Review Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 11, 129 - 146, 29.06.2023


The article offers a political-social-cultural reflection of the development of Slovak translated literature and Slovak thinking on translation. The year 1945 was a turning point for the development of culture and translated literature in Slovakia. The conditions for translation production and theoretical thinking on translation development were being created, but on the other hand, ideological and political effects on translation production were starting to emerge. The article specifies several milestones between 1945 and the present that have shaped and influenced Slovak society as well as translated literature on socio-political, cultural, and literary levels. The particular periods looked at are the 1940s and 50s, the 1960s, the 1970s, and the 1980s and 90s.


  • Biloveský, V. (2011) Zázraky V Orechovej Škrupinke . Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela.
  • Biloveský, V. (2005) Termín A/Alebo Metafora? Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela.
  • Bednárová, K. (1995) Úvodom. K Otázkam Teórie a Dejín Prekladu Na Slovensku III. (pp. 5-7) Bratislava: Ústav Svetovej Literatúry SAV.
  • Ferenčík, J. (1982) Kontexty Prekladu. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovateľ.
  • Ferenčík, J. (1951) O Preklade “Tichého Donu” Kultúrny Život, 6(5), 4 -5.
  • Jesenská, Z. (1963) Vyznania a Šarvátky. Bratislava: Slovenský Spisovateľ.
  • Kusá, M. (1998) Situácia Znovu Neprirodzená. In Stručné dejiny umeleckého prekladu na Slovensku, Ruská Literatúra v Slovenskej Kultúre v Rokoch 1836‒1996. Bratislava: Ústav Svetovej Literatúry SAV.
  • Popovič, A. (1970). The Concept Shift of Expression in Translation Analysis. In James Holmes, Frans de Haan and Anton Popovič (eds). The Nature of Translation (pp. 78 – 87). The Hague-Paris: Mouton.
  • Popovič, A. (1983) Originál/Preklad. Bralislava: Tatran.
  • Stanislavová, Z. & Drzwiecka, G. L. (2017) Text a Ilustrácia v Prekladovej Tvorbe Pre Deti-A Mládež na Slovensku (od 60. Rokov 20. Storočia Po Súčasnosť). Prešov: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej University.
  • Šolochov, M. (1950) Tichý Don (Z. Jesenská, Trans.). Bratislava: Tatran, 1950. (Original work published in 1928).
  • Žitný, M. (1993) Deutschsprachige Literatur in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Literaturwissenschaft nach 1945. Slovak Review, 2(2), 236–249.


Year 2023, Issue: 11, 129 - 146, 29.06.2023


Makale, Slovak çeviri edebiyatının gelişiminin ve çeviri üzerine Slovak düşüncesinin politik-sosyal-kültürel bir yansımasını sunmaktadır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın sona erdiği 1945 yılı, Slovakya’da kültür ve çeviri edebiyatın gelişimi için bir dönüm noktasıydı. Çeviri üretiminin ve çeviri gelişimi üzerine kuramsal düşüncenin koşulları yaratılırken, çeviri üretimi üzerinde ideolojik ve politik etkiler de oluşmaya başlamıştır. Makale, 1945 ile günümüz arasında, Slovak toplumunu ve sosyo-politik, kültürel ve edebi düzeylerde çeviri edebiyatı şekillendiren ve etkileyen birkaç kilometre taşını ortaya koymayı amaçlar. İncelenen belirli dönemler 1940’lardan 1950’lere, 1960’lar, 1970’ler ve 1980’lerden 1990’lara uzanan dönemlerdir.


  • Biloveský, V. (2011) Zázraky V Orechovej Škrupinke . Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela.
  • Biloveský, V. (2005) Termín A/Alebo Metafora? Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela.
  • Bednárová, K. (1995) Úvodom. K Otázkam Teórie a Dejín Prekladu Na Slovensku III. (pp. 5-7) Bratislava: Ústav Svetovej Literatúry SAV.
  • Ferenčík, J. (1982) Kontexty Prekladu. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovateľ.
  • Ferenčík, J. (1951) O Preklade “Tichého Donu” Kultúrny Život, 6(5), 4 -5.
  • Jesenská, Z. (1963) Vyznania a Šarvátky. Bratislava: Slovenský Spisovateľ.
  • Kusá, M. (1998) Situácia Znovu Neprirodzená. In Stručné dejiny umeleckého prekladu na Slovensku, Ruská Literatúra v Slovenskej Kultúre v Rokoch 1836‒1996. Bratislava: Ústav Svetovej Literatúry SAV.
  • Popovič, A. (1970). The Concept Shift of Expression in Translation Analysis. In James Holmes, Frans de Haan and Anton Popovič (eds). The Nature of Translation (pp. 78 – 87). The Hague-Paris: Mouton.
  • Popovič, A. (1983) Originál/Preklad. Bralislava: Tatran.
  • Stanislavová, Z. & Drzwiecka, G. L. (2017) Text a Ilustrácia v Prekladovej Tvorbe Pre Deti-A Mládež na Slovensku (od 60. Rokov 20. Storočia Po Súčasnosť). Prešov: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej University.
  • Šolochov, M. (1950) Tichý Don (Z. Jesenská, Trans.). Bratislava: Tatran, 1950. (Original work published in 1928).
  • Žitný, M. (1993) Deutschsprachige Literatur in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Literaturwissenschaft nach 1945. Slovak Review, 2(2), 236–249.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Translation and Interpretation Studies
Journal Section Analysis

Vladimír Bıloveský 0000-0002-0822-2375

Publication Date June 29, 2023
Submission Date February 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 11


APA Bıloveský, V. (2023). SLOVAK THINKING ON TRANSLATION – A POLITICAL-SOCIAL-CULTURAL REFLECTION. Toplum Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi(11), 129-146.

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