Research Article
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The Myth of the Modern World; Are We Have Our Own Self Enough to Laugh Toward Death?

Year 2021, , 145 - 163, 12.06.2021


There will be a diagram about the movie Midsommar, in the general structure of the text, which shows the horror and the rituals of sacrifices, behind the beautiful world of the Harga people, who have a mythological character in the modern world. In particular, we will combine Bataille's understanding of sacrifice and eroticism with the theme, to bring the general structure into pieces to arrive at a distinct view. In the interpretation based on the phenomenon of death, betrayal, hatred, and life, the cathartic laughter that emerged as a last face of death is the basis of the following questions, especially when examining the horrors that people face in the order of death and life; Is life touching to the sacred? Is there a necessity for an absolute relationship with death to affirm life? How do the rituals connect life and death? How laughing in front of the death, providing us in welcoming death-righteousness?


  • Referans1 Akarsu, Bedia, (1998). Felsefe Terimleri Sözlüğü, İstanbul; İnkılap.
  • Referans2 Aristoteles, (1987). Poetika, çev. İsmail Tunalı, İstanbul; Remzi.
  • Referans3 Aslak, Murat Can, (2019). Ritüel – Midsommar, (online), 28.04.20, https;//
  • Referans4 Aydınalp, Esra Başak, (2017). “Jacques Derrida’da Yazı ve Anlam Oyunu”, SEFAD, 38.
  • Referans5 Bakhtin, Mihail, (2017). Karnavaldan Romana, çev. C. Soydemir, İstanbul; Ayrıntı.
  • Referans6 Balkin, Jack, (1987). “Deconstructive Practice and Legal Theory”, Faculty Scholarship Series, Paper 291.
  • Referans7 Bataille, Georges, (1986). Erotism Death & Sensuality, trans. Mary Dalwood, San Francisco; City Light Books.
  • Referans8 Bir Muamma Sanat Hayat Aforizmalar, (2015). Derleyen; Ali Artun, İstanbul; İletişim.
  • Referans9 Bujalka, Eva, (2013). “A Violation Bordering on Death; Erotic Excess and Ritual Sacrifice in Bataille, Genet and Mishima”, Desire, performance and classification; critical perspectives on the erotic, edit. by. Jessica R. Pfeffer, Oxford; Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • Referans10 Butler, Eliza Marian, (1948). The Myth of the Magus, NY; Macmillan,NY.
  • Referans11 Collins, Randall, (2004). Interaction Ritual Chains, NJ; Princeton University Press.
  • Referans12 Comte-Sponville, Andre, (2013). Cinsellik, Aşk ve Ölüm, çev. Canan Özatalay, İstanbul; İletişim.
  • Referans13 Derrida, Jacques, (1967). “Sınırlı Ekonomiden Genel Ekonomiye Sakınımsız Bir Hegelcilik”, çev. Ragıp Ege, L’Ecr iture et la différence, Editions du Seuil.
  • Referans14 Duranay, Halil, (2013). Acephale, Kocaeli; Kült Neşriyat.
  • Referans15 Evreinoff, Nicholas, (1970). The Theater in Life, trans. A. I. Nazaroff, NY; Benjamin Blom.
  • Referans16 Freud, Sigmund, (1995). The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Psychopathology of Everyday Life, the Interpretation of Dreams, and Three Contributions To the Theory of Sex), trans. A. A. Brill, Modern Library.
  • Referans17 Hamilton, John, (2012). "The Luxury of Self-destruction; Flirting with Mimesis with Roger Caillois", Flirtations; Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction, a Poetics and Theory/Comparative Literature Workshop, Draper Program, New York University.
  • Referans18 Heidegger, Martin, (2014). Metafiziğe Giriş, çev. Mesut Keskin, İstanbul; Avesta.
  • Referans19 Hollier, Dennis, (1988). The College of Sociology (1937-39), trans. Betsy Wing, Minneapolis; University of Minnesota Press.
  • Referans20 Honko, Lauri, (1979).“Theories Concerning the Ritual Process”, Science of Religion Studies in Methodology, Ed. Lauri Honko, NY.
  • Referans21 Karaman, Kasım, (2010). “Ritüellerin Toplumsal Etkileri”, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı;21.
  • Referans22 Knudsen, Lars – Andersson, Patrik & Aster, Ari, (2019). Midsommar, United States; Sweeden; A24.
  • Referans23 Lukacs, Georg, (2001). Estetik III, çev. A. Cemal, İstanbul; Payel.
  • Referans24 Mauss, Marcel, (1972). A General Theory of Magic, trans. Robert Brain, Routledge.
  • Referans25 Mukherjee, Romi, (2009). Festival, Vacation, War; Roger Caillois and the Politics of Proxysm, ISSJ 185, Blackwell Publishing.
  • Referans26 Nikolaou, Elena, (2019). How Midsommar’s May Queen Scene Connects To a Real Swedish Legend, (online), 28.04.20 https;//
  • Referans27 Özmen, Erdoğan, (2018). Oedipus Karmaşası (XVI); Narkissos'tan Oedipus'a (I), (online), 28.04.20, https;//
  • Referans28 Pickering, W.S.F. (1999). Durkheim and Representations, Routledge.
  • Referans29 Sade and The Narrative of Transgression, (1995). Edit. by. David B. Allison – Mark S. Roberts – Allen S. Weiss, NY; Cambridge University Press.
  • Referans30 Sanders, Barry, (2001). Kahkahanın Zaferi; Yıkıcı Tarih Olarak Gülme, çev; Kemal Atakay, İstanbul; Ayrıntı.
  • Referans31 Segal, Rosalind A., (2012). Dinsel Mit-Ritüel Kuram, çev. Naim Atabağsoy, Millî Folklor, Yıl 24, Sayı 94.
  • Referans32 Şiray, Mehmet, (2000). Georges Bataille’s Notion of Transgression; The Question of a Possible Experience Concerning Art and Philosophy, The Department of Graphic Design and The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, The Degree of Master of Fine Arts.
  • Referans33 The Obsessions of Georges Bataille Community and Communication, (2009). Edit. by. Andrew J. Mitchell – Jason Kemp Winfree, Suny.
  • Referans34 Tuğrul, Saime, (2010). Ebedi Kutsal Ezeli Kurban Çok Tanrılılıktan Tek Tanrılılığa Kutsal ve Kurbanlık Mekanizmaları, İstanbul; İletişim.
  • Referans35 Whisker, Dan, (2013). “The Possibility of Shamanism; A Genealogy of Anthropological Appropriations”, History and Anthropology, 24;3, 344-362.


Year 2021, , 145 - 163, 12.06.2021


Modern dünya içinde mitolojik bir karakter taşıyan Harga halkının güzel dünyasının ardında görülen dehşeti ve kurban ritüellerini gösteren Midsommar(Ritüel) filminin inceleneceği metinde öncelikle filmin genel yapısına dair bir şema çizilecektir. Ardından özellikle Bataille’ın kurban ve erotizm anlayışları genel yapının parçalara ayrılarak bir düzleme kavuşması adına temayla birleştirilecektir. Ölüm, ihanet, nefret ve yaşam olgusunun temel alındığı yorumlamada son bir düzlem olarak ölüm karşısında açığa çıkan kathartik gülme ediminin işlevselliği tartışılacaktır. Özellikle sonuca gelirken kurban etme, ölüm ve yaşam düzleminde insanın yüz yüze kaldığı dehşet irdelenirken şu sorular temellendirilecektir; Yaşam kutsalın yakınında mıdır? Yaşamı olumlamak için ölümle mutlak bir münasebet mi gereklidir? Ritüeller yaşam ve ölüm arasında nasıl bir bağlantı kurmaktadır? Ölüm karşısında gülmek ölüme-doğruluğumuzun kabulünde bize nasıl bir yol sunmaktadır?


  • Referans1 Akarsu, Bedia, (1998). Felsefe Terimleri Sözlüğü, İstanbul; İnkılap.
  • Referans2 Aristoteles, (1987). Poetika, çev. İsmail Tunalı, İstanbul; Remzi.
  • Referans3 Aslak, Murat Can, (2019). Ritüel – Midsommar, (online), 28.04.20, https;//
  • Referans4 Aydınalp, Esra Başak, (2017). “Jacques Derrida’da Yazı ve Anlam Oyunu”, SEFAD, 38.
  • Referans5 Bakhtin, Mihail, (2017). Karnavaldan Romana, çev. C. Soydemir, İstanbul; Ayrıntı.
  • Referans6 Balkin, Jack, (1987). “Deconstructive Practice and Legal Theory”, Faculty Scholarship Series, Paper 291.
  • Referans7 Bataille, Georges, (1986). Erotism Death & Sensuality, trans. Mary Dalwood, San Francisco; City Light Books.
  • Referans8 Bir Muamma Sanat Hayat Aforizmalar, (2015). Derleyen; Ali Artun, İstanbul; İletişim.
  • Referans9 Bujalka, Eva, (2013). “A Violation Bordering on Death; Erotic Excess and Ritual Sacrifice in Bataille, Genet and Mishima”, Desire, performance and classification; critical perspectives on the erotic, edit. by. Jessica R. Pfeffer, Oxford; Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • Referans10 Butler, Eliza Marian, (1948). The Myth of the Magus, NY; Macmillan,NY.
  • Referans11 Collins, Randall, (2004). Interaction Ritual Chains, NJ; Princeton University Press.
  • Referans12 Comte-Sponville, Andre, (2013). Cinsellik, Aşk ve Ölüm, çev. Canan Özatalay, İstanbul; İletişim.
  • Referans13 Derrida, Jacques, (1967). “Sınırlı Ekonomiden Genel Ekonomiye Sakınımsız Bir Hegelcilik”, çev. Ragıp Ege, L’Ecr iture et la différence, Editions du Seuil.
  • Referans14 Duranay, Halil, (2013). Acephale, Kocaeli; Kült Neşriyat.
  • Referans15 Evreinoff, Nicholas, (1970). The Theater in Life, trans. A. I. Nazaroff, NY; Benjamin Blom.
  • Referans16 Freud, Sigmund, (1995). The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Psychopathology of Everyday Life, the Interpretation of Dreams, and Three Contributions To the Theory of Sex), trans. A. A. Brill, Modern Library.
  • Referans17 Hamilton, John, (2012). "The Luxury of Self-destruction; Flirting with Mimesis with Roger Caillois", Flirtations; Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction, a Poetics and Theory/Comparative Literature Workshop, Draper Program, New York University.
  • Referans18 Heidegger, Martin, (2014). Metafiziğe Giriş, çev. Mesut Keskin, İstanbul; Avesta.
  • Referans19 Hollier, Dennis, (1988). The College of Sociology (1937-39), trans. Betsy Wing, Minneapolis; University of Minnesota Press.
  • Referans20 Honko, Lauri, (1979).“Theories Concerning the Ritual Process”, Science of Religion Studies in Methodology, Ed. Lauri Honko, NY.
  • Referans21 Karaman, Kasım, (2010). “Ritüellerin Toplumsal Etkileri”, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı;21.
  • Referans22 Knudsen, Lars – Andersson, Patrik & Aster, Ari, (2019). Midsommar, United States; Sweeden; A24.
  • Referans23 Lukacs, Georg, (2001). Estetik III, çev. A. Cemal, İstanbul; Payel.
  • Referans24 Mauss, Marcel, (1972). A General Theory of Magic, trans. Robert Brain, Routledge.
  • Referans25 Mukherjee, Romi, (2009). Festival, Vacation, War; Roger Caillois and the Politics of Proxysm, ISSJ 185, Blackwell Publishing.
  • Referans26 Nikolaou, Elena, (2019). How Midsommar’s May Queen Scene Connects To a Real Swedish Legend, (online), 28.04.20 https;//
  • Referans27 Özmen, Erdoğan, (2018). Oedipus Karmaşası (XVI); Narkissos'tan Oedipus'a (I), (online), 28.04.20, https;//
  • Referans28 Pickering, W.S.F. (1999). Durkheim and Representations, Routledge.
  • Referans29 Sade and The Narrative of Transgression, (1995). Edit. by. David B. Allison – Mark S. Roberts – Allen S. Weiss, NY; Cambridge University Press.
  • Referans30 Sanders, Barry, (2001). Kahkahanın Zaferi; Yıkıcı Tarih Olarak Gülme, çev; Kemal Atakay, İstanbul; Ayrıntı.
  • Referans31 Segal, Rosalind A., (2012). Dinsel Mit-Ritüel Kuram, çev. Naim Atabağsoy, Millî Folklor, Yıl 24, Sayı 94.
  • Referans32 Şiray, Mehmet, (2000). Georges Bataille’s Notion of Transgression; The Question of a Possible Experience Concerning Art and Philosophy, The Department of Graphic Design and The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, The Degree of Master of Fine Arts.
  • Referans33 The Obsessions of Georges Bataille Community and Communication, (2009). Edit. by. Andrew J. Mitchell – Jason Kemp Winfree, Suny.
  • Referans34 Tuğrul, Saime, (2010). Ebedi Kutsal Ezeli Kurban Çok Tanrılılıktan Tek Tanrılılığa Kutsal ve Kurbanlık Mekanizmaları, İstanbul; İletişim.
  • Referans35 Whisker, Dan, (2013). “The Possibility of Shamanism; A Genealogy of Anthropological Appropriations”, History and Anthropology, 24;3, 344-362.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Analysis

Özlem Derin 0000-0002-5866-6628

Publication Date June 12, 2021
Submission Date February 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Derin, Ö. (2021). MODERN DÜNYANIN MİTİ; ÖLÜM KARŞISINDA GÜLECEK KADAR KENDİMİZ MİYİZ?. Toplum Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi(7), 145-163.

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