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Tifoya bağlı terminal ileum perforasyonları; İdeal cerrahi tedavi

Year 2011, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 1 - 4, 01.06.2011


İleum perforasyonları, özellikle Hindistan gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, tifoya bağlı en ölümcül komplikasyonlardan birisidir. Tedavide başlıca yaklaşım cerrahi tedavidir. Bu çalışmaya 31 vaka alındı. Hastaların 18’i erkek, 13’ü kadın (M / F ratio: 1.38 / 1) ve ortalama yaşları 17.4 idi. Primer tamir yapılan 9 vakanın 4’ü öldü (%44). Patch (yama) tamiri uygulanan 9 vakanın 4’ü öldü. Rezeksiyon ve uc-uca anastomoz yapılan vakaların 3’ü öldü (%42). Stoma uygulaması yapılan 6 vakadan ise sadece bir tanesi öldü (%17). Sonuç olarak, perforasyolu kısmı taşıyan ansın rutin olarak dışarıya alınmasını ve loop ileostomi yapılmasını öneriyoruz.


Year 2011, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 1 - 4, 01.06.2011


Ileal perforation is one of the most lethal complications of enteric fever particularly in a developing country like India. Surgical treatment is considered the treatment of choice. A total 31 patients was included in the study. There were 18 males and 13 females (M: F=1.38:1), mean age was 17.4 years. Simple repair was done in 9 patients, out of which 4 (44%) died. Patch repair was done in 9 patients, out of which 4 (44%) died. Seven patients underwent resection and anastomosis, among them 3 (42%) died. We did stoma ie exteriorisation of gut in 6 patients, and we lost only one (17%) from them. In conclusion, we advocate routine exteriorisation of the segment of bowel bearing the perforation and fashioning it as a loop ileostomy for all cases.

There are 0 citations in total.


Other ID JA79VZ68RY
Journal Section Research Article

Pankaj K Sonar This is me

Purnendu Bhowmik This is me

Arkaprovo Roy This is me

Sandip Majumdar This is me

Nabankur Ghosh This is me

Pradip Mohanta This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Submission Date June 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


Vancouver Sonar PK, Bhowmik P, Roy A, Majumdar S, Ghosh N, Mohanta P. TERMINAL ILEAL PERFORATION DUE TO ENTERIC FEVER; THE IDEAL SURGICAL MANAGEMENT. JSurgArts. 2011;4(2):1-4.

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