Research Article
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Determination of the Views of Middle School And High School Students Tübitak 4007 for the Science Fairs

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 234 - 254, 31.12.2024


Science festivals have the feature of strengthening the communication between scientific institutions and society, consisting of various activities and scientific and technological studies open to the public. Through science festivals, which are the most entertaining way of learning, it is aimed for students studying in schools in the Dulkadiroğlu district of Kahramanmaraş province to recover with the effect of science, develop a positive attitude towards science, and gain new knowledge and skills. It is important for adults who experienced the negative effects of the earthquake to have the opportunity to access science and scientific information, to become conscious scientific literate and to gain a positive attitude towards science. In this direction, with the science festival held in Kahramanmaraş province on October 17-18-19, 2024, students and adults were reunited with science in Kahramanmaraş province, where physical conditions were inadequate due to the earthquake. Through numerous workshops representing different fields, students' psychological and social needs were supported, they were given the opportunity to gain scientific literacy skills, and they were given the opportunity to experience science closely and with an entertaining experience. The effect of the science festival on the participants' gains, experiences and opinions was determined through the "Science Festival Participant Evaluation Questions". The answers to the questions were evaluated with the content analysis method, the data were coded separately and it was determined that there was consistency between the codes. When the research findings were examined, it was determined that the students generally liked the science festival and wanted it to be repeated, and that they were interested in taking part in the science festival to be held. With this area of influence, it is anticipated that the participants will be encouraged to apply and participate in the TUBITAK projects to be held, awareness will be provided in their career choices and their scientific attitudes and tendencies will develop with the opportunity to associate science with life.

Project Number



  • Adawı, W. Tom. ve Ingerman, Âke. (2006). Phenomenography for Physicists. http// pdf,
  • Adhikari, B., Hlaing, P. H., Robinson, M. T., Ruecker, A., Tan, N. H., Jatupornpimol, N., Chanviriyavuth, R., & Cheah, P. Y. (2019). Evaluation of the Pint of Science festival in Thailand. PLoS One, 14(7), e0219983.
  • Balas, A. K. (2003). Science fairs in elementary school. ERIC Clearinghouse for Science Mathematics and Environmental Education. Columbus, OH. ED432444.
  • Bencze, J. L., & Bowen, G., M. (2009). A national science fair: Exhibiting support for the knowledge economy. International Journal of Science Education, 31(18), 2459-2483.
  • Brock, R. J. (2010). “Exploring the Development of Fourth Grader’s Environmental Identity Trough Participation in a Semi – Formal Nature Club”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), The Graduate School University Of Nevada.
  • Bulunuz, M. (2007). Development Of Interest In Scıence And Interest In Teaching Elementary Science: Influence Of Informal, School, And Inquiry Methods Course Experiences. The Faculty of Education Department of Chilhood Education at Georgia State University at Atlanta, Doctoral Thesis.
  • Bunderson E.D., ve Anderson T. (1996). Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Their Past Experience With Science Fairs. Schoool Science And Mathematics, 96(7), 371-377.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2019). Eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi. 26. Baskı. Ankara.
  • Bybee, R. W. (2010). Advancing STEM education: A 2020 vision. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 70(1), 30-35. Camcı, S. (2008). Bilim şenliğine katılan ve katılmayan öğrencilerin bilim ve bilim insanlarına yönelik ilgi ve imajlarının karşılaştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Canovan, C. (2019). ‘“Going to these events truly opens your eyes”. Perceptions of science and science careers following a family visit to a science festival’. Journal of Science Communication. 18(2), 1-18.
  • Chen, J. J., Lin, H. S., Hsu, Y. S., & Lee, H. (2011). Data and claim: The refınement of science fair work through argumentation. Journal of Science Education. 147-164.
  • Cook, H. M. (2003). Elementary School Teachers and Successful Science Fairs. The Faculty of The Graduate School at North Carolina at Greensboro, Doctoral Thesis, UMI Number: 3093864.
  • Conezio, K., & French, L. (2002). Science in the preschool classroom. Young children, 57(5), 12-18.
  • Czerniak, C. M. (1996). Predictors of Success in a District Science Fair Competition: An Exploratory Study, School Science ve Mathematics, 1-18.
  • Czerniak, M. C., & Lumpe, A. T. (1996). Predictors of science fair participation using the theory of planned behavior. School Science and Mathematics, 96(7), 355-361.
  • Dionne, L., Reis, G., Trudel, L., Guillet, G., Kleine, L. & Hancianu, C. ( 2012). Students’ sources of motivation for participating in science fairs: an exploratory study within the canada-wide science fair 2008. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(3), 669–693.
  • Eick, C. J. (2012). “Use of the Outdoor Classroom and Nature Study to Support Science and Literacy Learning: A Narrative Case Study of a Third Grade Classroom”, The Association for Science Teacher Education, 23(7), 789- 803.
  • Entwistle, N. (1997). Introduction: Phenomenography in Higher Education. Higher Education Research and Development, 16: 127- 134.
  • Fitzgerald, S., & Hines, M. L. (1996, February). SIGCSE '96 Proceedings of the twentyseventh SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education. Pennsylvania, USA. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Grand, A., & Sardo, A. M. (2017). What works in the field? Evaluating informal science events. Frontiers in Communication, 2, 22.
  • Jaworski, B. A. (2013). The effects of science fairs on students’ knowledge of scientific inquiry and interest in science. Masters of Science, Montana State University, Montana.
  • Kennedy, E. B., Jensen, E. A., & Verbeke, M. (2017). Preaching to the scientifically converted: evaluating inclusivity in science festival audiences. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 8(1), 14-21.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2015). Qualitative Research: Designing, Implementing, and Publishing a Study. In Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods (pp. 125- 140). IGI Global.
  • Mbowane, C. K. ., de Villiers, R. ve Braun, M. W. H. (2017). Teacher participation in science fairs as professional development in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 113(7), 72–79.
  • Pearce, A. R., Yanowitz, K. L., & Grippo, A. A. (2015). How we engaged audiences in ınformal science education through the inaugural Arkansas Science Festival. Science education & civic engagement: An international journal, 7 (2), 63-67.
  • Rillero, P. (2011). A standards-based science fair. Science and Children, 48(8), 32-36.
  • Saljö, R. (1988). Learning in Educational Settings: Methods of Inquiry. In P. Ramsden (Ed.), Improving Learning. New Perspectives, (pp. 32-48), London: Kogan Page.
  • Stemler, S. E. (2015). "Content Analysis", in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource, 1-14.
  • Şen, A. İ. (2019). Okul dışı öğrenme nedir?. Şen, A.İ. (Ed.), Okul dışı öğrenme ortamları içinde (s.1-20). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Şen, A.İ. ve Yaşar, B. (2021). Sağlık merkezleri. Şen, A.İ. (Ed.), Etkinliklerle okul dışı öğrenme ortamları içinde s.(275-310). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Yaşar, B. (2022). Student ımages from outside learning areas to museums. 2nd Internatonal Congress on Informal Learnng. 10-12 Haziran, Ankara-Türkiye.
  • Yaşar, B. (2022). Student opinions on the ancient city of kahramanmaras germenicia. 2nd Internatonal Congress. 10-12 Haziran, Ankara-Türkiye.

Tübitak 4007 Bilim Şenliğine İlişkin Ortaokul ve Lise Öğrencilerinin Görüşlerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 234 - 254, 31.12.2024


Bilim şenlikleri bilim kurumları ile toplum arasındaki iletişimi güçlendiren, çeşitli etkinlikleri ile halka açık bilimsel ve teknolojik çalışmalardan oluşan özelliğe sahiptir. Öğrenmenin en eğlenceli yolu olan bilim şenlikleri aracılığıyla Kahramanmaraş ili Dulkadiroğlu ilçesindeki okullarda öğrenim görmekte olan öğrencilerin; bilimin etkisiyle iyileşmeleri, bilime karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmeleri, yeni bilgi ve beceriler kazanmaları amaçlanmıştır. Depremin olumsuz etkisini yaşayan yetişkinlerin de bilime ve bilimsel bilgiye erişim fırsatı kazanmalarına, bilinçli bilim okuryazarı olmalarına ve bilime ilişkin olumlu tutum kazanmalarına önem verilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda 17-18-19 Ekim 2024 tarihinde Kahramanmaraş ilinde gerçekleştirilen bilim şenliği ile öğrencilerin ve yetişkinlerin depremden kaynaklı fiziki şartların yetersiz olduğu Kahramanmaraş ilinde bilimle yeniden buluşması sağlanmıştır. Farklı alanları temsil eden çok sayıda atölye aracılığıyla öğrencilerin psikolojik ve sosyal ihtiyaçları desteklemiş, bilim okuryazarlığı becerisi kazanmalarına imkân verilmiş, bilimi yakından ve eğlenceli bir deneyim ile yaşamalarına fırsat tanınmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen bilim şenliğinin katılımcıların kazanımlarına, deneyimlerine ve görüşlerine etkisi “Bilim Şenliği Katılımcı Değerlendirme Soruları” aracılığıyla belirlenmiştir. Soruların yanıtları içerik analizi yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiş, veriler ayrı ayrı kodlanmış ve kodlamalar arasında tutarlık olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları incelendiğinde öğrencilerin genel olarak; gerçekleştirilen bilim şenliğini beğendikleri ve tekrarlanmasını istedikleri, gerçekleştirilecek bilim şenliğinde görev alma yönünde ilgilerinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu etki alanı ile katılımcıların gerçekleştirilecek TÜBİTAK projelerine başvuru ve katılımlarını sağlamada teşvik oluşturması, meslek seçimlerinde farkındalık sağlanması ve bilimi yaşamla ilişkilendirme imkânı ile bilimsel tutumlarının ve eğilimlerinin de gelişmesi öngörülmektedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışmanın, özgün bir çalışma olduğunu; çalışmanın hazırlık, veri toplama, analiz ve bilgilerin sunumu olmak üzere tüm aşamalarından bilimsel etik ilke ve kurallarına uygun davrandığımı; bu çalışma kapsamında elde edilmeyen tüm veri ve bilgiler için kaynak gösterdiğimi ve bu kaynaklara kaynakçada yer verdiğimi; kullanılan verilerde herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadığımı beyan ederim.

Supporting Institution

TÜBİTAK 4007 - Bilim Şenlikleri Destekleme Programı

Project Number



  • Adawı, W. Tom. ve Ingerman, Âke. (2006). Phenomenography for Physicists. http// pdf,
  • Adhikari, B., Hlaing, P. H., Robinson, M. T., Ruecker, A., Tan, N. H., Jatupornpimol, N., Chanviriyavuth, R., & Cheah, P. Y. (2019). Evaluation of the Pint of Science festival in Thailand. PLoS One, 14(7), e0219983.
  • Balas, A. K. (2003). Science fairs in elementary school. ERIC Clearinghouse for Science Mathematics and Environmental Education. Columbus, OH. ED432444.
  • Bencze, J. L., & Bowen, G., M. (2009). A national science fair: Exhibiting support for the knowledge economy. International Journal of Science Education, 31(18), 2459-2483.
  • Brock, R. J. (2010). “Exploring the Development of Fourth Grader’s Environmental Identity Trough Participation in a Semi – Formal Nature Club”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), The Graduate School University Of Nevada.
  • Bulunuz, M. (2007). Development Of Interest In Scıence And Interest In Teaching Elementary Science: Influence Of Informal, School, And Inquiry Methods Course Experiences. The Faculty of Education Department of Chilhood Education at Georgia State University at Atlanta, Doctoral Thesis.
  • Bunderson E.D., ve Anderson T. (1996). Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Their Past Experience With Science Fairs. Schoool Science And Mathematics, 96(7), 371-377.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2019). Eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi. 26. Baskı. Ankara.
  • Bybee, R. W. (2010). Advancing STEM education: A 2020 vision. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 70(1), 30-35. Camcı, S. (2008). Bilim şenliğine katılan ve katılmayan öğrencilerin bilim ve bilim insanlarına yönelik ilgi ve imajlarının karşılaştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Canovan, C. (2019). ‘“Going to these events truly opens your eyes”. Perceptions of science and science careers following a family visit to a science festival’. Journal of Science Communication. 18(2), 1-18.
  • Chen, J. J., Lin, H. S., Hsu, Y. S., & Lee, H. (2011). Data and claim: The refınement of science fair work through argumentation. Journal of Science Education. 147-164.
  • Cook, H. M. (2003). Elementary School Teachers and Successful Science Fairs. The Faculty of The Graduate School at North Carolina at Greensboro, Doctoral Thesis, UMI Number: 3093864.
  • Conezio, K., & French, L. (2002). Science in the preschool classroom. Young children, 57(5), 12-18.
  • Czerniak, C. M. (1996). Predictors of Success in a District Science Fair Competition: An Exploratory Study, School Science ve Mathematics, 1-18.
  • Czerniak, M. C., & Lumpe, A. T. (1996). Predictors of science fair participation using the theory of planned behavior. School Science and Mathematics, 96(7), 355-361.
  • Dionne, L., Reis, G., Trudel, L., Guillet, G., Kleine, L. & Hancianu, C. ( 2012). Students’ sources of motivation for participating in science fairs: an exploratory study within the canada-wide science fair 2008. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(3), 669–693.
  • Eick, C. J. (2012). “Use of the Outdoor Classroom and Nature Study to Support Science and Literacy Learning: A Narrative Case Study of a Third Grade Classroom”, The Association for Science Teacher Education, 23(7), 789- 803.
  • Entwistle, N. (1997). Introduction: Phenomenography in Higher Education. Higher Education Research and Development, 16: 127- 134.
  • Fitzgerald, S., & Hines, M. L. (1996, February). SIGCSE '96 Proceedings of the twentyseventh SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education. Pennsylvania, USA. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Grand, A., & Sardo, A. M. (2017). What works in the field? Evaluating informal science events. Frontiers in Communication, 2, 22.
  • Jaworski, B. A. (2013). The effects of science fairs on students’ knowledge of scientific inquiry and interest in science. Masters of Science, Montana State University, Montana.
  • Kennedy, E. B., Jensen, E. A., & Verbeke, M. (2017). Preaching to the scientifically converted: evaluating inclusivity in science festival audiences. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 8(1), 14-21.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2015). Qualitative Research: Designing, Implementing, and Publishing a Study. In Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods (pp. 125- 140). IGI Global.
  • Mbowane, C. K. ., de Villiers, R. ve Braun, M. W. H. (2017). Teacher participation in science fairs as professional development in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 113(7), 72–79.
  • Pearce, A. R., Yanowitz, K. L., & Grippo, A. A. (2015). How we engaged audiences in ınformal science education through the inaugural Arkansas Science Festival. Science education & civic engagement: An international journal, 7 (2), 63-67.
  • Rillero, P. (2011). A standards-based science fair. Science and Children, 48(8), 32-36.
  • Saljö, R. (1988). Learning in Educational Settings: Methods of Inquiry. In P. Ramsden (Ed.), Improving Learning. New Perspectives, (pp. 32-48), London: Kogan Page.
  • Stemler, S. E. (2015). "Content Analysis", in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource, 1-14.
  • Şen, A. İ. (2019). Okul dışı öğrenme nedir?. Şen, A.İ. (Ed.), Okul dışı öğrenme ortamları içinde (s.1-20). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Şen, A.İ. ve Yaşar, B. (2021). Sağlık merkezleri. Şen, A.İ. (Ed.), Etkinliklerle okul dışı öğrenme ortamları içinde s.(275-310). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Yaşar, B. (2022). Student ımages from outside learning areas to museums. 2nd Internatonal Congress on Informal Learnng. 10-12 Haziran, Ankara-Türkiye.
  • Yaşar, B. (2022). Student opinions on the ancient city of kahramanmaras germenicia. 2nd Internatonal Congress. 10-12 Haziran, Ankara-Türkiye.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Informal Learning
Journal Section Makaleler

Başak Uygun 0000-0002-6354-0405

Ertuğrul Tekerek 0009-0004-7848-4022

Project Number 24B658
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date December 17, 2024
Acceptance Date December 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Uygun, B., & Tekerek, E. (2024). Tübitak 4007 Bilim Şenliğine İlişkin Ortaokul ve Lise Öğrencilerinin Görüşlerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Research in Informal Environments, 9(2), 234-254.