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The carbon footprint of construction industry: A review of direct and indirect emission

Year 2021, , 101 - 115, 30.09.2021


The construction industry is considered to be among the major sectors that contribute significantly toward the emission of GHGs in our environment, which have a major effect on the climate change, and is approximately responsible for about 19 percent of the overall GHG emission globally, rendering it a pollution hotspot requiring urgent mitigation measures. Unfortunately, there are few studies on this subject to help construction companies meet their low-carbon targets. As a result, this paper reviewed the contributions of researchers across the globe towards carbon dioxide and other GHGs emissions from the industry. After a systematic review of some of these studies, it was found that the majority of researchers focused primarily on a specific feature of the construction industry, a case study of a particular country/city or region, using the Life Cycle Assessment approach. And, even those who have studied similar aspects such as cement or steel, have all used different methodologies, units, and techniques of reporting. As such, a comparison between the findings of the literature is unrealistic. Despite this, the scope of the emission from the construction industry is remarkably clear, and the carbon findings can be found throughout the literature.


  • [1] Baradan, B. Yazıcı, H. Aydın, S. (2015). “Beton”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, No. 334, İzmir, p. 428.
  • [2] Rashad, A. M. (2014). Recycled waste glass as fine aggregate replacement in cementitious materials based on Portland cement. Construction and building materials, 72, 340-357.
  • [3] Rodier, L., & Savastano Jr, H. (2018). Use of glass powder residue for the elaboration of eco-efficient cementitious materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 333-341.
  • [4] Gutiérrez, A. S., Eras, J. J. C., Gaviria, C. A., Van Caneghem, J., & Vandecasteele, C. (2017). Improved selection of the functional unit in environmental impact assessment of cement. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 463-473.
  • [5] Tamanna, N., Sutan, N. M., Lee, D. T. C., & Yakub, I. (2013, July). Utilization of waste glass in concrete. In Proceedings of the 6th International Engineering Conference, Energy and Environment (ENCON 2013), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (pp. 2-4).
  • [6] Chen, C., Habert, G., Bouzidi, Y., & Jullien, A. (2010). Environmental impact of cement production: detail of the different processes and cement plant variability evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(5), 478-485.
  • [7] Omprakaash, P., Vanitha, S., Samuel, J., & Rajkumar, S. (2015). Identifying the sustainability of concrete by partial replacement of cement with glass powder, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (1), 563-571.
  • [8] Raju, S., & Kumar, P. R. (2014). Effect of using glass powder in concrete. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 31, 21-427.
  • [9] Elaqra, H. A., Abou Haloub, M. A., & Rustom, R. N. (2019). Effect of new mixing method of glass powder as cement replacement on mechanical behavior of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 203, 75-82.
  • [10] Rahma, A., El Naber, N., & Issa Ismail, S. (2017). Effect of glass powder on the compression strength and the workability of concrete. Cogent Engineering, 4(1), 1373415.
  • [11] Shi, C., Wu, Y., Riefler, C., & Wang, H. (2005). Characteristics and pozzolanic reactivity of glass powders. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(5), 987-993.
  • [12] Sharma, A., & Sangamnerkar, A. (2015). Glass Powder–A Partial Replacement for Cement. Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore (MP), India “International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM) Volume, 1.
  • [13] Mehmet, U. Z. U. N., Çöğürcü, M. T., & Keskin, Ü. S. Cam Tozunun Beton Basınç Dayanımına Etkisi. Beykent Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 42-51.
  • [14] Mageswari, M., & Vidivelli, D. B. (2010). The use of sheet glass powder as fine aggregate replacement in concrete. The open civil engineering Journal, 4(1).
  • [15] Meena, A., & Singh, R. (2012). Comparative study of waste glass powder as pozzolanic material in concrete (Doctoral dissertation).
  • [16] Patel, D., Tiwari, R. P., Shrivastava, R., & Yadav, R. K. (2019). Effective utilization of waste glass powder as the substitution of cement in making paste and mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 199, 406-415.
  • [17] Du, H., & Tan, K. H. (2014). Waste glass powder as cement replacement in concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 12(11), 468-477.
  • [18] Vijayakumar, G., Vishaliny, H., & Govindarajulu, D. (2013). Studies on glass powder as partial replacement of cement in concrete production. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 3(2), 153-157.
  • [19] Madandoust, R., & Ghavidel, R. (2013). Mechanical properties of concrete containing waste glass powder and rice husk ash. Biosystems engineering, 116(2), 113-119.
  • [20] Islam, G. S., Rahman, M., & Kazi, N. (2017). Waste glass powder as partial replacement of cement for sustainable concrete practice. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(1), 37-44.
  • [21] Pachideh, G., Gholhaki, M., & Ketabdari, H. (2020). Effect of pozzolanic wastes on mechanical properties, durability and microstructure of the cementitious mortars. Journal of Building Engineering, 29, 101178.
  • [22] Du, H., & Tan, K. H. (2017). Properties of high volume glass powder concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 75, 22-29.
  • [23] Kamali, M., & Ghahremaninezhad, A. (2015). Effect of glass powders on the mechanical and durability properties of cementitious materials. Construction and building materials, 98, 407-416.
  • [24] Matos, A. M., & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2012). Durability of mortar using waste glass powder as cement replacement. Construction and building materials, 36, 205-215.
  • [25] Mirzahosseini, M., & Riding, K. A. (2014). Effect of curing temperature and glass type on the pozzolanic reactivity of glass powder. Cement and Concrete Research, 58, 103-111.
  • [26] Topçu, İ. B., Bilir, T., & Baylavlı, H. (2008). Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Betonun Özellikleri. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 1-22.
  • [27] Rasekh, H., Joshaghani, A., Jahandari, S., Aslani, F., & Ghodrat, M. (2020). Rheology and workability of SCC. In Self-compacting concrete: materials, properties and applications (pp. 31-63). Woodhead Publishing.
  • [28] Khayat, K. H., & De Schutter, G. (2014). Mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete (Vol. 14, p. 161). Springer.
  • [29] Doremus, R. H. (1994). Glass science. Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
  • [30] Dumitru, I., & Song, T. (2018). Waste glass. In Waste and Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Concrete (pp. 257-288). Woodhead Publishing.
  • [31] Günay, V., Yılmaz. Ş. (2010). Cam-Seramikler: bilim ve teknolojisi. Tübitak Mam Malzeme Enstitüsü.
  • [32] Onaran, K., Bilimi, M., & Basım, Y. (2006). Bilim teknik yayınevi.
  • [33] Scholze, H. (1991). Properties of Glass. In Glass (pp. 156-364). Springer, New York, NY.
  • [34] Kavas, T., Çelik, M. Y., & Evcin, A. (2004). Cam atıklarının çimento üretiminde katkı maddesi olarak kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması, 5. Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Sempozyumu, 13-14.
  • [35] Kalakada, Z., Doh, J. H., & Chowdhury, S. (2019). Glass powder as replacement of cement for concrete–an investigative study. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-18.
  • [36] Jiang, Y., Ling, T. C., Mo, K. H., & Shi, C. (2019). A critical review of waste glass powder–Multiple roles of utilization in cement-based materials and construction products. Journal of environmental management, 242, 440-449.
  • [37] Panchal, S., Sharma, S., Khan, M. M., Sharma, A., & Roy, A. K. (2017). Effect of Glass Reinforcement and Glass Powder On The Characteristics Of Concrete. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(3), 637-647.
  • [38] Tokyay, M. (2018). Cement and concrete mineral admixtures. Henry Ling Limited.
  • [39] Anwar, A. (2016). The influence of waste glass powder as a pozzolanic material in concrete. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 7(6), 131-148.
  • [40] Yücel, H.E. (2018), "The Effect of Waste Glass Powder using Instead of Fly Ash on the Fresh, Mechanical and Durability Properties of Self Compacting Concretes" Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 33(2), 153-164,
  • [41] Arivalagan, S., & Sethuraman, V. S. (2021). Experimental study on the mechanical properties of concrete by partial replacement of glass powder as fine aggregate: An environmental friendly approach. Materials Today: Proceedings, 45, 6035-6041.
  • [42] Praba, M., Vanitha, S., & Rajkumar, J. S. S. (2015). Identifying The Sustainability of Concrete By Partial Replacement of Cement With Glass Powder. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(1), 563-571.
  • [43] Rahman, S., & Uddin, M. N. (2018). Experimental investigation of concrete with glass powder as partial replacement of cement. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6(3), 149-154.
  • [44] Aliabdo, A. A., Abd Elmoaty, M., & Aboshama, A. Y. (2016). Utilization of waste glass powder in the production of cement and concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 124, 866-877.
  • [45] Prasetyo, W. A., Sunarsih, E. S., Sucipto, T. L. A., & Rahmawati, K. (2021, March). Enhancing Tensile Strength and Porosity of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) with Glass Waste Powder. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1808, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.
  • [46] Noorzyafiqi, D., Srisunarsih, E., Sucipto, T. L. A., & Siswanto, B. (2021, March). Enhancing Slump Flow, Specific Gravity, and Compressive Strenght Material Properties of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) with Glass Waste Powder. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1808, No. 1, p. 012013). IOP Publishing.
  • [47] Khudair, Y. A., Mohammed, M. K., & Hama, S. M. (2020, November). Optimization of glass powder content in self-compacting concrete as partial replacement of cement. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 928, No. 2, p. 022140). IOP Publishing.
  • [48] Rehman, S., Iqbal, S., & Ali, A. (2018). Combined influence of glass powder and granular steel slag on fresh and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 178, 153-160.
  • [49] Tariq, S., Scott, A. N., Mackechnie, J. R., & Shah, V. (2020). Durability of high volume glass powder self-compacting concrete. Applied Sciences, 10(22), 8058.
  • [50] Liu, M. (2011). Incorporating ground glass in self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 25(2), 919-925.
  • [51] Gokulnath, V., Ramesh, B., & Priyadharsan, K. (2020). Influence of M-Sand in self compacting concrete with addition of glass powder in M-25 grade. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 535-540.
  • [52] Gokulnath, V., Ramesh, B., & Suvesha, S. (2020). Influence on flexural properties of glass powder in self compacting concrete. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 788-792.
  • [53] Ali-Boucetta, T., Behim, M., Cassagnabere, F., Mouret, M., Ayat, A., & Laifa, W. (2021). Durability of self-compacting concrete containing waste bottle glass and granulated slag. Construction and Building Materials, 270, 121133.
  • [54] Matos, A. M., Ramos, T., Nunes, S., & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2016). Durability enhancement of SCC with waste glass powder. Materials Research, 19(1), 67–74.
Year 2021, , 101 - 115, 30.09.2021



  • [1] Baradan, B. Yazıcı, H. Aydın, S. (2015). “Beton”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, No. 334, İzmir, p. 428.
  • [2] Rashad, A. M. (2014). Recycled waste glass as fine aggregate replacement in cementitious materials based on Portland cement. Construction and building materials, 72, 340-357.
  • [3] Rodier, L., & Savastano Jr, H. (2018). Use of glass powder residue for the elaboration of eco-efficient cementitious materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 333-341.
  • [4] Gutiérrez, A. S., Eras, J. J. C., Gaviria, C. A., Van Caneghem, J., & Vandecasteele, C. (2017). Improved selection of the functional unit in environmental impact assessment of cement. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 463-473.
  • [5] Tamanna, N., Sutan, N. M., Lee, D. T. C., & Yakub, I. (2013, July). Utilization of waste glass in concrete. In Proceedings of the 6th International Engineering Conference, Energy and Environment (ENCON 2013), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (pp. 2-4).
  • [6] Chen, C., Habert, G., Bouzidi, Y., & Jullien, A. (2010). Environmental impact of cement production: detail of the different processes and cement plant variability evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(5), 478-485.
  • [7] Omprakaash, P., Vanitha, S., Samuel, J., & Rajkumar, S. (2015). Identifying the sustainability of concrete by partial replacement of cement with glass powder, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (1), 563-571.
  • [8] Raju, S., & Kumar, P. R. (2014). Effect of using glass powder in concrete. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 31, 21-427.
  • [9] Elaqra, H. A., Abou Haloub, M. A., & Rustom, R. N. (2019). Effect of new mixing method of glass powder as cement replacement on mechanical behavior of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 203, 75-82.
  • [10] Rahma, A., El Naber, N., & Issa Ismail, S. (2017). Effect of glass powder on the compression strength and the workability of concrete. Cogent Engineering, 4(1), 1373415.
  • [11] Shi, C., Wu, Y., Riefler, C., & Wang, H. (2005). Characteristics and pozzolanic reactivity of glass powders. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(5), 987-993.
  • [12] Sharma, A., & Sangamnerkar, A. (2015). Glass Powder–A Partial Replacement for Cement. Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore (MP), India “International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM) Volume, 1.
  • [13] Mehmet, U. Z. U. N., Çöğürcü, M. T., & Keskin, Ü. S. Cam Tozunun Beton Basınç Dayanımına Etkisi. Beykent Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 42-51.
  • [14] Mageswari, M., & Vidivelli, D. B. (2010). The use of sheet glass powder as fine aggregate replacement in concrete. The open civil engineering Journal, 4(1).
  • [15] Meena, A., & Singh, R. (2012). Comparative study of waste glass powder as pozzolanic material in concrete (Doctoral dissertation).
  • [16] Patel, D., Tiwari, R. P., Shrivastava, R., & Yadav, R. K. (2019). Effective utilization of waste glass powder as the substitution of cement in making paste and mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 199, 406-415.
  • [17] Du, H., & Tan, K. H. (2014). Waste glass powder as cement replacement in concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 12(11), 468-477.
  • [18] Vijayakumar, G., Vishaliny, H., & Govindarajulu, D. (2013). Studies on glass powder as partial replacement of cement in concrete production. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 3(2), 153-157.
  • [19] Madandoust, R., & Ghavidel, R. (2013). Mechanical properties of concrete containing waste glass powder and rice husk ash. Biosystems engineering, 116(2), 113-119.
  • [20] Islam, G. S., Rahman, M., & Kazi, N. (2017). Waste glass powder as partial replacement of cement for sustainable concrete practice. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(1), 37-44.
  • [21] Pachideh, G., Gholhaki, M., & Ketabdari, H. (2020). Effect of pozzolanic wastes on mechanical properties, durability and microstructure of the cementitious mortars. Journal of Building Engineering, 29, 101178.
  • [22] Du, H., & Tan, K. H. (2017). Properties of high volume glass powder concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 75, 22-29.
  • [23] Kamali, M., & Ghahremaninezhad, A. (2015). Effect of glass powders on the mechanical and durability properties of cementitious materials. Construction and building materials, 98, 407-416.
  • [24] Matos, A. M., & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2012). Durability of mortar using waste glass powder as cement replacement. Construction and building materials, 36, 205-215.
  • [25] Mirzahosseini, M., & Riding, K. A. (2014). Effect of curing temperature and glass type on the pozzolanic reactivity of glass powder. Cement and Concrete Research, 58, 103-111.
  • [26] Topçu, İ. B., Bilir, T., & Baylavlı, H. (2008). Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Betonun Özellikleri. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 1-22.
  • [27] Rasekh, H., Joshaghani, A., Jahandari, S., Aslani, F., & Ghodrat, M. (2020). Rheology and workability of SCC. In Self-compacting concrete: materials, properties and applications (pp. 31-63). Woodhead Publishing.
  • [28] Khayat, K. H., & De Schutter, G. (2014). Mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete (Vol. 14, p. 161). Springer.
  • [29] Doremus, R. H. (1994). Glass science. Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
  • [30] Dumitru, I., & Song, T. (2018). Waste glass. In Waste and Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Concrete (pp. 257-288). Woodhead Publishing.
  • [31] Günay, V., Yılmaz. Ş. (2010). Cam-Seramikler: bilim ve teknolojisi. Tübitak Mam Malzeme Enstitüsü.
  • [32] Onaran, K., Bilimi, M., & Basım, Y. (2006). Bilim teknik yayınevi.
  • [33] Scholze, H. (1991). Properties of Glass. In Glass (pp. 156-364). Springer, New York, NY.
  • [34] Kavas, T., Çelik, M. Y., & Evcin, A. (2004). Cam atıklarının çimento üretiminde katkı maddesi olarak kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması, 5. Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Sempozyumu, 13-14.
  • [35] Kalakada, Z., Doh, J. H., & Chowdhury, S. (2019). Glass powder as replacement of cement for concrete–an investigative study. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-18.
  • [36] Jiang, Y., Ling, T. C., Mo, K. H., & Shi, C. (2019). A critical review of waste glass powder–Multiple roles of utilization in cement-based materials and construction products. Journal of environmental management, 242, 440-449.
  • [37] Panchal, S., Sharma, S., Khan, M. M., Sharma, A., & Roy, A. K. (2017). Effect of Glass Reinforcement and Glass Powder On The Characteristics Of Concrete. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(3), 637-647.
  • [38] Tokyay, M. (2018). Cement and concrete mineral admixtures. Henry Ling Limited.
  • [39] Anwar, A. (2016). The influence of waste glass powder as a pozzolanic material in concrete. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 7(6), 131-148.
  • [40] Yücel, H.E. (2018), "The Effect of Waste Glass Powder using Instead of Fly Ash on the Fresh, Mechanical and Durability Properties of Self Compacting Concretes" Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 33(2), 153-164,
  • [41] Arivalagan, S., & Sethuraman, V. S. (2021). Experimental study on the mechanical properties of concrete by partial replacement of glass powder as fine aggregate: An environmental friendly approach. Materials Today: Proceedings, 45, 6035-6041.
  • [42] Praba, M., Vanitha, S., & Rajkumar, J. S. S. (2015). Identifying The Sustainability of Concrete By Partial Replacement of Cement With Glass Powder. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(1), 563-571.
  • [43] Rahman, S., & Uddin, M. N. (2018). Experimental investigation of concrete with glass powder as partial replacement of cement. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6(3), 149-154.
  • [44] Aliabdo, A. A., Abd Elmoaty, M., & Aboshama, A. Y. (2016). Utilization of waste glass powder in the production of cement and concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 124, 866-877.
  • [45] Prasetyo, W. A., Sunarsih, E. S., Sucipto, T. L. A., & Rahmawati, K. (2021, March). Enhancing Tensile Strength and Porosity of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) with Glass Waste Powder. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1808, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.
  • [46] Noorzyafiqi, D., Srisunarsih, E., Sucipto, T. L. A., & Siswanto, B. (2021, March). Enhancing Slump Flow, Specific Gravity, and Compressive Strenght Material Properties of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) with Glass Waste Powder. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1808, No. 1, p. 012013). IOP Publishing.
  • [47] Khudair, Y. A., Mohammed, M. K., & Hama, S. M. (2020, November). Optimization of glass powder content in self-compacting concrete as partial replacement of cement. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 928, No. 2, p. 022140). IOP Publishing.
  • [48] Rehman, S., Iqbal, S., & Ali, A. (2018). Combined influence of glass powder and granular steel slag on fresh and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 178, 153-160.
  • [49] Tariq, S., Scott, A. N., Mackechnie, J. R., & Shah, V. (2020). Durability of high volume glass powder self-compacting concrete. Applied Sciences, 10(22), 8058.
  • [50] Liu, M. (2011). Incorporating ground glass in self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 25(2), 919-925.
  • [51] Gokulnath, V., Ramesh, B., & Priyadharsan, K. (2020). Influence of M-Sand in self compacting concrete with addition of glass powder in M-25 grade. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 535-540.
  • [52] Gokulnath, V., Ramesh, B., & Suvesha, S. (2020). Influence on flexural properties of glass powder in self compacting concrete. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 788-792.
  • [53] Ali-Boucetta, T., Behim, M., Cassagnabere, F., Mouret, M., Ayat, A., & Laifa, W. (2021). Durability of self-compacting concrete containing waste bottle glass and granulated slag. Construction and Building Materials, 270, 121133.
  • [54] Matos, A. M., Ramos, T., Nunes, S., & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2016). Durability enhancement of SCC with waste glass powder. Materials Research, 19(1), 67–74.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Yahaya Hassan Labaran 0000-0002-9166-0279

Vivek Shankar Mathur This is me 0000-0002-8042-0499

Mahmoud Murtala Farouq This is me 0000-0002-8724-6198

Publication Date September 30, 2021
Submission Date May 1, 2021
Acceptance Date July 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Labaran, Y. H., Mathur, V. S., & Farouq, M. M. (2021). The carbon footprint of construction industry: A review of direct and indirect emission. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 6(3), 101-115.

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