308/accr.2004.79.1.73.Eccles, Robert G., and M.P. Krzus. 2010. One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy.Eccles, Robert G., and George Serafeim. 2013. “A Tale of Two Stories: Sustainability and the Quarterly Earnings Call.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 25 (3): 8–19.Eccles, Robert G., George Serafeim, and Pippa Armbrester. 2012. Integrated Reporting in South Africa.Eccles, Robert G., George Serafeim, and Michael P. Krzus. 2011. “Market Interest in Nonfinancial Information.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 23 (4): 113–27. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-9173-6.Fărcas, Theodory Viorica. 2015. “Development of Corporate Reporting over Time : From a Traditional System to an.” Audit Financiar 4 (124): 106–13.Flower, John. 2015. “The International Integrated Reporting Council: A Story of Failure.” Critical Perspectives on Accounting 27. Elsevier Ltd: 1–17. doi:10.1016/ Mankiw, N., and Matthew D. Shapiro. 1986. “Do We Reject Too Often?: Small Sample Properties of Tests of Rational Expectations Models.” Economics Letters 20 (2). North-Holland: 139–45. doi:10.1016/0165-1765(86)90161-8.Gupta, Rangan, and Mampho P. Modise. 2012. “Valuation Ratios and Stock Return Predictability in South Africa: Is It There?” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 48 (1): 70–82. doi:10.2753/REE1540-496X480104.Havlová, Kristýna. 2015. “What Integrated Reporting Changed: The Case Study of Early Adopters.” Procedia Economics and Finance 34 (15). Elsevier B.V.: 231–37. doi:10.1016/S2212-5671(15)01624-X.IoDSA. 2013. Practice Notes: King III Reporting in Terms of the JSE Listing Requirements. Johannesburg.Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert. 2017. “The Impact of Dividend Policy on Price-Earnings Ratio.” Review of Accounting and Finance 16 (1): 125–40. doi:10.1108/RAF-06-2015-0092.Kendall, M. G., and A. Bradford Hill. 1953. “The Analysis of Economic Time-Series-Part I: Prices.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 116 (1): 11. doi:10.2307/2980947.King Comittee. 2002. “King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2002.” Final doc.pdf.———. 2009. “King Code of Governance Principles for South Africa 2009.”, Chris. 1997. “Measuring the Predictable Variation in Stock and Bond Returns.” Review of Financial Studies 10 (3): 579–630. doi:10.1093/rfs/10.3.579.Kothari, S. P., and Jay Shanken. 1997. “Book-to-Market, Dividend Yield, and Expected Market Returns: A Time-Series Analysis.” Journal of Financial Economics 44 (2): 169–203. doi:10.1016/S0304-405X(97)00002-0.Lewellen, Jonathan. 2004. “Predicting Returns with Financial Ratios.” Journal of Financial Economics 74 (2): 209–35. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2002.11.002.Maas, Karen, Stefan Schaltegger, and Nathalie Crutzen. 2016. “Advancing the Integration of Corporate Sustainability Measurement , Management and Reporting.” Journal of Cleaner Production 133. Elsevier Ltd: 859–62. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.06.006.Marin-Garcia, J. A., and J. M. Tomas. 2016. “The Integrated Reporting: A Presentation of the Current State of Art and Aspects of Integrated Reporting That Need Further Development.” Intangible Capital 12 (1): 357–89. doi:10.3926/ic.476.Molodovsky, Nicholas. 1955. “Stock Prices and Current Earnings.” Financial Analysts Journal 11 (4): 83–94. doi:10.2469/faj.v11.n4.83.Ocean Tomo. 2017. “Intangible Asset Market Value Study.” Accessed November 21., Jane A., and Stephen H. Penman. 1989. “Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Stock Returns.” Journal of Accounting and Economics 11 (4): 295–329. doi:10.1016/0165-4101(89)90017-7.Pesaran, M. Hashem. 2004. “General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels.” Cesifo Working Paper No. 1229. Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository. doi:10.17863/cam.5113.Porta, Rafael La. 1996. “Expectations and the Cross-Section Returns of Stock.” The Journal of Finance 51 (5): 1715–42. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1996.tb05223.x.Rapach, David E., and Mark E. Wohar. 2005. “Valuation Ratios and Long-Horizon Stock Price Predictability.” Journal of Applied Econometrics 20 (3): 327–44. doi:10.1002/jae.774.Rikanovic, Mladen. 2005. “Corporate Disclosure Strategy and the Cost of Capital - An Empirical Study of Large Listed German Corporations.” University of St.Gallen.Schulschenk, Jess. 2012. “Corporate Governance Research Programme: Interview Summary Report.”Stewart, L. S. 2015. “Growing Demand for ESG Information and Standards: Understanding Corporate Opportunities as Well as Risks.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 27 (2): 58–63.


Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 133 - 149, 28.12.2018


Integrated Reporting
(IR) is one of the new reporting phenomenon that have gained
widespread attention over the last decade because of the growing demand on non-financial
forward-looking information. It combines financial and non-financial
information such as governance and social information under one report. 
Even though this implementation framework has been published, there is need to
address its effects on share prices and earnings per share ratio with an
analytical manner. In this paper we
have adopted a panel data analysis to test the effects of
mandatory IR implementation on companies listed in the Johannesburg Stock
The connection was established through a panel data analysis on two separate models
composed of financial ratios, between the years of 2007 and 2016 using a dummy
variable starting from 2011 to incorporate the commencement of mandatory IR. 


  • Ang, Andrew, and Geert Bekaert. 2006. “Stock Return Predictability:Is It There ?” New York.Baboukardos, Diogenis, and Gunnar Rimmel. 2016. “Value Relevance of Accounting Information under an Integrated Reporting Approach: A Research Note.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 35 (4). Elsevier Inc.: 437–52. doi:10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2016.04.004.Basu, S. 1977. “Investment Performance of Common Stocks in Relation to Their Price-Earnings Ratios: A Test of the Efficient Market Hypothesis.” The Journal of Finance 32 (3): 663–82. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1977.tb01979.x.Beck, Cornelia, John Dumay, and Geoffrey Frost. 2017. “In Pursuit of a ‘Single Source of Truth’: From Threatened Legitimacy to Integrated Reporting.” Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1): 191–205. doi:10.1007/s10551-014-2423-1.Breusch, T. S., and A. R. Pagan. 1980. “The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics.” The Review of Economic Studies 47 (1). Oxford University Press: 239. doi:10.2307/2297111.Burke, Jenna J, and Cynthia E Clark. 2016. “The Business Case for Integrated Reporting : Insights from Leading Practitioners , Regulators , and Academics.” Business Horizons 59 (3). “Kelley School of Business, Indiana University”: 273–83. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2016.01.001.Bushee, Brian J, and F. Noe Christopher. 2000. “Corporate Disclosure Practices , Institutional Investors , and Stock Return Volatility.” Journal of Accounting Research 38: 171–202.Campbell, John Y. 1999. “Asset Prices, Consumption, and the Business Cycle.” In Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1:1231–1303. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/S1574-0048(99)10032-6.Campbell, John Y., and Robert J. Shiller. 1988. “Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends.” The Journal of Finance 43 (3): 661–76. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1988.tb04598.x.Dumay, John, Cristiana Bernardi, James Guthrie, and Paola Demartini. 2016. “Integrated Reporting: A Structured Literature Review.” Accounting Forum 40 (3). Elsevier Ltd: 166–85. doi:10.1016/j.accfor.2016.06.001.Easton, Peter D. 2004. “PE ratios,PEG Ratios, and Estimating the Implied Expected Rate of Return on Equity Capital.” The Accounting Review. doi:10.2308/accr.2004.79.1.73.Eccles, Robert G., and M.P. Krzus. 2010. One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy.Eccles, Robert G., and George Serafeim. 2013. “A Tale of Two Stories: Sustainability and the Quarterly Earnings Call.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 25 (3): 8–19.Eccles, Robert G., George Serafeim, and Pippa Armbrester. 2012. Integrated Reporting in South Africa.Eccles, Robert G., George Serafeim, and Michael P. Krzus. 2011. “Market Interest in Nonfinancial Information.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 23 (4): 113–27. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-9173-6.Fărcas, Theodory Viorica. 2015. “Development of Corporate Reporting over Time : From a Traditional System to an.” Audit Financiar 4 (124): 106–13.Flower, John. 2015. “The International Integrated Reporting Council: A Story of Failure.” Critical Perspectives on Accounting 27. Elsevier Ltd: 1–17. doi:10.1016/ Mankiw, N., and Matthew D. Shapiro. 1986. “Do We Reject Too Often?: Small Sample Properties of Tests of Rational Expectations Models.” Economics Letters 20 (2). North-Holland: 139–45. doi:10.1016/0165-1765(86)90161-8.Gupta, Rangan, and Mampho P. Modise. 2012. “Valuation Ratios and Stock Return Predictability in South Africa: Is It There?” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 48 (1): 70–82. doi:10.2753/REE1540-496X480104.Havlová, Kristýna. 2015. “What Integrated Reporting Changed: The Case Study of Early Adopters.” Procedia Economics and Finance 34 (15). Elsevier B.V.: 231–37. doi:10.1016/S2212-5671(15)01624-X.IoDSA. 2013. Practice Notes: King III Reporting in Terms of the JSE Listing Requirements. Johannesburg.Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert. 2017. “The Impact of Dividend Policy on Price-Earnings Ratio.” Review of Accounting and Finance 16 (1): 125–40. doi:10.1108/RAF-06-2015-0092.Kendall, M. G., and A. Bradford Hill. 1953. “The Analysis of Economic Time-Series-Part I: Prices.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 116 (1): 11. doi:10.2307/2980947.King Comittee. 2002. “King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2002.” Final doc.pdf.———. 2009. “King Code of Governance Principles for South Africa 2009.”, Chris. 1997. “Measuring the Predictable Variation in Stock and Bond Returns.” Review of Financial Studies 10 (3): 579–630. doi:10.1093/rfs/10.3.579.Kothari, S. P., and Jay Shanken. 1997. “Book-to-Market, Dividend Yield, and Expected Market Returns: A Time-Series Analysis.” Journal of Financial Economics 44 (2): 169–203. doi:10.1016/S0304-405X(97)00002-0.Lewellen, Jonathan. 2004. “Predicting Returns with Financial Ratios.” Journal of Financial Economics 74 (2): 209–35. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2002.11.002.Maas, Karen, Stefan Schaltegger, and Nathalie Crutzen. 2016. “Advancing the Integration of Corporate Sustainability Measurement , Management and Reporting.” Journal of Cleaner Production 133. Elsevier Ltd: 859–62. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.06.006.Marin-Garcia, J. A., and J. M. Tomas. 2016. “The Integrated Reporting: A Presentation of the Current State of Art and Aspects of Integrated Reporting That Need Further Development.” Intangible Capital 12 (1): 357–89. doi:10.3926/ic.476.Molodovsky, Nicholas. 1955. “Stock Prices and Current Earnings.” Financial Analysts Journal 11 (4): 83–94. doi:10.2469/faj.v11.n4.83.Ocean Tomo. 2017. “Intangible Asset Market Value Study.” Accessed November 21., Jane A., and Stephen H. Penman. 1989. “Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Stock Returns.” Journal of Accounting and Economics 11 (4): 295–329. doi:10.1016/0165-4101(89)90017-7.Pesaran, M. Hashem. 2004. “General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels.” Cesifo Working Paper No. 1229. Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository. doi:10.17863/cam.5113.Porta, Rafael La. 1996. “Expectations and the Cross-Section Returns of Stock.” The Journal of Finance 51 (5): 1715–42. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1996.tb05223.x.Rapach, David E., and Mark E. Wohar. 2005. “Valuation Ratios and Long-Horizon Stock Price Predictability.” Journal of Applied Econometrics 20 (3): 327–44. doi:10.1002/jae.774.Rikanovic, Mladen. 2005. “Corporate Disclosure Strategy and the Cost of Capital - An Empirical Study of Large Listed German Corporations.” University of St.Gallen.Schulschenk, Jess. 2012. “Corporate Governance Research Programme: Interview Summary Report.”Stewart, L. S. 2015. “Growing Demand for ESG Information and Standards: Understanding Corporate Opportunities as Well as Risks.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 27 (2): 58–63.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ali Rıza Zafer Sayar 0000-0002-2731-8209

Metin Can Tokdemir This is me 0000-0002-4859-208X

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Submission Date September 21, 2018
Acceptance Date December 4, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 2
