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Exploration of Caudate Nucleus Degeneration following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: An Experimental Study

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 97 - 100, 30.12.2022


Background: Although the caudate nucleus is the closest neighbor of the lateral ventricles, it can lead to the unknown cause of many psychomotor disorders that develop after subarachnoid hemorrhages. This subject has not been adequately studied yet. The study aims to examine the histopathological changes in the caudate nucleus after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Material and Methods: Twenty-five wild male healthy rabbits were used. Their weights, heart and respiration rates, and blood pressure values were recorded. Animals were divided into the control (GI, n=5); SHAM (1.2 ccs of saline injected (GII, n=5), and study group (GIII, n=15). N the study group, 1.2 ccs of autologous blood was injected into the cisterna magna of animals. The animals were followed up for three weeks and sacrificed under general anesthesia. Degenerated neuron densities of the caudate nucleus were estimated by the stereological methods and analyzed by the Mann-Witney U test.
Results: Three rabbits dead in a study group. Meningeal irritation signs and unconsciousness were noted in those animals. Prolonged QT intervals, ST depressions, and low voltage QRSs were observed in GIII animals. Numerical values of mean heart-respiratory rates (n/min), degenerated neuron densities of the caudate nucleus (n/mm3) as follows: 226±30/22±5/9±3 in GI; 211±18/16±4/13±4 in GII; and 188±19/14±4/98±13 GIII. P values: p<0.005 in GI/GII; p<0.0005 in GII/GIII and p<0.00001 in GI/GIII.
Conclusion: Subarachnoid hemorrhage causes spasms of the arteries supplying the caudate nucleus, leading to ischemic injury.


  • 1. Pellizzaro Venti M, Paciaroni M, Caso V. Caudate infarcts and hemorrhages. Front Neurol Neurosci. 2012;30:137–40.
  • 2. Teramoto S, Tokugawa J, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T. Caudate haemorrhage caused by pseudoaneurysm of accessory middle cerebral artery. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Dec;2015.
  • 3. Fu C, Jiang P, Zhao Y, Li Y. Recurrent Artery of Heubner Aneurysm Masquerading as Caudate Hemorrhage without Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Moyamoya Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review. Vol. 18, Current medical imaging. United Arab Emirates; 2022. p. 429–31.
  • 4. Fossas P, Barrufet P, Andreu J, Navarro C. [Cerebral amyloid angiopathy and recurrent cerebral hematoma. Clinicopathological study of a case]. Neurologia. 1992 Mar;7(3):109–12.
  • 5. Germanwala A V, Huang J, Tamargo RJ. Hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2010 Apr;21(2):263–70.
  • 6. Yoshimoto Y, Ochiai C, Kawamata K, Endo M, Nagai M. Aqueductal blood clot as a cause of acute hydrocephalus in subarachnoid hemorrhage. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996;17(6):1183–6.
  • 7. Kanat, Aydin. Asymptomatic familial cerebral aneurysms. Neurosurgery. 1999 Jun;44(6):1364–5.
  • 8. Kepoglu U, Kanat A, Aydin MD, Akca N, Kazdal H, Zeynal M, et al. New Histopathologic Evidence for the Parasympathetic Innervation of the Kidney and the Mechanism of Hypertension Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. J Craniofac Surg. 2020 Dec;31(3):865–70.
  • 9. Celiker M, Kanat A, Aydin MD, Ozdemir D, Aydin N, Yolas C, et al. First emerging objective experimental evidence of hearing impairment following subarachnoid haemorrhage; Felix culpa, phonophobia, and elucidation of the role of trigeminal ganglion. Int J Neurosci. 2019 Jan;129(8):794–800.
  • 10. Asakura K, Mizuno M, Yasui N. [Clinical analysis of 24 cases of caudate hemorrhage]. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 1989 Dec;29(12):1107–12.
  • 11. Weisberg LA. Caudate hemorrhage. Arch Neurol. 1984 Sep;41(9):971–4.
  • 12. Kanat A, Tsianaka E, Gasenzer ER, Drosos E. Some Interesting Points of Competition of X-Ray using during the Greco-Ottoman War in 1897 and Development of Neurosurgical Radiology: A Reminiscence. Turk Neurosurg. 2022;32(5):877–81.
  • 13. Aydin MD, Kanat A, Sahin B, Sahin MH, Ergene S, Demirtas R. New Experimental Finding of Dangerous Autonomic Ganglia Changes in Cardiac Injury following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; A reciprocal culprit-victim relationship between the brain and heart. Int J Neurosci. 2022 Jun;1–15.
  • 14. Aydin MD, Kanat A, Turkmenoglu ON, Yolas C, Gundogdu C, Aydin N. Changes in number of water-filled vesicles of choroid plexus in early and late phase of experimental rabbit subarachnoid hemorrhage model; The role of petrous ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2014;156(7):1311–7.
  • 15. Aydin MD, Kanat A, Yilmaz A, Cakir M, Emet M, Cakir Z, et al. The role of ischemic neurodegeneration of the nodose ganglia on cardiac arrest after subarachnoid hemorrhage: an experimental study. Exp Neurol. 2011 Jul;230(1):90–5.
  • 16. Yilmaz A, Aydin MD, Kanat A, Musluman AM, Altas S, Aydin Y, et al. The effect of choroidal artery vasospasm on choroid plexus injury in subarachnoid hemorrhage: experimental study. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(4):477–82.
  • 17. Kumral E, Evyapan D, Balkir K. Acute caudate vascular lesions. Stroke. 1999 Jan;30(1):100–8.
  • 18. Chong Z, Feng Y. Protective effects of dl-3-n-butylphthalide on changes of regional cerebral blood flow and blood-brain barrier damage following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. Chin Med J (Engl). 1998 Sep;111(9):858–60

SAK sonrası Caudate Nucleus Degenerasyonu

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 97 - 100, 30.12.2022


Giriş: Kaudat çekirdek lateral ventriküllerin en yakın komşusu olmasına rağmen subaraknoid kanamalar sonrası gelişen pek çok psikomotor bozukluğun nedeni bilinmeyene yol açabilmektedir. Bu konu henüz yeterince çalışılmamıştır. Bu çalışma, subaraknoid kanama sonrası kaudat çekirdekte meydana gelen histopatolojik değişiklikleri incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: 25 adet yabani erkek sağlıklı tavşan kullanıldı. Ağırlıkları, kalp ve solunum hızları, tansiyon değerleri kaydedildi. Hayvanlar kontrol grubuna ayrıldı (GI, n=5); SHAM (1,2 cc salin enjekte edildi (GII, n=5) ve çalışma grubuna (GIII, n=15) Çalışma grubunda hayvanların sisterna magnalarına 1,2 cc otolog kan enjekte edildi.Hayvanlar takibe alındı. kaudat çekirdeğin dejenere nöron yoğunlukları stereolojik yöntemlerle tahmin edildi ve Mann-Witney U testi ile analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Bir çalışma grubunda üç tavşan öldü. Bu hayvanlarda meningeal tahriş belirtileri ve bilinç kaybı kaydedildi. GIII hayvanlarında uzamış QT aralıkları, ST çöküntüleri ve düşük voltajlı QRS'ler gözlendi. Ortalama kalp-solunum hızlarının (n/dak), kaudat çekirdeğin dejenere nöron yoğunluklarının (n/mm3) sayısal değerleri aşağıdaki gibidir: GI'de 226±30/22±5/9±3; GII'de 211±18/16±4/13±4; ve 188±19/14±4/98±13 GIII. P değerleri: GI/GII'de p<0,005; GII/GIII'de p<0,0005 ve GI/GIII'de p<0,00001.
Sonuç: Subaraknoid kanama kaudat çekirdeği besleyen arterlerde spazmlara neden olarak iskemik yaralanmaya neden olur.


  • 1. Pellizzaro Venti M, Paciaroni M, Caso V. Caudate infarcts and hemorrhages. Front Neurol Neurosci. 2012;30:137–40.
  • 2. Teramoto S, Tokugawa J, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T. Caudate haemorrhage caused by pseudoaneurysm of accessory middle cerebral artery. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Dec;2015.
  • 3. Fu C, Jiang P, Zhao Y, Li Y. Recurrent Artery of Heubner Aneurysm Masquerading as Caudate Hemorrhage without Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Moyamoya Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review. Vol. 18, Current medical imaging. United Arab Emirates; 2022. p. 429–31.
  • 4. Fossas P, Barrufet P, Andreu J, Navarro C. [Cerebral amyloid angiopathy and recurrent cerebral hematoma. Clinicopathological study of a case]. Neurologia. 1992 Mar;7(3):109–12.
  • 5. Germanwala A V, Huang J, Tamargo RJ. Hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2010 Apr;21(2):263–70.
  • 6. Yoshimoto Y, Ochiai C, Kawamata K, Endo M, Nagai M. Aqueductal blood clot as a cause of acute hydrocephalus in subarachnoid hemorrhage. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996;17(6):1183–6.
  • 7. Kanat, Aydin. Asymptomatic familial cerebral aneurysms. Neurosurgery. 1999 Jun;44(6):1364–5.
  • 8. Kepoglu U, Kanat A, Aydin MD, Akca N, Kazdal H, Zeynal M, et al. New Histopathologic Evidence for the Parasympathetic Innervation of the Kidney and the Mechanism of Hypertension Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. J Craniofac Surg. 2020 Dec;31(3):865–70.
  • 9. Celiker M, Kanat A, Aydin MD, Ozdemir D, Aydin N, Yolas C, et al. First emerging objective experimental evidence of hearing impairment following subarachnoid haemorrhage; Felix culpa, phonophobia, and elucidation of the role of trigeminal ganglion. Int J Neurosci. 2019 Jan;129(8):794–800.
  • 10. Asakura K, Mizuno M, Yasui N. [Clinical analysis of 24 cases of caudate hemorrhage]. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 1989 Dec;29(12):1107–12.
  • 11. Weisberg LA. Caudate hemorrhage. Arch Neurol. 1984 Sep;41(9):971–4.
  • 12. Kanat A, Tsianaka E, Gasenzer ER, Drosos E. Some Interesting Points of Competition of X-Ray using during the Greco-Ottoman War in 1897 and Development of Neurosurgical Radiology: A Reminiscence. Turk Neurosurg. 2022;32(5):877–81.
  • 13. Aydin MD, Kanat A, Sahin B, Sahin MH, Ergene S, Demirtas R. New Experimental Finding of Dangerous Autonomic Ganglia Changes in Cardiac Injury following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; A reciprocal culprit-victim relationship between the brain and heart. Int J Neurosci. 2022 Jun;1–15.
  • 14. Aydin MD, Kanat A, Turkmenoglu ON, Yolas C, Gundogdu C, Aydin N. Changes in number of water-filled vesicles of choroid plexus in early and late phase of experimental rabbit subarachnoid hemorrhage model; The role of petrous ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2014;156(7):1311–7.
  • 15. Aydin MD, Kanat A, Yilmaz A, Cakir M, Emet M, Cakir Z, et al. The role of ischemic neurodegeneration of the nodose ganglia on cardiac arrest after subarachnoid hemorrhage: an experimental study. Exp Neurol. 2011 Jul;230(1):90–5.
  • 16. Yilmaz A, Aydin MD, Kanat A, Musluman AM, Altas S, Aydin Y, et al. The effect of choroidal artery vasospasm on choroid plexus injury in subarachnoid hemorrhage: experimental study. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(4):477–82.
  • 17. Kumral E, Evyapan D, Balkir K. Acute caudate vascular lesions. Stroke. 1999 Jan;30(1):100–8.
  • 18. Chong Z, Feng Y. Protective effects of dl-3-n-butylphthalide on changes of regional cerebral blood flow and blood-brain barrier damage following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. Chin Med J (Engl). 1998 Sep;111(9):858–60
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Surgery
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayhan Kanat 0000-0002-8189-2877

Mehmet Hakan Şahin 0000-0002-5309-4165

Mehmet Aydin 0000-0002-0383-9739

Osman Nuri Keleş 0000-0001-7740-8248

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date December 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


AMA Kanat A, Şahin MH, Aydin M, Keleş ON. Exploration of Caudate Nucleus Degeneration following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: An Experimental Study. Atatürk Univ Fac Med J Surg Med Sci. December 2022;1(3):97-100.

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