İçmesuyu Dağıtım Sistemlerinde Sızıntı Yönetimi için Hidrolik Modelin Oluşturulması ve Kalibrasyonu
Year 2024,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 95 - 107, 31.12.2024
Furkan Boztaş
Mahmut Fırat
İçmesuyu dağıtım sistemlerinde farklı oranlarda sızıntı meydana gelmektedir. Sızıntılar üzerinde şebeke özellikleri, yüksek basınç, çevresel faktörler ve işletme faktörleri etkilidir. Dağıtım sisteminde arızalardan kaynaklanan sızıntı hacminin azaltılması için sahada tespit ve izleme faaliyetleri uygulanmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, şebeke davranışının anlaşılması ve hidrolik bileşenlerin izlenmesi için İzole Ölçüm Bölge bazlı hidrolik modelin oluşturulması ve kalibrasyonu amaçlanmıştır. Hidrolik modelde, tüketim verileri, şebeke topolojik, karakteristik ve boru pürüzlülük bilgileri esas alınmaktadır. Modelin sızıntı yönetiminde uygulanabilmesi için modelden elde edilen basınçlar sahada ölçülen basınçlar ile kıyaslanarak kalibrasyon yapılmalıdır. Şebeke bilgilerinin eksik veya hatalı alınması bu iki basınç arasındaki farkın fazla olmasına neden olmaktadır. Model kalibrasyonunun sağlanmamasında özellikle, şebeke topolojisinin eksik oluşturulması, pürüzlülük ve tüketim bilgilerinin eksik veya yanlış alınması gibi temel veriler etkili olmaktadır. Kalibre edilmiş hidrolik modelde, düğüm noktalarında basınç değişimleri izlenerek potansiyel sızıntıların farkına varılması ve önlenmesi mümkün olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen sonuçların sızıntı yönetiminde ve hidrolik analizinde referans oluşturacağı düşünülmektedir.
Project Number
This study was supported by Inonu University Scientific Research Project Unit (IUBAP- FDK-2020-2054).
This study was supported by Inonu University Scientific Research Project Unit (IUBAP- FDK-2020-2054).
- D. Pearson, Standard Definitions for Water Losses. London, UK: IWA Publishing. 2019.
- C. Bozkurt, “Development of Optimization Based Optimum Strategy Model for Water Loss Management and Control. “Ph.D. Thesis, İnönü University, Institute of Science, 2022.
- A. Knobloch, P. Klingel, “Water balance auditing as basis for water loss management. State-of-the-art and current practices, “Fachberichte Wasserverlustmanagement gwf-Wasser Abwasser, 1226–11233, 2013.
- M. Feldman, April). “Aspects of energy efficiency in water supply systems,” In Proceedings of the 5th IWA water loss reduction specialist conference, vol. 26, pp. 30, 2009.
- D.C. Morais, A.T. de Almeida, “Group decision-making for leakage management strategy of water network, “Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 52(2), 441-459.
- M.R.N. Vilanova, J.A.P. Balestieri, “Energy and hydraulic efficiency in conventional water supply systems,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 30, 701-714, 2014.
- T. Al Qahtani, M.S. Yaakob, N. Yidris, S. Sulaiman, K.A. Ahmad, “A review on water leakage detection method in the water distribution network,” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 68(2), 152-163, 2020.
- T. Mu, M. Huang, H. Tan, G. Chen, R. Zhang, “Pressure and water quality integrated sensor placement considering leakage and contamination intrusion within water distribution systems,”ACS ES&T Water, 1(11), 2348-2358, 2021.
- O. Hunaidi, W. Chu, A. Wang, W. Guan, “Detecting leaks in plastic pipes,” Journal‐American Water Works Association, 92(2), 82-94, 2000.
- S. Zhou, Z. O'Neill, C. O'Neill, “A review of leakage detection methods for district heating networks,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 137, 567-574, 2018.
- Qu, Z., Feng, H., Zeng, Z., Zhuge, J., & Jin, S. (2010). A SVM-based pipeline leakage detection and pre-warning system. Measurement, 43(4), 513-519.
- X. Wang, M.S. Ghidaoui, “Pipeline leak detection using the matched-field processing method,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(6), 04018030, 2018.
- H. Aboelnga, M. Saidan, R. Al-Weshah, M. Sturm, L. Ribbe, F.B. Frechen, “Component analysis for optimal leakage management in Madaba, Jordan,” Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA, 67(4), 384-396, 2018.
- A. Gupta, K.D. Kulat, “A selective literature review on leak management techniques for water distribution system,” Water Resources Management, 32, 3247-3269, 2018.
- S. Sophocleous, D. Savić, Z. Kapelan, “Leak localization in a real water distribution network based on search-space reduction,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(7), 04019024, 2019.
- X. Diao, J. Jiang, G. Shen, Z. Chi, Z. Wang, L. Ni, Y. Hao, “An improved variational mode decomposition method based on particle swarm optimization for leak detection of liquid pipelines,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143, 106787, 2020.
- X. Hu, Y. Han, B. Yu, Z. Geng, J. Fan, “Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 123611, 2021.
- O. Bello, A.M. Abu-Mahfouz, Y. Hamam, P.R. Page, K.B. Adedeji, O. Piller, “Solving management problems in water distribution networks: A survey of approaches and mathematical models,” Water, 11(3), 562, 2019.
- B. Boztaş, “Creating A Leakage Detection Model for Water Distribution Networks By Using Heuristic And Statistical Methods,” PhD Thesis, İnönü University, Institute of Science, 2023.
- K.E. Lansey, W. El-Shorbagy, I. Ahmed, J. Araujo, C.T. Haan, “Calibration assessment and data collection for water distribution networks,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127(4), 270-279, 2021.
- D. Sarisen, V. Koukoravas, R. Farmani, Z. Kapelan, F.A. Memon, “Review of hydraulic modelling approaches for intermittent water supply systems,” AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 71(12), 1291-1310, 2022.
- A. Zanfei, A. Menapace, S. Santopietro, M. Righetti, “Calibration procedure for water distribution systems: Comparison among hydraulic models,” Water, 12(5), 1421, 2020.
- F. Boztaş, Ö. Özdemir, F.M. Durmuşçelebi, M. Firat, “Analyzing the effect of the unreported leakages in service connections of water distribution networks on non-revenue water,” Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 16, 4393–4406, 2019.
Creation and Calibration of Hydraulic Model for Leakage Management in Water Distribution Systems
Year 2024,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 95 - 107, 31.12.2024
Furkan Boztaş
Mahmut Fırat
Leaks occur at different rates in water distribution systems (WDSs). Network characteristics, high pressure, environmental factors and operational factors are effective on leaks. Field detection and monitoring activities should be implemented to reduce the volume of leaks resulting from faults in the WDS. The aim of this study is to create and calibrate the district metered area (DMA) based hydraulic model to understand the network behavior and monitor the hydraulic components. The hydraulic model is based on consumption data, network topology, characteristics and pipe roughness information. Calibration should be performed by comparing the pressures obtained from the model with the pressures measured in the field in order to apply the model in leakage management. Incomplete or incorrect network information may cause the difference between these two pressures to be large. In particular, basic data such as incomplete creation of the network topology, incomplete or incorrect acquisition of roughness and consumption information are effective in not providing model calibration. In the calibrated hydraulic model, it is possible to detect and prevent potential leaks by monitoring pressure changes at the nodes. It is thought that the results obtained in this study will constitute a reference in leakage management and hydraulic analysis.
Project Number
This study was supported by Inonu University Scientific Research Project Unit (IUBAP- FDK-2020-2054).
- D. Pearson, Standard Definitions for Water Losses. London, UK: IWA Publishing. 2019.
- C. Bozkurt, “Development of Optimization Based Optimum Strategy Model for Water Loss Management and Control. “Ph.D. Thesis, İnönü University, Institute of Science, 2022.
- A. Knobloch, P. Klingel, “Water balance auditing as basis for water loss management. State-of-the-art and current practices, “Fachberichte Wasserverlustmanagement gwf-Wasser Abwasser, 1226–11233, 2013.
- M. Feldman, April). “Aspects of energy efficiency in water supply systems,” In Proceedings of the 5th IWA water loss reduction specialist conference, vol. 26, pp. 30, 2009.
- D.C. Morais, A.T. de Almeida, “Group decision-making for leakage management strategy of water network, “Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 52(2), 441-459.
- M.R.N. Vilanova, J.A.P. Balestieri, “Energy and hydraulic efficiency in conventional water supply systems,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 30, 701-714, 2014.
- T. Al Qahtani, M.S. Yaakob, N. Yidris, S. Sulaiman, K.A. Ahmad, “A review on water leakage detection method in the water distribution network,” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 68(2), 152-163, 2020.
- T. Mu, M. Huang, H. Tan, G. Chen, R. Zhang, “Pressure and water quality integrated sensor placement considering leakage and contamination intrusion within water distribution systems,”ACS ES&T Water, 1(11), 2348-2358, 2021.
- O. Hunaidi, W. Chu, A. Wang, W. Guan, “Detecting leaks in plastic pipes,” Journal‐American Water Works Association, 92(2), 82-94, 2000.
- S. Zhou, Z. O'Neill, C. O'Neill, “A review of leakage detection methods for district heating networks,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 137, 567-574, 2018.
- Qu, Z., Feng, H., Zeng, Z., Zhuge, J., & Jin, S. (2010). A SVM-based pipeline leakage detection and pre-warning system. Measurement, 43(4), 513-519.
- X. Wang, M.S. Ghidaoui, “Pipeline leak detection using the matched-field processing method,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(6), 04018030, 2018.
- H. Aboelnga, M. Saidan, R. Al-Weshah, M. Sturm, L. Ribbe, F.B. Frechen, “Component analysis for optimal leakage management in Madaba, Jordan,” Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA, 67(4), 384-396, 2018.
- A. Gupta, K.D. Kulat, “A selective literature review on leak management techniques for water distribution system,” Water Resources Management, 32, 3247-3269, 2018.
- S. Sophocleous, D. Savić, Z. Kapelan, “Leak localization in a real water distribution network based on search-space reduction,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(7), 04019024, 2019.
- X. Diao, J. Jiang, G. Shen, Z. Chi, Z. Wang, L. Ni, Y. Hao, “An improved variational mode decomposition method based on particle swarm optimization for leak detection of liquid pipelines,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143, 106787, 2020.
- X. Hu, Y. Han, B. Yu, Z. Geng, J. Fan, “Novel leakage detection and water loss management of urban water supply network using multiscale neural networks,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 123611, 2021.
- O. Bello, A.M. Abu-Mahfouz, Y. Hamam, P.R. Page, K.B. Adedeji, O. Piller, “Solving management problems in water distribution networks: A survey of approaches and mathematical models,” Water, 11(3), 562, 2019.
- B. Boztaş, “Creating A Leakage Detection Model for Water Distribution Networks By Using Heuristic And Statistical Methods,” PhD Thesis, İnönü University, Institute of Science, 2023.
- K.E. Lansey, W. El-Shorbagy, I. Ahmed, J. Araujo, C.T. Haan, “Calibration assessment and data collection for water distribution networks,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127(4), 270-279, 2021.
- D. Sarisen, V. Koukoravas, R. Farmani, Z. Kapelan, F.A. Memon, “Review of hydraulic modelling approaches for intermittent water supply systems,” AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 71(12), 1291-1310, 2022.
- A. Zanfei, A. Menapace, S. Santopietro, M. Righetti, “Calibration procedure for water distribution systems: Comparison among hydraulic models,” Water, 12(5), 1421, 2020.
- F. Boztaş, Ö. Özdemir, F.M. Durmuşçelebi, M. Firat, “Analyzing the effect of the unreported leakages in service connections of water distribution networks on non-revenue water,” Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 16, 4393–4406, 2019.