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Akıllı Şebekelerde Güvenli Haberleşme Tabanlı Güç Akışı Analizi

Year 2018, Issue: 8, 63 - 74, 01.01.2018


The coordination of the power system management with the phasor measurement devices PMUs in real time on the load side and the production side is carried out within the context of smartgrid studies. Smartgrid evolves power systems into equipped with information systems at the same time opens grid to external threats. The fact that the network is resistant to these threats, which are described as cyber attacks, has a strategic precaution. Within the smartgrid studies, the cyber attack openness concept has a very important working area. In this study, a secure communication based power flow management system has been developed. The instantaneous parameter shares of the electrical units connected to the PMU bus are made securely by using RSA encryption method in accordiance with topological priorities of IEEE model. It has been shown that the power flow analyzes for the power systems studied show that the bus voltage and power values are within the stability limits. It has been demonstrated that RSA data encryption method has been applied successfully.


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  • [2] Tamura Y, Mori H, Iwamoto S (1983). Relationship between voltage instability and multiple load flow solutions in electric power systems. IEEE Transactions on power apparatus and systems, 5, 1115-1125.
  • [3] Pai MA, Chatterjee D (2014). Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi.
  • [4] Vlach J, Singhal K (1983). Computer Methods for Circuit Analysis and Design, Springer Science & Business Media, Ontario, Canada.
  • [5] Elgerd O (1982). Electric Energy Systems Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • [6] Grainger J, Stevenson W (1994). Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • [7] Bergen A, Vittal V (2000). Power Systems Analysis, (2. Baskı), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA.
  • [8] Gross C (1979). Power System Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • [9] Anshel M, Boklan KD (2007). Introduction to cryptography with coding theory. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 29(3), 66-69.
  • [10]Damrudi M, Aval KJ, Ithnin N (2015). A Parallel Method for RSA Cryptosystem Utilizing Topological Architecture. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(30).
  • [11]Kaur S, Kaur H (2015). Implementing RSA Algorithm in MANET and Comparison with RSA Digital Signature. International Journal For Advance Research In Engineering And Technology, 3(V), 24–28.
  • [12]Portmann M, Amir AP (2007). Wireless Mesh Networks for Public Safety and Disaster Recovery Communications, Auerbach Publications, USA.
  • [13]Singh R, Dewra S (2015). Performance evaluation of star, tree & mesh optical network topologies using optimized Raman-EDFA Hybrid Optical Amplifier. Trends in Automation, Communications and Computing Technology (I-TACT-15), 110-116, Bangalore, India.
  • [14]Ferreira dos Santos, T M (2013). Mesh Grid Structure vs. Radial Structure Performance and Perspectives of Evolution. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • [15]İpek, MAM (2008). Elektrik Güç Sistemlerinde Geniş Alan Ölçüm Sistemi ve Fazör Ölçüm Birimi Yerleşiminin İncelemesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Türkiye.

Akıllı Şebekelerde Güvenli Haberleşme Tabanlı Güç Akışı Analizi

Year 2018, Issue: 8, 63 - 74, 01.01.2018


Güç sistemi yönetiminin fazör ölçüm cihazları PMU ile gerçek zamanlı olarak yük ve üretim tarafında koordineli ve güvenilir olarak yapılması günümüzde akıllı şebeke çalışmaları kapsamında incelenmektedir. Akıllı şebeke çalışmaları kapsamında, bilgi sistemleri ile modernize edilen güç sistemleri dış tehditlere açık hale gelmektedir. Şebekenin siber saldırı olarak nitelenen bu tehditlere karşı dirençli olması stratejik öneme sahiptir. Akıllı şebeke çalışmaları içerisinde siber saldırılara açıklık konusu oldukça önemli bir çalışma alanına sahiptir. Bu çalışmada akıllı şebeke mimarisine uygun ve güvenli haberleşme tabanlı bir güç akışı yönetim sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Baraya bağlı olan elektriksel birimlerin anlık parametre paylaşımları PMU cihazları üzerinden seçilen ağ topolojisine ve IEEE modeli parametre değerlerine uygun olarak RSA şifreli olarak yapılmıştır. İncelenen güç sistemleri için yapılan güç akışı analizlerinin bara gerilimi ve güç değerlerinin kararlılık sınırlarının içinde kaldığı gösterilmiştir. Aynı şekilde belirlenen ağ topolojisine uygun, RSA veri şifrelemeli paket alışverişlerinin tüm modeller için başarılı olarak uygulandığı ortaya koyulmuştur.


  • [1] Crow M (2002). Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems (2. basım), CRC Basım, USA.
  • [2] Tamura Y, Mori H, Iwamoto S (1983). Relationship between voltage instability and multiple load flow solutions in electric power systems. IEEE Transactions on power apparatus and systems, 5, 1115-1125.
  • [3] Pai MA, Chatterjee D (2014). Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi.
  • [4] Vlach J, Singhal K (1983). Computer Methods for Circuit Analysis and Design, Springer Science & Business Media, Ontario, Canada.
  • [5] Elgerd O (1982). Electric Energy Systems Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • [6] Grainger J, Stevenson W (1994). Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • [7] Bergen A, Vittal V (2000). Power Systems Analysis, (2. Baskı), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA.
  • [8] Gross C (1979). Power System Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • [9] Anshel M, Boklan KD (2007). Introduction to cryptography with coding theory. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 29(3), 66-69.
  • [10]Damrudi M, Aval KJ, Ithnin N (2015). A Parallel Method for RSA Cryptosystem Utilizing Topological Architecture. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(30).
  • [11]Kaur S, Kaur H (2015). Implementing RSA Algorithm in MANET and Comparison with RSA Digital Signature. International Journal For Advance Research In Engineering And Technology, 3(V), 24–28.
  • [12]Portmann M, Amir AP (2007). Wireless Mesh Networks for Public Safety and Disaster Recovery Communications, Auerbach Publications, USA.
  • [13]Singh R, Dewra S (2015). Performance evaluation of star, tree & mesh optical network topologies using optimized Raman-EDFA Hybrid Optical Amplifier. Trends in Automation, Communications and Computing Technology (I-TACT-15), 110-116, Bangalore, India.
  • [14]Ferreira dos Santos, T M (2013). Mesh Grid Structure vs. Radial Structure Performance and Perspectives of Evolution. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • [15]İpek, MAM (2008). Elektrik Güç Sistemlerinde Geniş Alan Ölçüm Sistemi ve Fazör Ölçüm Birimi Yerleşiminin İncelemesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Türkiye.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Metin Varan This is me

Sajia Haidary This is me

İsmail Öylek This is me

Özkan Canay This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 8


APA Varan, M., Haidary, S., Öylek, İ., Canay, Ö. (2018). Akıllı Şebekelerde Güvenli Haberleşme Tabanlı Güç Akışı Analizi. Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Sciences(8), 63-74.